Results for 'Johnathan Bi'

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  1.  58
    One to N.Johnathan Bi - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):71-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:One to NGirard's Philosophy of InnovationJohnathan Bi (bio)What does a theorist of imitation have to teach us about innovation? What could a thinker focused on the distant past have to offer us in building the immediate future? The answer to both questions, I hope to show, is a significant amount. I aim to rescue and develop a neglected strand of Girardian thought from one of his overlooked essays on (...)
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  2. Perspective in taste predicates and epistemic modals.Johnathan Schaffer - 2011 - In Andy Egan & Brian Weatherson, Epistemic Modality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Imagine that Ann, asked to name her favorite treat, answers: 1. Licorice is tasty Imagine that Ben, having hidden some licorice in the cupboard, whispers to Ann: 2. There might be licorice in the cupboard. What if any role is played by perspective—whom the licorice is tasty to, whose evidence allows for licorice in the cupboard—in the semantics of such sentences?
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    The Fantasy of the Good Death.Johnathan Tran & Mathew A. Crawford - 2025 - Christian Bioethics 31 (1):41-51.
    Good people often die badly, and, sometimes, bad people die well. Both are true for complex reasons. We worry that the tropic formulation trades on a simplistic anthropology that belies the complexities of how persons operate in the world. In this essay, we are interested in these complexities and a better theological acknowledgement of them, not least because the fantasy of the good death ill prepares one for real death. We argue that valorizing pious religious death and profane ugly death (...)
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    Disability as a Cultural Problem.Johnathan Flowers - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):39-61.
    This paper aims to reframe disability through John Dewey’s transactional theory of culture to indicate how disability is not located in the biological organization of the individual nor in the organization of culture, but in the transactions between the two. This paper will apply Dewey’s theory of culture to disability studies and philosophy of disability and then to ADHD to make clear the benefits of a transactional model of disability.
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    Striking Beauty: A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts by Barry Allen.Johnathan Flowers - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 68 (1):304-306.
    Striking Beauty: A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts by Barry Allen is the first English-language book to engage in a systematic investigation of the philosophical underpinnings of the Asian martial arts. In doing so, it aims to construct the Asian martial arts, specifically the Chinese martial traditions, as a field for comparative philosophy, wherein the investigation of Chinese philosophy through the martial traditions can provide illumination into Western questions of aesthetics, ethics, self-hood, and intentionality. Barry Allen's own devotion (...)
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    On the Moral Neutrality of Bloodbending.Johnathan Flowers - 2022 - In Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy: Wisdom From Aang to Zuko. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 71–78.
    Bloodbending is sometimes referred to as the “puppetmaster technique” because it is the only bending art whose focus is on the direct manipulation and control of a target. Incarcerated in a maximum‐security prison designed specifically to hold waterbenders, Hama was powerless to resist her captors due to their restriction of any liquid that could be used to bend. The bending styles in Avatar: The Last Airbender draw their inspiration from real‐world Chinese martial arts. Karl Friday describes satsujinken in a more (...)
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  7. Gitta Sereny.Johnathan Glover - 2003 - In Nicholas J. Owen, Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2001. Oxford University Press.
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    Against Philosophy, Against Disability.Johnathan Flowers - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 2:79-111.
    This paper argues that the field of philosophy, and bioethics spe­cifically, engages in a series of speech acts that identify scholarship advocating for increased philosophical engagement with the experiences of disability as “activism.” In doing so, the field of philosophy treats these calls as not worthy of consideration, and therefore, to be ignored in “serious scholarship.” Further, this paper makes clear the ways that philosophy relies upon ableism through what Peter Railton calls the “culture of smartness,” which serves as a (...)
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    Information and Communications Technologies and Democratic Education: Lessons From John Dewey's Pragmatism.Johnathan Flowers - 2023 - Education and Culture 38 (1):39-63.
    Abstract:This essay applies lessons from John Dewey’s theory of democracy and democratic education to the modern development of information communications technologies and the assertion that the development of such technologies will lead to a more open, more democratic society. Given the continuity of the technology and its applications with structures of oppression within modern society, any attempt to resolve or democratize technology through skills-based training is bound to fail, as this does not resolve the cultural habits that enable oppression through (...)
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    Mono no Aware and Gender as Affect in Japanese Aesthetics and American Pragmatism.Johnathan Flowers - 2023 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Mono no Aware and Gender as Affect in Japanese Aesthetics and American Pragmatism argues that gender is best understood as a felt sense of the organization of the human body. Through Japanese aesthetics and American pragmatism, this book argues that re-understanding gender as an affect, or a feeling, can expand the ways that gender is understood, enacted, and theorized in experience.
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    Guest Editors' Note.Kevin Taylor & Johnathan Flowers - 2022 - Education and Culture 37 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editors' NoteKevin Taylor (bio) and Johnathan Flowers (bio)Welcome to this special fall 2021 issue of Education & Culture. we are pleased to bring you the second installment of this special three-part issue on Deweyan approaches to contemporary issues at the intersection of data and technology.In his extensive writings on philosophy and technology, Luciano Floridi has argued that "the time has come to translate environmental ethics into terms (...)
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  12. Wang Bi ji jiao shi.Bi Wang - 1980 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Ḥāshiyat al-Qalyūbī ʻalá sharḥ al-Shaykh Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī ʻalá matn Īsāghūjī, al-musammāh, al-Durrah al-bahīyah ʻalá sharḥ al-Muqaddimah al-Īsāghūjīyah.Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Qalyūbī - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Iḥsān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by ʻAmr Yūsuf Muṣṭafá Jundī.
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    Intentional Disruption: Expanding Access to Philosophy. [REVIEW]Johnathan Flowers - 2022 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 4:111-114.
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    Review of Andrew Norris’ Becoming Who We Are: Politics and Practical Philosophy in the Work of Stanley Cavell. [REVIEW]Johnathan Havercroft - 2018 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (2):565-584.
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    The composition of the guan wuliangshoufo-Jing: Some buddhist and jaina parallels to its narrative frame. [REVIEW]Johnathan A. Silk - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (2):181-256.
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  17. Ḥāshiyat al-Qalyūbī lil-ʻAllāmah Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Salāmah al-Qalyūbī ʻalá al-Muṭṭalaʻ li-Shaykh al-Islām Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī Sharḥ Īsāghūjī lil-Imām Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī.Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Qalyūbī - 2019 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Nūr al-Mubīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ibrāhīm Tītī.
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    Carl J. Friedrich's Legacy: Understanding Constitutionalism as a Political System.Johnathan O’Neill - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (3):283-300.
    Carl J. Friedrich (1901?1984) defined constitutionalism as something more than can be expressed by the dominant behavioralist paradigm of modern political science and the typical academic focus on law and courts. A leading but now neglected post-WWII authority on constitutionalism, Friedrich argued that it should be understood as an institutionally-based, interactive system for deliberating the meaning and legal application of the norms of a political community. His approach shares much with the contemporary ?historical institutionalist? call to situate law and courts (...)
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    Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan yu Wang Shouren li xue si xiang bi jiao: yi li, xing, xin, zhi si ge fan chou wei zhong xin = A comparative study of Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Shouren's Neo-Confucianism: centered on four categories of reason, nature, mind and knowledge.You Bi - 2020 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  20.  24
    Too easy? The influence of task demands conveyed tacitly on prospective memory.Joana S. Lourenço, Johnathan H. Hill & Elizabeth A. Maylor - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21. Al-Fārābī's philosophical lexicon =. Fārābī - 2002 - [Cambridge]: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust. Edited by Ilai Alon.
    v. 1. Arabic text -- v. 2. English translation.
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  22. Sharḥ al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1960 - Edited by Wilhelm Kutsch, Marrow, Stanley & [From Old Catalog].
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  23. al-Manṭiqīyāt lil-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1987 - Qum: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī. Edited by Muḥammad Taqī Dānishʹpazhūh & Maḥmūd Marʻashī.
    v. 1. al-Nuṣūṣ al-manṭiqīyah -- v. 2. al-Shurūḥ al-manṭiqīyah -- al-mujallad 3. al-Shurūḥ ʻalá al-nuṣūṣ al-manṭiqīyah.
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    The doctrine of filial Piety: A philosophical analysis of the concealment case.Lijun Bi & Fred D’Agostino - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):451-467.
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    İki Şair: H'fız-Fuzûli Karşılaştırması.Hamdi Bi̇rgören - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):299-299.
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    Véges végtelen: a körkörösség "fizikája" és "metafizikája".Béla Bíró - 2002 - Budapest: Fríg Kiadó.
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  27. Fī falsafat Ibn Rushd: al-wujūd wa-al-khulūd.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Bīṣār - 1953 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī.
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  28. La relación entre metafísica Y teología en San Alberto Magno Y Santo Tomás de aquino.Albert bis Teacher - 1994 - Sapientia 191:229.
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    The Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on the Random Neural Network Cluster.Xia-an Bi, Yingchao Liu, Qin Jiang, Qing Shu, Qi Sun & Jianhua Dai - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    True Confessions?: Alumni's Retrospective Reports on Undergraduate Cheating Behaviors.Jennifer Yardley, Melanie Domenech Rodríguez, Scott C. Bates & Johnathan Nelson - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (1):1-14.
    College cheating is prevalent, with rates ranging widely from 9 to 95%. Research has been exclusively conducted with enrolled college students. This study examined the prevalence of cheating in a sample of college alumni, who risk less in disclosing academic dishonesty than current students. A total of 273 alumni reported on their prevalence and perceived severity of 19 cheating behaviors. The vast majority of participants report having engaged in some form of cheating during their undergraduate career. The most common forms (...)
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  31.  13
    A new approach to philosophy of Sanskrit grammar.Banamālī Biśvāla - 2007 - Allahabad: Padmaja Prakashan.
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    Taʼwīlīyat al-fann fī kitābāt Jādāmir.Aḥmad Dabūbī - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Falsafah.Muḥammad Nādir Ayyūbī - 2006 - Quetta: Sahaf Book Publishing Institution.
    Analytical study of philosophy; includes comparative study of world-renowned philosophers and their ideologies.
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    La méthodologie: philosophie ou science?: le point de vue d'un économiste.Khālid Mannūbī - 1989 - [Tunis]: Centre d'études de recherches et de publications, Université de droit, d'économie et de gestion, Tunis III.
  35. Xian dai zhe xue si xiang.Bi Ma - 1967
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    Symbiotic nurture between literature, culture and nature in Gary Snyder’s Meta-Picto-Poetry of landscape.Jiancheng Bi - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):163-182.
    Resumen: Este artículo sostiene que algunas Meta-Picto-Poesías del Paisaje compuestas por el poeta estadounidense Gary Snyder toman como tema la pintura china del paisaje con las características de la antigua poesía china, resplandeciente de incomparable encanto artístico y sustancia cultural. La poesía de este tipo es una combinación perfecta de elementos orientales y occidentales, que integra las culturas, los pensamientos y las artes de ambas partes, cuya apreciación crea una experiencia compleja con un híbrido de formas artísticas y espacios estéticos. (...)
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  37.  14
    Jāḥiẓ’s Understanding of The Miracle: An Analysis Within The Framework of Jāḥiẓ’s Theory of Nature and Understanding of Custom.Meliha Bi̇lge - 2021 - Kader 19 (2):522-548.
    This article discusses Abū ʽUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) (one of the first Muʽtazilī scholars) Allah-world relationship, his understanding of custom, and his view on miracles. The Muʻtazilī thinkers examined the problem of miracles within their concept of prophethood. They divide miracles, which they accept as the only proof of prophethood, into two: those under the power of Allah and under the power of the created. Jāḥiẓ explains these two sorts of miracles with the order in the universe established by Allah (...)
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  38. Muslamānon̲ kī dīnī va millī asās.Ṣalāḥuddīn Ayyūbī - 2021 - Lāhaur: Al-Faiṣal Nāshirān va Tājirān-i Kutub.
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    Fī fann al-ʻishrah wa-falsafatihā: nuṣūṣ la-hu... shahādāt ʻanhu.Sinān ʻAzzābī - 2016 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt al-Ittiḥād al-ʻĀmm al-Tūnisī lil-Shughl. Edited by Kamāl Zughbānī.
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  40. Büyük türk feylesofu Uzluk oğlu Farâbî nin eserlerinden seçme parçalar. Fārābī - 1935 - İstanbul: Devlet matbaası. Edited by Kıvameddin Burslan & İsmail Hakki İzmirli.
  41. Das Buch der Ringsteine Fārābīs 950+, mit dem Kommentare des Emir Ismā'il el-Hoseini el-Fārānī (um 1485). Fārābī - 1906 - Münster: Aschendorff. Edited by al-Fārānī Ismāʻīl ibn al-Ḣusain & Heinrich Horten.
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  42. De scientiis: compilación a base principalmente de la [Maqālah fī iḥṣāʼ al-ʻulūm] de al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1954 - Madrid: [Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada]. Edited by Dominicus Gundissalinus & Manuel Alonso Alonso.
  43. al-Madhāhib al-akhlāqīyah fī al-Islām: (al-wājib-al-saʻādah).ʻAbd al-Ḥayy Muḥammad Qābīl - 1984 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Sogdian Documents from Khotan, I: Four Economic Documents.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2010 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 130 (4):497-508.
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    The Epitaph of a Buddhist Lady: A Newly Discovered Chinese-Sogdian Bilingual.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4):803.
    The inscription edited in this paper is the third bilingual Chinese-Sogdian epitaph to be made known, following that of Wirkakk and Wiyusi and that of Nanai-vande and Kekan, published in 2005 and 2017 respectively. The new epitaph is that of a Sogdian lady who died in 736 CE. Apart from its linguistic interest, it is important as attesting the conversion of a Sogdian lady to the “heretical” Buddhist Sanjie or “Three levels” movement, which remained popular despite being officially suppressed under (...)
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  46. al-Ghanūsīyah.Wīṣā Anbā Bīshūy - 2020 - [Cairo]: Wīṣā al-Anbā Bīshūy. Edited by Bāsīliyūs Ṣubḥī.
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    Öğrencilerinin Küme Problemlerinde Sergiledikleri Modelleme Becerilerinin İncelenmesi.Abdullah Çağrı Bi̇ber - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):287-287.
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  48. al-Kawkab al-mushriq fī samāʼ ʻilm al-manṭiq ʻalá al-sullam al-munawraq wa-al-kanz al-mukttam fī iḍāḥ mā inbaham min maʻānī wa-mabānī matn al-sullam.Muḥammad Amīn ibn ʻAbd Allāh Athyūbī - 2015 - Jiddah: Dār al-Minhāj.
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    al-Mīthūlūjīyā wa-riḥlat al-ʻaql naḥw al-lāhūt.Aḥmad Māniʻ Rikābī - 2020 - Baghdād: Manshūrāt Aḥmad al-Mālikī.
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    Abū Isḥāq Ebrāhīm b. Sayyār al-Naẓẓām’s Understanding of the Miracle: An Analysis Within The Framework of Naẓẓām’s Theory of Nature.Meliha Bi̇lge - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):587-616.
    This article discusses Abū Isḥāq al-Naẓẓām’s (d. 231/845) (one of the first Muʽtazilī thinkers); understanding of Allah-world relationship, his theory of nature (tab‘) and his view on miracles. In a proposal form, Muʽtazilī scholars accept that the miracle, which is the actual confirmation, must occur, since it is not possible for Allah to confirm His messenger (prophet) in a way that everyone can hear and in a direct word. Since the Prophet's message can be authenticated only by a miracle, Muʽtazilī (...)
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