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Jason Read [27]Jason D. Read [1]
  1. A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity.Jason Read - 2009 - Foucault Studies 6:25-36.
    This article examines Michel Foucault’s critical investigation of neoliberalism in the course published as Naissance de la biopolitique: Cours au Collège de France, 1978-1979. Foucault’s lectures are interrogated along two axes. First, examining the way in which neoliberalism can be viewed as a particular production of subjectivity, as a way in which individuals are constituted as subjects of “human capital.” Secondly, Foucault’s analyses is augmented and critically examined in light of other critical work on neoliberalism by Wendy Brown, David Harvey, (...)
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    The Micro-Politics of Capital: Marx and the Prehistory of the Present.Jason Read - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    Re-reads Marx in light of the contemporary critical interrogation of subjectivity.
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    The politics of transindividuality.Jason Read - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    "The Politics of Transindividuality" proposes a new understanding of not just the relation of the individual to the collective, but of politics and economics, one that can not only keep pace with existing transformations of capital but ultimately contest them.
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    Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings 1978–1987.Jason Read - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):484-487.
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    (1 other version)The Fetish is Always Actual, Revolution is Always Virtual: From Noology to Noopolitics.Jason Read - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (Suppl):78-101.
    By most accounts Deleuze's engagement with Marx begins with the two volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia he co-authored with Félix Guattari. However, Deleuze's Difference and Repetition alludes to a connection between Deleuze's critique of common sense and Marx's theory of fetishism, suggesting a connection between the critique of the image of thought and the critique of capital. By tracing this connection from its emergence in the early texts on noology, or the image of thought, to the development in the critique (...)
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    Ideology as Individuation, Individuating Ideology.Jason Read - 2017 - Mediations 30 (2).
    Jason Read takes up the relation between the individual and collectivity in Althusser’s work. Read focuses on Althusser’s interest in the “ideological dimension of the individual,” primarily by tracing his interest in the law and in particular the moral supplement to the law within its historical dimensions.
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    Thinking Transindividuality along the Spinoza-Marx Encounter: A Conversation.Bram Wiggers & Jason Read - 2022 - Krisis 42 (1):93-107.
    Ever since the publication of Read’s The Politics of Transindividuality (2015), the academic interest in transindividuality has steadily mounted. In this conversation, Bram Wiggers and Jason Read discuss the current state of affairs around the concept of transindividuality. The conversation begins with a definition of transindividuality and discusses what sets the term apart from other philosophies of social individuation. Having defined the concept of transindividuality, the conversation then engages with the question of how transindividuality can be adopted as a means (...)
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    3. The “Other Scene” of Political Anthropology: Between Transindividuality and Equaliberty.Jason Read - 2017 - In Warren Montag & Hanan Elsayed, Balibar and the Citizen Subject. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 111-131.
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    Conscious Organs.Jason Read - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):77-93.
    In Volume Three of Capital in a striking but somewhat uncharacteristic formula, Marx argues that the labor relation is the “hidden basis” of the entire social edifice including the state and politics. As an attempt to clarify and develop this insight I examine the dual nature of labor as abstract and concrete labor, arguing that the two sides of labor correspond not just to two sides of the commodity, but to different ethics and alienations of labor, and ultimately to different (...)
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    The Transindividual Unconscious.Jason Read - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):62-68.
    I follow Etienne Balibar in understanding Freud as not only an important thinker of transindividuality alongside Spinoza and Marx, but also the one that pushes an ontology of relations to its full development. In response to Balibar I critically examine Freud, who, outside of Group Psychology and the Analysis of Ego, often referred individual and collective development to the family as the primal scene. I also explore how it would be possible to conceive of a concept of social relations that (...)
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  11. The Affective Economy: Producing and Consuming Affects in Deleuze and Guattari.Jason Read - 2016 - In Ceciel Meiborg & Sjoerd van Tuinen, Deleuze and the Passions. [Place of publication not identified]: Punctum Books.
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    Under Pressure.Jason Read - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):228-244.
    Yves Citton’sRenverser l’insoutenableis both a thorough critique of the current conjuncture and an attempt to construct a politics to reverse it. With respect to the former, Citton outlines the various ways in which the present should be considered unsustainable, ecologically, economically, politically, psychically, and through its various technological mediations. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Citton proposes a politics that can overcome the untenable conditions of the present. Politics takes two figures here, a politics of pressures, of the loves (...)
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    Fighting for Exploitation As If It Were Rebellion.Jason Read - 2023 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 44 (1):49-69.
    In the Theological-Political Treatise, published in 1670, Spinoza asked why people “fight for their servitude as if for salvation.” In doing so, he foregrounded the affective dimension of despotism, putting forward the idea that servitude is not just passively endured but passionately strived for—something people want and will. Three hundred years later, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari repeated this formula in Anti-Oedipus, arguing that it was the central question of political philosophy. They read Spinoza through Wilhelm Reich, stating that the (...)
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    Relations of Production.Jason Read - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):201-214.
    Simondon’s concept of the transindividual has become a central point of reference for contemporary critical philosophy and social philosophy. Despite its importance in the work of such writers as Étienne Balibar, Gilles Deleuze, Bernard Stiegler and Paolo Virno, Simondon’s works have not been translated into English, and thus no comprehensive study has appeared so far. Muriel Combes’s book presents not only a study of Simondon’s thought, but an examination of what it makes possible in terms of rethinking social relations.
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  15. A Fugitive Thread: The Production Of Subjectivity In Marx.Jason Read - 2002 - Pli 13:126-144.
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    Commonwealth, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Cambridge, MA.: Belknap-Harvard, 2009.Jason Read - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):211-221.
    Commonwealthis the third book co-authored by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. As with the previous two books,EmpireandMultitude, the task of this book is to both critique the present order and provide the concepts for a radical transformation of that order. This review examines how this third, and final book in the series, changes the argument of the other two, specifically examining the rôle that the concept of the common plays in restructuring the idea of critique, politics, and political economy.
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    Chapter 7 The Age of Cynicism: Deleuze and Guattari on the Production of Subjectivity in Capitalism.Jason Read - 2008 - In Ian Buchanan & Nicholas Thoburn, Deleuze and Politics. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 139-159.
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    Politics as Subjectification.Jason Read - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (Supplement):125-132.
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    Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide ed. by Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Hasana Sharp.Jason Read - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):758-759.
    The Political Treatise is relatively overlooked in Spinoza's corpus. This is especially true in Anglo-American contexts, where scholarship has been slow to engage with Spinoza's political philosophy, at the expense of a correct understanding of his metaphysics. The reasons for the lack of interest in the Political Treatise are numerous. The immediate and most often cited reason is its incompleteness. Not only does it break off unfinished, but it does so at precisely the point that is essential to its argument; (...)
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    The Order and Connection of Ideology Is the Same as the Order and Connection of Exploitation.Jason Read - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (2):175-189.
    The turn to Spinoza by many Marxists combines the classic problem of Marxism, that of base and superstructure, economy and ideology, with Spinoza’s challenging assertion of the identity of order of connection of ideas and things. This paper looks at two contemporary neo-Spinozists, Frédéric Lordon and Yves Citton, examining the ways in which their works intertwine economy and ideology, desire and imagination. The point, however, is not to just read Marx with Spinoza, but to use both together to make sense (...)
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    The Present as Pre-History.Jason Read - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):95-112.
  22. The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Contemporary Continental Thought.Jason D. Read - 2001 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton
    This project is an attempt to frame and develop the questions: What is the relation between the economy, what Marx called the mode of production, and transformations of subjectivity and social relations? How is it possible to think these relations without reducing one to the other, or effacing one for the sake of the other? In short, how can we think the materiality of subjectivity? Several different discourses and lines of research provoke these questions. First, recent and not so recent (...)
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    The production of subjectivity: Marx and philosophy.Jason Read - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    Louis Althusser argued that Marx initiated a transformation of philosophy, a new way of doing philosophy. This book follows that provocation to examine the way in which central Marxist concepts and problems from primitive accumulation to real abstraction animate and inform philosophers from Theodor Adorno to Paolo Virno. While also examining the way in which reading Marx casts new light on such philosophers as Spinoza. At the centre of this transformation is the production of subjectivity, the manner in which relations (...)
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    Book Review: Performing Marx: Contemporary Negotiations of a Living Tradition. [REVIEW]Jason Read - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (1):103-105.
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    Review of Cesare casarino, Antonio Negri, In Praise of the Common: A Conversation on Philosophy and Politics[REVIEW]Jason Read - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (10).
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    Review of Simon choat, Marx Through Post-Structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze[REVIEW]Jason Read - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (11).
  27.  92
    The Full Body: Micro-Politics and Macro-Entities. [REVIEW]Jason Read - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (2):220-228.
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