Vilhelm Aubert [4]V. Aubert [1]Vincent Aubert [1]
  1.  51
    Chance in social affairs.Vilhelm Aubert - 1959 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 2 (1-4):1 – 24.
  2.  56
    The criminal and the sick.Vilhelm Aubert & Sheldon L. Messinger - 1958 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1 (1-4):137 – 160.
  3.  23
    Predictability in life and in science.Vilhelm Aubert - 1961 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 4 (1-4):131 – 147.
    It is a significant coincidence that social science tends to assume a universal human need for predictability, and also uses predictive power as the basic criterion of scientific truth. It is claimed here that man's need for predictability often is crossed by a need for uncertainty and chance. Thus it seems doubtful that the methodological canon of predictability can be anchored in the universal usefulness of social predictions. Some important cases of decision?making seem to be more concerned with the past (...)
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  4.  11
    Richard Mervyn Hare, Penser en morale. Entre intuition et critique, Malik Bozzo-Rey, Jean-Pierre Cléro et Claire Wrobel, trads.Vincent Aubert - 2021 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 19.
    Acteur majeur de la philosophie morale anglo-saxonne du second vingtième siècle, Richard Mervyn Hare n’avait encore jamais été traduit en français. C’est désormais chose faite grâce au travail de Malik Bozzo-Rey, Jean-Pierre Cléro et Claire Wrobel. Leur choix s’est judicieusement porté sur Moral Thinking : Its Levels, Method, and Point, ouvrage paru en 1981 et qui constitue sans doute la meilleure porte d’entrée à l’ambitieuse philosophie morale de Hare. Il s’agit en effet du pre...
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  5. Retten og menneskene.Vilhelm Aubert - 1953 - Bergen,: I hovedkommisjon hos J. Grieg. Edited by Torstein Einang Eckhoff.
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  6. Cuvillier, Armand 166 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 33 Darwin, Charles 114 Daudet, Léon 41.G. Davy, M. A. Arbib, V. Aubert, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah & R. Bendix - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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