Results for 'Jiérâi Fuchs'

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    Filosofie.Jiérâi Fuchs - 1993 - Praha: Československá provincie Řádu bratří kazatelů.
    v. 1. Úvod do filosofie. 1. Filosofická logika.
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    The professional Quest for truth by Stephan Fuchs.Stephan Fuchs - 1994 - Social Epistemology 8 (1):81 – 88.
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  3. Enactive intersubjectivity: Participatory sense-making and mutual incorporation.Thomas Fuchs & Hanne De Jaegher - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):465-486.
    Current theories of social cognition are mainly based on a representationalist view. Moreover, they focus on a rather sophisticated and limited aspect of understanding others, i.e. on how we predict and explain others’ behaviours through representing their mental states. Research into the ‘social brain’ has also favoured a third-person paradigm of social cognition as a passive observation of others’ behaviour, attributing it to an inferential, simulative or projective process in the individual brain. In this paper, we present a concept of (...)
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    The Tacit Dimension.Thomas Fuchs - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):323-326.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8.4 (2001) 323-326 [Access article in PDF] The Tacit Dimension Thomas Fuchs Thirty years after its appearance, Blankenburg's "Psychopathology of common sense" has not lost its relevance. In my commentary I will try to illustrate the fruitfulness of his approach by pointing to some connections with the phenomenology of the body as well as with recent memory and infant research.As Blankenburg himself indicates, the (...)
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  5. Implicit and Explicit Temporality.Thomas Fuchs - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.3 (2005) 195-198 [Access article in PDF] Implicit and Explicit Temporality Thomas Fuchs Keywords implicit/explicit temporality, embodiment, intersubjectivity, desynchronization, melancholia, schizophrenia Since Minkowski (1970), Strauss (1966), v. Gebsattel (1954), and Tellenbach (1980), temporality has been a main subject of phenomenological psychiatry. Drawing on philosophical concepts of Bergson, Husserl, and Heidegger, these authors have analyzed psychopathologic deviations of time experience, mainly from an individual point (...)
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  6. Ale vždyť to byli filozofové: filozofické apokryfy.Jiérâi Cetl - 2000 - Brno: Profil.
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  7. Příroda a kultura.Jiérâi Cetl, Stanislav Hubâik & Josef ésmajs - 1990 - Praha: Svoboda. Edited by Stanislav Hubík & Josef Šmajs.
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    Die gemeinsame Wahrnehmung der Wirklichkeit.Thomas Fuchs - 2018 - In Andreas Gardt & Ekkehard Felder, Wirklichkeit Oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische Und Interdisziplinäre Aspekte Einer Brisanten Alternative. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 220-242.
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  9. Corpus organicum: živé ve filosofickém myšlení.Jiérâi Michâalek - 2000 - Praha: Oikoymenh.
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    Úvahy o pravdivosti: sborník příspěvků.Jiérâi Nosek (ed.) - 2001 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Předpoklady literárního dorozumívání.Jiérâi Pavelka - 1998 - V Brně: Masarykova univerzita.
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    Být sám sebou: pojem identity a jeho meze.Jiérâi Pechar - 1995 - Praha: Hynek.
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  13. Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiérâi Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
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  14. Corporealized and disembodied minds: A phenomenological view of the body in melancholia and schizophrenia.Thomas Fuchs - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (2):95-107.
  15. The Phenomenology of Shame, Guilt and the Body in Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Depression.Thomas Fuchs - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (2):223-243.
    From a phenomenological viewpoint, shame and guilt may be regarded as emotions which have incorporated the gaze and the voice of the other, respectively. The spontaneous and unreflected performance of the primordial bodily self has suffered a rupture: In shame or guilt we are rejected, separated from the others, and thrown back on ourselves. This reflective turn of spontaneous experience is connected with an alienation of primordial bodiliness that may be described as a "corporealization": The lived-body is changed into the (...)
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    Fairness in liberal theories of justice.Alan E. Fuchs - 1997 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 24 (4):483-495.
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    Analytická filosofie: první čítanka.Jiérâi Fiala & Zâapadoéceskâa Univerzita V. Plznâi (eds.) - 1999 - Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, Fakulta humanitních studií.
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  18. Únos Európy: mýtus--divertimento k filozofii dějin.Jiérâi Néemec - 1994 - Praha: Dauphin.
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    Konvence ve vědě a filosofii: sborniḱ příspěvků.Jiérâi Nosek (ed.) - 2000 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Economics as a "tooled" discipline: Lawrence R. Klein and the making of macroeconometric modeling, 1939-1959.Erich Pinzón-Fuchs - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):133-136.
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    Relief aux danseuses (Delphes).Werner Fuchs - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (1):15-20.
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    Degrees of rigidity for Souslin trees.Gunter Fuchs & Joel David Hamkins - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):423-454.
    We investigate various strong notions of rigidity for Souslin trees, separating them under ♢ into a hierarchy. Applying our methods to the automorphism tower problem in group theory, we show under ♢ that there is a group whose automorphism tower is highly malleable by forcing.
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  23. Mind, Meaning, and the Brain.Thomas Fuchs - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (3):261-264.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.3 (2002) 261-264 [Access article in PDF] Mind, Meaning, and the Brain Thomas Fuchs, MD, PhD Keywords: Mind, brain, meaning, translation, depression. A Systemic View of the Mind Progress in brain research over the past two decades demonstrates the power of the neurobiological paradigm. However, this progress is connected with a restricted field of vision typical of any scientific paradigm. The psychiatrist should be (...)
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    Brücken Bauen: Analysen Und Betrachtungen Zwischen Ost Und West: Festschrift für Leonid Luks Zum 65. Geburtstag.John Andreas Fuchs, Andreas Umland & Jürgen Zarusky (eds.) - 2012 - Ibidem-Verlag.
    Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis Osteuropas zum Westen ist nicht nur aktueller denn je, sondern hat auch eine lange und ambivalente Geschichte. Diese hing jeweils stark von den Selbstwahrnehmungen der beteiligten Kulturen ab. Brücken bauen beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit den Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen aus historischer, literaturwissenschaftlicher, philosophischer und politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht, sondern beleuchtet auch die Beziehungen zwischen West und Ost sowie gemeinsame ebenso wie jeweils eigene Phänomene und Strömungen. Mit den Beiträgen soll Leonid Luks, Direktor des Zentralinstitutes für Mittel- und (...)
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    Fichte capostipite del nazionalismo tedesco? Contributo alla comprensione dei Discorsi alla nazione tedesca.Erich Fuchs - 2006 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 19:13-26.
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    Cyberethics and co-operation in the information society.Christian Fuchs, Robert M. Bichler & Celina Raffl - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (4):447-466.
    The task of this paper is to ground the notion of cyberethics of co-operation. The evolution of modern society has resulted in a shift from industrial society towards informational capitalism. This transformation is a multidimensional shift that affects all aspects of society. Hence also the ethical system of society is penetrated by the emergence of the knowledge society and ethical guidelines for the information age are needed. Ethical issues and conflicts in the knowledge society are connected to topics of ecological (...)
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  27. Marburger Hermeneutik.E. Fuchs - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (1):171-172.
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    Texte zu Jacobi und Fichte.Erich Fuchs - 1990 - Fichte-Studien 1:205-227.
  29. Paracelsus und wir.Martha Sills-Fuchs - 1941 - Planegg vor München,: Müller.
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    The unbearable dispersal of being: Narrativity and personal identity in borderline personality disorder.Philipp Schmidt & Thomas Fuchs - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):321-340.
    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by severe disturbances in a subject’s sense of identity. Persons with BPD suffer from recurrent feelings of emptiness, a lack of self-feeling, and painful incoherence, especially regarding their own desires, how they see and feel about others, their life goals, or the roles to which they commit themselves. Over the past decade or so, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists have turned to philosophical conceptions of selfhood to better understand the borderline-specific ruptures in the sense (...)
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    Changing the Heights of Automorphism Towers by Forcing with Souslin Trees over L.Gunter Fuchs & Joel David Hamkins - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):614 - 633.
    We prove that there are groups in the constructible universe whose automorphism towers are highly malleable by forcing. This is a consequence of the fact that, under a suitable diamond hypothesis, there are sufficiently many highly rigid non-isomorphic Souslin trees whose isomorphism relation can be precisely controlled by forcing.
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  32. Le Droit Naturel, Essai théologique.J. Fuchs - 1960
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  33. Fichte und die Berliner Aufklärung.Erich Fuchs - 2004 - In Carla De Pascale, Fichte und die Aufklärung. New York: G. Olms. pp. 53-68.
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    Dimensionen der Religiosität und Bedeutungsstruktur religiöser Konzepte.Albert Fuchs & Reinhard Oppermann - 1975 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 11 (1):260-266.
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    The concept of law (lex) in the moral and political thought of the 'School of Salamanca' / edited by Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher, and Anselm Spindler.Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher & Anselm Spindler (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    The articles in this volume offer a fresh perspective on the important role of the concept of law (lex) in the moral and political philosophy of the 'School of Salamanca'.
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  36. Overcoming dualism.Thomas Fuchs - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (2):115-117.
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    Künstler und kritiker.Carl Fuchs - 1898 - Breslau: S. Schottlaender.
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    Changing Behaviour by Adding an Option.Lukas Fuchs - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Adding an option is a neglected mechanism for bringing about behavioural change. This mechanism is distinct from nudges, which are changes in the choice architecture, and instead makes it possible to pursue republican paternalism, a unique form of paternalism in which choices are changed by expanding people's set of options. I argue that this is truly a form of paternalism (albeit a relatively soft one) and illustrate some of its manifestations in public policy, specifically public options and market creation. Furthermore, (...)
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    Pragmatics and cognition in Easy Language.Julia Fuchs - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):1-26.
    A core area of pragmatics is conversational implicatures, where speakers imply a meaning that is not part of what is literally said. Not all people have the ability to easily understand such common (implicit) forms of communication. For these people, Easy Language has been developed, i.e. a form of barrier-free communication with substantially simplified syntax and lexis. Moreover, Easy Language is based on the principle of maximum explicitness. However, the heterogeneous target groups and the different types of implicature have not (...)
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    Christian ethics in a secular arena.Josef Fuchs - 1984 - Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
  41. [no title].C. Fuchs - unknown
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    Informierte Einwilligung in der Demenzforschung. Eine qualitative Studie zum Informationsverständnis von Probanden.Holger Schütz, Bert Heinrichs, Michael Fuchs & Andreas Bauer - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (2):91-106.
    Background: Informed consent is a legal as well as ethical prerequisite in clinical research. For dementia research, informed consent can be a problem if subjects with dementia, whose capacity for understanding and thus also decision making might be limited, are to be exam- ined. This might result in exclusion of dementia patients from research, as capacity for understanding and decision making are often equated with the ability for rational decision making. However, this valuation has been criticized at times for attaching (...)
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    Exploring phenomenological interviews: questions, lessons learned and perspectives.Svetlana Sholokhova, Valeria Bizzari & Thomas Fuchs - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):1-7.
  44. A dynamic systems view of economic and political theory.Christian Fuchs & John Collier - 2007 - Theoria 54 (113):23-52.
    Economic logic impinges on contemporary political theory through both economic reductionism and economic methodology applied to political decision-making (through game theory). The authors argue that the sort of models used are based on mechanistic and linear methodologies that have now been found wanting in physics. They further argue that complexity based self-organization methods are better suited to model the complexities of economy and polity and their interactions with the overall social system.
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  45. Fichte in zeitgenössischen Rezensionen, 4 vol.E. Fuchs, Wilhelm G. Jacobs & Walter Schiele - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (1):133-136.
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  46. History of education beyond the nation' trends in historical and educational scholarship.Eckhardt Fuchs - 2014 - In Barnita Bagchi, Connecting histories of education: transnational and cross-cultural exchanges in (post-)colonial education. London: Berghahn Books.
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    Information—neither matter nor mind—on the essence and on the evolutionary stage conception of information.K. Fuchs‐Kittowski - 1997 - World Futures 50 (1):551-570.
    (1997). Information—neither matter nor mind—on the essence and on the evolutionary stage conception of information. World Futures: Vol. 50, No. 1-4, pp. 551-570.
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  48. Sprachliche Untersuchungen zu Matthaus und Lukas: Ein Beitrag zur Quellenkritik.Albert Fuchs - 1971
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  49. Wilhelm Schuppe als Rechtstheorethiker [!] und Rechtsphilosoph.Wilhelm Fuchs - 1932 - Berlin,: Dr. E. Ebering.
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    Welfare to Work: Myth and Fact, Social Inclusion and Labour Exclusion.Amir Paz-Fuchs - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (4):797-817.
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