Results for 'Jacob Kohlhaas'

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  1.  21
    Loving the World We Are: Anthropology and Relationality in Laudato si’.Jacob M. Kohlhaas & Ryan Patrick McLaughlin - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):501-524.
    There is a tension between Laudato si's consistent emphasis on relationships and interconnectedness and its acceptance of anthropocentrism. While Laudato si’ does reject certain problematic forms of anthropocentrism, the encyclical does not assert an alternative to this traditional framework. This article contends that “relatiocentrism” provides the best avenue for developing the convictions expressed within Laudato si’ while moving beyond the limitations of the encyclical itself. In so doing, this essay explores the use of narrative as a means of shaping identity (...)
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  2. Science and Religion: A Pedagogical Perspective. [REVIEW]Christoffer Lammer-Heindel & Jacob Kohlhaas - 2018 - Religious Studies Review 44:365-371.
    Teaching courses on religion and science is no easy task as the possibilities for conceptual approaches and course materials are seemingly endless. Both “religion” and “science” denote immense human endeavors with only fuzzy boundaries. They can be compared, contrasted, and explored in numerous ways. Educators must choose how to structure their courses from among many competing perspectives and resources. Below, we review six recent books in terms of their content, perspectives, and methodological approaches while evaluating their potential virtues and challenges (...)
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    Beyond Biology: Rethinking Parenthood in the Catholic Tradition, by Jacob M. Kohlhaas[REVIEW]Taylor J. Ott - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (1):211-212.
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    Medical Nihilism.Jacob Stegenga - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Medical nihilism is the view that we should have little confidence in the effectiveness of medical interventions. Jacob Stegenga argues persuasively that this is how we should see modern medicine, and suggests that medical research must be modified, clinical practice should be less aggressive, and regulatory standards should be enhanced.
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  5. Do We Conceptualize Every Color We Consciously Discriminate?Jacob Berger - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):632-635.
    Mandik (2012)understands color-consciousness conceptualism to be the view that one deploys in a conscious qualitative state concepts for every color consciously discriminated by that state. Some argue that the experimental evidence that we can consciously discriminate barely distinct hues that are presented together but cannot do so when those hues are presented in short succession suggests that we can consciously discriminate colors that we do not conceptualize. Mandik maintains, however, that this evidence is consistent with our deploying a variety of (...)
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    Embodied simulation and the search for meaning are not necessary for facial expression processing.Jacob M. Vigil & Patrick Coulombe - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):461 - 463.
    Embodied simulation and the epistemic motivation to search for the of other people's behaviors are not necessary for specific and functional responding to, and hence processing of, human facial expressions. Rather, facial expression processing can be achieved through lower-cognitive, heuristical perceptual processing and expression of prototypical morphological musculature movement patterns that communicate discrete trustworthiness and capacity cues to conspecifics.
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  7. Robustness, discordance, and relevance.Jacob Stegenga - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):650-661.
    Robustness is a common platitude: hypotheses are better supported with evidence generated by multiple techniques that rely on different background assumptions. Robustness has been put to numerous epistemic tasks, including the demarcation of artifacts from real entities, countering the “experimenter’s regress,” and resolving evidential discordance. Despite the frequency of appeals to robustness, the notion itself has received scant critique. Arguments based on robustness can give incorrect conclusions. More worrying is that although robustness may be valuable in ideal evidential circumstances (i.e., (...)
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  8.  15
    Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra.Jacob Klein - 1968 - M. I. T. Press.
    Important study focuses on the revival and assimilation of ancient Greek mathematics in the 13th–16th centuries, via Arabic science, and the 16th-century development of symbolic algebra. This brought about the crucial change in the concept of number that made possible modern science — in which the symbolic "form" of a mathematical statement is completely inseparable from its "content" of physical meaning. Includes a translation of Vieta's Introduction to the Analytical Art. 1968 edition. Bibliography.
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    Commodity Fetishism and the Value Concept: Some Contrasting Points of View.Jacob Morris, M. Colman & Donald Clark Hodges - 1966 - Science and Society 30 (2):206 - 227.
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    Judaism in the History of Religions.Jacob Neusner - 1968 - History and Theory 8:31-45.
  11.  19
    Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature.Jacob Neusner & Jacob Mann - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):112.
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    Der Weg zur Gotteserkenntnis bei Augustinus und Descartes.Jacob Obersteiner - 1968 - Augustinus 13 (49-52):283-305.
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    The eleatic stranger's socratic condemnation of socrates.Jacob Howland - 1993 - Polis 12 (1-2):15-36.
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  14. Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra.Jacob Klein, Eva Brann & J. Winfree Smith - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (4):374-375.
  15.  12
    The Secular Enlightenment.Margaret C. Jacob - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    A major new history of how the Enlightenment transformed people’s everyday lives The Secular Enlightenment is a panoramic account of the radical ways that life began to change for ordinary people in the age of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. In this landmark book, familiar Enlightenment figures share places with voices that have remained largely unheard until now, from freethinkers and freemasons to French materialists, anticlerical Catholics, pantheists, pornographers, readers, and travelers. Margaret Jacob, one of our most esteemed historians of (...)
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    Oriëntatie in de nieuwe filosofie.Jacob Klapwijk - 1986 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Tussen historisme en relativisme: Een studie over de dynamiek van het historisme en de wijsgerige ontwikkelingsgang van Ernst Troeltsch.Jacob Klapwijk - 1970 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  18. Saul Padover: 1905-1981.Jacob Landynski - 1981 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 48 (2):225-226.
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  19. Sefer Hatslaḥat ha-nefesh.Jacob Levin - 1969
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  20. 'You Gotta Listen to How People Talk': Machines and Natural Language.Jacob Berger & Kyle Ferguson - 2009 - In Kevin S. Decker & Richard Brown, Terminator and Philosophy: I'll Be Back, Therefore I Am. Wiley. pp. 239-252.
    A fun piece discussing the challenges to and prospects of building machines that are able to produce and understand natural language.
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    Rede en religie in de greep van grondmodellen.Jacob Klapwijk - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):19-43.
    Over de vraag hoe geloof en verstand zich onderling verhouden, bestaat geen communis opinio; ook in het verleden is die er nooit geweest. Integendeel, de filosofiehistorie vertoont een complexe verscheidenheid van opvattingen. In dit artikel heb ik deze geordend in een beperkt aantal grondschema’s of grondmodellen. Ik breng zeven van die grondmodellen ter sprake, en duid ze kortweg aan met de termen identificatie, conflict, subordinatie, complementariteit, fundering, authenticiteit en transformatie. Mijn analyse laat zien hoe deze modellen, eenmaal present op het (...)
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  22. Wyjaśnienia.Jacob Klein & Leo Strauss - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (21).
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    Handbuch Datenschutz im Sport: Formulare – Erläuterungen – Gesetze.Jacob Kornbeck - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (2):211-216.
  24.  15
    A Modern Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew.Jacob M. Landau & M. H. Goshen-Gottstein - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):539.
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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  26.  19
    Life's irreducible structure: Where are we, five decades later?Jacob Joseph - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000250.
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    Facial expression judgments support a socio-relational model, rather than a negativity bias model of political psychology.Jacob M. Vigil & Chance Strenth - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):331-332.
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    Prejudicial behavior: More closely linked to homophilic peer preferences than to trait bigotry.Jacob M. Vigil & Kamilla Venner - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):448-449.
    We disagree with Dixon et al. by maintaining that prejudice is primarily rooted in aversive reactions toward out-group members. However, these reactions are not indicative of negative attributes, such as trait bigotry, but rather normative homophily for peers with similar perceived attributes. Cognitive biases such as stereotype threat perpetuate perceptions of inequipotential and subsequent discrimination, irrespective of individuals' personality characteristics.
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    Subtle variation in ambient room temperature influences the expression of social cognition.Jacob M. Vigil, Tyler J. Swartz & Lauren N. Rowell - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):502-503.
    Social signaling models predict that subtle variation in climatic temperature induces systematic changes in expressed cognition. An experiment showed that perceived room temperature was associated with variability in self-descriptions, social reactions of others, and desiring differing types of social networks. The findings reflect the tendency to inflate capacity demonstrations in warmer climates as a result of the social networking opportunities they enable.
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    The Curse of Curves.Jacob M. Vigil, Chance R. Strenth, Andrea A. Mueller, Jared DiDomenico, Diego Guevara Beltran, Patrick Coulombe & Jane Ellen Smith - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):235-254.
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  31. Spinoza’s Physical Philosophy.Jacob Adler - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (3):253-276.
  32. Driven to Be Good: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective on the Drivers of Corporate Social Performance. [REVIEW]Jacob Brower & Vijay Mahajan - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):313-331.
    Despite growing evidence of the benefits to a firm of improving corporate social performance (CSP), many firms vary significantly in terms of their CSP activities. This research investigates how the characteristics of the stakeholder landscape influence a firm’s CSP breadth. Using stakeholder theory, we specifically propose that several factors increase the salience and impact of stakeholders’ demands on the firm and that, in response to these factors, a firm’s CSP will have greater breadth. A firm’s CSP breadth is operationalized as (...)
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  33. Devoirs, Conférences de Morale individuelle et de Morale sociale.B. Jacob - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (1):4-5.
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    hymnus In Honorem Sancti Anselmi.E. F. Jacob - 1935 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 19 (2):411.
  35. L''ge de la science : lectures philosophiques : épistémologie.Pierre Jacob - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):693-697.
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  36. Le rationalisme peut-il être purement déductif?Pierre Jacob - 1984 - The Temps de la Réflexion 5:247.
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    La sémantique des théories physiques Jean Leroux Ottawa, Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1988, xii, 152 p.Pierre Jacob - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (1):143-.
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    Patterns, causalité mentale et Lois intentionnelles.Pierre Jacob - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Political Ideals.Alexander Jacob (ed.) - 2005 - Upa.
    This edition of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's Politische Ideale reveals the historical significance of Chamberlain in German conservative political philosophy. Contrasting the vital nationalistic state with the sterile commercialism of liberal democracies, moral freedom with the unruly selfishness of democratic parties, and the decaying culture of the Anglo-Saxon peoples with the relatively pure Teutonic, Chamberlain evokes in this work the principal elements of a genuinely conservative state.
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  40. Perspectives on Consciousness.Pierre Jacob - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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    The French Prophets: The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century EnglandHillel Schwartz.Margaret Jacob - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):473-474.
  42. Cusanus the Theologian / by E.F. Jacob.E. F. Jacob - 1937 - Manchester University Press.
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    Of Archery and Virtue: Ancient and Modern Conceptions of Value.Jacob Klein - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    I argue that comparisons of Stoic virtue to stochastic skills — now standard in the secondary literature on Stoicism — are based on a misreading of the sources and distort the Stoic position in two respects. In paradigmatic stochastic skills such as archery, medicine, or navigation the value of the skill’s external end justifies the existence and practice of the skill and constitutes an appropriate focus of rational motivation. Neither claim applies to virtue as the Stoics understand it. The stochastic (...)
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  44.  22
    Beyond the Two-State Solution: A Jewish Political Essay by Yehouda Shenhav: Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press, 2012.Frank Jacob - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (3):317-318.
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    Changing practice on confidentiality: a cause for concern. Commentary 1: Confidentiality: the dangers of anything weaker than the medical ethic.J. M. Jacob - 1982 - Journal of Medical Ethics 8 (1):18-21.
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  46.  10
    Confronting the anomaly: directions in (German) economic research after the crisis.Ulrike Jacob & Oliver A. Brust - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (4):449-471.
    ArgumentRecurring economic crises, like the one of 2007-2008, led to criticism of economic research and a demand to develop new strategies to avoid them. Standard economic theories use conventional approaches to deal with economic challenges, heterodox theories try to develop alternatives with which to face them. It remains unclear whether the 2007-2008 crisis led to a change in economic research as well as to a consideration of alternative approaches. We used co-word analysis to map the structure of economic research in (...)
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  47.  21
    The relevance of institutional ethics for professional dentistry.Mike Jacob & Winfried Walther - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (1):21-37.
    ZusammenfassungDer Begriff „Ethik“ wurde vor kurzem sowohl in die zahnmedizinische Musterberufsordnung 2014 als auch in den aktuellen „Nationalen Kompetenzbasierten Lernzielkatalog Zahnmedizin“ aufgenommen. Die hier vorgelegte Studie widmet sich der Frage, welche Bedeutung dies für die zahnmedizinische Profession und die Gesellschaft hat. Zu diesem Zweck werden die gesellschaftlichen Prozesse erörtert, die durch den autonom handhabbaren Handlungsspielraum der zahnmedizinischen Profession bedingt sind. Die sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskursfelder Profession, Vertrauen, Bildung, Expertise, Handlungspraxis und Sanktion werden hierzu in ihrer Anschlussfähigkeit zueinander und als struktureller Bedeutungsrahmen professionsethisch (...)
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  48.  11
    Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East: Youth, Technology, Human Rights, and US Foreign Policy by Mahmood Monshipouri: Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2014.Frank Jacob - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (4):409-411.
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    Early Newtonianism.M. C. Jacob - 1974 - History of Science 12 (2):142-146.
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    Editorial: The Potential of School-Based Interventions That Target Executive Function.Robin Jacob, Tyler W. Watts & Antje von Suchodoletz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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