Results for 'Tony Gilbert'

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  1.  14
    Exploring the dynamics of power: a Foucauldian analysis of care planning in learning disabilities services.Tony Gilbert - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):37-46.
    Exploring the dynamics of power: A Foucauldian analysis of care planning in learning disabilities services This paper draws upon a study completed in 2000 that focused upon health and welfare provision for people with learning disabilities in one English county. This study drew upon the theoretical insights of Michel Foucault to provide an analysis of the micro politics of care planning. This involved the analysis of text from two sources: the academic literature and interview material gained from a number of (...)
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    Caring for Elder Parents: A Comparative Evaluation of Family Leave Laws.Y. Tony Yang & Gilbert Gimm - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (2):501-513.
    The call for family and medical leave reform in the United States was largely the result of sweeping demographic shifts that occurred in the workforce after the 1950s, coupled with an ever-increasing life expectancy and changing social norms concerning the role of women as caretakers. By the early 1990s, the number of women in the workforce had nearly tripled from 1950. During that same period, life expectancy increased by six years for males and seven for females. Meanwhile, the first wave (...)
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    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self.Jason Powell & Tony Gilbert - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):220-229.
    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self This paper sets out to delve into the relationship trust and professional authority in the context of health care. Understood in its micro-political terms and conceived as impacting on individualorganisational levels and the socio-political; this relationship stands at the interface of competingpressures working to produce the increasing complexity of social life. “Trust” is inextricably linked withuncertainty and complexity while professional authority rests on the specialist knowledge claimed bythe range of experts (...)
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  4. The Nature of Morality: Introduction to Ethics by Gilbert Harman. [REVIEW]Toni Vogel Carey - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):88-91.
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  5. Character Scepticism.Tony Milligan - 2005 - Philosophical Writings 29 (2).
    Gilbert Harman claims that we would be better off if we abandoned appeal to character in order to explain action. He argues that the idea of character is a hangover from folk psychology and conflicts with the more reliable evidence of experimental psychology. The cash value of abandoning any appeal to character is given in the following terms: appeals to character reinforce our stereotyping and general misunderstanding of others, abandoning it will help to improve the quality of our understanding (...)
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    (1 other version)Review of Tony Wall and David Perrin: Slavoj Žižek: A Žižekian Gaze at Education. [REVIEW]R. Gilbert Brian - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-7.
  7. Uncertainty and Economic Analysis.Tony Lawson - 1985 - Economic Journal 95:909--927.
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  8. Linguistic competence and empiricism.Gilbert Harman - 1969 - In Sidney Hook, Language and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    In a step-by-step progression through Marx's three volume work, discovers a systematic theory of socio-economic categories ordered according to the dialectical logic derived from Hegel.
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    Toleration, Diversity, and Global Justice.Alan Gilbert - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (3):471-474.
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  11. (4 other versions)Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity.Gilbert Harman & Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (4):654-658.
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    Feedback contributions to visual awareness in human occipital cortex.Tony Ro, Bruno Breitmeyer, Philip Burton, Neel S. Singhal & David Lane - 2003 - Current Biology 13 (12):1038-1041.
  13. Teacher Politics.Tony Taylor - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (4):17.
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    (1 other version)Realism or idealism? Corporate social responsibility and the employee stakeholder in the global fast-food industry.Tony Royle - 2005 - Business Ethics: A European Review 14 (1):42-55.
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  15. Introduction aux techniques de la philosophie. Analyse de l'idée de justice.Gilbert Boss - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):723-724.
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    Reasoning and Explanatory Coherence.Gilbert Harman - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):151 - 157.
  17. Globalization and feminism : changing taxonomies of sex, gender and sexuality.Gilbert Caluya, Jennifer Germon & Elspeth Probyn - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing, The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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  18. On William F. may.Gilbert Meilaender - 1993 - In Allen Verhey & Stephen E. Lammers, Theological voices in medical ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.. pp. 106.
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  19. Recognition Versus Distribution: Three Works on Equality.Burns Tony - 2001 - Contemporary Politics 7 (4):319-9.
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  20. Die meteorologischen Theorien des griechischen Alterthums.Otto Gilbert - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:211-212.
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  21. The labour of division : The manager as 'self' and 'other'.Tony J. Watson - 1997 - In Kevin Hetherington & Rolland Munro, Ideas of Difference: Social Spaces and the Labour of Division. Blackwell Publishers/the Sociological Review.
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  22. Vives te Leuven: catalogus van de tentoonstelling in de Centrale Bibliotheek te Leuven, 28 juni-20 augustus 1993.Gilbert Tournoy, Jan Roegiers & Chr Coppens (eds.) - 1993 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
  23. Plato.Gilbert Ryle - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 6--319.
  24.  80
    Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction.Tony Hope - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Issues in medical ethics are rarely out of the media and it is an area of ethics that has particular interest for the general public as well as the medical practitioner. This short and accessible introduction provides an invaluable tool with which to think about the ethical values that lie at the heart of medicine. Tony Hope deals with thorny moral questions, such as euthanasia and the morality of killing, and also explores political questions such as: how should health (...)
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    Bourdieu au-delà et en deçà de Marx: Autour de Pierre Bourdieu.Tony Andréani - 1996 - Actuel Marx 20:47-63.
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    Criticizing the Critic: Comments on Jahoda's (2012) Critique of Discursive Social Psychology.Tony Anderson & Sally Wiggins - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (1):123-129.
    Jahoda (2012) criticizes discursive social psychology (DSP) on several different grounds; specifically, he argues that DSP has opaque methodological procedures, is of questionable scientific merit, involves over-interpretation of its data, and implicitly claims its findings to be universal rather than contextually specific. We challenge these criticisms by arguing that observational studies of the kind typical within DSP research have a perfectly valid place within a scientific social psychology, that the interpretations made by DSP researchers should be seen in the context (...)
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    La Chine (vue de France), une inconnue? Sur les contradictions, la dialectique, la morale et le Socialisme.Tony Andréani, Rémy Herrera & Zhiming Long - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):167-189.
    La thèse défendue dans cet article est que le gouvernement chinois, chapeauté par un Parti qui se revendique encore du communisme, se sert du capitalisme, en le contrôlant strictement, afin d’accélérer le développement, mais sans dévier d’un objectif prioritaire : la construction d’une société socialiste ; et il s’appuie sur le Marx qui pensait que le communisme supposait un haut développement des forces productives. En France, cette thèse est minoritaire, et combattue ; peut-être, paradoxalement, parce que des similitudes existent entre (...)
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    The Comparative Study of Socialism in China: The Social Sciences at a Crossroads.Gilbert Rozman - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
  29. The Physical Basis of Mind: A Philosophers' Symposium.Gilbert Ryle - 1950 - In Peter Laslett, The Physical Basis Of Mind. Ny: Macmillan.
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    L'infinité Des attributs chez Spinoza.Gilbert Boss - 1996 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 186 (4):487 - 502.
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    On Removing Food and Water: Against the Stream.Gilbert Meilaender - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (6):11-13.
  32.  25
    Marxismes et islams : religion et politique.Gilbert Achcar & Jean-Numa Ducange - 2018 - Actuel Marx 64 (2):101-111.
    Seule la démarche matérialiste en histoire permet de réfuter radicalement les essentialismes, tel que « l’orientalisme » en dépit de la critique infondée de Marx par Edward Said. L’attitude politique de Marx et Engels envers la religion reste d’actualité. Cependant, la tradition marxiste est déficitaire dans le domaine de la sociologie de la religion. Il faut intégrer d’autres apports, dont le concept durkheimien d’anomie, pour comprendre la résurgence du religieux contemporaine du tournant néolibéral. Tandis que le christianisme des origines se (...)
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    Taking the side of poetry: An open letter to the guest editors of angelaki.Gilbert Adair - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (1):9 – 19.
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    On the disfiguration of the image of man in the West.Gilbert Durand - 1977 - Ipswich: Golgonooza Press.
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  35. Une nouvelle salutation angélique? Avancées épistémologiques et mutations axiologiques autour de la Grande Déesse Mère au XXe siècle.Gilbert Durand - 2002 - Iris 23:241-245.
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  36. The ethics of medical research on humans.Claire Foster-Gilbert - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Myths and Ethics: Or Humanism and the World's Need; Delivered at Conway Hall...on March 19, 1944.Gilbert Murray - 1944 - Watts & Co.
  38. Dilemmas, The Tarner Lectures, 1953.Gilbert Ryle - 1958 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 63 (4):499-499.
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  39. Review of Charles Blattberg, From Pluralist to Patriotic Politics: Putting Practice First.Paul Gilbert - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (294):616-18.
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  40. Improvisation.Gilbert Ryle - 1976 - Mind 85 (337):69-83.
  41.  11
    The Science of Wealth: Adam Smith and the Framing of Political Economy.Tony Aspromourgos - 2008 - Routledge.
    Clarifies the character and fundamental structures of 'political economy' as an intellectual discipline in the texts of Adam Smith. This title is suitable for historians of economic thought and philosophers of social science.
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    Liberty, Necessity, and the Will.Tony Pitson - 2006 - In Saul Traiger, The Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 216–231.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Doctrine of Necessity The Doctrine of Liberty Hume's Compatibilism Notes References Further reading.
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    Logic And Language.Gilbert Ryle & Antony Flew (eds.) - 1951 - New York,: Blackwell.
  44. Les chemins de Damas ou le "retournement" des voix verbales.Gilbert Durand - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 95:169-184.
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  45. Marxism and morality.Tony Skillen - 1974 - Radical Philosophy 8:11.
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    Collective belief, Kuhn, and the string theory community.James Owen Weatherall & Margaret Gilbert - 2016 - In Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker, The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 191-217.
    One of us [Gilbert, M.. “Collective Belief and Scientific Change.” Sociality and Responsibility. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 37-49.] has proposed that ascriptions of beliefs to scientific communities generally involve a common notion of collective belief described by her in numerous places. A given collective belief involves a joint commitment of the parties, who thereby constitute what Gilbert refers to as a plural subject. Assuming that this interpretive hypothesis is correct, and that some of the belief ascriptions in (...)
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    Empire, impérial, impérialisme.Gilbert Achcar - 1995 - Actuel Marx 18 (2):100.
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  48. La sociologie du pouvoir chez Ibn Khaldoun: Une lecture webérienne.Gilbert Achcar - 1999 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 107:369-388.
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  49. Evil and Analogy.Gilbert Fulmer - 1977 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4):333.
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  50. Structures Des Mythes De Du Bellay.Gilbert Gadoffre - 1974 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 36 (2):273-289.
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