Results for 'Jane Dalton'

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  1. Embracing a contemplative life: art and teaching as a journey of transformation.Jane E. Dalton - 2018 - In Jane Dalton, Kathryn Byrnes & Elizabeth Hope Dorman, The teaching self: contemplative practices, pedagogy, and research in education. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    The Whole Person: Embodying Teaching and Learning through Lectio and Visio Divina.Jane E. Dalton, Maureen P. Hall & Catherine E. Hoyser - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book offers a rich collection of voices from diverse settings and illustrates ways in which lectio divina as a contemplative practice can transform teaching and learning. Drawing on holistic education and embodied learning, lectio divina empowers teachers and roots students in their own meaning making.
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    The teaching self: contemplative practices, pedagogy, and research in education.Jane Dalton, Kathryn Byrnes & Elizabeth Hope Dorman (eds.) - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In The Teaching Self: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education, a rich collection of voices from diverse settings illustrates the ways in which first-person experiences with contemplative practices lay a foundation for contemplative pedagogy and research in teacher education.
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    An Analysis of Glass Ceiling Perceptions in the Accounting Profession.Jeffrey R. Cohen, Derek W. Dalton, Lori L. Holder-Webb & Jeffrey J. McMillan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):17-38.
    Access to a deep pool of talent is essential to the success of every professional services firm. The supply of that talent is contingent upon the available rewards for the exercise of that talent, and both the existence of the potential rewards and the beliefs that individuals hold about the existence of the rewards affect the decision to remain in the field. One structural factor that may affect the judgment about whether to remain in a profession concerns promotions based on (...)
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    Heidegger and the aesthetics of living.Vrasidas Karalēs (ed.) - 2008 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The publication brings together contributions by many scholars, academics and researchers on the work of the German philosopher from a variety of perspectives and approaches. Prominent thinkers from various disciplines engage in a fascinating dialogue with the work of Martin Heidegger in an attempt to explain and critically evaluate his controversial legacy. The volume is an attempt to go beyond the polarised perceptions about the philosophy of Heidegger and present a neo-humanist reading of what can be still considered "livable" in (...)
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  6. Mimicry: its ubiquity, importance, and functionality.Tanya L. Chartrand & Amy N. Dalton - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 458--483.
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    Governing biobanks: understanding the interplay between law and practice.Jane Kaye (ed.) - 2012 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    Biobanks are proliferating rapidly worldwide because they are powerful tools and organisational structures for undertaking medical research. By linking samples to data on the health of individuals, it is anticipated that biobanks will be used to explore the relationship between genes, environment and lifestyle for many diseases, as well as the potential of individually-tailored drug treatments based on genetic predisposition. However, they also raise considerable challenges for existing legal frameworks and research governance structures. This book critically examines the current governance (...)
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    Religious Epistemology.Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    If epistemology is roughly the study of knowledge, justification, warrant, and rationality, then religious epistemology is the study of how these epistemic concepts relate to religious belief and practice. This Element, while surveying various religious epistemologies, argues specifically for Plantingian religious epistemology. It makes the case for proper functionalism and Plantinga's AC models, while it also responds to debunking arguments informed by cognitive science of religion. It serves as a bridge between religious epistemology and natural theology.
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    Classical Theism and Buddhism: Connecting Metaphysical and Ethical Systems.Tyler Dalton McNabb & Erik Baldwin - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Press.
    As an atheistic religious tradition, Buddhism conventionally stands in opposition to Christianity, and any bridge between them is considered to be riddled with contradictory beliefs on God the creator, salvific power and the afterlife. But what if a Buddhist could also be a Classical Theist? Showing how the various contradictions are not as fundamental as commonly thought, Tyler Dalton McNabb and Erik Baldwin challenge existing assumptions and argue that Classical Theism is, in fact, compatible with Buddhism. They draw parallels (...)
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  10. Moral Testimony and Moral Understanding.McShane Paddy Jane - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (3):245-271.
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    Joint issues – conflicts of interest, the ASR hip and suggestions for managing surgical conflicts of interest.Jane Johnson & Wendy Rogers - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):63.
    Financial and nonfinancial conflicts of interest in medicine and surgery are troubling because they have the capacity to skew decision making in ways that might be detrimental to patient care and well-being. The recent case of the Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) hip provides a vivid illustration of the harmful effects of conflicts of interest in surgery.
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  12. Mary and Fátima: A Modest C-Inductive Argument for Catholicism.Tyler Dalton Mcnabb & Joseph E. Blado - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):55-65.
    C-Inductive arguments are arguments that increase the probability of a hypothesis. This can be contrasted with what is called a P-Inductive argument. A P-inductive argument is an argument that shows the overall probability of a hypothesis to be more probable than not. In this paper, we put forth a C-inductive argument for the truth of the Catholic hypothesis (CH). Roughly, we take CH to be the hypothesis that the core creedal beliefs found within the Catholic Tradition are true. Specifically, we (...)
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    Attention, working memory, and phenomenal experience of WM content: memory levels determined by different types of top-down modulation.Jane Jacob, Christianne Jacobs & Juha Silvanto - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  14. Is the Problem of Divine Hiddenness a Problem for the Reformed Epistemologist?Tyler Taber & Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):783-793.
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  15. Joint attention and understanding the mind.Jane Heal - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler, Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 34--44.
    It is plausible to think, as many developmental psychologists do, that joint attention is important in the development of getting a full grasp on psychological notions. This chapter argues that this role of joint attention is best understood in the context of the simulation theory about the nature of psychological understanding rather than in the context of the theory. Episodes of joint attention can then be seen not as good occasions for learning a theory of mind but rather as good (...)
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  16. Comments on Authority and Estrangement.Jane Heal - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):440-447.
    First person authority, argues Moran, is not to be understood as a matter of having some especially good observational access to certain facts about oneself. We can imagine a person who can report accurately on her own psychological states, for example because she can perform, without conscious thought, extremely reliable psychoanalytic-style diagnoses of herself. But the ‘authority’ with which she produces her judgements resembles that which she could have about another person in that it can exist even when she does (...)
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  17. On speaking thus: The semantics of indirect discourse.Jane Heal - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (205):433-454.
    Indexical predication is possible as well as the more familiar indexical reference. ‘My curtains are coloured thus’ describes my curtains. The indexical predicate expression it contains stands to possible non‐indexical replacements as a referring indexical does to possible non‐indexical replacements , in that it calls upon the context of utterance to fix its semantic contribution to the whole. Indexical predication is the natural resource to call upon in talk about skilful human performances, where we exhibit considerable know‐how but little explicit (...)
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    (1 other version)Suicide in the Context of Terminal Illness.Jane Jankowski & Lisa Campo-Engelstein - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics: 13 (3):13 - 14.
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    Adaptations: History, Gender, and Political Economy in the Work of Dugald Stewart.Jane Rendall - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (1):143-161.
    Summary This paper notes and explores the attraction of Dugald Stewart's moral philosophy for women readers and a few women writers. Student lecture notes reveal the chronological development of his ideas, as he drew upon the works of Thomas Reid, Adam Smith, and Adam Ferguson, and responded to political events. Particular attention is paid to Stewart's comments relating to women and gender, through discussions of education, the institution of marriage, and population questions. After 1800, he shifted away from a speculative (...)
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  20. The Conflict between Nurturance and Autonomy in Mother-Daughter Relationships and within Feminism.Jane Flax - 1978 - Feminist Studies 4 (2):171.
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    Ethical Ruminations of a Rheumatologist: Autoimmunity Is an Important Consideration for Immunotherapy Trials.Jane S. Kang - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):75-76.
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    Statistics is Essential for Professional Ethics.Jane L. Hutton - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (3):253-261.
    All professional ethics are dependent on the epistemology of the profession. The possibility of following a code of ethics, whether the official one or an alternative code, is dependent on being able to obtain knowledge and understand the world. Professional knowledge has to be based on inferences from limited information. Statistics provides the optimal methods for making such inferences, and thus ethical professional conduct requires individual or collective understanding of some statistical thcory and practice. This is demonstrated using the medical (...)
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    The Role of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in the Subjectification of Women.Jane M. Ussher - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (1-2):131-146.
    This paper will examine the way in which premenstrual symptomatology has been represented and regulated by psychology and psychiatry. It questions the “truths” about women's premenstrual experiences that circulate in scientific discourse, namely the fictions framed as facts that serve to regulate femininity, reproduction, and what it is to be “woman.” Hegemonic truths that define Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and its nosological predecessor Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) are examined to illustrate how regimes of objectified knowledge and practices of “assemblage” come to (...)
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  24. Ellen Gates Starr and Julia Lathrop: Hull House and Philosophy.Jane Duran - 2014 - The Pluralist 9 (1):1-13.
    Much work has recently been done on Jane Addams, her writings, and the general atmosphere and thought associated with Hull House and other settlement places in American cities.1 But although we might think of Addams and her work as the center of the Hull House effort, many other women (and a few men) were involved in the efforts, and the strengths that they brought to bear on the activities in Chicago in the early part of the twentieth century need (...)
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    Poaching on men's philosophies of rhetoric: Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century rhetorical theory by women.Jane Donawerth - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):243-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 243-258 [Access article in PDF] Poaching on Men's Philosophies of Rhetoric: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory by Women Jane Donawerth Although their discussions have often been ignored in histories of rhetoric, women did participate in the development of philosophies of rhetoric in the eighteenth century and nineteenth century. 1 Most, like Hannah More, left to men preaching, politics, and law (the traditional genres (...)
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    Queenly Philosophers: Renaissance Women Aristocrats as Platonic Guardians.Jane Duran - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Much recent work has been done on Plato’s notion of the female Guardian, but examples are limited. Jane Duran argues that aristocratic women of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are indeed exemplary and embody the concept of Guardianship.
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    Women in Political Theory.Jane Duran - 2013 - Routledge.
    The first volume to explore comprehensively the intersection of feminism, politics and philosophy, Women in Political Theory sheds light on the contributions of women philosophers and theorists to contemporary political thought. With close attention to the work of five central thinkers, including Sarah Grimké, Anna Julia Cooper, Jane Addams, Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt, this book not only offers sustained analyses of the thought of these leading figures, but also examines their relationship with established political theorists of the past, (...)
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    Protective Legislation, the Capitalist State, and Working Class Men: The Case of the 1842 Mines Regulation Act.Jane Humphries - 1981 - Feminist Review 7 (1):1-33.
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  29. From gutter to sand pile: discourses of space and place in interventions in working class children's play.Jane Read - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina Alba.Jane Clark Reeder - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):89-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina AlbaJane Clark ReederThe new excavations of the villa of Livia at Prima Porta have focused attention on the architecture and art of this imperial villa. The statue of Augustus from Prima Porta and the garden paintings from the underground complex have long been the most famous exemplars of their types. Recently new studies (...)
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    Perceiving Artworks.Jane Cauvel - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 17 (2):125.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction: “Philosophy and its Borders”.Jane Dryden - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):203-216.
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    Précis of A Study of Concepts.Jane Heal - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (2):407-411.
    In these comments I shall concentrate on one topic, namely Peacocke’s proposals concerning what is involved in possessing the concept of belief. The proposals are, of course, presented by him within the framework of a general theory of concepts, some parts of which are illuminating and others of which are more debatable. But differences about these issues are not germane to what follows and for our purposes I shall assume the correctness of the broad lines of his theory.
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    Surviving to Speak New Language: Mary Daly and Adrienne Rich.Jane Hedley - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):40 - 62.
    As radical feminists seeking to overcome the linguistic oppression of women, Rich and Daly apparently shared the same agenda in the late 1970s; but they approached the problem differently, and their paths have increasingly diverged. Whereas Daly's approach to the repossession of language is code-oriented and totalizing, Rich's approach is open-ended and context-oriented. Rich has therefore addressed more successfully than Daly the problem of language in use.
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    “My main job is to translate / pain into tales they can tolerate // in another language”: Women’s poetry and the health humanities.Jane Dowson - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):247-259.
    This article examines the contribution that poetry written over the last fifty years might make to the established and burgeoning field of Medical Humanities. It takes poems by women about cancer and depression as a case study of how they can offer insight into the impact of these conditions on the sufferer. Collectively, the poems document and effect shifts in knowledge about, and the associated stigmas concerning, illnesses that carry secrecy and shame, specifically cancer and depression. Additionally, drawing on Virginia (...)
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  36. Revisiting Kantian Retributivism to Construct a Justification of Punishment.Jane Johnson - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (3):291-307.
    The standard view of Kant’s retributivism, as well as its more recent reworking in the ‘limited’ or ‘partial’ retributivist reading are, it is argued here, inadequate accounts of Kant on punishment. In the case of the former, the view is too limited and superficial, and in the latter it is simply inaccurate as an interpretation of Kant. Instead, this paper argues that a more sophisticated and accurate rendering of Kant on punishment can be obtained by looking to his construction of (...)
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  37. Theoremhood and logical consequence.Ignacio Jane - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (1):139-160.
    In this paper, Tarskis notion of Logical Consequence is viewed as a special case of the more general notion of being a theorem of an axiomatic theory. As was recognized by Tarski, the material adequacy of his definition depends on having the distinction between logical and non logical constants right, but we find Tarskis analysis persuasive even if we dont agree on what constants are logical. This accords with the view put forward in this paper that Tarski indeed captures the (...)
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    Curriculum Materials Reviews.Jane Hawkins, Early Years Staff Tutor & U. K. Coventry Education Authority - 1995 - Journal of Moral Education 24 (2):205.
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    Perspectives on Quine.Jane Heal - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (2):102-104.
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    Human dialect and language differentiation.Jane H. Hill - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):107-108.
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  41. Lamont Lindstrom.Jane H. Hill, Judith T. Irvine & O. Walter de Gruyter - 1996 - Semiotica 111:173.
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    Some Popular Versions of Uninformed Consent.Jane L. Hutton & Richard E. Ashcroft - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (1):41-53.
    A patient's informed consent is required by the Nuremberg code, and its successors, before she can be entered into a clinical trial. However, concern has been expressed by both patients and professionals about the beneficial or detrimental effect on the patient of asking for her consent. We examine advantages and drawbacks of popular variations on consent, which might reduce the stress on patients at the point of illness. Both informed and uninformed responses to particular trials, and trials in general, are (...)
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    Educational Metamorphoses: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Culture.Jane Roland Martin - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    A preeminent philosopher of education in the United States, Jane Roland Martin challenges conventional wisdom that education consists of small, incremental changes. Using case studies of personal transformations, or metamorphoses, Martin examines Malcolm X, Shaw's Eliza Doolittle, Victor of Aveyron and others to demonstrate how education is a fundamental determinant of the human condition.
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  44. Confucianism and the Liturgy: An Analectical Argument for the High Church Traditions.Joseph Blado & Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2020 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 4 (1).
    In Confucian thought, there exists a functional view of rituals in which the participation in ritualistic practices brings about human flourishing. Call this the Confucian Ritual Principle (CRP). Utilizing contemporary psychology, in this paper, we argue for CRP. After linking rituals to human flourishing, we argue that on the hypothesis that Christianity is true, we would expect God to establish highly ritualistic and dogmatic liturgies. Put slightly differently, we argue that we should expect what we call 'high church' on the (...)
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    Proper Functionalism and the Metalevel.Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2018 - Quaestiones Disputatae 8 (2):155-164.
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    Super Mario Strikes Back: Another Molinist Reply to Welty’s Gunslingers Argument.Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (2):45-53.
    Molinists generally see Calvinism as possessing certain liabilities from which Molinism is immune. For example, Molinists have traditionally rejected Calvinism, in part, because it allegedly makes God the author of sin. According to Molina, we ‘should not infer that He is in any way a cause of sin’. However, Greg Welty has recently argued by way of his Gunslingers Argument that, when it comes to God’s relationship to evil, Molinism is susceptible to the same liabilities as Calvinism. If his argument (...)
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    The Pasha's Peasants: Land, Society, and Economy in Lower Egypt, 1740-1858.Jane Hathaway & Kenneth M. Cuno - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):730.
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    On the phase `theory of meaning'.Jane Heal - 1978 - Mind 87 (347):359-375.
  49. French thought,' postcolonialism, and Islam : Jacques Derrida and Abdelkébir Khatibi.Jane Hiddleston - 2019 - In Irving Goh, French Thought and Literary Theory in the Uk. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  50. Current Legal Problems 2006 Volume 59.Jane Holder - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Current Legal Problems lecture series and annual volume was established over fifty five years ago at the Faculty of Laws, University College London and has long been recognised as a major reference point for legal scholarship. The continuing strength of Current Legal Problems is its representation of a broad range of legal scholarship opinion, theory, methodology, and subject matter, with an emphasis upon contemporary developments of law. Contributions to the 59th volume in the series include a major re-evaluation of (...)
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