Results for 'Jerry Brown'

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  1. Entheogens in Christian Art: Wasson, Allegro and the Psychedelic Gospels.Jerry Brown & Julie M. Brown - 2019 - Journal of Psychedelic Studies 3 (2):142-163.
    In light of new historical evidence regarding ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson’s correspondence with art historian Erwin Panofsky, this article provides an in-depth analysis of the presence of entheogenic mushroom images in Christian art within the context of the controversy between Wasson and philologist John Marco Allegro over the identification of a Garden of Eden fresco in the 12th century Chapel of Plaincourault in France. It reveals a compelling financial motive for Wasson’s refusal to acknowledge that this fresco represents Amanita muscaria, (...)
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  2. The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity.Jerry B. Brown & Julie M. Brown - 2016 - Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press / Inner Traditions.
    hroughout medieval Christianity, religious works of art emerged to illustrate the teachings of the Bible for the largely illiterate population. What, then, is the significance of the psychoactive mushrooms hiding in plain sight in the artwork and icons of many European and Middle-Eastern churches? Does Christianity have a psychedelic history? -/- Providing stunning visual evidence from their anthropological journey throughout Europe and the Middle East, including visits to Roslyn Chapel and Chartres Cathedral, authors Julie and Jerry Brown document (...)
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    Dialogues.Jerry Brown - 1998
    The former California governor offers a collection of personal conversations--exploratory, thoughtful, passionate, and richly anecdotal--between himself and 22 of the men and women whose ideas and work have shaped his vision. Exploring such issues as political reform, globalization, the environment, and the arts and spirituality, this is a book to "wake people up" to conditions that are destroying our society and our world.
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  4. Sacred Plants and the Gnostic Church: Speculations on Entheogen-Use in Early Christian Ritual.Jerry B. Brown & Matthew Lupu - 2014 - Journal of Ancient History 2 (1):64-77.
    Abstract: It is the aim of this paper to establish a temporal and cultural link between entheogen-use1 in Classical mystery cults and their possible use in a segment of the early Christian Gnostic Church. As early Christianity was heavily influenced by the Classical world in which it first developed, it is essential to examine the evidence of entheogen-use within Classical mystery cults, and explore their possible influence on the development of Christian ritual. We will first present textual evidence from the (...)
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    Men with Green Pens. Lives of the Great Writers on Plants in Early Times. Louise Bush-Brown.Jerry Stannard - 1967 - Isis 58 (2):260-261.
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    Enigmas of Evolution.Jerry Adler & John Carey - unknown
    n 1902, 70 million years after it tripped lightly through the Mesozoic forests in search of meat, the skeleton of a 20-foothightyrannosaurus was dynamited out of a sandstone bluff near Hell Creek, Mont. Wrapped in burlap and plaster and shipped back to New York, the bones were painstakingly reassembled by fossil curator Barnum Brown of the American Museum of Natural History. It was there, one day in 1947, that they happened to scare the bejesus out of 5-year-old Stephen Jay (...)
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    interviewed by Jerry Brown.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    During my campaign for president in 1992, I experienced for the first time the full weight of the money-media system of control. Having been so much a part of that system, I had not fully grasped the radical dominance of politics by the top one percent and the complicit role of the media. All this became clear once I swore off donations above $100 and refused to attend the sacred rite of endless political fund raising with the wealthy. This made (...)
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    The Puzzle of Names in Ockham's Theory of Mental Language.Deborah J. Brown - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (1):79 - 99.
    There is a tension within Ockham's theory of mental language between its claim to being a semantics for conventional languages and its claim to being a model of concept acquisition and thought. In particular, the commitment to a redundancy-free mental language which serves to explain important semantic relations such as synonymy and ambiguity conflicts, _prima facie, with the possibility of opaque belief contexts. I argue that it is preferable to treat the theory of mental language as an idealized theory of (...)
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  9. Cognitive versatility.Derek Browne - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (4):507-23.
    Jerry Fodor divides the mind into peripheral, domain-specific modules and a domaingeneral faculty of central cognition. John Tooby and Lisa Cosmides argue instead that the mind is modular all the way through; cognition consists of a multitude of domain-specific processes. But human thought has a flexible, innovative character that contrasts with the inflexible, stereotyped performances of modular systems. My goal is to discover how minds that are constructed on modular principles might come to exhibit cognitive versatility.Cognitive versatility is exhibited (...)
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    Implementing California's Law on Assisted Dying.Ruchika Mishra - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (2):7-8.
    On October 5, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown approved bill ABX2 15, the End of Life Option Act, making California the fifth state in the country to allow physician-assisted dying. The law was modeled after Oregon's 1997 Death with Dignity Act. When the legislative special session ended on March 10, 2016, California health care providers had only ninety days to respond to the state mandate before the law would take effect, on June 9, 2016. Experience with the law so (...)
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  11. Imagery.Ned Joel Block (ed.) - 1981 - MIT Press.
    The "great debate" in cognitive science today is about the nature of mental images. One side says images are basically pictures in the head. The other side says they are like the symbol structures in computers. If the picture-in-the-head theorists are right, then computers will never be able to think like people.This book contains the most intelligible and incisive articles in the debate, articles by cognitive psychologists, computer scientists and philosophers. The most exciting imagery phenomena are described, phenomena that indicate (...)
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  12. Hypnotic suggestibility, cognitive inhibition, and dissociation.Zoltán Dienes, Elizabeth Brown, Sam Hutton, Irving Kirsch, Giuliana Mazzoni & Daniel B. Wright - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):837-847.
    We examined two potential correlates of hypnotic suggestibility: dissociation and cognitive inhibition. Dissociation is the foundation of two of the major theories of hypnosis and other theories commonly postulate that hypnotic responding is a result of attentional abilities . Participants were administered the Waterloo-Stanford Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form C. Under the guise of an unrelated study, 180 of these participants also completed: a version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale that is normally distributed in non-clinical populations; a latent inhibition (...)
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  13. The ethics and economics of the minimum wage.T. M. Wilkinson - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (2):351-374.
    This paper develops a normative evaluation of the minimum wage in the light of recent evidence and theory about its effects. It argues that the minimum wage should be evaluated using a consequentialist criterion that gives priority to the jobs and incomes of the worst off. This criterion would be accepted by many different types of consequentialism, especially given the two major views about what the minimum wage does. One is that the minimum wage harms the jobs and incomes of (...)
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    Rehearsal in animal conditioning.Allan R. Wagner, Jerry W. Rudy & Jesse W. Whitlow - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):407.
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    Reasons, Justification, and Defeat.Jessica Brown & Mona Simion (eds.) - 2021 - Oxford Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume is about the notion of 'defeat' in philosophy. The idea is that someone who has some knowledge, or a justified belief, can lose this knowledge or justified belief if they acquire a 'defeater' - evidence that undermines it. The contributors examine the role of defeat not just in epistemology but in practical reasoning and ethics.
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    What's wrong with imperialism?Christopher W. Morris - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):153-166.
    Imperialism is thought to be wrong by virtually everyone today. The consensus may be correct. However, there may be a few good things to be said for empire. More importantly for political philosophy, empires are not harder to justify or legitimate than states, or so I argue. The bad press that empires receive seems due to a methodological suspect comparison of nasty empires to nice states. When nice empires are considered they do not fare much worse than (nice) states. I (...)
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    Exploring Research Potentials and Applications for Multi-stakeholder Learning Dialogues.Stephen L. Payne & Jerry M. Calton - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):71-78.
    Varying conceptions of and purposes for dialogue exist. Recent dialogic theorists and advocates urge exploration of forms of dialogue for learning and applying relational responsibilities within stakeholder networks. A related phenomenon has been the recent emergence of multi-stakeholder dialogues that involve parties significantly affected by major issues or concerns, such as environmental sustainability, that have complex and wide-spread implications. The extent to which these recent multi-stakeholder dialogues assume anything resembling the relationship or caring and the learning potentials of dialogic goals (...)
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  18. What Are Hybrid Languages?Patrick Blackburn & Jerry Seligman - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 41-62.
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  19. On Social Structure.A. R. Radcliffe-Brown - 1940 - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 70 (1).
    Advocates anthropology as a science focused on social structure.
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    Concepts and Stereotypes Georges Key.Louise Antony Adler, Jerry Fodor, David Israel & Michael Lipton - 1999 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.), Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press.
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    Intentionality, theoreticity and innateness.Deborah Zaitchik & Jerry Samet - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):87-89.
  22.  63
    Plato's Vision of Chaos.Jerry S. Clegg - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):52-.
    In the creation myth of the Timaeus Plato describes God as wishing that all things should be good so far as is possible. Wherefore, finding the whole visible sphere of the world not at rest, but moving in an irregular fashion, out of disorder He brought order, thinking that this was in every way an improvement. To achieve His end He placed intelligence in soul and soul in body, reflecting that nothing unintelligent could ever be better than something intelligent . (...)
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  23. Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities.David Bell & Gill Valentine (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Discover the truth about sex in the city (and the country). Mapping Desire explores the places and spaces of sexuality from body to community, from the "cottage" to the Barrio, from Boston to Jakarta, from home to cyberspace. Mapping Desire is the first book to explore sexualities from a geographical perspective. The nature of place and notions of space are of increasing centrality to cultural and social theory. Mapping Desires presents the rich and diverse world of contemporary sexuality, exploring how (...)
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    Conceptual Systems.Harold I. Brown - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    New concepts are constantly being introduced into our thinking. _Conceptual Systems_ explores how these new concepts are entered into our systems along with sufficient continuity with older ideas to ensure understanding. The encyclopedic breadth of this text highlights the many different aspects and disciplines that together present an insightful view into the various theories of concepts. Harold Brown, a reputable author in the philosophy of science examines several historically influential theories of concepts as well as presenting a clear view (...)
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    Eliciting, interpreting and developing teachers' understandings of the nature of science.Mick Nott & Jerry Wellington - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (6):579-594.
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    Unspoken Rules: Resolving Underdetermination With Closure Principles.Shaun Nichols & Jerry Gaus - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2735-2756.
    When people learn normative systems, they do so based on limited evidence. Many of the possible actions that are available to an agent have never been explicitly permitted or prohibited. But people will often need to figure out whether those unspecified actions are permitted or prohibited. How does a learner resolve this incompleteness? The learner might assume if an action-type is not expressly forbidden, then acts of that type are permitted. This closure principle is one of Liberty. Alternatively, the learner (...)
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    Semiotics of complex systems and emergence within a simple cell.Jerry Lr Chandler - 1999 - Semiotica 125 (1-3):87-106.
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    An integrated perspective on the relation between response speed and intelligence.Don van Ravenzwaaij, Scott Brown & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):381-393.
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    Self-Predication and Linguistic Reference in Plato's Theory of the Forms.Jerry S. Clegg - 1973 - Phronesis 18 (1):26-43.
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    What States Can Do to Address Out-of-Network Air Ambulance Bills.Erin C. Fuse Brown, Alex McDonald & Ngan T. Nguyen - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):462-473.
    Out-of-network air ambulance bills are a pernicious and financially devastating type of surprise medical bill. Courts have broadly interpreted the Airline Deregulation Act to preempt most state attempts to regulate air ambulance billing abuses, so a federal solution is ultimately needed. However, in the absence of a federal fix, states have experimented with a variety of approaches that may survive preemption and provide some protections for their citizens.
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    Viability Analysis of Fisheries Management on Hermaphrodite Population.A. Ferchichi, M. Jerry & S. Ben Miled - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (3):355-369.
    We study the viability domains of bio-economic constraints for fishing model of hermaphrodite population, displaying three stages, juvenile, female and male. The dynamic of this model is subject to two constraints: an ecological constraint ensuring the stock perennity, and an economic constraint ensuring a minimum revenue for fishermen. Using viability kernel, we find out a viability domain which simultaneously guarantees a minimum stock level and a minimum income for fleets.
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    Freud and the 'homeric' mind.Jerry S. Clegg - 1974 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 17 (1-4):445 – 456.
    In spite of claims made by Freud himself and others in his behalf that psychoanalysis rests on clinical investigations alone, free of historical influence, there is good reason to believe that Freud's work belongs to the mainstream of Western intellectual history. His theories on the psychology of artistic creation, for instance, indicate that he was deeply influenced by Nietzsche but was moved to quarrel with him in behalf of even older contentions which date back to Plato. The very structure of (...)
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  33.  84
    Mann contra Nietzsche.Jerry S. Clegg - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (1):157-164.
    : The purpose of this article is two fold: to correct a frequent misinterpretation of Nietzsche's account of the relationship between the gods Dionysos and Apollo, and to then clarify the position adopted by Thomas Mann in his novella Death in Venice. The argument is that far from simply borrowing a theme from The Birth of Tragedy, Mann takes issue with Nietzsche's call for the abandonment of modernity in favor of a return to the "tragic age" of the Greeks.
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    Nietzsche and the ascent of man in a cyclical cosmos.Jerry S. Clegg - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (1):81-93.
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    Nietzsche's Gods in The Birth of Tragedy.Jerry S. Clegg - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (4):431-438.
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    Nietzsche's Gods in the "Birth of Tragedy".Jerry G. Clegg - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (4):431.
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    On grading labels.Jerry S. Clegg - 1966 - Mind 75 (297):138-140.
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    Symptoms.Jerry S. Clegg - 1972 - Analysis 32 (3):90 - 98.
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    Some artistic uses of truths and lies.Jerry S. Clegg - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):43-47.
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    Verdicts.Jerry S. Clegg - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):75-82.
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  41. What Magellan's Voyage Didn't Prove or Why the Earth Is Flat.Jerry S. Clegg - 1974 - Analysis 35 (2):46 - 48.
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    Stereotyped personality trait ratings of concrete and “typical” stimulus persons.Jerry N. Conover, George Edw Seymour, Melvin H. Marx & Monica M. Moore - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (6):400-402.
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    Aljamiado Texte.Jerry R. Craddock & Reinhold Kontzi - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):493.
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    The absurdity of rebellion.Jerry L. Curtis - 1972 - Man and World 5 (3):335-348.
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    The Metaphysical Quality of the Tragic: A Study of Sophocles, Giraudoux and Sartre (review).Jerry Curtis - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):438-439.
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    Excerpt from an article comparing the work of Lewis and Chesterton.Jerry Daniel - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (3/4):514-514.
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    Causation and Types of Necessity. [REVIEW]Harold Chapman Brown - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (24):664-666.
  48. On the Logic of the Social Sciences.Shierry Weber Nicholsen & Jerry A. Stark - 1991 - Ethics 101 (2):413-415.
    For two decades the German edition of this book has been a standard reference point for students of the philosophy of the social sciences in Germany. Today it still stands as a unique and masterful guide to the major problems and possibilities in this field.On the Logic of the Social Sciences foreshadowed the direction in which methodological discussions have traveled since it appeared and anticipated the problems they presently face. Habermas's statement of the principal issues is concise and elegant, and (...)
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    The Love Aesthetics of Maurice Sceve. Poetry and Struggle.Cynthia Skenazi & Jerry C. Nash - 1992 - Substance 21 (1):145.
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    From the tower to the pews: A call for academic theology to re-engage with the local context.Jonathan M. Womack & Jerry Pillay - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):8.
    This article assesses the shortcomings and the disconnectedness of the current academic theological education in South Africa. It offers a brief history to provide a guiding principle for academic theology. It then proceeds to show the current disconnect and challenges between academic theology and the church, with its primary focus on academic theology. Drawing on original research and reflection on these responses, commodification, euro-centricity and rankings are seen as three traps of modern academics. These three areas have distorted the true (...)
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