Results for 'Jiérâi Fiala'

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  1.  8
    Analytická filosofie: první čítanka.Jiérâi Fiala & Zâapadoéceskâa Univerzita V. Plznâi (eds.) - 1999 - Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, Fakulta humanitních studií.
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  2. On the psychological origins of dualism: Dual-process cognition and the explanatory gap.Brian Fiala, Adam Arico & Shaun Nichols - 2011 - In Edward Slingerland & Mark Collard, Creating Consilience: Integrating the Sciences and the Humanities. , US: Oup Usa.
    Consciousness often presents itself as a problem for materialists because no matter which physical explanation we consider, there seems to remain something about conscious experience that hasn't been fully explained. This gives rise to an apparent explanatory gap. The explanatory gulf between the physical and the conscious is reflected in the broader population, in which dualistic intuitions abound. Drawing on recent empirical evidence, this essay presents a dual-process cognitive model of consciousness attribution. This dual-process model, we suggest, provides an important (...)
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  3. Ale vždyť to byli filozofové: filozofické apokryfy.Jiérâi Cetl - 2000 - Brno: Profil.
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  4. Příroda a kultura.Jiérâi Cetl, Stanislav Hubâik & Josef ésmajs - 1990 - Praha: Svoboda. Edited by Stanislav Hubík & Josef Šmajs.
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    Emerson and the Limits of Language.Andrew Fiala - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (3):285-302.
    This article focuses on Emerson’s emphasis on the limits of language. This emphasis is important because for Emerson self-expression in language is an essential part of the process of becoming self-reliant. Emerson thus shows us the way in which language often prevents us from becoming self-reliant. Emerson performatively shows the limits of language in an effort to inspire his audience to develop self-reliance in speaking for themselves. The article locates Emerson’s emphasis on the limits of language within the context of (...)
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  6. Reflection on refraction.J. Fiala - 1997 - Filosoficky Casopis 45 (6).
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    Sacrifice, Abandonment, and Historical Nihilism.Andrew Fiala - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 9 (1):51-70.
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    The Nature of Peace and the Peace of Nature.Andrew Fiala (ed.) - 2016
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  9. Corpus organicum: živé ve filosofickém myšlení.Jiérâi Michâalek - 2000 - Praha: Oikoymenh.
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    Úvahy o pravdivosti: sborník příspěvků.Jiérâi Nosek (ed.) - 2001 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Předpoklady literárního dorozumívání.Jiérâi Pavelka - 1998 - V Brně: Masarykova univerzita.
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    Být sám sebou: pojem identity a jeho meze.Jiérâi Pechar - 1995 - Praha: Hynek.
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  13. Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiérâi Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
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  14.  57
    The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence.Andrew Fiala (ed.) - 2018 - Routledge.
    Interest in pacifism—an idea with a long history in philosophical thought and in several religious traditions—is growing. The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence is the first comprehensive reference designed to introduce newcomers and researchers to the many varieties of pacifism and nonviolence, to their history and philosophy, and to pacifism’s most serious critiques. The volume offers 32 brand new chapters from the world’s leading experts across a diverse range of fields, who together provide a broad discussion of pacifism and (...)
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    Generating Explanatory Gaps.B. Fiala & S. Nichols - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):71-82.
    We develop a partial solution to the meta-problem of consciousness that builds on our previous psychological account of an apparent explanatory gap. Drawing from empirical work on explanatory cognition and conceptual development, we sketch a profile of cognitive systems for which primitive concepts facilitate explanatory gaps. This account predicts that there will be multiple explanatory gaps. We suggest that this is borne out by the existence of primitivist theories in multiple philosophical domains.
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  16. Nero's Fiddle: On Hope, Despair, and the Ecological Crisis.Andrew Fiala - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (1):51.
    It may appear rational to pursue short term self interest if the ecological crisis is unsolvable: it may be rational to fiddle while Rome burns. This is especially true when others are not making environmentally friendly choices and when we want to allow peole extensive liberty to make their own choices. This paper examines this problem by utilizing the prisoner's dilemma and Hardin's tragedy of the commons. It argues that voluntary solutions to the ecological crisis are not promising, while also (...)
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  17.  30
    Justice, Forgiveness, and Care: A Pragmatic Balance.Andrew Fiala - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (4):4.
    This paper argues for a pragmatic resolution to the conflict between justice and forgiveness. Authors such as Derrida, who see a paradox or aporia in the conflict between justice and forgiveness, often conceive each value in absolute terms. A pragmatic approach deemphasizes absolutism and focuses instead on pluralism and sensitivity to context. One useful example of a pragmatic approach is found in care ethics, as described by Noddings. Care ethics emphasizes the concrete specificity of relationships and the needs and interests (...)
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    L'assemblée annuelle de la Société romande de philosophie.F. Fiala - 1947 - Dialectica 1 (3):288-288.
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    Radical forgiveness and human justice.Andrew Fiala - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (3):494-506.
    The most substantial source for thinking about forgiveness is Christian ethics. Some Christians offer forgiveness even for atrocities in the absence of repentance and reparations. The paper critically examines Christian idealism about forgiveness, while looking beyond Christianity toward a humanistic approach that acknowledges the tragic conflict between forgiveness and justice. Christian forgiveness is part of a radical revaluation of values regarding the goods of this world, personal identity, and temporality. Humanistic approaches, as found in Kant and the Greeks, do not (...)
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  20. The Pacifist Tradition and Pacifism as Transformative and Critical Theory.Andrew Fiala - 2018 - The Acorn 18 (1):5-28.
    Pacifism is often painted into a corner as an absolute rejection of all violence and war. Such a dogmatic and negative formulation of pacifism does leave us with pacifism as a morally problematic position. But pacifism is not best understood as a negative claim. Nor is pacifism best understood as a singular or monistic concept. Rather, there is a “pacifist tradition” that is grounded in an affirmative claim about the importance of nonviolence, love, community building, and peaceful conflict resolution. This (...)
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    Can War Be Justified? A Debate.Andrew Fiala & Jennifer Kling - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    Can war be justified? Pacifists answer that it cannot; they oppose war and advocate for nonviolent alternatives to war. But defenders of just war theory argue that in some circumstances, when the effectiveness of nonviolence is limited, wars can be justified. -/- In this book, two philosophers debate this question, drawing on contemporary scholarship and new developments in thinking about pacifism and just war theory. Andrew Fiala defends the pacifist position, while Jennifer Kling defends just war traditions. Fiala (...)
  22. Toleration and Pragmatism.Andrew Gordon Fiala - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (2):103 - 116.
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    Progress and Meliorism: Making Progress in Thinking about Progress.Andrew Fiala - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 15 (1):28-50.
    There is no grand narrative or master plan for historical progress. Contemporary discussions of progress and enlightenment reflect an improved version of an old debate, which has progressed beyond older debates about metaphysical optimism and pessimism. Responding to recent work by John Gray, Steven Pinker, and others, this paper describes meliorism as a middle path between optimism and pessimism. Meliorism is pragmatic, humanistic, secular, and historically grounded. The epistemic modesty of meliorism develops out of understanding the long history of debates (...)
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  24.  35
    On Thinking Globally and Acting Locally.Andrew Fiala - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (1):37-56.
    This paper considers the extent to which we already live in a cosmopolitan era. Resurgent nationalism is explained as a reactionary response to the success of cosmopolitanization. Cosmopolitanization is further explained as a dialectical process. Contemporary cosmopolitanism emerges against the backdrop of Eurocentric globalization associated with the colonial era. While the Eurocentric legacy must be rejected, it has left us with a cosmopolitan world. Other dialectical processes emerge in consideration of the importance of local and multicultural issues. Cosmopolitanization is a (...)
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    Filosofie.Jiérâi Fuchs - 1993 - Praha: Československá provincie Řádu bratří kazatelů.
    v. 1. Úvod do filosofie. 1. Filosofická logika.
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  26. Únos Európy: mýtus--divertimento k filozofii dějin.Jiérâi Néemec - 1994 - Praha: Dauphin.
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    Konvence ve vědě a filosofii: sborniḱ příspěvků.Jiérâi Nosek (ed.) - 2000 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Criticizing common sense about war and posthumous harm.Andrew Fiala - unknown
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  29. Civility, ethical democracy, and the Pacific faith.Andrew Fiala - 2019 - In Amin Asfari, Civility, Nonviolent Resistance, and the New Struggle for Social Justice. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Marcus Aurelius. A Guide for the Perplexed, by William O. Stephens.Andrew Fiala - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (2):458-462.
  31. Pacifism and just war theory after 9/11.Andrew Fiala - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
  32.  20
    Peace, Love, & Happiness.Andrew Fiala - 2014 - Philosophy Now 105:14-15.
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    Religious freedom in Fresno.Andrew Fiala - unknown
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    The Dawning of Desire.Andrew Fiala - 2003 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 16:51-64.
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    Timing implications of metabotropic mechanisms for cerebellar learning.John C. Fiala & Daniel Bullock - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):445-447.
    A major theme of the systems physiologists is the critical timing function of the cerebellum. However, the biophysicists do not appear to directly address the biophysical basis of the adaptive timing competence implicated in the physiological and behavioral data. Thus, the bridge between the macroscopic and microscopic data bases seems to be incomplete in a critical area. We report successful results from an attempt to add the missing part of the bridge. It comes in the form of a model of (...)
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    The Peace of Nature and the Nature of Peace: Essays on Ecology, Nature, Nonviolence, and Peace.Andrew Fiala (ed.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    The _Peace of Nature and the Nature of Peace_ is a collection of philosophical essays that provides critical reflection on nonviolence, ecology, environmental ethics, and the philosophy of peace.
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    The Philosopher's Voice: Philosophy, Politics, and Language in the Nineteenth Century.Andrew Fiala - 2002 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Explores the relationship between philosophy and politics in the work of Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Marx._.
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  38.  32
    Twenty Years of Philosophy in the Contemporary World.Andrew Fiala & José-Antonio Orosco - 2013 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 20 (2):87-101.
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    Výška, šířka, hloubka, čas: vybrané meditace filosofické.Jiří Fiala - 2013 - [Nymburk]: O.P.S.. Edited by Michal V. Hanzelín.
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    A Critical Utopia for Our Time: Discussing Star Trek’s Philosophy of Peace and Justice.Andrew Fiala, Jennifer Kling & Joseph Orosco - 2022 - The Acorn 22 (1):33-56.
    A discussion of José-Antonio Orosco’s new book, Star Trek’s Philosophy of Peace and Justice: A Global, Anti-Racist Approach. Orosco has been finding wisdom in Star Trek episodes since he watched late night reruns with his mother. Then, recently, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek’s debut, Orosco began to teach the series as source material for peace philosophy. Philosophical concepts can be brought to bear on Star Trek stories; but Orosco argues that the stories also assert philosophical meanings (...)
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  41.  16
    Tyranny From Plato to Trump: Fools, Sycophants, and Citizens.Andrew Fiala - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Power grabs, partisan stand-offs, propaganda, and riots make for tantalizing fiction, but the US seems to have devolved into a land that celebrates real-life dictators. Applying historical lessons to contemporary events, Fiala uses the history of tyranny to reveal how we can safeguard ourselves against the draw of idealogues and their sycophants.
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    Analytická filosofie: první čítanka.Jiří Fiala (ed.) - 1999 - Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, Fakulta humanitních studií.
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    Defusing fear : A critical response to the war on terrorism.Andrew Fiala - 2005 - In Timothy Shanahan, Philosophy 9/11: Thinking About the War on Terrorism. Open Court.
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    General Patton and Private Ryan: the conflicting reality of war and films about war.Andrew Fiala - 2014 - In David LaRocca, The philosophy of war films. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
    From The Philosophy of War Films, page 335-354, available online: Copyright?? 2014 by University of Kentucky Press.
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    Genetic predilections and predispositions for the development of shamanism.Jacob A. Fiala & Frederick L. Coolidge - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  46. Peace & Hope in Dark Times.Andrew Fiala & Sahar Fard (eds.) - 2023
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    Peace and Hope in Dark Times.Andrew Fiala & Sahar Heydari Fard (eds.) - 2023 - Brill.
    The essays collected here offer original insight into the problem of hope and the philosophy of peace. The essays offer hopeful reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic, recent challenges to democratic norms, climate change, and other emerging threats.
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  48.  58
    Terrorism and the Philosophy of History.Andrew Fiala - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (3):329-341.
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  49.  36
    Team Spirit, Team Chemistry, and Neuroethics.Andrew Fiala - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):357-369.
    This paper examines the phenomenon of team spirit from a neurobiological point of view. It argues that ethical judgment should be involved in understanding and evaluating the idea. Adopting a liberal individualist point of view helps us understand the phenomenology of team spirit, while also helping us to articulate a critique of communitarian approaches that celebrate the sort of de-individuation that occurs in team spirit. The paper recognizes further complexity in terms of cross-cultural issues, as well as the tendency to (...)
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    Tragic Wisdom, Vigilance, and the Tyrant’s Return.Andrew Fiala - 2022 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 28 (2):58-69.
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