Results for 'Jo Draheim'

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  1. Doing Well While Doing Bad? CSR in Controversial Industry Sectors.Ye Cai, Hoje Jo & Carrie Pan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):467 - 480.
    In this article, we examine the empirical association between firm value and CSR engagement for firms in sinful industries, such as tobacco, gambling, and alcohol, as well as industries involved with emerging environmental, social, or ethical issues, i.e., weapon, oil, cement, and biotech. We develop and test three hypotheses, the window-dressing hypothesis, the value-enhancement hypothesis, and the value-irrelevance hypothesis. Using an extesive US sample from 1995 to 2009, we find that CSR engagement of firms in controversial industries positively affects firm (...)
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    Reinforcement of leverholding by avoidance of shock.Hank Davis & Jo-Ann Burton - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):61-64.
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    Is Institutional Ownership Related to Corporate Social Responsibility? The Nonlinear Relation and Its Implication for Stock Return Volatility.Maretno Harjoto, Hoje Jo & Yongtae Kim - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):77-109.
    This study examines the relation between corporate social responsibility and institutional investor ownership, and the impact of this relation on stock return volatility. We find that institutional ownership does not strictly increase or decrease in CSR; rather, institutional ownership is a concave function of CSR. This evidence suggests that institutional investors do not see CSR as strictly value-enhancing activities. Institutional investors adjust their percentage of ownership when CSR activities go beyond the perceived optimal level. Employing the path analysis, we also (...)
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    Antiphonal laughter between friends and strangers.Moria Smoski & Jo-Anne Bachorowski - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (2):327-340.
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    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Information Asymmetry?Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Haejung Na - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):549-572.
    In this study, we examine the empirical association between corporate social responsibility and information asymmetry by investigating their simultaneous and endogenous effects. Employing an extensive U.S. sample, we find an inverse association between CSR engagement and the proxies of information asymmetry after controlling for various firm characteristics. The results hold using 2SLS considering the reverse side of information asymmetry influencing CSR activities. The results also hold after mitigating endogeneity based on the dynamic panel system generalized method of moment. Furthermore, the (...)
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  6.  30
    Pray local and act global? Christian religiosity in the U.S. and human rights.Jinhua Cui & Hoje Jo - 2018 - Business Ethics 28 (3):361-378.
    This study examines the influence of Christian religion on corporate decisions related to human rights in the United States. Specifically, it examines the empirical association between a company's human rights practices and the Christian religiosity in its local community, as well as individual CEO religiosity in the United States, both of which have not been tested in prior studies. Employing a large sample from the United States, we find a congruent association between the “human rights friendly” practices of a company (...)
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  7.  21
    Politics with Beauvoir: Freedom in the Encounter.Lori Jo Marso - 2017 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Politics with Beauvoir_ Lori Jo Marso treats Simone de Beauvoir's feminist theory and practice as part of her political theory, arguing that freedom is Beauvoir's central concern and that this is best apprehended through Marso's notion of the encounter. Starting with Beauvoir's political encounters with several of her key contemporaries including Hannah Arendt, Robert Brasillach, Richard Wright, Frantz Fanon, and Violette Leduc, Marso also moves beyond historical context to stage encounters between Beauvoir and others such as Chantal Akerman, Lars (...)
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  8.  18
    Faith Schools: Consensus or Conflict?Roy Gardner, Jo Cairns & Denis Lawton - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (2):249-251.
  9.  52
    Genre, sexe et sexualités dans les travaux américains et canadiens sur les années 68.Lessie Jo Frazier & Deborah Cohen - 2009 - Clio 29:165-183.
    Cet article sur l’état de la recherche sur le genre et la (les) sexualité(s) dans les études sur les années 68 fait suite à une année de colloques et de rétrospectives médiatiques célébrant le quarantième anniversaire, ainsi qu’à une élection présidentielle américaine où les deux candidats, avec chacun leur mode d’autorité charismatique genrée – l’un héros militaire du Vietnam, l’autre jeune homme dynamique proposant « un nouveau Camelot » –, se sont implicitement situés par rapport à la rupt...
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    Integratív esztétikai nevelési kísérlet az általános iskola alapozó szakában és a tanítóképzésben: dokumentumok a kísérlet első két évéből, 1988-90.József Gábris (ed.) - 1990 - [Esztergom]: Esztergomi Vitéz János Tanítóképző Főiskola.
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    Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Firm Risk.Li Cai, Jinhua Cui & Hoje Jo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):563-594.
    In this study, we examine the relation between corporate environmental responsibility and risk in U.S. public firms. We develop and test the risk-reduction, resource-constraint, and cross-industry variation hypotheses. Using an extensive U.S. sample during the 1991–2012 period, we find that for U.S. industries as a whole, CER engagement inversely affects firm risk after controlling for various firm characteristics. The result remains robust when we use firm fixed effect or an alternative measure of CER using principal component analysis or downside risk (...)
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    The Influence of Christian Religiosity on Managerial Decisions Concerning the Environment.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Manuel G. Velasquez - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):203-231.
    The issue of management’s relations to the environment has received a significant amount of attention in the literature on corporate social responsibility. Yet the influence of religion on managers’ environmental decisions has until now remained unexamined despite its known importance. In this article, we examine the empirical association between religion—primarily Christianity—and the environmental practices a firm’s management undertakes by investigating their OLS, principal component, simultaneous, and endogenous effects. Employing a large and extensive U.S. sample, we find a negative association between (...)
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  13.  15
    Ongoing Slow Fluctuations in V1 Impact on Visual Perception.Afra M. Wohlschläger, Sarah Glim, Junming Shao, Johanna Draheim, Lina Köhler, Susana Lourenço, Valentin Riedl & Christian Sorg - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:1-13.
    The human brain’s ongoing activity is characterized by intrinsic networks of coherent fluctuations, measured for example with correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging signals. So far, however, the brain processes underlying this ongoing blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal orchestration and their direct relevance for human behavior are not sufficiently understood. In this study, we address the question of whether and how ongoing BOLD activity within intrinsic occipital networks impacts on conscious visual perception. To this end, backwardly masked targets were presented (...)
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  14.  59
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Insider Trading.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Yan Li - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):869-887.
    This study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility activities on insider trading. While opponents of insider trading claim that the buying or selling of a security by insiders who have access to non-public information is illegal, proponents argue that insider trading improves economic efficiency and fairness when corporate insiders buy and sell stock in their own companies. Based on extensive U.S. data of insider trading and CSR engagement, we find that both the number of insider transactions and the volume (...)
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  15.  38
    Wisdom as a Meditation on Life: Spinoza on Bacon and Civil History.Jo Van Cauter - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):88-110.
    In letter 37 to Johannes Bouwmeester, Spinoza identifies a historiola mentis à la Bacon as an important tool for distinguishing more easily between adequate and inadequate ideas. This paper contends that Spinoza's advice is to take into account Baconian-style ‘Civil History’ as providing instructive material for contemplating the variety, complexity, and persistency of human passionate behaviour. Specifically, it argues that Baconian civil history forms an integral part of Spinoza's reflections on provisional morality. Although for Spinoza, philosophical beatitude ultimately demands understanding (...)
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  16.  46
    Christian Religiosity and Corporate Community Involvement.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Manuel G. Velasquez - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (1):85-125.
    ABSTRACT:We examine whether religion influences company decisions related to corporate community involvement. Employing a large US sample, we show that the CCI initiatives of a company are positively associated with the level of Christian religiosity present in the region within which that company’s headquarters is located. This association persists even after we control for a wide range of firm characteristics and after we subject our results to several econometric tests. These results support our religious morality hypothesis which holds that companies (...)
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  17.  49
    The Capabilities Approach and Environmental Sustainability: The Case for Functioning Constraints.Wouter Peeters, Jo Dirix & Sigrid Sterckx - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (3):367-389.
    The capabilities approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum has become an influential viewpoint for addressing issues of social justice and human de- velopment. It has not yet, however, given adequate theoretical consideration to the requirements of environmental sustainability. Sen has focussed on the instrumental importance of human development for achieving sustainability, but has failed to consider the limits of this account, especially with respect to consumption-reduction. Nussbaum has criticised constraining material consumption for its paternalistic prescription of one particular conception (...)
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    An Exploratory Meta-Analytic Review on the Empirical Evidence of Differential Learning as an Enhanced Motor Learning Method.Bruno Tassignon, Jo Verschueren, Jean-Pierre Baeyens, Anne Benjaminse, Alli Gokeler, Ben Serrien & Ron Clijsen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Differential learning is a motor learning method characterized by high amounts of variability during practice and is claimed to provide the learner with a higher learning rate than other methods. However, some controversy surrounds DL theory, and to date, no overview exists that compares the effects of DL to other motor learning methods.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of DL in comparison to other motor learning methods in the acquisition and retention phase.Design: Systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis.Methods: PubMed, Web of (...)
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    Normenlogik: Grundprobleme d. deontischen Logik.Hans Lenk & Jörg Berkemann (eds.) - 1974 - Pullach (bei München): Verlag Dokumentation.
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    Community Religion, Employees, and the Social License to Operate.Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo & Manuel G. Velasquez - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):775-807.
    The World Bank recently noted: “Social license to operate has traditionally referred to the conduct of firms with regard to the impact on local communities and the environment, but the definition has expanded in recent years to include issues related to worker and human rights”. In this paper, we examine a factor that can influence the kind of work conditions that can facilitate or obstruct a firm’s attempts to achieve the social license to operate. Specifically, we examine the empirical association (...)
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  21. History: narration, interpretation, orientation.Jörn Rüsen - 2004 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Without denying the importance of the postmodernist approach to the narrative form and rhetorical strategies of historiography, the author, one of Germany's ...
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  22. Kugyŏk Hoejae chŏnsŏ.Ŏn-jŏk Yi - 1974 - Edited by Chae-ho Yi, Yi, Tong-gŏn & [From Old Catalog].
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  23. Taehak changgu poyu ; Kuillok ; Kwansŏ mundap: happon.Ŏn-jŏk Yi - 1973 - Sŏul: Asea Munhwasa. Edited by Ŏn-jŏk Yi.
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  24. Taehak samgang pʻalmokcham.Sung-jo Yu - 1973 - Edited by Sung-jo Yu.
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    Simone de Beauvoir's Political Thinking.Lori Jo Marso & Patricia Moynagh (eds.) - 2006 - University of Illinois Press.
    By exploring the life and work of the influential feminist thinker Simone de Beauvoir, this book shows how each of us lives within political and social structures that we can, and must, play a part in transforming.
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    Newman a Tweeter? Social Media and the Victorian Age: Personal Reflections Gained from the Digitization Project.Mary Jo Dorsey - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (2):101-106.
    This essay is a reflection of the time I have spent working with Cardinal Newman’s archive at the Birmingham Oratory. I have had a chance to stop and carefully read his letters and diaries and to see Newman as a communicator extraordinaire! I suspect that the Cardinal would have had great command of today’s social media and communications technology. His laity could have been a wider and larger audience on a virtual level. Might this be an opportunity for a sociological (...)
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  27. Przygotowanie do filozofii.Bolesław Józef Gawecki - 1964 - Warszawa]: Pax.
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  28. Władysław Mieczysław Kozłowski, 1858-1935.Bolesław Józef Gawecki - 1961 - Wrocław: Zakł. Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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  29. Beginnings, Second Edition: The Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy.Mary Jo Peebles - 2012 - Routledge.
    Utilizing a decade's worth of clinical experience gained since its original publication, Mary Jo Peebles builds and expands upon exquisitely demonstrated therapeutic approaches and strategies in this second edition of _Beginnings_. The essential question remains the same, however: How does a therapist begin psychotherapy? To address this delicate issue, she takes a thoughtful, step-by-step approach to the substance of those crucial first sessions, delineating both processes and potential pitfalls in such topics as establishing a therapeutic alliance, issues of trust, and (...)
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    Hyŏndae hyŏngpŏphak: iron kwa pangbŏp.Sŏng-jo An - 2011 - Sŏul-si: Kyŏngin Munhwasa.
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    Preference-based English reverse auctions.Marie-Jo Bellosta, Sylvie Kornman & Daniel Vanderpooten - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1449-1467.
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    « Réalisme et Gender dans la peinture du vingtième siècle », Actes de la journée d’étude du 20 mars 2009 à Amiens.Marie-Jo Bonnet - 2011 - Clio 33:08-08.
    Le colloque organisé par Jérôme Bazin et Marie Frétigny à l’université de Picardie d’Amiens, avait-il besoin de se placer sous la bannière du « gender » pour analyser la question du réalisme dans la peinture du XXe siècle? Si l’hypothèse qui sous-tend cette journée – le réalisme est-il vecteur d’une autre image des femmes? – a pu être opérationnel pour le XIXe siècle, elle devient contre-productive pour le XXe. On ne sera pas surpris d’apprendre que le réalisme a renforcé les (...)
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    Cognitive mapping, flemish beef farmers’ perspectives and farm functioning: a critical methodological reflection.Louis Tessier, Jo Bijttebier, Fleur Marchand & Philippe V. Baret - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1003-1019.
    In this paper we reflect on the effectiveness of cognitive mapping as a method to study farm functioning in its complexity and its diverse forms in the framework of our own experiment with a diverse group of Flemish beef farmers. With a structured direct elicitation method we gathered 30 CMs. We analyzed the content of these maps both qualitatively and quantitatively. The central role of the concept “Income” in most maps indicated a shared concern for economic security. Further, the CMs (...)
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    Ética.Luís de Araújo - 2010 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Ochrona 'Srodowiska Spo±Eczno-Przyrodniczego W Filozofii I Teologii'.Józef Marceli Dołęga (ed.) - 2001 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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  36. Z zagadnień filozofii i kultury współczesnej.Mirosław Mackiewicz & Józefa Stępień (eds.) - 1978 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Business Influence and State Power: The Case of U.S. Corporate Tax Policy.Cathie Jo Martin - 1989 - Politics and Society 17 (2):189-223.
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    Persistence of nonreinforced responding as a function of the direction of a prior-ordered incentive shift.Melvin H. Marx, Jo Wood Tombaugh, Charles Cole & Denis Dougherty - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):542.
  39.  7
    Kabŏm.Sang-jŏng Yi - 2020 - Kyŏngsang-bukto Andong-si: Han'guk Kukhak Chinhŭngwŏn. Edited by MyŏNg-Gyun Kim.
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    (1 other version)Epigenesis by experience: Romantic empiricism and non-Kantian biology.Amanda Jo Goldstein - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):13.
    Reconstructions of Romantic-era life science in general, and epigenesis in particular, frequently take the Kantian logic of autotelic “self-organization” as their primary reference point. I argue in this essay that the Kantian conceptual rubric hinders our historical and theoretical understanding of epigenesis, Romantic and otherwise. Neither a neutral gloss on epigenesis, nor separable from the epistemological deflation of biological knowledge that has received intensive scrutiny in the history and philosophy of science, Kant’s heuristics of autonomous “self-organization” in the third Critique (...)
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    Czas i metoda: rozważania o metodzie a recentiori.Józef Bańka - 1993 - Katowice-Teresin: Praca została wydana z funduszu badań własnych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach.
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    Czas w sztuce: recentywizm i skok do królestwa bezpowrotnej teraźniejszości.Józef Bańka - 1999 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śls̨kiego.
    t. 1. O kierunkach upływu czasu w dziele sztuki -- t. 2. O osobliwościach upływu czasu w dziele sztuki.
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  43. Filozofia jako przetwarzanie idei w człowieku.Józef Bańka & Andrzej Kiepas (eds.) - 1997 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  44. Medytacje parmenidiańskie o pierwszej filozofii: recentywizm i pannyngeneza.Józef Bańka - 1992 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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    Metafizyka piękna: zarys estetyki recentywistycznej.Józef Bańka - 1991 - Olsztyn: Wydawn. Ethos.
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    Myŝl systematyczna i historyczna w badaniach filozoficznych: Katowice-Wisła, 7-11 maja 1995 roku.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego.
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    Plotyn i odwieczne pytania metafizyki.Józef Bańka - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Acute Anxiety Predicts Components of the Cold Shock Response on Cold Water Immersion: Toward an Integrated Psychophysiological Model of Acute Cold Water Survival.Martin J. Barwood, Jo Corbett, Heather Massey, Terry McMorris, Mike Tipton & Christopher R. D. Wagstaff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hvað er sagnfræði?: rannsóknir og miðlun: fyrirlestrar frá hádegisfundum Sagnfræðingafélags Íslands 2006-2007.Guðbrandur Benediktsson & Guðni Th Jóhannesson (eds.) - 2007 - Reykjavík: Skrudda.
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    On the correction of feeling-induced judgmental biases.Leonard Berkowitz, Sara Jaffee, Eunkyung Jo & Bartholomeu T. Troccoli - 2000 - In Joseph P. Forgas (ed.), Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition. Cambridge University Press.
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