Results for 'Jocelyn Sze'

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  1.  26
    Compassion meditation increases optimism towards a transgressor.Birgit Koopmann-Holm, Jocelyn Sze, Thupten Jinpa & Jeanne L. Tsai - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):1028-1035.
    ABSTRACTPast research reveals important connections between meditative practices and compassion. Most studies, however, focus on the effects of one type of meditation (vs. a no-intervention control...
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    Determinants of Preventive Behaviors in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: Comparing the Sociocultural, Psychosocial, and Social Cognitive Explanations.Jocelyn Raude, Jean-Michel Lecrique, Linda Lasbeur, Christophe Leon, Romain Guignard, Enguerrand du Roscoät & Pierre Arwidson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In absence of effective pharmaceutical treatments, the individual's compliance with a series of behavioral recommendations provided by the public health authorities play a critical role in the control and prevention of SARS-CoV2 infection. However, we still do not know much about the rate and determinants of adoption of the recommended health behaviors. This paper examines the compliance with the main behavioral recommendations, and compares sociocultural, psychosocial, and social cognitive explanations for its variation in the French population. Based on the current (...)
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    Cosmos, man and society.Edmond Bordeaux Székely - 1973 - San Diego, Calif.,: Academy Books.
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    Secularism and Freedom of Conscience.Jocelyn Maclure & Charles Taylor - 2011 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Jocelyn Maclure and Charles Taylor provide a clearly reasoned, articulate account of the two main principles of secularism—equal respect, and freedom of conscience—and argue that in our religiously diverse, politically interconnected world, secularism, properly understood, may offer the only path to religious and philosophical freedom.
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    Control and professional development: are teachers being deskilled or reskilled within the context of decentralization?Jocelyn L. N. Wong - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (1):17-37.
    Many researchers have identified a process they call ‘deskilling’, which they use to describe the daily experience of teachers who have been gradually losing control of their own labour within ‘low‐trust’ workplaces. Conversely, other scholars have found that under similar conditions, some teachers have their own ways of dealing with it which leads them towards a process of ‘reskilling’. This study is an attempt to explore the actual teachers’ perceptions towards their daily practice within the context of educational decentralization, a (...)
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    The Use of Virtual Reality Facilitates Dialectical Behavior Therapy® “Observing Sounds and Visuals” Mindfulness Skills Training Exercises for a Latino Patient with Severe Burns: A Case Study.Jocelyn Gomez, Hunter G. Hoffman, Steven L. Bistricky, Miriam Gonzalez, Laura Rosenberg, Mariana Sampaio, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Maria V. Navarro-Haro, Wadee Alhalabi, Marta Rosenberg, Walter J. Meyer & Marsha M. Linehan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  7. AI, Explainability and Public Reason: The Argument from the Limitations of the Human Mind.Jocelyn Maclure - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (3):421-438.
    Machine learning-based AI algorithms lack transparency. In this article, I offer an interpretation of AI’s explainability problem and highlight its ethical saliency. I try to make the case for the legal enforcement of a strong explainability requirement: human organizations which decide to automate decision-making should be legally obliged to demonstrate the capacity to explain and justify the algorithmic decisions that have an impact on the wellbeing, rights, and opportunities of those affected by the decisions. This legal duty can be derived (...)
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    Le bruit du sensible.Jocelyn Benoist - 2013 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Qu'est-ce que la perception? Par elle, que nous disent les sens du monde, de l'autre et de nous-mêmes? Rien! Les sens sont muets. Ils n'ont rien à nous dire! Telle est la réponse de Jocelyn Benoist. Il est essentiel, pourtant, que nous puissions en parler. Seulement c'est nous qui parlons, non eux. Et si, voulant faire droit à la réalité de notre expérience sensible. nous commencions par renoncer à la traiter d'abord comme un discours? Le mutisme des sens demeure (...)
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    The experience of doctoral learning within a major research project.Jocelyn Angus - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (1):58-59.
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    The dialectical method of thinking.Edmond Bordeaux Székely - 1970 - San Diego,: Academy of Creative Living.
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    Multiculturalism on the Back Seat? Culture, Religion, and Justice.Jocelyn Maclure - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):141-146.
    Jocelyn Maclure | : Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition is a major contribution to the normative literature on minority rights. I nonetheless suggest that liberal culturalism as a normative theory, even in Patten’s sophisticated version, is ill suited to deal with the challenges related to the status of religion in the public sphere that are so prevalent in contemporary democracies. In addition, I submit that Patten did not supply a fully convincing answer to the argument that liberal egalitarianism, well understood, (...)
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  12. Mind Wandering as Diffuse Attention.Jocelyn Yuxing Wang & Azenet L. López - manuscript
    This paper reconciles an inconsistency between the benefits of mind wandering and a prominent conception of attention in philosophy and cognitive psychology, namely, the prioritization view. Since we prioritize the information in a task less if we are doing it while mind wandering compared to solely concentrating on it, why does our performance in the task sometimes improve when we are mind wandering? To explain this, we offer a conception of diffuse attention that generalizes from external to internal forms of (...)
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    Social determinants of health and slippery slopes in assisted dying debates: lessons from Canada.Jocelyn Downie & Udo Schuklenk - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):662-669.
    The question of whether problems with the social determinants of health that might impact decision-making justify denying eligibility for assisted dying has recently come to the fore in debates about the legalisation of assisted dying. For example, it was central to critiques of the 2021 amendments made to Canada’s assisted dying law. The question of whether changes to a country’s assisted dying legislation lead to descents down slippery slopes has also come to the fore—as it does any time a jurisdiction (...)
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  14.  42
    From Prohibition to Permission: The Winding Road of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada.Jocelyn Downie - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):321-354.
    In this paper, I offer a personal and professional narrative of how Canada went from prohibition to permission for medical assistance in dying. I describe the legal developments to date and flag what might be coming in the near future. I also offer some personal observations and reflections on the role and impact of bioethics and bioethicists, on what it was like to be a participant in Canada's law reform process, and on lessons that readers in other jurisdictions might take (...)
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    Toward a contextual realism.Jocelyn Benoist - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Esteemed philosopher Jocelyn Benoist argues for a renewed realism that takes seriously the context in which intention occurs. "What there is"-the traditional subject of metaphysics-can be determined only in context, Benoist contends, carving out a new path that rejects acontextual ontologies and approaches to the mind.
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    Suspect Citizens: Women, Virtue, and Vice in Backlash Politics.Jocelyn M. Boryczka - 2012 - Temple University Press.
    A groundbreaking study of how concepts of virtue and vice are used to deny American women full political rights.
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    The virtues of vice: The Lowell mill girl debate and contemporary feminist ethics.Jocelyn M. Boryczka - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (1):49-67.
    Virtue and vice remain at the margins of feminist conceptual analysis although both establish a dualism that denies women full citizenship. To make this argument, this analysis explores the historical case of the Lowell mill girls – the first nearly all-female labour force in the United States between 1826 and 1850. Their public debate illustrates how virtue aligns some women with the economic and political status quo while society affiliates those who challenge its dominant beliefs with vice. This moral location (...)
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    A New Synthesis of Public Administration: Serving in the 21st Century.Jocelyne Bourgon - 2011 - School of Policy Studies, Queen's University.
    A study of how public service has changed in this new era of interconnectedness.
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  19. 'New Ways of Thinking': Rationality and the Nuclear Debate.Jocelyn Dunphy - 1986 - Critical Philosophy 3 (1/2):81.
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    Time orientations and emotion-rules in finance.Jocelyn Pixley - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (4):383-400.
    This article explores how Anglo-American financial firms since the 1980s have operated and acted in an increasingly deregulated, risky, and uncertain arena. I look at these firms and their actions with a particular focus on “temporality” and requisite “emotion-rules,” where variations in emotion-rules correspond with organizational definitions of uncertainty. Firms impose specific emotion-rules, depending on national policies, official duties, and interpretations of each risk. In finance, caveat emptor (i.e., buyer or lender distrust) is an emotion-rule set in screening policies and (...)
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    The Conflict between Vinaya and the Chinese Monastic Rule: The Dilemma of Disciplinarian Venerable Hung-i.Sze-Bong Tso - 1991 - In Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko, Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 69--80.
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    A practical instrument to evaluate ethics consultations.Jocelyn C. White, Patrick M. Dunn & Lou Homer - 1997 - HEC Forum 9 (3):228-246.
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    Two Conceptions of Public Philosophy.Jocelyn Maclure & Daniel M. Weinstock - 2023 - In Dimitrios Karmis & Jocelyn Maclure, Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity: The Public Philosophy of James Tully. McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 25-40.
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    Transnational Trade in Human Eggs: Law, Policy, and (In)Action in Canada.Jocelyn Downie & Françoise Baylis - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):224-239.
    In Canada there is a growing demand for human eggs for reproductive purposes and currently demand exceeds supply. This is not surprising, as egg production and retrieval is onerous. It requires considerable time, effort, and energy and carries with it significant physical and psychological risks. In very general terms, one cycle of egg production and retrieval involves an estimated total of 56 hours for interviews, counseling, and medical procedures. The screening carries risks of unanticipated findings with severe consequences for insurability. (...)
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  25.  27
    Scale invariance of temporal order discrimination using complex, naturalistic events.Sze Chai Kwok & Emiliano Macaluso - 2015 - Cognition 140:111-121.
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    Kant hátán a szőr: művészeti írások.Gerda Széplaky - 2017 - [Eger]: Líceum.
    Filozófiai és művészeti gyűjtemények számára egyaránt érdekes lehet Széplaky Gerda filozófus, esztéta, kritikus legújabb kötete, melynek írásai izgalmasan társítják az esztétikát a fenomenológiával. A szerző esszéi a testiség, a nézőben végbemenő fiziológiai folyamatok felől értelmezik a befogadás aktusát. Az első írás általánosságban szól a radikális kritikáról, majd a figyelemfelkeltő kötetcímmel megegyező című esszé (Kant hátán a szőr) a megrázkódtatásról, mint esztétikai fenoménról szól. Olyan további általánosabb témákról ejt még szót a szerző, mint az esztétikai hatásban megnyilvánuló erőszak vagy az építészeti (...)
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    A lét szerkezete.Attila S. Székely - 2009 - Budapest: Animula.
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    Életfelfogás, szorongás, halálfélelem.Attila S. Székely - 2007 - Budapest: Animula.
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    Értékek és esélyek.Ágoston Székelyhidi - 2009 - Miskolc: Felsőmagyarország.
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  30. Conscientious Objection to Medical Assistance in Dying: A Qualitative Study with Quebec Physicians.Jocelyn Maclure - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):110-134.
    Patients in Quebec can legally obtain medical assistance in dying (MAID) if they are able to give informed consent, have a serious and incurable illness, are at the end of their lives and are in a situation of unbearable suffering. Since the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2015 Carter decision, access to MAID, under certain conditions, has become a constitutional right. Quebec physicians are now likely to receive requests for MAID from their patients. The Quebec and Canadian laws recognize a physician’s (...)
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    The Idea and the Practice of Prison Abolition.Jocelyn Simonson - forthcoming - Criminal Law and Philosophy:1-13.
    Abolitionist theory combines both ideas and struggle into a vision for a better world. This review of Tommie Shelby’s book “The Idea of Prison Abolition” argues that Shelby’s critique of prison abolition separates out philosophical ideas from those born of struggle, and by doing so, necessarily sells the idea of prison abolition short. Using two examples of abolitionist on-the-ground practices connected to the work of Angela Davis--community bail funds and collective defense campaigns--this review argues that the collective work of experimenting (...)
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    Whither Hegelian Dialectics in Sartrean Violence?Jennifer Ang Mei Sze - 2009 - Sartre Studies International 15 (1):1-23.
    Sartrean ontological intersubjectivity is often understood to be hostile and conflictive, and Sartrean dialectics is repeatedly interpreted through the lenses of the Hegelian master-slave dyad, translating into a conflictive theory of practical ensembles. Building on this, critics in the aftermath of 9/11 argued that 'terror' and 'revolutionary violence' introduced in Critique of Dialectical Reason as the anti-thesis of oppression underscored his anti-colonial writings and this gives us justification to think that Sartre might consider terrorism a form of revolutionary violence.With this (...)
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  33.  49
    Selling conscience short: a response to Schuklenk and Smalling on conscientious objections by medical professionals.Jocelyn Maclure & Isabelle Dumont - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):241-244.
    In a thought-provoking paper, Schuklenk and Smalling argue that no right to conscientious objection should be granted to medical professionals. First, they hold that it is impossible to assess either the truth of conscience-based claims or the sincerity of the objectors. Second, even a fettered right to conscientious refusal inevitably has adverse effects on the rights of patients. We argue that the main problem with their position is that it is not derived from a broader reflection on the meaning and (...)
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    No Limit: On What Thought Can Actually Do.Jocelyn Benoist - 2023 - In Jens Pier, Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    This paper critically examines the notion of a limit. It questions whether a putative opposition of philosophical “camps” emphasized in recent years is actually tenable. This opposition is taken to hold between classical approaches in a Kantian spirit, operating with the notion of necessary limits to human cognition and sense-making, and a recent “speculative” turn in philosophy championed by Quentin Meillassoux, looking to overcome such limits. The paper’s contention against this dichotomy is that the rhetoric of unlimitedness depends on ideas (...)
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  35.  87
    Cosmopolitan Democracy and Liberal Nationalism.Jocelyne Couture - 1999 - The Monist 82 (3):491-515.
    Democracy is the very rationale for many nationalist movements aspiring to form a state of their own. In their view, political sovereignty is a necessary condition for a people to secure in its own culture, language and traditions, first, to control its internal affairs and second, to gain a voice in the concert of nations. The latter is increasingly important, so goes the argument, in a context in which the shaping of a new global world order is at issue. The (...)
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    De l'événement international à l'événement global : Émergence et manifestations d'une sensibilité mondiale.Jocelyne Arquembourg - 2006 - Hermes 46:13.
    Les sciences sociales ont longtemps appréhendé le concept d'événement avec méfiance en évitant d'accorder sa juste place à leur capacité de rupture. Dès lors qu'il est question d'événements médiatiques, la perspective constructiviste fait des événements le produit d'une construction déformante de la réalité. Or, un événement est différent d'un fait ou d'une simple occurrence parce qu'il comporte une capacité de rupture qui déborde largement le travail des médias. Celui-ci s'articule en amont à l'activité d'une multitude d'acteurs et en aval au (...)
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    Introduction.Jocelyne Arquembourg, Guy Lochard & Arnaud Mercier - 2006 - Hermes 46:9.
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    What Do Emotions Do? A Pragmatist Approach to the Role of Emotions in Media Events.Jocelyne Arquembourg - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (8).
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    Context, Intersubjectivism, and Value: Humean Constructivism Revisited.Jocelyn Maclure - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (3):377-401.
    RÉSUMÉJe défends dans ce texte une version particulière de la position que Sharon Street a appelée le «constructivisme humien». J'esquisserai pourquoi je considère que ce constructivisme est préférable à la fois au réalisme moral et au constructivisme kantien sur le plan de la compréhension du statut ontologique des valeurs. Après avoir accepté de reconnaître le rôle des pressions de l’évolution dans l’émergence de la moralité, le constructivisme humien doit toutefois préciser le rôle de l'intersubjectivité historique dans l’évolution subséquente de la (...)
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    An Alternative to Medical Assistance in Dying? The Legal Status of Voluntary Stopping Eating and Brinking.Jocelyn Downie - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):48-58.
    Medical assistance in dying has received considerable attention from many in the field of bioethics. Philosophers, theologians, lawyers, and clinicians of all sorts have engaged with many challenging aspects of this issue. Public debate, public policy, and the law have been enhanced by the varied disciplinary analyses. With the legalization of MAiD in Canada, some attention is now being turned to issues that have historically been overshadowed by the debate about whether to permit MAiD. One such issue is voluntary stopping (...)
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    The energetics of motivated cognition: A force-field analysis.Arie W. Kruglanski, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Xiaoyan Chen, Catalina Köpetz, Antonio Pierro & Lucia Mannetti - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (1):1-20.
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    The new AI spring: a deflationary view.Jocelyn Maclure - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):747-750.
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    Advancing neuroregenerative medicine: A call for expanded collaboration between scientists and ethicists.Jocelyn Grunwell, Judy Illes & Katrina Karkazis - 2008 - Neuroethics 2 (1):13-20.
    To date, ethics discussions about stem cell research overwhelmingly have centered on the morality and acceptability of using human embryonic stem cells. Governments in many jurisdictions have now answered these “first-level questions” and many have now begun to address ethical issues related to the donation of cells, gametes, or embryos for research. In this commentary, we move beyond these ethical concerns to discuss new themes that scientists on the forefront of NRM development anticipate, providing a preliminary framework for further discussion (...)
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    Comparisons Only Yield Valid Mutual Learnings If Based on Accurate Descriptions of the Comparators.Jocelyn Downie - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):94-96.
    In “Slowing the slide down the slippery slope of Medical Assistance in Dying: Mutual Learnings for Canada and the US,” Daryl Pullman (2023) gets a variety of empirical, logical and legal things wro...
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    Classification of Mindfulness Meditation and Its Impact on Neural Measures in the Clinical Population.Sze Ting Joanna Ngan & Pak Wing Calvin Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Different forms of mindfulness meditation are increasingly integrated in the clinical practice in the last three decades. Previous studies have identified changes in the neurophysiology and neurochemistry of the brain resulting from different mindfulness meditation practices in the general population. However, research on neural correlates of different types of meditation, particularly on the clinical outcomes, is still very sparse. Therefore, the aim of this article is to review the neural impact of mindfulness meditation interventions on different mental disorders via the (...)
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    Why Cybernetics? Why Love?Jocelyn Chapman - 2019 - World Futures 75 (1-2):1-4.
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    Une grammaire de l'incomplétude référentielle: la logique intensionnelle des Principia Mathematica.Jocelyne Couture - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (1):69-90.
    Cet article s'ajoute à la liste déjà longue de ceux qui traitent des rapports entre la théorie russellienne des descriptions définies et la théorie ramifiée des types. Seule la prétention d'aborder cette question dans une perspective nouvelle justifie ici sa présence: d'une part, la théorie des descriptions définies sera resituée dans le contexte initial et souvent méconnu de la théorie des expressions dénotantes et d'autre part, c'est à la logique intensionnelle de Russell, objet d'une méconnaissance au moins égale, que nous (...)
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    Vouloir et pouvoir agir mieux.Jocelyne Couture - 2007 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 105 (4):626-658.
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    Sexual Harassment in Display Work: The Case of the Modeling Industry.Jocelyn Elise Crowley - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (5):719-745.
    This feminist analysis focuses on sexual harassment within a specific category of jobs known as display work, where primarily women’s bodies are commodified and sold to consumers, and often through the conduits of powerful male industry leaders. Using qualitative content analysis methods to analyze 88 subjective, first-person narratives of harassment from 70 models working within the fashion business, I describe how the commodification of bodies interacts with the particular features of the modeling industry—the premium placed on youth, ambiguous industry demands, (...)
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    Entrées dérobées : l’historiographie du harem.Jocelyne Dakhlia - 1999 - Clio 9.
    Alors que le terme « harem » évoque communément l’essence même de la vie des femmes dans les sociétés islamiques, l’institution du harem n’a été envisagée comme un objet d’histoire que de manière très récente. Les études consacrées au harem sultanien ont souvent eu pour effet, jusque là, d’évacuer toute perspective d’histoire sociale et politique, soit qu’elles se fondaient sur une problématique de représentations, de miroirs croisés entre l’Orient et l’Occident, soit qu’elles développaient une vision certes indigène, mais mythique, idéalisée, (...)
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