Results for 'Jacob Kirschkamp'

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  1. Luke and the People of God: A New Look at Luke-Acts.Jacob Jervell - 1972
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  2. Why visual experience is likely to resist being enacted.Pierre Jacob - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Alva Noë’s version of the enactive conception in _Action in Perception_ is an important contribution to the study of visual perception. First, I argue, however, that it is unclear (at best) whether, as the enactivists claim, work on change blindness supports the denial of the existence of detailed visual representations. Second, I elaborate on what Noë calls the ‘puzzle of perceptual presence’. Thirdly, I question the enactivist account of perceptual constancy. Finally, I draw attention to the tensions between enactivism and (...)
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  3. Should scientific realists be platonists?Jacob Busch & Joe Morrison - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2):435-449.
    Enhanced indispensability arguments claim that Scientific Realists are committed to the existence of mathematical entities due to their reliance on Inference to the best explanation. Our central question concerns this purported parity of reasoning: do people who defend the EIA make an appropriate use of the resources of Scientific Realism to achieve platonism? We argue that just because a variety of different inferential strategies can be employed by Scientific Realists does not mean that ontological conclusions concerning which things we should (...)
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    Post-Truth and the Rhetoric of “Following the Science”.Jacob Hale Russell & Dennis Patterson - 2023 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 35 (1):122-147.
    Populists are often cast as deniers of rationality, creators of a climate of “post-truth,” and valuing tribe over truth and the rigors of science. Their critics claim the authority of rationality and empirical facts. Yet the critics no less than populists enable an environment of spurious claims and defective argumentation. This is especially true in the realm of science. An important case study is the account of scientific trust offered by a leading public intellectual and historian of science, Naomi Oreskes, (...)
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    The scope and limit of mental simulation.Pierre Jacob - 2002 - In Jérôme Dokic & Joëlle Proust (eds.), Simulation and Knowledge of Action. John Benjamins.
  6. Personhood and AI: Why large language models don’t understand us.Jacob Browning - 2023 - AI and Society 39 (5):2499-2506.
    Recent artificial intelligence advances, especially those of large language models (LLMs), have increasingly shown glimpses of human-like intelligence. This has led to bold claims that these systems are no longer a mere “it” but now a “who,” a kind of person deserving respect. In this paper, I argue that this view depends on a Cartesian account of personhood, on which identifying someone as a person is based on their cognitive sophistication and ability to address common-sense reasoning problems. I contrast this (...)
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    Likely and Looming? The Labyrinthine ELSI Landscape of Copying Consciousness.Jacob Freund, Guy Halevi, Hila Tavdi & Dov Greenbaum - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):218-221.
    Professors Hildt (2023), Shepherd (2023), and Zilio and Lavazza (2023) jointly considered the ethical and philosophical implications of acknowledging non-human (e.g., machine) consciousness. Althou...
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  8. The freedom of crime: property, theft, and recognition in Hegel’s System of Ethical Life.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (1):103-126.
    Volume 31, Issue 1, January 2023, Page 103-126.
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    Participant perceptions of different forms of deliberative monetary valuation: Comparing democratic monetary valuation and deliberative democratic monetary valuation in the context of regional marine planning.Jacob Ainscough, Jasper O. Kenter, Elaine Azzopardi & A. Meriwether W. Wilson - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (2):189-215.
    As conceptual and theoretical discussions on environmental valuation approaches have advanced there is growing interest in the impact that valuation has on decision making. The perceived legitimacy of the outputs of valuation studies is seen as one factor influencing their impact on policy decisions. One element of this is ensuring that participants of valuation processes see the results as legitimate and would be willing to accept decisions based on these findings. Here, we test the perceived legitimacy to participants of two (...)
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  10. Workplace Democracy, Market Competition and Republican Self-Respect.Daniel Jacob & Christian Neuhäuser - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):927-944.
    Is it a requirement of justice to democratize private companies? This question has received renewed attention in the wake of the financial crisis, as part of a larger debate about the role of companies in society. In this article, we discuss three principled arguments for workplace democracy and show that these arguments fail to establish that all workplaces ought to be democratized. We do, however, argue that republican-minded workers must have a fair opportunity to work in a democratic company. Under (...)
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    Practical Matter: Newton’s Science in the Service of Industry and Empire, 1687–1851.Margaret C. Jacob & Larry Stewart - 2004 - Harvard University Press.
    From 1687, the year when Newton published his Principia, to the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851, science gradually became central to Western thought and economic development. The book examines how, despite powerful opposition on the Continent, a Newtonian understanding gained acceptance and practical application.
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    Réalistes, nihilistes et incompatibilistes.Jacob Schmutz - 2006 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 43:131-178.
    Ce colloque consacré au néant ressuscite un exercice académique courant dans les collèges jésuites espagnols des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : la disputatio de carentiis. La question en jeu était de savoir s’il convenait d’admettre ou non un certain type d’entité négative, qualifiée généralement de carentia (absence, carence, manque), afin de rendre vrai un jugement négatif : ainsi, au même titre que la proposition Caen existe est vraie en vertu de...
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    Qui a inventé les mondes possibles?Jacob Schmutz - 2005 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 42:9-45.
    Le mot et la chose Rien ne semble plus naturel à l’intelligence du philosophe d’aujourd’hui que l’idée d’autres mondes possibles. Mais derrière l’évidence de la notion se bousculent plusieurs concepts de « monde possible », qui nous paraissent à première vue liés mais dont on verra qu’on doit en réalité les distinguer soigneusement les uns des autres : par « mondes possibles », nous pouvons en effet songer à des mondes pure...
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    State consciousness revisited.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I try to reconcile Dretske's representational theory of conscious mental states with Rosenthal's higher-order thought (HOT) theory of conscious mental states by arguing that Rosenthal's HOT can make room for the notion of a state of consciousness whereby an invidual may be conscious of an object or property without thereby being conscious of being in such a state.
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    Doctors and rules: a sociology of professional values.Joseph M. Jacob - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Out of a reassertion of old ways, this book presents a new blueprint for future professional conduct.
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    (1 other version)Do we know how we know our own minds yet?Pierre Jacob - 2004 - In Richard Schantz (ed.), The Externalist Challenge. De Gruyter.
    In traditional epistemology, psychological self-knowledge is taken to be the paradigm of privleged a priori knowledge. According to an influential incompatibilist line of thought, traditional epistemic features attributed to psychological self-knowledge are supposed to be inconsistent with content externalism. In this paper, I examine one prominent compatibilist response by an advocate of content externalism, i.e., Fred Dretske's answer tot he incompatibilist argument, based on the model of displaced perceptual knowledge. I discuss the costs and benefits of his answer.
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    Edgar Morin: la fabrique d'une pensée et ses réseaux influents.Jean Jacob - 2011 - Villeurbanne: Éditions Golias.
    Né en 1921, Edgar Morin est un penseur connu, mais heureusement pas toujours reconnu dans les milieux scientifiques. Sa ronflante Méthode, qui établit que les effets d’une action échappent souvent à son auteur en provoquant des conséquences méconnues, comble surtout des médias trop heureux d’avoir sous la main un théoricien tout-terrain aux analyses grandiloquentes. D’ailleurs, la femme, l’entreprise, le football, la France, l’Europe, les pays de l’est, les pays arabes, le monde... sont, pour Edgar Morin, complexes. En quelques années, Edgar (...)
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  18. Memory, learning and metacognition.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I examine the impact of human metarepresentational abilities on human memory.
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    Normative Fragen von Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit.Daniel Jacob, Bernd Ladwig & Cord Schmelzle (eds.) - 2017 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Der Staat, wie wir ihn zu kennen glauben, ist geschichtlich und gegenwartig die Ausnahme und nicht die Regel. Doch auch in Raumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit wird regiert, haufig unter Beteiligung privater Akteure und internationaler Organisationen. Der Band untersucht, ob und wie unter diesen Bedingungen legitimes Regieren moglich ist und wem die Verantwortung zukommt, Menschenrechte und demokratische Teilhabe zu gewahrleisten. Der erste Teil des Bandes fragt begrifflich nach den normativen Implikationen von Staatlichkeit. Hieran anschlieaend untersucht der zweite Teil menschenrechts- und gerechtigkeitstheoretische Fragen, (...)
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  20.  19
    Private Beliefs in Public Temples: The New Religiosity of the Eighteenth Century.Margaret Jacob - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:60-84.
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    Michael L. Gross , Moral Dilemmas of Modern War: Torture, Assassination, and Blackmail in an Age of Asymmetric Conflict . Reviewed by.Jacob Held - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (1):24-26.
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  22. Gottlob Freges "drittes Reich" der Gedanken.Jacob Hesse - 2017 - Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 64:95–100.
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    Propriétés mentales et explication causale.Pierre Jacob - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (2):295 - 303.
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  24. Perspectives on Consciousness.Pierre Jacob - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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    Precis of Ways of Seeing, the Scope and Limits of Visual Cognition.Pierre Jacob & Marc Jeannerod - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 13.
    Human vision raises a number of puzzles. Among them are the puzzles of visual experience: how to provide a scientific understanding of the phenomenal character of the visual experiences of the shapes, textures, colors, orientations and motion of perceived objects? How can a purely subjective visual experience be the basis of so much objective knowledge of the world? Visually guided actions raise a different puzzle: how can actions directed towards a target be so accurate in the absence of the agent’s (...)
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    Science and Politics in the Late Twentieth Century.Margaret Jacob - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:487-504.
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  27. The exegetic works by a theologian from strasbourg in the 17th-century, Schmidt, sebastien.E. Jacob - 1986 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 66 (1):71-78.
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  28. The Moral Life of Man, Its Philosophical Foundations.Jacob Kahn - 1956
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    „Wolken betrachten“.Joachim Jacob - 2013 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 22 (2):159-169.
  30. The Unknown Paul: Essays on Luke—Acts and Early Christian History.Jacob Jervell - 1984
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    Über das Studium der Geschichte.Jacob Burckhardt & Peter F. Ganz - 1982
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  32. Considérations sur l'histoire universelle.Jacob Burckhardt, S. Stelling-Michaud, J. Buenzod & W. Kaegi - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (3):365-365.
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    Faut-il prendre Les Deipnosophistes au sérieux?Christian Jacob - 2020 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    On défend ici la thèse qu’Athénée met en scène dans les Deipnosophistes un cercle réel de grands lecteurs et d’érudits, engagés dans un jeu vertigineux : les citations, échangées sur un rythme infernal, sont autant de pions pour se déplacer sur le damier de la bibliothèque, de la langue, de la culture grecques classiques.
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    Millenarianism and Science in the Late Seventeenth Century.Margaret C. Jacob - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (2):335.
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    Jewish veganism and vegetarianism: studies and new directions.Jacob Ari Labendz & Shmuly Yanklowitz (eds.) - 2019 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    Jewish vegan and vegetarian movements have become increasingly prominent in recent decades, as more Jews adopt plant-based lifestyles. In this book, scholars, rabbis, and activists explore the history of veganism and vegetarianism among Jews and present compelling new directions in Jewish thought, ethics, and foodways. Jewish Veganism and Vegetarianism asks how Judaism, broadly considered, has inspired people to eschew animal products and how those choices have enriched and defined Jewishness. It offers opportunities to meditate on what makes Jewish veganism and (...)
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  36. Second Thoughts on Graduate Education.Jacob Neusner - 1997 - Humanitas 10 (2):77-84.
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    Le Retrait du politique: travaux du Centre de recherches philosophiques sur le politique.Jacob Rogozinski & Ecole Normale Supérieure - 1983 - Editions Galilée.
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  38. Von der Vergesellschaftung zur Planung und wieder zurück.Jacob Blumenfeld & Rabea Berfelde - 2024 - Prokla 54 (215):177–193.
    Wir diskutieren die Zusammenhänge zwischen historischen sowie aktuellen Debatten um Vergesellschaftung und demokratische Wirtschaftsplanung. Anhand der historischen Vergesellschaftungsdebatte wird gezeigt, dass sowohl die Wirtschaftsplanung als auch die Demokratisierung der Ökonomie zentrale Ziele verschiedener Vergesellschaftungskonzepte waren. Während die Vergesellschaftungs- debatte die Transformationsperspektive stärker in den Vordergrund rückt, konkretisiert die Debatte um demokratische Wirtschaftsplanung das Ziel, also die Gestaltung einer gemeinwohlorientierten und radikal-demokratischen Produktionsweise.
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    Private Employers Don't Need Formal Risk Adjustment.Jacob Glazer & Thomas G. McGuire - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (3):260-269.
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    (1 other version)Force and freedom.Jacob Burckhardt - 1943 - New York,: Pantheon Books. Edited by James Hastings Nichols.
  41. Dimensions of Dignity: The Theory and Practice of Modern Constitutional Law.Jacob Weinrib - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    In an age of constitutional revolutions and reforms, theory and practice are moving in opposite directions. As a matter of constitutional practice, human dignity has emerged in jurisdictions around the world as the organizing idea of a groundbreaking paradigm. By reconfiguring constitutional norms, institutional structures and legal doctrines, this paradigm transforms human dignity from a mere moral claim into a legal norm that persons have standing to vindicate. As a matter of constitutional theory, however, human dignity remains an enigmatic idea. (...)
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  42. Natural law and the ELCA.Marianne Howard Yoder & Jacob Larry Yoder - 2010 - In Robert C. Baker & Roland Cap Ehlke (eds.), Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal. Concordia Pub. House.
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  43. De Vienne à Cambridge. L'héritage du positivisme logique de 1950 à nos jours.Pierre Jacob - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (2):374-375.
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    Lies, Manipulation and Elections—Controlling False Campaign Statements.Jacob Rowbottom - 2012 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 32 (3):507-535.
  45. Property and Freedom in Kant, Hegel, and Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2020 - In Victoria Fareld & Hannes Kuch (eds.), From Marx to Hegel and Back. Bloomsbury. pp. 73=90.
    In this chapter, I criticize some common approaches to conceptualizing property, and I propose instead a more normatively attuned, historically situated framework for thinking about what it means to call something mine. Whereas many legal theorists are busy constructing elaborate doctrines for justifying the absolute supremacy of property rights (and, consequently, normalizing the status quo distribution of wealth), I am more interested in understanding the social bonds, normative expectations, and material constraints produced in property relations. I do this with the (...)
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    Is human compositionality meta-learned?Jacob Russin, Sam Whitman McGrath, Ellie Pavlick & Michael J. Frank - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e162.
    Recent studies suggest that meta-learning may provide an original solution to an enduring puzzle about whether neural networks can explain compositionality – in particular, by raising the prospect that compositionality can be understood as an emergent property of an inner-loop learning algorithm. We elaborate on this hypothesis and consider its empirical predictions regarding the neural mechanisms and development of human compositionality.
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    Aging and the aged in Jewish law: essays and responsa.Walter Jacob & Moshe Zemer (eds.) - 1998 - Pittsburgh: Rodef Shalom Press.
    THE FREEHOF INSTITUTE OF PROGRESSIVE HALAKHAH The Freehof Institute of Progressive Halakhah is a creative research center devoted to studying and defining the progressive character of the halakhah in accordance with the principles and theology of Reform Judaism. It seeks to establish the ideological basis of Progressive halakhah, and its application to daily life. The Institute fosters serious studies, and helps scholars in various portions of the world to work together for a common cause. It provides an ongoing forum through (...)
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  48. Can selection explain content?Pierre Jacob - 2000 - In Bernard Elevitch (ed.), The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 9: Philosophy of Mind. Charlottesville: Philosophy Doc Ctr. pp. 91-102.
    There are presently three broad approaches the project of naturalizing intentionality: a purely informational approach (Dretske and Fodor), a purely teleological approach (Millikan and Papineau), and a mixed informationally-based teleological approach (Dretske again). I will argue that the last teleosemantic theory offers the most promising approach. I also think, however, that the most explicit version of a pure teleosemantic theory of content, namely Millikan’s admirable theory, faces a pair of objections. My goal in this paper is to spell out Millikan’s (...)
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  49. Physician professionalism and preparing for epidemics: Challenges and opportunities.Matthew K. Wynia, Jacob F. Kurlander & Shane K. Green - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 9:135-161.
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  50. Sefer Tomer Devorah: ṿe-hu maʼamar nikhbad... be-derekh yesharah she-yavor lo ha-adam ṿe-hitbodeduto ṿe-takhlito ṿe-hitbonenus derakhaṿ.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2007 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Tomer Publications. Edited by Dov Finḳ.
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