Results for 'Jan-Christoph Schoene-Bake'

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  1.  50
    An interaction of a NR3C1 polymorphism and antenatal solar activity impacts both hippocampus volume and neuroticism in adulthood. [REVIEW]Christian Montag, Markus Eichner, Sebastian Markett, Carlos M. Quesada, Jan-Christoph Schoene-Bake, Martin Melchers, Thomas Plieger, Bernd Weber & Martin Reuter - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  2.  60
    Novel Neurorights: From Nonsense to Substance.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-15.
    This paper analyses recent calls for so called “neurorights”, suggested novel human rights whose adoption is allegedly required because of advances in neuroscience, exemplified by a proposal of the Neurorights Initiative. Advances in neuroscience and technology are indeed impressive and pose a range of challenges for the law, and some novel applications give grounds for human rights concerns. But whether addressing these concerns requires adopting novel human rights, and whether the proposed neurorights are suitable candidates, are a different matter. This (...)
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    Transkollektive Gedächtnisse: Notizen zu den Kritiken an der Assmannschen Theorie des kollektiven Gedächtnisses.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (2):103-130.
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  4. Von imagined communities zu Kollektivierungskulturen.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 10 (2):75-116.
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    Anthropologie und Ethik.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The relationship between anthropology as the study of human beings and ethics as the study of what humans ought to do is close and multifaceted. The authors address the following questions: Are moral norms grounded in human nature or are they independent of it? Does ethics take into account human weaknesses or is morality absolute? If people change, do the requirements of morality change as well?
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    Cosmopolitan Responsibility: Global Injustice, Relational Equality, and Individual Agency.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The world we live in is unjust. Preventable deprivation and suffering shape the lives of many people, while others enjoy advantages and privileges aplenty. Cosmopolitan responsibility addresses the moral responsibilities of privileged individuals to take action in the face of global structural injustice. Individuals are called upon to complement institutional efforts to respond to global challenges, such as climate change, unfair global trade, or world poverty. Committed to an ideal of relational equality among all human beings, the book discusses the (...)
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    What an International Declaration on Neurotechnologies and Human Rights Could Look like: Ideas, Suggestions, Desiderata.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):96-112.
    International institutions such as UNESCO are deliberating on a new standard setting instrument for neurotechnologies. This will likely lead to the adoption of a soft law document which will be the first global document specifically tailored to neurotechnologies, setting the tone for further international or domestic regulations. While some stakeholders have been consulted, these developments have so far evaded the broader attention of the neuroscience, neurotech, and neuroethics communities. To initiate a broader debate, this target article puts to discussion twenty-five (...)
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  8.  93
    The Ethics of AI Ethics. A Constructive Critique.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-20.
    The paper presents an ethical analysis and constructive critique of the current practice of AI ethics. It identifies conceptual substantive and procedural challenges and it outlines strategies to address them. The strategies include countering the hype and understanding AI as ubiquitous infrastructure including neglected issues of ethics and justice such as structural background injustices into the scope of AI ethics and making the procedures and fora of AI ethics more inclusive and better informed with regard to philosophical ethics. These measures (...)
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  9.  18
    The Distributive Demands of Relational Egalitarianism.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (4):619-634.
    The article outlines the distributive demands of relational equality in the form of a dynamic corridor of legitimate distributive inequality. It does so by complementing the already widely accepted sufficientarian floor with a limitarian ceiling, leading, in a first step, to a "corridor" of limited distributive inequality as a necessary condition for relational equality. This corridor alone, however, only provides necessary distributive conditions for relational equality and still allows for degrees of distributive inequality that would risk undermining egalitarian relations. Thus, (...)
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  10.  88
    Human freedom and enhancement.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Katja Crone - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):13-21.
    Ideas about freedom and related concepts like autonomy and self-determination play a prominent role in the moral debate about human enhancement interventions. However, there is not a single understanding of freedom available, and arguments referring to freedom are simultaneously used to argue both for and against enhancement interventions. This gives rise to misunderstandings and polemical arguments. The paper attempts to disentangle the different distinguishable concepts, classifies them and shows how they relate to one another in order to allow for a (...)
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  11.  18
    Die Machtlosigkeit der Interkulturalisten. Rezension von: Dominic Busch, Im Dispositiv interkultureller Kommunikation.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 1 (1):201-210.
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    Anthropological Arguments in the Ethical Debate about Human Enhancement.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26):95–116.
    The paper discusses the role of anthropological arguments in contemporary ethics as exemplified in the current debate about biotechnological human enhancement interventions. Anthropological arguments refer to a normative conception of what it means to be a human being and are highly contested in contemporary moral philosophy. Most often they are promoted to constrain the ethically acceptable use of enhancement technologies. I argue that anthropological arguments can play a fundamental and important role in assessing the moral qualities of enhancement interventions, but (...)
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  13.  11
    Inhalt.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2016 - In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin, Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Normen beeinflussen die Interaktion von Menschen miteinander und den Umgang von Menschen mit ihrer Umwelt. Was aber ist Normativität? Muss sie unabhängig von Menschen sein, um objektiv sein zu können? Oder entsteht sie erst in Abhängigkeit von Menschen, die sie formulieren oder nach ihr handeln, und ist deshalb nicht objektiv? Oder ist dieser Gegensatz grundsätzlich verfehlt und es bedarf eines anderen Ansatzes, um die Rolle von Normativität in der lebensweltlichen Verständigungspraxis angemessen zu bestimmen? Die Beiträge in vorliegendem Band widmen sich (...)
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  15.  34
    The debate about 'human enhancement' and its anthropological dimension.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (2):177-179.
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  16. Autonomy and authenticity of enhanced personality traits.Jan Christoph Bublitz & Reinhard Merkel - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (6):360-374.
    There is concern that the use of neuroenhancements to alter character traits undermines consumer's authenticity. But the meaning, scope and value of authenticity remain vague. However, the majority of contemporary autonomy accounts ground individual autonomy on a notion of authenticity. So if neuroenhancements diminish an agent's authenticity, they may undermine his autonomy. This paper clarifies the relation between autonomy, authenticity and possible threats by neuroenhancements. We present six neuroenhancement scenarios and analyse how autonomy accounts evaluate them. Some cases are considered (...)
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  17.  18
    Loss and Damage, and Addressing Structural Injustice in the Climate Crisis.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Hendrik Kempt - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    The paper offers a normative analysis of the new Loss & Damage Fund supporting vulnerable countries grappling with climate change-related harms. This fund is primarily financed by affluent nations, often identified as historical polluters. However, the perspective of relational egalitarianism highlights persistent structural injustices in the background of the fund. Addressing them necessitates conceptualizing the fund not merely as an act of cooperative solidarity but as compensation for the consequences of historical and ongoing structural injustices. Properly conceived, the fund manages (...)
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  18.  16
    Anthropologie Und Ethik des Enhancements.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Advances in biotechnology have enabled interventions in the human organism that promise to increase physical and intellectual perform over the 'normal' or 'natural' boundary, as well as make possible targeted changes in human experience. The author investigates ethical debates surrounding these issues with a particular focus on arguments that employ a normative concept of a person in order to establish that particular interventions are permissible or impermissible. He develops an integrated model that 'maps' of the concept of a human being, (...)
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  19.  12
    Mensch, Weltbürger.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2015 - In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin, Anthropologie und Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 113-134.
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    Einleitung.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2016 - In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin, Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Saving the World through Sacrificing Liberties? A Critique of some Normative Arguments in Unfit for the Future.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):23-34.
    The paper critically engages with some of the normative arguments in Julian Savulescu and Ingmar Persson’s book Unfit for the Future. In particular, it scrutinizes the authors’ argument in denial of a moral right to privacy as well as their political proposal to alter humankind’s moral psychology in order to avert climate change, terrorism and to redress global injustice.
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    Newcomer integration, individual agency, and responsibility.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2019 - In S. Karly Kehoe, Eva Alisic & Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration. De Gruyter. pp. 131-148.
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  23. Might artificial intelligence become part of the person, and what are the key ethical and legal implications?Jan Christoph Bublitz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This paper explores and ultimately affirms the surprising claim that artificial intelligence (AI) can become part of the person, in a robust sense, and examines three ethical and legal implications. The argument is based on a rich, legally inspired conception of persons as free and independent rightholders and objects of heightened protection, but it is construed so broadly that it should also apply to mainstream philosophical conceptions of personhood. The claim is exemplified by a specific technology, devices that connect human (...)
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  24. Metaethik und Pragmatismus : Anmerkungen zur praktischen Philosophie Nida-Rümelins.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2015 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin & Dietmar vd Pfordten, Moralischer Realismus?: zur kohärentistischen Metaethik Julian Nida-Rümelins. Münster: Mentis.
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    Memory, Authenticity, and Optogenethics.Jan Christoph Bublitz & Dimitris Repantis - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):30-32.
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    Nāgārjuna.Jan Christoph Westerhoff - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    There is unanimous agreement that Nāgārjuna (ca 150–250 AD) is the most important Buddhist philosopher after the historical Buddha himself and one of the most original and influential thinkers in the history of Indian philosophy. His philosophy of the “middle way” (madhyamaka) based around the central notion of “emptiness” (śūnyatā) influenced the Indian philosophical debate for a thousand years after his death; with the spread of Buddhism to Tibet, China, Japan and other Asian countries the writings of Nāgārjuna became an (...)
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  27.  13
    Naturgeschichte der Freiheit.Jan-Christoph Heilinger (ed.) - 2007 - de Gruyter.
    Mit dem Abschluss des Humangenomprojekts und den Fortschritten der Lebenswissenschaften stellt sich die Frage nach dem Selbstverstandnis des Menschen in geradezu dramatischer Weise. DAs neu gewonnene Wissen uber den Menschen muss analysiert, aufgearbeitet und bewertet werden. NIcht nur in den Lebens-, sondern auch in den Kulturwissenschaften stellt sich daher die Frage nach dem Selbstverstandnis des Menschen, das unsere Handlungen und Bewertungen sowie unsere Orientierung in der Welt pragt. DIe Forschenden stehen hierbei jedoch vor der Herausforderung, dass vertraute Intuitionen fragwurdig geworden (...)
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    Who Controls the Past Controls the Future: Reconsolidating Concerns Over Memory Manipulations.Jan Christoph Bublitz, Martin Dresler, Simone Kuehn & Dimitris Repantis - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (4):247-249.
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    Konflikte in der Ethik: Anmerkungen aus pragmatistischer Perspektive.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2016 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin, Moral, Wissenschaft und Wahrheit. De Gruyter. pp. 145-160.
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  30. Freedom of Thought in the Age of Neuroscience.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (1):1-25.
    Freedom of thought is a fundamental human right, enshrined in many human rights treaties. It might very well be the only human right without any practical application. The paper reconstructs scope and meaning of this forgotten right and proposes four principles for its interpretation. In the age of neuroscientific insights and interventions into mind and brain that afford to alter thoughts, the time for the law to define freedom of thought in a way that lives up to its theoretical significance (...)
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    Konvivialere Menschen für konvivialere Kollektive – und umgekehrt.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 9 (2):81-112.
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    Nationalismustheorien und ihre affektiv-emotionalen Lücken – eine einleitende Diskursskizze.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 9 (1):7-30.
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    Generationenkollektive: Beschreibungen von Mannheim, Halbwachs und Hansen und der Versuch einer Synthese.Jan-Christoph Marschelke & Wulf Frauen - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (1):115-134.
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    Mehrfachzugehörigkeit von Individuen – Prämissen und Reichweite des Begriffs der Multikollektivität.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 3 (1):29-68.
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    Individual responsibility and global structural injustice: Toward an ethos of cosmopolitan responsibility.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (2):185-200.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Der Cyborg und die Frage nach dem Menschen. Kritische Überlegungen zum „homo arte emendatus et correctus“.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Oliver Müller - 2007 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 12 (1):21-44.
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  37.  17
    Doing collectivity: Eine praxeologische Annäherung an Kollektivität.Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (1):79-114.
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  38. Crimes Against Minds: On Mental Manipulations, Harms and a Human Right to Mental Self-Determination. [REVIEW]Jan Christoph Bublitz & Reinhard Merkel - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):51-77.
    The neurosciences not only challenge assumptions about the mind’s place in the natural world but also urge us to reconsider its role in the normative world. Based on mind-brain dualism, the law affords only one-sided protection: it systematically protects bodies and brains, but only fragmentarily minds and mental states. The fundamental question, in what ways people may legitimately change mental states of others, is largely unexplored in legal thinking. With novel technologies to both intervene into minds and detect mental activity, (...)
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    Realizing Justice in the Coordinated Global Coronavirus Response.Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Maike Voss & Verina Wild - 2022 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 13 (2):21-40.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting countries across the globe. Only a globally coordinated response, however, will enable the containment of the virus. Responding to a request from policy makers for ethics input for a global resource pledging event as a starting point, this paper outlines normative and procedural principles to inform a coordinated global coronavirus response. Highlighting global connections and specific vulnerabilities from the pandemic, and proposing standards for reasonable and accountable decision-making, the ambition of the paper is two-fold: to (...)
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    Change and Nothing But Change, on Philip Rosen Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory.Jan-Christopher Horak - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (6).
    Philip Rosen _Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory_ Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001 ISBN 0-8166-3637-0 445 pp.
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    The Archeology of Vision: On The Image in Dispute: Art and Cinema in the Age of Photography , edited by Dudley Andrew.Jan-Christopher Horak - 1998 - Film-Philosophy 2 (1).
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    When is Disbelief Epistemic Injustice? Criminal Procedure, Recovered Memories, and Deformations of the Epistemic Subject.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (3):681-708.
    People can be treated unjustly with respect to the level of credibility others accord to their testimony. This is the core idea of the philosophical idea of epistemic justice. It should be of utmost interest to criminal law which extensively deals with normative issues of evidence and testimony. It may reconstruct some of the long-standing criticisms of criminal law regarding credibility assessments and the treatment of witnesses, especially in sexual assault cases. However, philosophical discussions often overlook the intricate complexities of (...)
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  43.  28
    Does Academia Still Call? Experiences of Academics in Germany and the United States.Ariane Berthoin Antal & Jan-Christoph Rogge - 2020 - Minerva 58 (2):187-210.
    Given the significant transformations underway in academia, it is pertinent to ask whether the traditional notion of entering the profession in response to a calling is still relevant. This article draws together hitherto unconnected strands of German and Anglo-Saxon literature on callings, then analyzes biographical narratives of 40 social scientists in Germany and the United States. The comparative analysis of the timing, sources, and nature of the respondents’ decision to become academics finds that almost all exhibit a calling orientation. However, (...)
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  44.  48
    Privacy Concerns in Brain–Computer Interfaces.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (1):30-32.
    I join Gerben Meynen’s call for an ethical assessment of mind-reading technology by enlarging on four points he raises. First, I suggest distinguishing between neural and mental data, apprehending...
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  45.  88
    Moral Progress.Philip Kitcher, Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Rahel Jaeggi & Susan Neiman - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jan-Christoph Heilinger.
    "The overall aim of this book is to understand the character of moral progress, so that making moral progress may become more systematic and secure, less chancy and less bloody. Drawing on three historical examples - the abolition of chattel slavery, the expansion of opportunities for women, and the increasing acceptance of same-sex love - it asks how those changes were brought about, and seeks a methodology for streamlining the kinds of developments that occurred. Moral progress is conceived as pragmatic (...)
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  46.  19
    In dubio pro Recht. Gehorsam als kulturelle Praxis. Rezension von: Andrea Kretschmann, Regulierung des Irregulären. Carework und die symbolische Qualität des Rechts. [REVIEW]Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 3 (1):147-160.
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  47. Editorial: Schemata und Kollektivität – Wissen durch und über Kollektive.Mark Oliver Carl & Jan-Christoph Marschelke - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 10 (2):5-22.
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    Between prerogative power and legality – reading Ernst Fraenkel’s The Dual State as an analytical tool for present authoritarian rule.Jan Christoph Suntrup - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (3):335-359.
    ABSTRACT Ernst Fraenkel’s seminal study about Nazi law, in which he described the co-existence of a ‘normative state’ and a ‘prerogative state’ as principles of government, is to be rediscovered in the new age of the prerogative. Through a critical reading of The Dual State and other important texts by Fraenkel, this article seeks to contribute to the contemporary debate on regime types and governmental power in three regards: first, by clarifying Fraenkel’s concept of and perspective on law; second, by (...)
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  49.  28
    The Philosophy of Human Rights: Contemporary Controversies.Gerhard Ernst & Jan-Christoph Heilinger (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The notion of “human rights” is widely used in political and moral discussions. The core idea, that all human beings have some inalienable basic rights, is appealing and has an eminently practical function: It allows moral criticism of various wrongs and calls for action in order to prevent them. On the other hand it is unclear what exactly a human right is. Human rights lack a convincing conceptual foundation that would be able to compel the wrong-doer to accept human rights (...)
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    Moralische Verantwortung in und für Organisationen. [REVIEW]Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (6):967-976.
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