Results for 'Joanna Mash'

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  1.  11
    Strange face illusions: A systematic review and quality analysis.Joanna Mash, Paul M. Jenkinson, Charlotte E. Dean & Keith R. Laws - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 109 (C):103480.
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  2. Is it wrong to topple statues and rename schools?Joanna Burch-Brown - 2017 - Journal of Political Theory and Philosophy 1 (1):59-88.
    In recent years, campaigns across the globe have called for the removal of objects symbolic of white supremacy. This paper examines the ethics of altering or removing such objects. Do these strategies sanitize history, destroy heritage and suppress freedom of speech? Or are they important steps towards justice? Does removing monuments and renaming schools reflect a lack of parity and unfairly erase local identities? Or can it sometimes be morally required, as an expression of respect for the memories of people (...)
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    Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency.Kamran Abbasi, Parveen Ali, Virginia Barbour, Thomas Benfield, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Stephen Stephen, Richard Horton, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Robert Mash, Peush Sahni, Wadeia Mohammad Sharief, Paul Yonga & Chris Zielinski - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12612.
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  4. Denialism as Applied Skepticism: Philosophical and Empirical Considerations.Matthew H. Slater, Joanna K. Huxster, Julia E. Bresticker & Victor LoPiccolo - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (4):871-890.
    The scientific community, we hold, often provides society with knowledge—that the HIV virus causes AIDS, that anthropogenic climate change is underway, that the MMR vaccine is safe. Some deny that we have this knowledge, however, and work to undermine it in others. It has been common to refer to such agents as “denialists”. At first glance, then, denialism appears to be a form of skepticism. But while we know that various denialist strategies for suppressing belief are generally effective, little is (...)
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  5. Cantorian Infinity and Philosophical Concepts of God.Joanna Van der Veen & Leon Horsten - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):117--138.
    It is often alleged that Cantor’s views about how the set theoretic universe as a whole should be considered are fundamentally unclear. In this article we argue that Cantor’s views on this subject, at least up until around 1896, are relatively clear, coherent, and interesting. We then go on to argue that Cantor’s views about the set theoretic universe as a whole have implications for theology that have hitherto not been sufficiently recognised. However, the theological implications in question, at least (...)
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    Conceptualizing loneliness in health research: Philosophical and psychological ways forward.Joanna E. McHugh Power, Luna Dolezal, Frank Kee & Brian A. Lawlor - 2018 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38 (4):219-234.
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    Child’s objection to non-beneficial research: capacity and distress based models.Marcin Waligora, Joanna Różyńska & Jan Piasecki - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (1):65-70.
    A child’s objection, refusal and dissent regarding participation in non-beneficial biomedical research must be respected, even when the parents or legal representatives have given their permission. There is, however, no consensus on the definition and criteria of a meaningful and valid child’s objection. The aim of this article is to clarify this issue. In the first part we describe the problems of a child’s assent in research. In the second part we distinguish and analyze two models of a child’s objection (...)
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    On the influence of affective states on intuitive coherence judgements.Robert Balas, Joanna Sweklej, Grzegorz Pochwatko & Malgorzata Godlewska - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (2):312-320.
  9. Religion and reducing prejudice.Joanna Burch-Brown & William Baker - 2016 - Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 19 (6):784 - 807.
    Drawing on findings from the study of prejudice and prejudice reduction, we identify a number of mechanisms through which religious communities may influence the intergroup attitudes of their members. We hypothesize that religious participation could in principle either reduce or promote prejudice with respect to any given target group. A religious community’s influence on intergroup attitudes will depend upon the specific beliefs, attitudes, and practices found within the community, as well as on interactions between the religious community and the larger (...)
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    Relational approach for a logic for order of magnitude qualitative reasoning with negligibility, non-closeness and distance.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek & Emilio Munoz Velasco - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (4):375–394.
    We present a relational proof system in the style of dual tableaux for a multimodal propositional logic for order of magnitude qualitative reasoning to deal with relations of negligibility, non-closeness, and distance. This logic enables us to introduce the operation of qualitative sum for some classes of numbers. A relational formalization of the modal logic in question is introduced in this paper, i.e., we show how to construct a relational logic associated with the logic for order-of-magnitude reasoning and its dual (...)
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    Special issue on personalization in the broadcast news interview.Martin Montgomery & Joanna Thornborrow - 2010 - Discourse and Communication 4 (2):99-104.
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    Historyczna krytyka Ewangelii synoptycznych.William Alston, Marcin Iwanicki & Joanna Klara Teske - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):551-582.
    Artykuł analizuje krytycznie pewne linie argumentacji stosowane przez wielu badaczy Nowego Testamentu na poparcie negatywnej oceny przekazów na temat wypowiedzi Jezusa i wydarzeń w Ewangeliach synoptycznych.
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  13. Logic. of Descriptions. A New Approach to the Foundations of Mathematics and Science.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek & Taneli Huuskonen - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40):63-94.
    We study a new formal logic LD introduced by Prof. Grzegorczyk. The logic is based on so-called descriptive equivalence, corresponding to the idea of shared meaning rather than shared truth value. We construct a semantics for LD based on a new type of algebras and prove its soundness and completeness. We further show several examples of classical laws that hold for LD as well as laws that fail. Finally, we list a number of open problems. -/- .
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    Higher Behavioral Profile of Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility is Related to Reduced Impulsivity in Smokers, and Reduced Risk Aversion Regardless of Smoking Status.Paweł Ostaszewski, Joanna Dudek, Wojciech Białaszek & Przemysław Marcowski - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):445-455.
    Empirical evidence suggests that mindfulness, psychological flexibility, and addiction are interrelated in decision making. In our study, we investigated the relationship of the behavioral profile, composed of mindfulness and psychological flexibility, and smoking status on delay and probability discounting. We demonstrated the interaction of the behavioral profile of mindfulness and psychological flexibility and smoking status on delay discounting. We found that individuals who smoked and displayed higher mindfulness and psychological flexibility devalued rewards at a slower rate, compared to smokers with (...)
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    International Justice and Sharing the Burden of Environmental Protection.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek (eds.), Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Some current environmental problems are global and have public good elements that raise, in an acute form, the question of how the costs of a collective effort from which the world as a whole will benefit should be shared out among poor and rich countries. This chapter discusses how far theories of justice provide guidance to this question. It argues that the answer seems to be ‘very little’ and that, in order to arrive at some ground rules for allocating the (...)
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    Justice Between Generations.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek (eds.), Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Although there are many theories of justice, one crucial feature of those that are most widely accepted is that they lay down principles that determine the allocation of rights and obligations in society. They do not eliminate conflicts of interest between different groups but, by specifying such principles, they are designed to enable conflicting interests to be resolved in a peaceful and harmonious manner. But insofar as future generations cannot be said to have any rights, their interests cannot be protected (...)
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    The Intrinsic Value of the Environment.Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek - 2001 - In Wilfred Beckerman & Joanna Pasek (eds.), Justice, Posterity, and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Generations are not homogeneous entities and are composed of individuals and nations that have conflicting interests in the way in which resources are allocated among competing uses. This chapter discusses whether ‘the environment’, or ‘nature’, should enjoy special status in any allocation; whether the economist's approach is too anthropocentric; the concept of ‘intrinsic’ values; and the application of these concepts to environmental valuation. It is argued that while many environmental assets are ‘public goods’, so that the free market is unlikely (...)
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  18. Symbole i dynamika w opisie systemów biologicznych i zjawisk psychologicznych.Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi - 2004 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    This article is an attempt to shortly outline the approaches to the mind-body problem that are currently discussed within psychology. In the introduction the attitude of a contemporary psychologist to the mind-body problem is assessed. It seems that due to the functional approach, that for the last 50 years prevailed (especially in cognitive psychology), the mind-body issue is not central to psychological thinking, and in the investigation of many problems researchers can abstract away from it. Next, three approaches to the (...)
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    Imagine you are facing a problem with both peace and health dimen-sions, such as the three scenarios presented in Chapter 1. Perhaps you are the health worker facing high youth suicide in an aboriginal com-munity that has a conflictual relationship with the dominant culture, or the physician noting high levels of gun violence in emergency admis-sions, or a member of the team helping to reconstruct a health system after deadly interethnic conflict. Where do you start?Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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    Root development: Signaling down and around.Joanna W. Wysocka-Diller & Philip N. Benfey - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (11):959-965.
    Because of its elegant simplicity, the Arabidopsis root has become a model for studying plant organogenesis. In this review we focus on recent results indicating the importance of signaling in root development. A role for positional information in root cell specification has been demonstrated by ablation analyses. Through mutational analysis, genes have been identified that play a role in radial pattern formation. The embryonic phenotypes of these mutants raised the possibility that division patterns in post‐embryonic roots are dependent on signaling (...)
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    Wspomnienie - Joanna Jabłkowska.Joanna Jabłkowska - 2011 - Etyka 44:106-109.
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    al-Ruʼyah al-istishrāqīyah li-ʻilm al-kalām al-Islāmī ʻinda Hārī Wulfsūn.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Mashʻal - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz Iḥyāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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    Transformation within the HIV/aids Context: Lessons from the Fikelela Initiative in the Diocese of Cape Town.Rachel Mash, Jessie Rogers & Samuel Kareithi - 2005 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 22 (2):106-114.
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    Big numbers and induction in the case for extraterrestrial intelligence.Roy Mash - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (2):204-222.
    Arguments favoring the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence nearly always contain an overt appeal to big numbers, often combined with a covert reliance on generalization from a single instance. In this paper I examine both motifs, and consider whether big numbers might actually make palatable otherwise implausible single-case inductions. In the end, the dispute between believers and skeptics is seen to boil down to a conflict of intuitions which can barely be engaged, let alone resolved, given our present state of knowledge.
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    Naturecultures? Science, Affect and the Non-human.Joanna Latimer & Mara Miele - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):5-31.
    Rather than focus on effects, the isolatable and measureable outcomes of events and interventions, the papers assembled here offer different perspectives on the affective dimension of the meaning and politics of human/non-human relations. The authors begin by drawing attention to the constructed discontinuity between humans and non-humans, and to the kinds of knowledge and socialities that this discontinuity sustains, including those underpinned by nature-culture, subject-object, body-mind, individual-society polarities. The articles presented track human/non-human relations through different domains, including: humans/non-humans in history (...)
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  26. Collision: The Ethics of Apocalypse.Joanna Demers - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (1):77-84.
    Joanna Demers argues that Houellebecqs apocalypse can be understood as a system analogous to Hegels, and interrogates the ethics of such a system.
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    How important for philosophers is the history of philosophy?Roy Mash - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):287-299.
    The current academic discipline of philosophy frequently emphasizes historical aspects of philosophy. Many writers claim that the history of philosophy is indispensable to philosophy. Of the three sorts of reasons for this indispensability - pragmatic, homely, and farfetched - only the third sort holds up. Even the homely reasons point only to the usefulness of the study of the history of philosophy to the practice of philosophy, not its indispensability. The main pragmatic reason for studying the history of philosophy is (...)
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    What makes clinical labour different? The case of human guinea pigging.Joanna Różyńska - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):638-642.
    Each year thousands of individuals enrol in clinical trials as healthy volunteers to earn money. Some of them pursue research participation as a full-time or at least a part-time job. They call themselves professional or semiprofessional guinea pigs. The practice of paying healthy volunteers raises numerous ethical concerns. Different payment models have been discussed in literature. Dickert and Grady argue for a wage-payment model. This model gives research subjects a standardised hourly wage, and it is based on an assumption that (...)
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  29. TeodyceaChryzypa. Recenzje i sprawozdania: Pierre Hadot -Filozofia jako ćwiczenie duchowe (Joanna Jarzębiak).Joanna Jarzębiak - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    On the Alleged Right to Participate in High‐Risk Research.Joanna Różyńska - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (7):451-461.
    Reigning regulatory frameworks for biomedical research impose on researchers and research ethics committees an obligation to protect research participants from risks that are unnecessary, disproportionate to potential research benefits, and non-minimized. Where the research has no potential to produce results of direct benefit to the subjects and the subjects are unable to give consent, these requirements are strengthened by an additional condition, that risks should not exceed a certain minimal threshold. In this article, I address the question of whether there (...)
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    (1 other version)Children as philosophers: learning through enquiry and dialogue in the primary classroom.Joanna Haynes - 2002 - New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
    The author illustrates, with the aid of case studies, the content of a social and moral curriculum, the role of the teacher and the children.
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    Teleological generics.Joanna Korman & Sangeet Khemlani - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104157.
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    Czy dopuszczamy karę w zastępstwie za winowajcę? (przeł. Joanna Klara Teske).David Lewis & Joanna Klara Teske - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):497-505.
    The David Lewis’s article concerns the issue of penal substitution in the dual context of the contemporary system of criminal law, in which punishment does not perform a compensatory function, and in the context of the Christian interpretation of Christ’s death as Atonement. It may seem that we do not believe in penal substitution, but in fact we do believe in it selectively. There are Christians who believe that Christ’s death is a payment of the debt of punishment owed by (...)
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    Research Participants Should Be Rewarded Rather than “Compensated for Time and Burdens”.Joanna Różyńska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):53-55.
    Paying research subjects for their participation in biomedical studies is an increasingly common and acceptable practice. Nevertheless, it continues to raise numerous conceptual, ethical, and pract...
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  35. Patiency is not a virtue: the design of intelligent systems and systems of ethics.Joanna J. Bryson - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (1):15-26.
    The question of whether AI systems such as robots can or should be afforded moral agency or patiency is not one amenable either to discovery or simple reasoning, because we as societies constantly reconstruct our artefacts, including our ethical systems. Consequently, the place of AI systems in society is a matter of normative, not descriptive ethics. Here I start from a functionalist assumption, that ethics is the set of behaviour that maintains a society. This assumption allows me to exploit the (...)
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    Unfolding epidemiological stories: How the WHO made frozen blood into a flexible resource for the future.Joanna Radin - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47 (PA):62-73.
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    Optimising qualitative longitudinal analysis: Insights from a study of traumatic brain injury recovery and adaptation.Joanna K. Fadyl, Alexis Channon, Alice Theadom & Kathryn M. McPherson - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12170.
    Knowledge about aspects that influence recovery and adaptation in the postacute phase of disabling health events is key to understanding how best to provide appropriate rehabilitation and health services. Qualitative longitudinal research makes it possible to look for patterns, key time points and critical moments that could be vital for interventions and supports. However, strategies that support robust data management and analysis for longitudinal qualitative research in health‐care are not well documented in the literature. This article reviews three challenges encountered (...)
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    Rewriting Bodies, Portraiting Persons? The New Genetics, the Clinic and the Figure of the Human.Joanna Latimer - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (4):3-31.
    Contemporary debate suggests that the new genetics may be changing ideas about the body and what it is to be human. Specifically, there are notions that the new genetics seems to erode the ideas that underpin modernity, such as the figure of the integrated, discrete, conscious individual body-self. Holding these ideas against the practices of genetic medicine, however, this article suggests a quite different picture; one that does not erase, but helps to keep in play, some crucial tenets of humanism. (...)
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    Genethics: Moral Issues in the Creation of People.Joanna Pasek - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (172):385.
    Unprecedented advances in medicine, genetic engineering, and demographic forecasting raise new questions that strain the categories and assumptions of traditional ethical theories. Heyd's approach resolves many paradoxes in intergenerational justice, while offering a major test case for the profound problems of the limits of ethics and the nature of value.
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  40. Premodern Aesthetics: Introduction.Joanna Demers - 2013 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (1):4-6.
    In this issue, our authors examine premodern art and theories of art, which preceded Descartes and the onset of philosophical modernity.
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    When Not Knowing is a Virtue: A Business Ethics Perspective.Joanna Crossman & Vijayta Doshi - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (1):1-8.
    How leaders and managers respond to not knowing is highly relevant given the complex, ambiguous, and chaotic business environment of the twenty-first century. Drawing on the literature from a variety of disciplines, the paper explores the dominant, unfavorable conceptualization of not knowing. The authors present some potential ethical implications of a negative view of not knowing and suggest how organizations would benefit from identifying any unhelpful aspects of the culture that may encourage unethical, undesirable, and/or hasty actions in situations of (...)
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  42. Of, for, and by the people: the legal lacuna of synthetic persons.Joanna J. Bryson, Mihailis E. Diamantis & Thomas D. Grant - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (3):273-291.
    Conferring legal personhood on purely synthetic entities is a very real legal possibility, one under consideration presently by the European Union. We show here that such legislative action would be morally unnecessary and legally troublesome. While AI legal personhood may have some emotional or economic appeal, so do many superficially desirable hazards against which the law protects us. We review the utility and history of legal fictions of personhood, discussing salient precedents where such fictions resulted in abuse or incoherence. We (...)
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    Love and Saint Augustine.Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott & Judith Chelius Stark (eds.) - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    Hannah Arendt began her scholarly career with an exploration of Saint Augustine's concept of _caritas_, or neighborly love, written under the direction of Karl Jaspers and the influence of Martin Heidegger. After her German academic life came to a halt in 1933, Arendt carried her dissertation into exile in France, and years later took the same battered and stained copy to New York. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, as she was completing or reworking her most influential studies of (...)
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  44. A role for consciousness in action selection.Joanna J. Bryson - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (2):471-482.
    This article argues that conscious attention exists not so much for selecting an immediate action as for using the current task to focus specialized learning for the action-selection mechanism and predictive models on tasks and environmental contingencies likely to affect the conscious agent. It is perfectly possible to build this sort of a system into machine intelligence, but it would not be strictly necessary unless the intelligence needs to learn and is resource-bounded with respect to the rate of learning versus (...)
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    Minimal ethics for the anthropocene.Joanna Zylinska - 2014 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: Open Humanities Press.
    Life typically becomes an object of reflection when it is seen to be under threat. In particular, humans have a tendency to engage in thinking about life (instead of just continuing to live it) when being confronted with the prospect of death: be it the death of individuals due to illness, accident or old age; the death of whole ethnic or national groups in wars and other forms of armed conflict; but also of whole populations, be they human or nonhuman. (...)
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    Processes of Inclusion, Cultures of Calculation, Structures of Power: Scientific Citizenship and the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification.Joanna Goven - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):565-598.
    The significance of political-economic context for scientific citizenship is argued through an analysis of New Zealand’s Royal Commission on Genetic Modification. My intention is not to provide an account of why the commission came to the decisions it did but to illustrate how the political-economic context and the culture of regulatory science both exacerbate public concerns about unacknowledged uncertainty and commercial influence and make it difficult for those concerns to influence the outcomes of public dialogues. The discursive flexibility of science (...)
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    The ethical anatomy of payment for research participants.Joanna Różyńska - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):449-464.
    In contrast to most publications on the ethics of paying research subjects, which start by identifying and analyzing major ethical concerns raised by the practice (in particular, risks of undue inducement and exploitation) and end with a set of—more or less well-justified—ethical recommendations for using payment schemes immune to these problems, this paper offers a systematic, principle-based ethical analysis of the practice. It argues that researchers have aprima faciemoral obligation to offer payment to research subjects, which stems from the principle (...)
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    Fostering ethical reflection on health data research through co-design: A pilot study.Joanna Sleigh & Julia Amann - 2022 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (2):325-342.
    Health research ethics training is highly variable, with some researchers receiving little to none, which is why ethical frameworks represent critical tools for ethical deliberation and guiding responsible practice. However, these documents' voluntary and abstract nature can leave health researchers seeking more operationalised guidance, such as in the form of checklists, even though this approach does not support reflection on the meaning of principles nor their implications. In search of more reflective and participatory practices in a pandemic context with distance (...)
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  49. Picturebooks, pedagogy, and philosophy.Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris - 2012 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Karin Murris.
    A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2012! Contemporary picturebooks open up spaces for philosophical dialogues between people of all ages. As works of art, picturebooks offer unique opportunities to explore ideas and to create meaning collaboratively. This book considers censorship of certain well-known picturebooks, challenging the assumptions on which this censorship is based. Through a lively exploration of children's responses to these same picturebooks the authors paint a way of working philosophically based on respectful listening and creative and authentic interactions, rather (...)
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    World as Lover, World as Self.Joanna Macy - 1993 - Vintage.
    A blueprint for social change showing how we can reverse the destructive attitudes that threaten our world.
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