Results for 'Bruno Tassignon'

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  1.  19
    An Exploratory Meta-Analytic Review on the Empirical Evidence of Differential Learning as an Enhanced Motor Learning Method.Bruno Tassignon, Jo Verschueren, Jean-Pierre Baeyens, Anne Benjaminse, Alli Gokeler, Ben Serrien & Ron Clijsen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Differential learning is a motor learning method characterized by high amounts of variability during practice and is claimed to provide the learner with a higher learning rate than other methods. However, some controversy surrounds DL theory, and to date, no overview exists that compares the effects of DL to other motor learning methods.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of DL in comparison to other motor learning methods in the acquisition and retention phase.Design: Systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis.Methods: PubMed, Web of (...)
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    Facticity and the Fate of Reason After Kant.G. Anthony Bruno - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
    Facticity and the Fate of Reason After Kant is the first history of the concept of facticity. G. Anthony Bruno argues that this concept’s coining, transmission, and repurposing by post-Kantian thinkers leaves a lasting divide concerning the question of whether a science of intelligibility can tolerate brute facts. In the phenomenological tradition, ‘facticity’ denotes undeducibly brute conditions of intelligibility such as sociality, mortality, and temporality. This suggests an affirmative answer to the post-Kantian question. However, the term’s original use in (...)
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  3. ‘All is Act, Movement, and Life’: Fichte’s Idealism as Immortalism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2023 - In Luca Corti & Johannes-Georg Schuelein (eds.), Life, Organisms, and Human Nature: New Perspectives on Classical German Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 121-139.
    In the Vocation of Man, Fichte makes the striking claim that life is eternal, rational, our true being, and the final cause of nature in general and of death in particular. How can we make sense of this claim? I argue that the public lectures that compose the Vocation are a popular expression of Fichte’s pre-existing commitment to what I call immortalism, the view that life is the unconditioned condition of intelligibility. Casting the I as an absolutely self-active or living (...)
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    Uterus Transplantation: The Ethics of Using Deceased Versus Living Donors.Bethany Bruno & Kavita Shah Arora - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):6-15.
    Research teams have made considerable progress in treating absolute uterine factor infertility through uterus transplantation, though studies have differed on the choice of either deceased or living donors. While researchers continue to analyze the medical feasibility of both approaches, little attention has been paid to the ethics of using deceased versus living donors as well as the protections that must be in place for each. Both types of uterus donation also pose unique regulatory challenges, including how to allocate donated organs; (...)
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    Fit and Well-Being.Teresa Bruno-Niño - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (1):16-34.
    In this paper, I argue for Fit, a prudential version of the claim that attitudes must fit their objects, the claim that there is an extra benefit when one's reactions fit their objects. I argue that Fit has surprising and powerful consequences for theories of well-being. Classic versions of the objective list theory, hedonism, desire views, and loving-the-good theories do not accommodate Fit. Suitable modifications change some of the views substantially. Modified views give reactions a robust role as sources of (...)
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    The Dividual: Digital Practices and Biotechnologies.Fernanda Bruno & Pablo Manolo Rodríguez - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):27-50.
    This article revisits the concept of the dividual, taking as a starting point Deleuze’s diagnosis about the relevance that dividual practices have gained with the advent of biotechnology and digital culture. Although we agree with this diagnosis, we highlight the intersections between the dividual and the individual both in Modernity and in the present time. The contemporary dividual is in tension with the modern individual, but not as a substitution, division or duplication of the individual. Rather, we state a complex (...)
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  7. Philosophy as Therapy - A Review of Konrad Banicki's Conceptual Model.Bruno Contestabile & Michael Hampe - manuscript
    In his article Banicki proposes a universal model for all forms of philosophical therapy. He is guided by works of Martha Nussbaum, who in turn makes recourse to Aristotle. As compared to Nussbaum’s approach, Banicki’s model is more medical and less based on ethical argument. He mentions Foucault’s vision to apply the same theoretical analysis for the ailments of the body and the soul and to use the same kind of approach in treating and curing them. In his interpretation of (...)
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    The Impact of Science Studies on Political Philosophy.Bruno Latour - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (1):3-19.
    The development of science studies has an important message for political theory. This message has not yet been fully articulated. It seems that the science studies field is often considered as the extension of politics to science. In reality, case studies show that it is a redefinition of politics that we are witnessing in the laboratories. To the political representatives should be added the scientific representatives. Thanks to a book by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, it is possible to reconstruct (...)
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  9. The Enlightenment without the Critique: A Word on Michel Serres' Philosophy.Bruno Latour - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:83-97.
    The French, it is well known, love revolutions, political, scientific or philosophical. There is nothing they like more than a radical upheaval of the past, an upheaval so complete that a new tabula rasa is levelled, on which a new history can be built. None of our Prime Ministers starts his mandate without promising to write on a new blank page or to furnish a complete change in values and even, for some, in life. Each researcher would think of him (...)
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    Wizualizacja i poznanie: zrysowywanie rzeczy razem.Bruno Latour - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (T).
    The author of the present paper argues that while trying to explain the institutional success of the science and its broad social impact, it is worth throwing aside the arguments concerning the universal traits of human nature, changes in the human mentality, or transformation of the culture and civilization, such as the development of capitalism or bureaucratic power. In the 16th century no new man emerged, and no mutants with overgrown brains work in modern laboratories. So one must also reject (...)
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  11. The Appearance and Disappearance of Intellectual Intuition in Schelling’s Philosophy.G. Anthony Bruno - 2013 - Analecta Hermeneutica 5:1-14.
    Schelling scholars face an uphill battle. His confinement to the smallest circles of ‘continental’ thought puts him at the margins of what today counts as philosophy. His eclipse by Fichte and Hegel and inheritance by better-read thinkers like Kierkegaard and Heidegger tend to reduce him to a historical footnote. And the sometimes obscure formulations he uses makes the otherwise difficult writings of fellow post-Kantians seem comparatively more accessible. For those seeking to widen these circles, see through this eclipse and elucidate (...)
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    Quineanism, Noneism and Metaphysical Equivalence.Bruno Jacinto & Javier Belastegui - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (5).
    In this paper we propose and defend the _Synonymy account_, a novel account of metaphysical equivalence which draws on the idea (Rayo in _The Construction of Logical Space_, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013) that part of what it is to formulate a theory is to lay down a theoretical hypothesis concerning logical space. Roughly, two theories are synonymous—and so, in our view, equivalent—just in case (i) they take the same propositions to stand in the same entailment relations, and (ii) they (...)
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  13.  25
    Comment redistribuer le Grand Partage?Bruno Latour - 1983 - Revue de Synthèse 104 (110):203-236.
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  14. Frege’s Theory of Types.Bruno Bentzen - 2023 - Manuscrito 46 (4):2022-0063.
    It is often claimed that the theory of function levels proposed by Frege in Grundgesetze der Arithmetik anticipates the hierarchy of types that underlies Church’s simple theory of types. This claim roughly states that Frege presupposes a type of functions in the sense of simple type theory in the expository language of Grundgesetze. However, this view makes it hard to accommodate function names of two arguments and view functions as incomplete entities. I propose and defend an alternative interpretation of first-level (...)
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  15. Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Contingency in German Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - In Robert H. Scott (ed.), The Significance of Indeterminacy: Perspectives From Asian and Continental Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This paper addresses debates in German idealism that arise in response to the modal shift in logic, proposed by Kant, from a logic of thinking to a logic of experience. With the Kantian logic of experience arises a problem of radical contingency or 'rhapsodic determination' for logic. While Fichte and Hegel attempt to resolve the problem of contingency by constructing rational systems aimed at established the grounds for logic, I show how Schelling brings into view, in a proto-existentialist movement, the (...)
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    A defense of the subordinate-level expertise account for the N170 component.Bruno Rossion, Tim Curran & Isabel Gauthier - 2002 - Cognition 85 (2):189-196.
  17. Constitution et gouvernement mixte: Notes sur le livre III du Contrat Social.Bruno Bernardi - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 36:163-194.
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  18. As a future topic.Bruno Besana - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (2):153 - +.
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    On the heroic frenzies: a translation of De gli eroici furori.Giordano Bruno - 2013 - [Los Angeles]: UCLA Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Edited by Ingrid D. Rowland & Eugenio Canone.
    This vibrant bilingual edition, annotated by celebrated Bruno scholar Ingrid D. Rowland, features the text in its original Italian alongside an elegant, accurate English translation.
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    A Few Steps Toward an Anthropology of the Iconoclastic Gesture.Bruno Latour - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (1):63-83.
    The ArgumentA large part of our critical acumen depends on a clear distinction between what is real and what is constructed, what is out there in the nature of things and what is in there in the representation we make of them. Something has been lost however for the sake of this clarity and a heavy price has been paid for this dichotomy between ontological questions on the one hand and the epistemological questions on the other: it has become impossible (...)
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  21.  36
    Dominique Pradelle.*Être et genèse des idéalités. Un ciel sans éternité.Bruno Leclercq - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (1):128-136.
    In Intuition et idéalités: Phénoménologie des objets mathématiques (2020), Dominique Pradelle questioned the nature of mathematical knowledge–the status of math.
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    Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy. [REVIEW]Bruno Latour - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):107-122.
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  23.  96
    Kant's Concept of Genius: Its Origin and Function in the Third Critique.Paul W. Bruno - 2010 - Continuum.
    The first comprehensive study of the roots of the concept of genius in Kant's understanding of nature and his notion of the artist.
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  24. Strongly Millian Second-Order Modal Logics.Bruno Jacinto - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):397-454.
    The most common first- and second-order modal logics either have as theorems every instance of the Barcan and Converse Barcan formulae and of their second-order analogues, or else fail to capture the actual truth of every theorem of classical first- and second-order logic. In this paper we characterise and motivate sound and complete first- and second-order modal logics that successfully capture the actual truth of every theorem of classical first- and second-order logic and yet do not possess controversial instances of (...)
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  25.  23
    Biographie d'une enquête. À propos d'un livre sur les modes d'existence.Bruno Latour - 2012 - Archives de Philosophie 75 (4):549-566.
    Résumé La publication de l’ Enquête sur les modes d’existence (La découverte 2012), peut être quelque peu éclairée par un bref retour en arrière sur les étapes successives de cette anthropologie des Modernes commencée un quart de siècle auparavant. L’article reprend donc le cheminement intellectuel, commencé avec l’exégèse biblique puis continué dans « l’exégèse » des sciences et des techniques, qui a mené peu à peu à la présente enquête.
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  26.  49
    Processing Spatial Relations With Different Apertures of Attention.Bruno Laeng, Matia Okubo, Ayako Saneyoshi & Chikashi Michimata - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):297-329.
    Neuropsychological studies suggest the existence of lateralized networks that represent categorical and coordinate types of spatial information. In addition, studies with neural networks have shown that they encode more effectively categorical spatial judgments or coordinate spatial judgments, if their input is based, respectively, on units with relatively small, nonoverlapping receptive fields, as opposed to units with relatively large, overlapping receptive fields. These findings leave open the question of whether interactive processes between spatial detectors and types of spatial relations can be (...)
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  27. Conflicts of Planetary Proportion – A Conversation.Bruno Latour & Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (3):419-454.
    The introduction of the long-term history of the Earth into the preoccupations of historians has triggered a crisis because it has become impossible to keep the “planet” as one single entity outside of history properly understood. As soon as the planetary intruded into history, it became impossible to keep it as one naturalized background. By problematizing the planetary, Dipesh Chakrabarty has forced philosophers, historians and anthropologists to extend pluralism to the very ground on which history was supposed to unfold. Hence (...)
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  28.  31
    Identifying objects in conventional and contorted poses: contributions of hemisphere-specific mechanisms.Bruno Laeng, Jinesh Shah & Stephen Kosslyn - 1999 - Cognition 70 (1):53-85.
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    Finitary Upper Logicism.Bruno Jacinto - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1172-1247.
    This paper proposes and partially defends a novel philosophy of arithmetic—finitary upper logicism. According to it, the natural numbers are finite cardinalities—conceived of as properties of properties—and arithmetic is nothing but higher-order modal logic. Finitary upper logicism is furthermore essentially committed to the logicality of finitary plenitude, the principle according to which every finite cardinality could have been instantiated. Among other things, it is proved in the paper that second-order Peano arithmetic is interpretable, on the basis of the finite cardinalities’ (...)
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  30. Arte e tecnica nel diritto.: Riflessioni con Giuseppe Benedetti.Bruno Romano - 2009 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 86 (1):1-7.
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  31. Note sulla terzietà giuridica.Bruno Romano - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 83 (1):1-12.
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    Tecnica e giustizia nel pensiero di Martin Heidegger.Bruno Romano - 1969 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    A Formally Constructive Model for Barrecursion of Higher Types.Bruno Scarpellini - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (21-24):321-383.
  34. Bemerkungen zur authentischen Verkündigung des kirchlichen Lehramtes.Bruno Schüller - 1967 - Theologie Und Philosophie 42 (4):534.
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    Geistesgeschichtliche Und Wirtschaftliche Hiivtergründe Des Weltpolitischen Geschehens Der Gegenwart.Bruno Seidet - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 1 (1-4):125-135.
  36.  37
    Il ne faut plus qu'une science soit ouverte ou fermée.Bruno Latour - 2003 - Rue Descartes 41 (3):66-81.
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  37. Game theory and Ethics.Verbeek Bruno & Christopher Morris - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  38.  15
    Analyse économique de la responsabilité civile.Bruno Deffains - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):117-140.
    Cet article propose une synthèse des travaux consacrés à l’analyse économique de la responsabilité civile. Après une discussion des finalités du droit de la responsabilité civile, est exposé le modèle économique général qui permet de comparer les principaux régimes basés ou non sur la faute. Quelques extensions du modèle sont proposés ainsi qu’une discussion de la portée normative de l’approche présenté. L’objectif est de démontrer que l’analyse économique de la responsabilité civile comporte une promesse, celle d’éclairer la raison d’être de (...)
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    Antropocentrismo e post-umano: una gerarchia in bilico.Bruno Accarino (ed.) - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  40. Logics for AI and Law: Joint Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence and the International Workshop on Logic, AI and Law, September 8-9 and 11-12, 2023, Hangzhou.Bruno Bentzen, Beishui Liao, Davide Liga, Reka Markovich, Bin Wei, Minghui Xiong & Tianwen Xu (eds.) - 2023 - College Publications.
    This comprehensive volume features the proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence and the International Workshop on Logic, AI and Law, held in Hangzhou, China on September 8-9 and 11-12, 2023. The collection offers a diverse range of papers that explore the intersection of logic, artificial intelligence, and law. With contributions from some of the leading experts in the field, this volume provides insights into the latest research and developments in the applications of logic in (...)
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    Antonio Rosmini.Bruno Brunello - 1941 - [Milano]: Garzanti.
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  42. From the 'I Think' to the 'I Act': Fichte on Kant's Incomplete Insight.G. Anthony Bruno - forthcoming - In Jeffery Kinlaw (ed.), Fichte’s Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge: A Critical Guide. Cambridge University Press.
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    Tocqueville et l’idée d’une phénoménologie de l’intellectualité démocratique.Bruno Hueber - 2015 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 65 (3):19-47.
  44.  12
    La responsabilité à long terme de l’État.Bruno Lasserre & Guillaume Halard - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:141-155.
    L’horizon temporel de la responsabilité de l’État n’a cessé de s’étendre au cours des dernières décennies. Vers le passé d’une part, avec l’apparition de contentieux liés à l’histoire et, notamment, à certains scandales sanitaires, et vers l’avenir d’autre part, avec l’émergence de contentieux climatiques qui esquissent les contours d’une justice intergénérationnelle. Cet article analyse ce mouvement et certains des obstacles auxquels il confronte le juge administratif.
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  45. Per una teoria dell'irrazionale nel diritto.Bruno Leoni - 1942 - Torino: In vendita presso G. Giappichelli.
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  46. Croce e la terra natia.Bruno Mosca - 1967 - Roma,: De Luca.
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    Ivan Illich fifty years later: situating Deschooling society in his intellectual and personal journey.Rosa del Carmen Bruno-Jofré - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Jon Igelmo Zaldívar.
    In 1971, priest, theologian, and philosopher Ivan Illich wrote Deschooling Society, a plea to liberate education from schooling and to separate schooling from the state. On occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its publication, Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later looks at the theological roots of Illich's thought and the intellectual and ideological strands that contributed to his ideas. Guided by the central question of how Illich reached the point of writing Deschooling Society, the book sheds light on how Illich produced (...)
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  48. Conversazione con Emanuele Severino.Bruno Cortesi - 2016 - Quaderni Borromaici 3:207-219.
    Quanto segue intende proporsi come il resoconto di una conversazione che Andrea Oliani, Bruno Cortesi e Pietro Vigiani, tutti studenti presso l’Almo Collegio Borromeo di Pavia, hanno intrattenuto con Emanuele Severino, volta ad enucleare, muovendo da spunti talvolta anche polemici, alcune delle concettualità fondanti quel corpus di dottrine che cade sotto il nome di severinismo. Severino è stato squisito nell’accoglierci e ospitarci nella sua dimora di Brescia, lucido e assolutamente puntuale nel controbattere alle nostre provocazioni. La discussione ha poi (...)
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    Heidegger et la question de l'humanisme: faits, concepts, débats.Bruno Pinchard & Thierry Gontier (eds.) - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le débat qui partage les partisans et les détracteurs de l'humanisme n'est pas seulement dicté par l'ampleur des événements planétaires. La question de l'humanisme est d'abord l'héritière de toute l'histoire de la pensée. Qu'il ait cependant appartenu à Martin Heidegger, à peine arraché à un temps d'inhumanité radicale, de transformer, dans sa fameuse Lettre sur l'humanisme de 1947, le simple recours aux " valeurs ", de l'humanisme en l'affaire par excellence de la pensée, constitue une énigme sur laquelle il valait (...)
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  50. Wolff e Kant sobre obrigação e lei natural: a rejeição do voluntarismo teológico na moral.Cunha Bruno - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):99-116.
    RESUMO:O objetivo deste artigo é discutir sobre os conceitos de obrigação e lei natural, tendo como referência o polêmico debate moderno envolvendo intelectualismo e voluntarismo. Em um primeiro momento, destacaremos a rejeição de Wolff ao voluntarismo de Pufendorf e sua orientação em direção ao intelectualismo de Leibniz. Conforme essa nova orientação, uma teoria da lei natural não deve basear seu conceito de obrigação na autoridade das leis e em seu poder coercitivo, mas, por outro lado, unicamente na ideia de necessidade (...)
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