Results for 'Jay Murphy'

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  1.  50
    Hegel. [REVIEW]Jay Murphy - 1996 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 14 (14):25-31.
  2.  27
    Adaptability and Social Support: Examining Links With Psychological Wellbeing Among UK Students and Non-students.Andrew J. Holliman, Daniel Waldeck, Bethany Jay, Summayah Murphy, Emily Atkinson, Rebecca J. Collie & Andrew Martin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this multi-study article was to investigate the roles of adaptability and social support in predicting a variety of psychological outcomes. Data were collected from Year 12 college students, university students, and non-studying members of the general public. Findings showed that, beyond variance attributable to social support, adaptability made a significant independent contribution to psychological wellbeing and psychological distress across all studies. Beyond the effects of adaptability, social support was found to make a significant independent contribution to most (...)
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    Flesh of My Flesh: The Ethics of Cloning Humans a Reader.Gregory E. Pence, George Annas, Stephen Jay Gould, George Johnson, Axel Kahn, Leon Kass, Philip Kitcher, R. C. Lewontin, Gilbert Meilaender, Timothy F. Murphy, National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Chief Justice John Roberts & James D. Watson - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Flesh of My Flesh is a collection of articles by today's most respected scientists, philosophers, bioethicists, theologians, and law professors about whether we should allow human cloning. It includes historical pieces to provide background for the current debate. Religious, philosophical, and legal points of view are all represented.
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  4. Explanation constrains learning, and prior knowledge constrains explanation.Joseph Jay Williams & Tania Lombrozo - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
    A great deal of research has demonstrated that learning is influenced by the learner’s prior background knowledge (e.g. Murphy, 2002; Keil, 1990), but little is known about the processes by which prior knowledge is deployed. We explore the role of explanation in deploying prior knowledge by examining the joint effects of eliciting explanations and providing prior knowledge in a task where each should aid learning. Three hypotheses are considered: that explanation and prior knowledge have independent and additive effects on (...)
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  5. Religion in state schools.Elysia Murphy - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):1.
    Murphy, Elysia Government funds should not be used to endorse religion in state schools. The presence of chaplains and scripture teachers in public schools diminishes the secularity of the state school system. Given the plethora of faith-based schools for families seeking a religious education, it is not unreasonable for non-religious families to expect a secular education from the government sector.
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    Critical Theory and Social Organization.John W. Murphy - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (117):93-111.
    Critical Theory is usually associated with an intellectual tradition which emerged from the work of a group of social philosophers who coalesced around the Institute for Social Research, established in Frankfurt in 1923. This tradition is now considered to have two major branches: the first related to the work of Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Leo Lowenthal, and Walter Benjamin, while the second pertains to the expansion of this original work which has been proffered by Jürgen Habermas, (...)
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    The Social Philosophy of Agnes Heller.John Burnheim (ed.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
    Contents: John BURNHEIM: Introduction. Mihály VAJDA: A Lover of Philosophy - A Lover of Europe. Phillippe DESPOIX: On the Possibility of a Philosophy of Values. A Dialogue within the Budapest School. Martin JAY: Women in Dark Times: Agnes Heller and Hannah Arendt. Johann P. ARNASON: The Human Condition and the Modern Predicament. Richard J. BERNSTEIN: Agnes Heller: Philosophy, Rational Utopia and Praxis. Zygmunt BAUMAN: Narrating Modernity. Peter BEILHARZ: Theories of History - Agnes Heller and R.G. Collingwood. Richard WOLIN: Heller's Theory (...)
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    Why We Should Reject the Restrictive Isomorphic Matching Definition of Empathy.Brett A. Murphy, Scott O. Lilienfeld & Sara B. Algoe - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (3):167-181.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 167-181, July 2022. A growing cadre of influential scholars has converged on a circumscribed definition of empathy as restricted only to feeling the same emotion that one perceives another is feeling. We argue that this restrictive isomorphic matching definition is deeply problematic because it deviates dramatically from traditional conceptualizations of empathy and unmoors the construct from generations of scientific research and clinical practice; insistence on an isomorphic form undercuts much of the functional value (...)
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  9. Are God’s Hands Tied By Logic?Benjamin Murphy - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
    If logic binds all reality, it would appear that God must be bound by logic. Swinburne argues that logic binds only actual human sentences. His case rests on an argument against Platonism, and the assertion that contradictions are incoherent. I argue that logic binds any possible language and so places a significant limit on God’s actions, that one need not be a Platonist to hold this, and that contradictions are not incoherent. I conclude that if God is an agent, his (...)
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  10. Cognitive And Moral Obstacles To Imputation.Jeffrie Murphy - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    We often impute responsibility to others for the purpose of retributive punishment - sometimes hoping that they receive the level of suffering proportional to what Kant calls their "inner wickedness". But do we know enough to do this without reckless error? Are we morally pure enough to do this without hypocrisy? The present essay explores these two questions. Oftmals rechnen wir anderen Verantwortlichkeit zu, um durch Strafe Vergeltung zu üben - und dies manchmal in der Hoffnung, daß ihnen gerade der (...)
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    Francis Crick’s Deliberately Provocative Reductionism.Paul Austin Murphy - 2019 - Philosophy Now 130:12-13.
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  12. Prodigal nation : September 11 and the American Jeremiad.Andrew R. Murphy - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan, The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Trilogy of Resistance.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    With _Trilogy of Resistance_, the political philosopher Antonio Negri extends his intervention in contemporary politics and culture into a new medium: drama. The three plays collected for the first time in this volume dramatize the central concepts of the innovative and influential thought he has articulated in his best-selling books _Empire_ and _Multitude_, coauthored with Michael Hardt. In the tradition of Bertolt Brecht and Heiner Müller, Negri’s political dramas are designed to provoke debate around the fundamental questions they raise about (...)
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  14. Imagination in science.Alice Murphy - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12836.
    While discussions of the imagination have been limited in philosophy of science, this is beginning to change. In recent years, a vast literature on imagination in science has emerged. This paper surveys the current field, including the changing attitudes towards the scientific imagination, the fiction view of models, how the imagination can lead to knowledge and understanding, and the value of different types of imagination. It ends with a discussion of the gaps in the current literature, indicating avenues for future (...)
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  15. Cognitive Science and the Evolution of Religion.Nancey Murphy - 2009 - In Jeffrey Schloss & Michael J. Murray, The believing primate: scientific, philosophical, and theological reflections on the origin of religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 265.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001788504; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 265-277.; Physical Description: diag ; Language(s): English; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay.
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    Natural language syntax complies with the free-energy principle.Elliot Murphy, Emma Holmes & Karl Friston - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-35.
    Natural language syntax yields an unbounded array of hierarchically structured expressions. We claim that these are used in the service of active inference in accord with the free-energy principle (FEP). While conceptual advances alongside modelling and simulation work have attempted to connect speech segmentation and linguistic communication with the FEP, we extend this program to the underlying computations responsible for generating syntactic objects. We argue that recently proposed principles of economy in language design—such as “minimal search” criteria from theoretical syntax—adhere (...)
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    Serial and strategic memory processes in goal-directed selective remembering.Dillon H. Murphy, Shawn T. Schwartz & Alan D. Castel - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105178.
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  18. Political psychology in the digital (mis)information age: a model of news belief and sharing.Jay Van Bavel, Elizabeth Harris, Philip Pärnamets, Steve Rathje, Kimberly Doell & Joshua Tucker - 2021 - Social Issues and Policy Review 15 (1):84–113.
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    Letters.Paul Bennett, Simon Murphy & Douglas Carroll - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (2):180-181.
  20. Natural Cereals.Norman E. Bowie & Patrick E. Murphy - forthcoming - Business Ethics:477.
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  21. Takeuchi Yoshimi: displacing the west.Richard F. Calichman, Joseph A. Murphy, David G. Goodman, Shu-Ning Sciban, Fred Edwards, Robert J. Antony, Jane Kate Leonard, Pilwun Shih Wang, Sarah Wang & Kim Su-Young - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  22. Тип: Статья в журнале-научная статья язык: Английский том: 13 номер: 2 год: 1999 страницы: 168-180 цит. В ринц®: 0.Leslie Cannold, Timothy F. Murphy, James A. Humber, Robert F. Almeder & Peter Baume - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (2):168-180.
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    Universities and Innovation Economies: The Creative Wasteland of Post-Industrial Society.Peter Murphy - 2015 - Routledge.
    Universities and Innovation Economies examines the rise and fall of the mass university and post-industrial society, considering how we might revitalize economic and intellectual creativity. Looking to a much more inventive social and economic paradigm to drive long-term growth, the author argues for a smaller, leaner, more effective university model - one capable of delivering a greater degree of high-level discovery and creative power.
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    : The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance, and Effective Altruism.Peter Murphy - 2024 - Ethics 135 (1):213-217.
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    ‘Yr Beast’: Gender Parrhesia and Punk Trans Womanhoods.Jay Szpilka - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):119-134.
    While the subject of women’s activity in historical and contemporary punk scenes has attracted significant attention, the presence of trans women in punk has received comparatively little research, in spite of their increasing visibility and long history in punk. This article examines the conditions for trans women’s entrance in punk and the challenges and opportunities that it offers for their self-assertion. By linking Michel Foucault’s notion of parrhesia with the way trans women in punk do their gender, an attempt is (...)
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    Introduction.Patrick E. Murphy, Debbie Thorne LeClair & Peggy H. Cunningham - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):235-235.
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    The fallacies of flatness: Thomas Friedman's the world is flat.Kathleen Knight Abowitz & Jay Roberts - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (3):471–481.
    Thomas Friedman’s best-selling The World is Flat has exerted much influence in the west by providing both an accessible analysis of globalisation and its economic and social effects, and a powerful cultural metaphor for globalisation. In this review, we more closely examine Friedman’s notion of the social contract, the moral centre of his hopeful vision of a globalised world. While Friedman’s social contract holds a more generous view of social and state obligation than his neoliberal economic analysis might otherwise allow, (...)
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    Reviews & discussions.Ralph R. Acampora, Jay L. Garfield, Rachael Kohn, Winifred Wing Han Lamb, Peter Wong Yih Jiun, Andrew Kelley & V. L. Krishnamoorthy - 1997 - Sophia 36 (2):136-159.
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    Systems of Pain/Networks of Resilience.Meghan Moe Beitiks & Katie Murphy - 2020 - World Futures 76 (5-7):375-382.
    Systems of Pain/Networks of Resilience is a transcript of a video, a chapter in an interdisciplinary research project. Artist Meghan Moe Beitiks interviewed people with personal or pro...
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    Psychology, health promotion and aesthemiology. Paper one: Social cognition models as a framework for health promotion: necessary, but not sufficient.P. Bennett, S. Murphy & D. Carroll - 1995 - Health Care Analysis: Hca: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):15.
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  31. Spirit Fruit: A Gentle Utopia.H. Roger Grant & James L. Murphy - 1991 - Utopian Studies 2 (1):193-195.
  32. Teacher Beliefs, Perceptions of Behavior Problems, and Intervention Preferences.Rick Jay Short & Paula M. Short - 1989 - Journal of Social Studies Research 13 (2):28-33.
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    The Know‐How of Virtue.Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):530-548.
    It is widely accepted that virtuous behaviour ought to be motivated in the right way, done for the right reasons, and an appropriate response to the values manifested in a situation. In this article I describe how cases of individuals having poor understanding of the reasons for their behaviour, can nevertheless be conducive to the development of virtue. One way in which giving reasons for one's own behaviour can be inaccurate is when the reasons given are confabulatory. In confabulation, the (...)
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    Attacking the Roots.Bin Jiang & Patrick J. Murphy - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:135-145.
    This case examines management underpinnings of conducting socially purposeful business in contexts where the labor conditions and ethics are questionable. Shiraishi Garments Company was a Japanese entrepreneurial venture in the clothing industry that evolved into a highlysuccesssful multinational company. After its supply chain had extended into China, some ethical labor issues emerged. The decision point is focused squarely on the company’s CEO, who must deal with conflicting forces stemming from his personal values and professional responsibilities. In exploring the issues, the (...)
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    Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature.Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Jay Schwartz & Joseph Turner (eds.) - 2008 - Brill.
    This volume contains essays dealing with complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity, taking a bold step, assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as either rejection or appropriation.
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    A Concordance to the Critique of Pure Reason.John A. Reuscher & Jay Reuscher - 1996 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    The Concordance is designed around units of philosophical sense whose limits in the text are indicated to the line. Unlike research tools based merely on the occurrence of key words (e.g., cause), it provides precise and complete information about not only the location but also the diversity of content in all the items covered by its survey. Furthermore it provides the capability for tracing the family of topics to which a particular text may belong. In short, the Concordance tells you (...)
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  37. Quantum Physics and Divine Action.R. J. Russell, N. Murphy & C. J. Isham (eds.) - 2001 - Vatican Observatory Publications.
  38. Three Essays in Philosophy and Law.Martin Jay Stone - 1996 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    These essays take up contemporary debates concerning the rationality of legal and political institutions. Roberto Unger proposes a "politics of modernism"--a politics appropriate to the historical experience that Nietzsche calls "nihilism" and identifies as the re-grounding of all values in human will. Unger's aim is to heighten the artificiality, plasticity or revisability of all social arrangements, so that the self may perpetually overcome its context. But such an attempt to give the idea of self-overcoming a political translation threatens to be (...)
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    HIV/AIDS as Business Risk.Jay van Wyk - 2012 - Business and Society 51 (2):263-309.
    This article utilizes a political system framework to trace the political sources of business risk stemming from the unfolding HIV/AIDS generalized epidemic in South Africa. The article integrates relevant dimensions of the fields of international business and political science to facilitate the assessment of such risks for firms. Risk formation and updating is a sequential process. The conditions from which business risk emerges, the politicization of the generalized (i.e., widespread) epidemic through boundary-crossing activities, and “inputs” are explored. The transformation of (...)
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    Lemmon-style bases for the systems s1⚬ - s4⚬.J. Jay Zeman - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (3):458 - 461.
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    The semisubstitutivity of strict implication.J. Jay Zeman - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (3):462-464.
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    The Apostle of “Common Sense”: The Historical Roots of Duhem’s Distinction between Physics and Metaphysics.Claire Murphy - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (2):554-571.
    Pierre Duhem’s 1905 essay “Physics of a Believer” is generally read as proposing a neat separation between metaphysics and physics as two fields that have little to nothing in common: some things will be the subject of metaphysics and some of physics, but nothing will fall under the purview of both. In this article, I advance a more nuanced interpretation of Duhem’s understanding of the differences between physics and metaphysics by drawing on his notion of “common sense” and highlighting the (...)
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  43. Consciousness: No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed.Ken Knisely, Jay Lambert, Peter Caws & Floyd Tesmer - forthcoming - DVD.
    So who is that behind the face in the mirror? Better yet, what is that? What is the uncanny sense that one is an experiencing agent, a reflecting self? Can we explain consciousness? With Jay Lambert, Peter Caws, and Floyd Tesmer.
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  44. Arthur Peacocke's naturalistic Christian faith for the twenty-first century: A brief introduction.Nancey Murphy - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):67-73.
    Abstract.This article is a brief overview and positive assessment of Arthur Peacocke's essay “A Naturalistic Christian Faith for the Twenty‐First Century.” Here Peacocke further develops his panentheist account of God and provides significant reinterpretations of a number of Christian doctrines using the concept of emergent levels of complex reality with downward efficacy on their constituents.
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  45. A neo-Calvinist sociology : John Carroll's metaphysical modernity.Peter Murphy - 2018 - In Sara James, Metaphysical Sociology: On the Work of John Carroll. New York: Routledge.
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    Anglo‐American Postmodernity: A Response to Clayton and Robbins.Nancey Murphy - 1998 - Zygon 33 (3):475-480.
    In Anglo‐American Postmodernity I call attention to recent intellectual shifts in epistemology (from foundationalism to holism), philosophy of language (from reference to use), and metaphysics (from reductionism to nonreductionism), and pursue the consequences of these changes for science, theology, and ethics. Wesley Robbins criticizes the book for making overly optimistic claims for the intellectual status of theology; Philip Clayton criticizes it for giving up the quest for general standards of rational progress. Both criticisms miss the mark in not taking on (...)
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    Blanshard on good in general.Arthur E. Murphy - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (2):228-241.
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    Feminism in Cuba: Report from the Third Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers.Julien S. Murphy, Ofelia Schutte, Jan Slagter & Linda Lopez McAlister - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):227 - 232.
  49. Gender and technology : Gender mediation in school knowledge construction.Patricia Murphy - 2006 - In John R. Dakers, Defining Technological Literacy: Towards an Epistemological Framework. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Hoping for the supernatural.J. G. Murphy - 1966 - Sophia 5 (3):45-46.
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