Results for 'Jason Brandt'

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  1.  9
    Ethical considerations in genetic testing: an empirical study of presymptomatic diagnosis of Huntington's disease.Jason Brandt - 1994 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Grant Gillett & Janet Martin Soskice, Medicine and Moral Reasoning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 41--59.
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    Why Not Capitalism?Jason Brennan - 2014 - Routledge.
    Most economists believe capitalism is a compromise with selfish human nature. As Adam Smith put it, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." Capitalism works better than socialism, according to this thinking, only because we are not kind and generous enough to make socialism work. If we were saints, we would be socialists. In Why Not Capitalism ?, Jason Brennan (...)
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  3. Should Employers Pay a Living Wage?Jason Brennan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):15-26.
    This paper critiques many of the leading popular and philosophical arguments purporting to show employers have a duty to pay a living wage. Some of these arguments fail on their own terms. Some are not really about a living wage. The best of them fail to show employers per se owe a living wage; at best, they should that governments should supplement market incomes though a negative income tax or some other redistributive device.
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    Plato's Earlier Dialectic.Jason Xenakis - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (3):436-437.
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  5. Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions.Jason Brennan - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):433-447.
    Many business ethicists, activists, analysts, and corporate leaders claim that businesses are obligated to promote diversity for the sake of justice. Many also say—good news!—that diversity promotes the bottom line. We do need not choose between social justice and profits. This paper splashes some cold water on the attempt to mate these two claims. On the contrary, I argue, there is philosophical tension between arguments which say diversity is a matter of justice and (empirically sound) arguments which say diversity promotes (...)
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    Kinetic Beauty: The Philosophical Aesthetics of Sport.Jason Holt - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Sport aesthetics is an important but often marginalized field in the philosophy of sport. Kinetic Beauty offers a comprehensive, principled, pluralist introduction to the philosophical aesthetics of sport. The book tackles a wide variety of issues in the philosophical aesthetics of sport, proposing a five-level analysis that coordinates extant scholarship on the same conceptual map, reveals gaps in the literature, and motivates a fresh perspective on stubborn debates and novel topics in the field. This is an excellent resource for professors (...)
  7. Moral philosophy's moral risk.Jason Brennan & Christopher Freiman - 2020 - Ratio 33 (3):191-201.
    Commonsense moral thinking holds that people have doxastic, contemplative, and expressive duties, that is, duties to or not to believe, seriously consider, and express certain ideas. This paper argues that moral and political philosophers face a high risk of violating any such duties, both because of the sensitivity and difficult of the subject matter, and because of various pernicious biases and influences philosophers face. We argue this leads to a dilemma, which we will not try to solve. Either philosophers should (...)
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    Why Paternalists Must Endorse Epistocracy.Jason Brennan & Christopher Freiman - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 21 (3).
    Recent findings from psychology and behavioral economics suggest that we are “predictably irrational” in the pursuit of our interests. Paternalists from both the social sciences and philosophy use these findings to defend interfering with people's consumption choices for their own good. We should tax soda, ban cigarettes, and mandate retirement savings to make people healthier and wealthier than they’d be on their own. Our thesis is that the standard arguments offered in support of restricting people’s consumption choices for their own (...)
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    Against the Moral Powers Test of basic liberty.Jason Brennan - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):492-505.
    In Rawlsian political philosophy, “basic liberties” are rights subject to a high degree of protection, such that they cannot easily be overridden for concerns of stability, efficiency, or social justice. For Rawls, something qualifies as a basic liberty if and only if bears the right relationship to our “two moral powers”: a capacity to form a sense of the good life and a capacity for a sense of justice. However, which rights are basic liberties is subject to frequent ideological debate, (...)
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    Becoming a Cosmopolitan: What It Means to Be a Human Being in the New Millennium.Jason D. Hill - 2010 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this highly original book, Jason Hill defends a strong form of moral cosmopolitanism and lays the groundwork for a new view of the self. To achieve a radical cosmopolitan identity, he argues it may be necessary to forget aspects of one's racial and ethnic socialization. The idea of forgetting where one came from demands that morally recreated persons disown parts or even all of their cultures if these cultures are oppressive or denigrate human life. Hill draws on existentialism, (...)
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  11. The German Translation of Royce’s Epistemology by Husserl’s Student Winthrop Bell: A Neglected Bridge of Pragmatic-Phenomenological Interpretation?Jason M. Bell - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):46-62.
    Herr Royce ist doch ein bedeutender Denker und darf nur als solcher behandelt werden.("Royce is an important thinker, and may only be treated as such.")Scholars of pragmatism and of phenomenology have observed striking similarities between Josiah Royce and Edmund Husserl, foundational thinkers at the origins of two major philosophical movements whose effects are still strongly felt in the present day—Royce being considered a central founder of American pragmatic idealism, and Husserl of modern German phenomenology. Other scholars have noted striking similarities (...)
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  12. Why Swing‐State Voting Is Not Effective Altruism: The Bad News about the Good News about Voting.Jason Brennan & Christopher Freiman - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (1):60-79.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Rereading Frankenstein: What If Victor Frankenstein Had Actually Been Evil?Jason Scott Robert - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (6):21-24.
    As we reread Mary Shelley's Frankenstein at two hundred years, it is evident that Victor Frankenstein is both a mad scientist (fevered, obsessive) and a bad scientist (secretive, hubristic, irresponsible). He's also not a very nice person. He's a narcissist, a liar, and a bad “parent.” But he is not genuinely evil. And yet when we reimagine him as evil—as an evil scientist and as an evil person—we can learn some important lessons about science and technology, our contemporary society, and (...)
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    Computable randomness and betting for computable probability spaces.Jason Rute - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):335-366.
    Unlike Martin‐Löf randomness and Schnorr randomness, computable randomness has not been defined, except for a few ad hoc cases, outside of Cantor space. This paper offers such a definition (actually, several equivalent definitions), and further, provides a general method for abstracting “bit‐wise” definitions of randomness from Cantor space to arbitrary computable probability spaces. This same method is also applied to give machine characterizations of computable and Schnorr randomness for computable probability spaces, extending the previously known results. The paper contains a (...)
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    The Transindividual Unconscious.Jason Read - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):62-68.
    I follow Etienne Balibar in understanding Freud as not only an important thinker of transindividuality alongside Spinoza and Marx, but also the one that pushes an ontology of relations to its full development. In response to Balibar I critically examine Freud, who, outside of Group Psychology and the Analysis of Ego, often referred individual and collective development to the family as the primal scene. I also explore how it would be possible to conceive of a concept of social relations that (...)
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  16. Du Sens Interne Un Texte Inédit d'Immanuel Kant.Immanuel Kant & Reinhard Brandt - 1988 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie.
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    (1 other version)Wenli Particles.David R. Knechtges & J. J. Brandt - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):409.
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    The Transcendental Parameters of “Nature as Universal Organism” in Schelling’s Naturphilosophie.Jason Barton - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3):283-302.
    The minutiae of F.W.J. Schelling’s Naturphilosophie have been perennially dismissed due to its allegedly infeasible and indefensible assertions about Nature, such as his designation of Nature as “universal organism.” In the realm of post-Kantian German Idealism, such a dismissive attitude toward Schelling’s so-called objective idealism, more often than not, develops itself along the lines of Hegel’s critique of Schelling’s conception of the Absolute. In turn, I aim to accomplish two tasks in the following investigation. First, I intend to clarify Schelling’s (...)
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  19. Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics by Joseph Heath.Jason Brennan - 2016 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26 (1):1-4.
    Until Joseph Heath came along, philosophical business ethics was in a bad way. To the extent it’s still in a bad way, perhaps it’s because Heath has had insufficient influence. Before Heath, much of the debate in the field was between two major theories—stockholder and stakeholder theory. Both of these theories are either false, or vacuous and empty, depending on the interpretation. Heath has to some degree rescued the field by providing what is perhaps the only good general theory of (...)
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  20.  12
    Mere hope: life in an age of cynicism.Jason G. Duesing - 2018 - Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group.
    How are Christians to live in such difficult times? Unique of all people, Christians are called to embrace a hopeful outlook on life. "Mere Hope" offers the core, Christ-centered perspective that all Christians share, and that Christians alone have to offer to a world filled with frustrations, pain, and disappointment. For those in darkness, dispair, and discouragement, for those in the midst of trials, suffering, and injustice, mere hope lives. The spirit of the age of cynicism. When our leaders, our (...)
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  21.  30
    A Theology of Seeing, Experiencing, and Vision. An Editorial Introduction.Joshua R. Farris & Ryan A. Brandt - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (2):3-18.
    What may seem astonishing is the near dismissal of the beatific vision doctrine in the last 50+ years of biblical and theological scholarship in contrast to the emphasis given to it throughout church history. The state of theological scholarship is changing. In what follows, we set forth a short survey of a theology of the beatific vision, while also introducing the rest of the volume on the beatific vision and theosis, of which we take to have an intimate and overlapping (...)
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  22. Du sens interne: Un texte inédit d'Immanuel Kant.Immanuel Kant, R. Brandt, G. Morh & G. Seel - 1987 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 119 (4):421-452.
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    Same-Sex Marriage in the Americas: Policy Innovation for Same-Sex Relationships.Jason Pierceson, Adriana Piatti-Crocker & Shawn Schulenberg (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores policy innovation for same-sex couples throughout the Americas and includes same-sex marriage legislation, civil unions, and other new developments for same-sex couples throughout the Americas at both national and sub-national levels. This scholarship is innovative because though much has been written regarding developments in North America, there is very little work dealing with recent developments in the rest of the Americas.
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    Social Theory, Performativity and Professional Power—A Critical Analysis of Helping Professions in England.Jason Powell & Malcolm Carey - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (1):78-94.
    Social Theory, Performativity and Professional Power—A Critical Analysis of Helping Professions in England Drawing from interviews and ethnographic research, evidence is provided to suggest a sense of "anxiety" and "regret" amongst state social workers and case managers working on the "front-line" within local authority social service departments. There have been a number of theoretical approaches that have attempted to ground the concept of "power" to understand organizational practice though Foucauldian insights have been most captivating in illuminating power relations and subject (...)
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    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self.Jason Powell & Tony Gilbert - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):220-229.
    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self This paper sets out to delve into the relationship trust and professional authority in the context of health care. Understood in its micro-political terms and conceived as impacting on individualorganisational levels and the socio-political; this relationship stands at the interface of competingpressures working to produce the increasing complexity of social life. “Trust” is inextricably linked withuncertainty and complexity while professional authority rests on the specialist knowledge claimed bythe range of experts (...)
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  26. Ulrich Haase, Starting with Nietzsche Reviewed by.Jason A. Powell - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (4):259-261.
  27.  32
    Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide ed. by Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Hasana Sharp.Jason Read - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):758-759.
    The Political Treatise is relatively overlooked in Spinoza's corpus. This is especially true in Anglo-American contexts, where scholarship has been slow to engage with Spinoza's political philosophy, at the expense of a correct understanding of his metaphysics. The reasons for the lack of interest in the Political Treatise are numerous. The immediate and most often cited reason is its incompleteness. Not only does it break off unfinished, but it does so at precisely the point that is essential to its argument; (...)
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  28. Collision: The Death of Art and the Sunday of Life: Hegel on the Fate of Modern Art.Jason Miller - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (1):39-47.
    Focusing specifically on Hegels analysis of Dutch genre painting in the Lectures on Aesthetics, Jason Miller argues that Hegel regards modern art not as a failure to convey the deepest interests of a culture or society, but as a welcome liberation of art in which it comes to reflect the diversity and complexity of human experience.
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    Democracy as Uninformed Non‐Consent.Jason Brennan - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):205-211.
    Carol Gould argues that democratic institutions can serve as mechanisms of informed consent or could at least facilitate creating regulations and other structures which facilitate informed consent in bioethics, medicine, and elsewhere. I am sceptical. I argue that democracies cannot serve as vehicles of consent, let alone informed consent. Further, the problems of democratic ignorance and irrationality created significant barriers to democratic deliberation helping to produce better regulations or conditions for informed consent. Democracy is not a good surrogate for consent.
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    Fractionating the unitary notion of dissociation: disembodied but not embodied dissociative experiences are associated with exocentric perspective-taking.Jason J. Braithwaite, Kelly James, Hayley Dewe, Nick Medford, Chie Takahashi & Klaus Kessler - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    MMA and the purist/partisan distinction.Jason Holt & Marc Ramsay - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):18-35.
    The purist/partisan distinction has dominated recent discussions of sport spectatorship and sport aesthetics. The focus of such discussions, however, has been sport in general or, often implicitly, team sports in particular. Here, using mixed martial arts (MMA) as a case study, we argue that specific aspects of the sport in question can significantly affect how the purist/partisan distinction plays out for viewers. MMA’s status as an individual combat sport mitigates, in illuminating ways, the partisanship displayed so prominently among fans of (...)
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  32. The Problems of Philosophy Introductory Readings.William P. Alston & Richard B. Brandt - 1967 - Allyn & Bacon.
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    Der Streit der Facultäten . Herausgeber: Karl Vorländer.Piero Giordanetti & Reinhard Brandt - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (s1):66-75.
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    Stem Cell Politics: The NAS Prohibitions Pack More Bark Than Bite.Jason Scott Robert & Francoise Baylis - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):15.
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    Evolution, Schmevolution.Jason Holt & Massimo Pigliucci - 2013 - In Jason Holt & William Irwin, The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy: More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory. Wiley. pp. 247–264.
    This chapter examines the real status of the scientific theory of evolution and what people mean by intelligent design. More generally, it explores the proper relationship between science and religion, not to mention politics, in early 21st century America. These concepts are examined through the inquiring minds and sharp tongues of Jon Stewart, Lewis Black of the “Evolution, Schmevolution” series, and former Daily Show “correspondent” Ed Helms.
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    A comprehensivist theory of art.Jason Holt - 1996 - British Journal of Aesthetics 36 (4):424-431.
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    Bioethics: A Contemporary Introduction.Jason Scott Robert - 2015 - Routledge.
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    Constant factors and hedgeless Hedges: On heuristics and biases in biological research.Jason Scott Robert - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):975-988.
    How does a complex organism develop from a relatively simple, homogeneous mass? The usual answer is: through the (context‐dependent) execution of species‐specific genetic instructions specifying the development of that organism. Commentators are sometimes skeptical of this usual answer, but of course not all commentators, and not always for the same reasons. Here I attempt to lay bare the logical structure of the usual answer through an extended analysis of the heuristics and methodological principles at play in the exploration and explanation (...)
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    From 'Is' to 'Ought': Contemporary Anthropological Approaches to Theological Ethics.Jason P. Roberts - 2017 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 4 (2):203.
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    Stem Cell Research Oversight: Personal Reflections and Public Reasoning.Jason Scott Robert - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):66-68.
  41. The Complexity of Bioethics, the Bioethics of Complexity.Jason Scott Robert - 2000 - Complexity 11 (2).
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  42. Taking Development Seriously: Toward a Genuinely Synthetic Biology.Jason Scott Robert - 2000 - Dissertation, Mcmaster University (Canada)
    The Human Genome Project is nearing completion, and shortly we will have access to the complete genetic sequence of an average human being. Hopes are high that the sequence will contribute profoundly to medicine in particular, but also to our understanding of our evolutionary past. Of course, detractors have long insisted that because the HGP represents a victory for formalism in biology, determining the function of DNA sequences will remain an outstanding problem for at least the next several decades. Moreover, (...)
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    Timeless Temporality.Jason C. Robinson - 2006 - Idealistic Studies 36 (2):97-107.
    This article explores Gadamer’s description of time(s) and situates it within his aesthetic account and hermeneutics. Bringing together all of Gadamer’s major discussions on time, I develop a consistent account which I then challenge. Whereas Heidegger famously describes transcendental temporality with an emphasis on futurity, Gadamer accentuates a historical temporal awareness and itsdiscontinuous nature. Gadamer’s notion of time is best understood, paradoxically, as a timeless temporality, when time is defined as the sequential movement along discrete points. I argue that Gadamer’s (...)
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    Genetic fallacies?Reuven Brandt - 2016 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Reuven Brandt on anonymity and mitochondrial donation.
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    Between the Wars, Facing a Scientific Crisis: The Theoretical and Methodological Bottleneck of Interwar Biology.Jan Baedke & Christina Brandt - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):209-217.
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  46. The problems of philosophy.William P. Alston & Richard B. Brandt (eds.) - 1967 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
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    Macintyre contra Macintyre: Interpretive Philosophy and Aristotle.Jason Blakely - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (1):121-142.
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    To the Tenth Generation.Jason Bell - 2010 - Environmental Ethics 32 (1):51-65.
    Homer’s Odyssey has long served as a touchstone for environmental writers, but is this text itself a work of environmental ethics? Homer portrays, as a major and consistent purpose, the environmentally destructive consequences of hedonism, and the environmentally beneficent consequences of conservation and sustainable agriculture. The evidence of The Odyssey suggests that public critical dialectic about the treatment of animals, soil, and forests was not unknown to the ancient Greek world. Further, The Odyssey can have relevance to modern environmental ethics, (...)
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  49. A Comparison of Judeo-Christian Theism and Philosophical Naturalism as Explanatory World-Views.Jason A. Beyer - 2007 - Lewiston, NY 14092, USA: Edwin Mellen Press.
    In this work, I argue for the overall explanatory superiority of philosophical naturalism to a theistic worldview. Pursuant to that, this piece develops and defends a functionalist theory of explanation, which is then used in addressing several particular topics in the philosophy of religion: the law-governed nature of the world, the intelligibility of the world, alleged "fine-tuning", reports of religious experiences and the occurrence of evils. In each case, I argue that a naturalistic explanation is as good or superior to (...)
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  50.  38
    Is the Current Practice of Psychotherapy Morally Permissible?Jason A. Beyer - 2001 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (1):85-105.
    This essay aims to morally evaluate psychotherapy as it is currently practiced through the lens of sales/exchange ethics. The main focus of the essay is on psychotherapists’ claims to special expertise at diagnosing and treating mental illness. I review the research evidence relevant to these claims and conclude that these claims are not supported by the available evidence. Psychotherapists do not appear to be any better than actuarial tests at diagnosing mental illnesses, and meta-analyses of psychotherapy outcome studies casts serious (...)
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