Results for 'Jacob Kahn'

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  1. The Moral Life of Man, Its Philosophical Foundations.Jacob Kahn - 1956
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    „Spuren“ – Museale Narrative zur jüdischen Buchgeschichte der Zwischenkriegszeit in Deutschland.Stephanie Jacobs - 2018 - Naharaim 12 (1-2):77-99.
    Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich exemplarisch anhand dreier Ausstellungen im Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig mit Fragen der Repräsentation moderner jüdischer Buchgeschichte im Museum. Dazu werden die grundlegenden Herausforderungen für die Zusammenarbeit von bestandshaltenden Institutionen wie Museen, Archiven und Bibliotheken erörtert und aktuelle wie zukünftige Tendenzen für ein sammlungsbasiertes Forschen aufgezeigt. Zudem werden Besonderheiten der musealen Arbeit bei der Gestaltung von Ausstellungen an konkreten Beispielen vorgeführt und dafür zentrale Fragen der räumlichen Choreografie sowie visuellen Kommunikation für die (...)
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  3. Luke and the People of God: A New Look at Luke-Acts.Jacob Jervell - 1972
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  4. Why visual experience is likely to resist being enacted.Pierre Jacob - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Alva Noë’s version of the enactive conception in _Action in Perception_ is an important contribution to the study of visual perception. First, I argue, however, that it is unclear (at best) whether, as the enactivists claim, work on change blindness supports the denial of the existence of detailed visual representations. Second, I elaborate on what Noë calls the ‘puzzle of perceptual presence’. Thirdly, I question the enactivist account of perceptual constancy. Finally, I draw attention to the tensions between enactivism and (...)
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    An epistemology of the concrete: twentieth-century histories of life.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    Ludwik Fleck, Edmund Husserl : on the historicity of scientific knowledge -- Gaston Bachelard : the concept of "phenomenotechnique" -- Georges Canguilhem : epistemological history -- Pisum : Carl Correns's experiments on Xenia, 1896-99 -- Eudorina : Max Hartmann's experiments on biological regulation in protozoa, 1914-21 -- Ephestia : Alfred Kähn's experimental design for a developmental physiological -- Genetics, 1924-45 -- Tobacco mosaic virus : virus research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes for Biochemistry and Biology, 1937-45 -- The concept of (...)
  6.  44
    Moral Uncertainty and Public Justification.Jacob Barrett & Andreas T. Schmidt - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    Moral uncertainty and disagreement pervade our lives. Yet we still need to make decisions and act, both individually and politically. So, what should we do? Moral uncertainty theorists provide a theory of what individuals should do when they are uncertain about morality. Public reason liberals provide a theory of how societies should deal with reasonable disagreements about morality. They defend the public justification principle: state action is permissible only if it can be justified to all reasonable people. In this article, (...)
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    A socio-relational framework of sex differences in the expression of emotion.Jacob Miguel Vigil - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):375-390.
    Despite a staggering body of research demonstrating sex differences in expressed emotion, very few theoretical models (evolutionary or non-evolutionary) offer a critical examination of the adaptive nature of such differences. From the perspective of a socio-relational framework, emotive behaviors evolved to promote the attraction and aversion of different types of relationships by advertising the two most parsimonious properties ofreciprocity potential, or perceived attractiveness as a prospective social partner. These are the individual's (a)perceived capacityor ability to provide expedient resources, or to (...)
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    Punishment and Disagreement in the State of Nature.Jacob Barrett - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (3):334-354.
    Hobbes believed that the state of nature would be a war of all against all. Locke denied this, but acknowledged that in the absence of government, peace is insecure. In this paper, I analyse both accounts of the state of nature through the lens of classical and experimental game theory, drawing especially on evidence concerning the effects of punishment in public goods games. My analysis suggests that we need government not to keep wicked or relentlessly self-interested individuals in line, but (...)
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  9. Hollow Hunt for Harms.Jacob Stegenga - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (5):481-504.
    Harms of medical interventions are systematically underestimated in clinical research. Numerous factors—conceptual, methodological, and social—contribute to this underestimation. I articulate the depth of such underestimation by describing these factors at the various stages of clinical research. Before any evidence is gathered, the ways harms are operationalized in clinical research contributes to their underestimation. Medical interventions are first tested in phase 1 ‘first in human’ trials, but evidence from these trials is rarely published, despite the fact that such trials provide the (...)
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    Monotonic and Non-monotonic Embeddings of Anselm’s Proof.Jacob Archambault - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):121-138.
    A consequence relation \ is monotonic iff for premise sets \ and conclusion \, if \, \, then \; and non-monotonic if this fails in some instance. More plainly, a consequence relation is monotonic when whatever is entailed by a premise set remains entailed by any of its supersets. From the High Middle Ages through the Early Modern period, consequence in theology is assumed to be monotonic. Concomitantly, to the degree the argument formulated by Anselm at Proslogion 2–4 is taken (...)
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    How Social Ventures Grow: Understanding the Role of Philanthropic Grants in Scaling Social Entrepreneurship.Jacob Park & Saurabh A. Lall - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (1):3-44.
    Although early-stage finance is critical to the growth of most ventures, it is even more important for social ventures as they face the challenges of balancing their social and commercial objectives. Drawing on institutional logics and signaling theory, this study uses a panel data set of 3,401 nascent social ventures to investigate the important role philanthropic grant funding plays in the organizational and financial development of social ventures. We find mixed results, with positive effects on employment and subsequent access to (...)
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    Is Maximin egalitarian?Jacob Barrett - 2020 - Synthese 197 (2):817-837.
    According to the Maximin principle of distributive justice, one outcome is more just than another if the worst off individual in the first outcome is better off than the worst off individual in the second. This is often interpreted as a highly egalitarian principle, and, more specifically, as a highly egalitarian way of balancing a concern with equality against a concern with efficiency. But this interpretation faces a challenge: why should a concern with efficiency and equality lead us to a (...)
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    When Causal Specificity Does Not Matter (Much): Insights from HIV Treatment.Jacob P. Neal - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):836-846.
    Philosophers of biology generally agree that causal specificity tracks biological importance: more specific causes are more important. I argue that this correlation does not hold in much research aimed at biomedical intervention. Applying James Woodward’s analysis of causal specificity to the development and design of HIV treatments, I show that drugs that are less causally specific produce better therapeutic outcomes and are more highly valued. Thus, I conclude that the importance of biological causes does not track their specificity but instead (...)
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    Post-Truth and the Rhetoric of “Following the Science”.Jacob Hale Russell & Dennis Patterson - 2023 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 35 (1):122-147.
    Populists are often cast as deniers of rationality, creators of a climate of “post-truth,” and valuing tribe over truth and the rigors of science. Their critics claim the authority of rationality and empirical facts. Yet the critics no less than populists enable an environment of spurious claims and defective argumentation. This is especially true in the realm of science. An important case study is the account of scientific trust offered by a leading public intellectual and historian of science, Naomi Oreskes, (...)
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  15. A suicide right for the mentally ill? A swiss case opens a new debate.Jacob M. Appel - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (3):21-23.
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    The scope and limit of mental simulation.Pierre Jacob - 2002 - In Jérôme Dokic & Joëlle Proust (eds.), Simulation and Knowledge of Action. John Benjamins.
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    Optimism about Moral Responsibility.Jacob Barrett - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (33):1-17.
    In his classic “Freedom and Resentment,” P. F. Strawson introduces us to an optimist who believes that our moral responsibility practices are justified by their beneficial consequences. Although many see Strawson as a staunch critic of this consequentialist position, his stated view is only that there is a gap in the optimist’s story where the reactive attitudes should be. In this paper, I fill in the gap. I show how optimism can be suitably modified to reflect an appreciation of the (...)
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    Occidental Eschatology.Jacob Taubes - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    One of the great Jewish intellectuals of the twentieth century, Taubes published only this one book during his life, and here the English translation finally becomes available.
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    Permissive Laws and the Dynamism of Kantian Justice.Jacob Weinrib - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (1):105-136.
    If Kant’s theory of justice is known for one thing, it is for offering a vision of a perfectly just society that is utterly disconnected from the imperfect societies that we occupy. The purity of Kant’s account has attracted criticism from those who claim that if a theory of justice is to be practical, it must offer more than a vision of a perfectly just society. It must also explain how existing societies mired in injustice are to be brought into (...)
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    Asymmetries in the Friendship Preferences and Social Styles of Men and Women.Jacob M. Vigil - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (2):143-161.
    Several hypotheses on the form and function of sex differences in social behaviors were tested. The results suggest that friendship preferences in both sexes can be understood in terms of perceived reciprocity potential—capacity and willingness to engage in a mutually beneficial relationship. Divergent social styles may in turn reflect trade-offs between behaviors selected to maintain large, functional coalitions in men and intimate, secure relationships in women. The findings are interpreted from a broad socio-relational framework of the types of behaviors that (...)
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    Epicurus in the Enlightenment.Neven Leddy & Avi Lifschitz (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    Eighteenth-century Epicureanism is often viewed as radical, anti-religious, and politically dangerous. But to what extent does this simplify the ancient philosophy and underestimate its significance to the Enlightenment? Through a pan-European analysis of Enlightenment centres from Scotland to Russia via the Netherlands, France and Germany, contributors argue that elements of classical Epicureanism were appropriated by radical and conservative writers alike. They move beyond literature and political theory to examine the application of Epicurean ideas in domains as diverse as physics, natural (...)
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  22.  29
    Substituted judgment for the never‐capacitated: Crossing Storar's bridge too far.Jacob M. Appel - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):225-231.
    Since several landmark legal decisions in the 1970s and 1980s, substituted judgment has become widely accepted as an approach to decision‐making for incapacitated patients that incorporates their autonomy and interests. Two notable exceptions have been cases involving minors and those involving cognitively or psychiatrically impaired individuals who never previously possessed the ability to contemplate the medical decisions involved in their care. While a best interest standard may have universal merit in pediatric cases, this paper argues that substituted judgement has been (...)
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    On the Symbolic Order of Modern Democracy.Jacob Taubes - 2019 - In Willem Styfhals & Stéphane Symons (eds.), Genealogies of the Secular: The Making of Modern German Thought. SUNY Press. pp. 179-191.
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    Likely and Looming? The Labyrinthine ELSI Landscape of Copying Consciousness.Jacob Freund, Guy Halevi, Hila Tavdi & Dov Greenbaum - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):218-221.
    Professors Hildt (2023), Shepherd (2023), and Zilio and Lavazza (2023) jointly considered the ethical and philosophical implications of acknowledging non-human (e.g., machine) consciousness. Althou...
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    Johannes von Kries’s Range Conception, the Method of Arbitrary Functions, and Related Modern Approaches to Probability.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):151-170.
    A conception of probability that can be traced back to Johannes von Kries is introduced: the “Spielraum” or range conception. Its close connection to the so-called method of arbitrary functions is highlighted. Possible interpretations of it are discussed, and likewise its scope and its relation to certain current interpretations of probability. Taken together, these approaches form a class of interpretations of probability in its own right, but also with its own problems. These, too, are introduced, discussed, and proposals in response (...)
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    Is mindreading a gadget?Pierre Jacob & Thom Scott-Phillips - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1-27.
    Non-cognitive gadgets are fancy tools shaped to meet specific, local needs. Cecilia Heyes defines cognitive gadgets as dedicated psychological mechanisms created through social interactions and culturally, not genetically, inherited by humans. She has boldly proposed that many human cognitive mechanisms are gadgets. If true, these claims would have far-reaching implications for our scientific understanding of human social cognition. Here we assess Heyes’s cognitive gadget approach as it applies to mindreading. We do not think that the evidence supports Heyes’s thought-provoking thesis (...)
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    Practical Matter: Newton’s Science in the Service of Industry and Empire, 1687–1851.Margaret C. Jacob & Larry Stewart - 2004 - Harvard University Press.
    From 1687, the year when Newton published his Principia, to the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851, science gradually became central to Western thought and economic development. The book examines how, despite powerful opposition on the Continent, a Newtonian understanding gained acceptance and practical application.
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  28. McDowell and the Contents of Intuition.Jacob Browning - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (1-2):83-104.
    In Mind and World, John McDowell provided an influential account of how perceptual experience makes knowledge of the world possible. He recommended a view he called “conceptualism”, according to which concepts are intimately involved in perception and there is no non‐conceptual content. In response to criticisms of this view (especially those from Charles Travis), McDowell has more recently proposed a revised account that distinguishes between two kinds of representation: the passive non‐propositional contents of perceptual experience – what he now calls (...)
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    Embodied simulation and the search for meaning are not necessary for facial expression processing.Jacob M. Vigil & Patrick Coulombe - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):461 - 463.
    Embodied simulation and the epistemic motivation to search for the of other people's behaviors are not necessary for specific and functional responding to, and hence processing of, human facial expressions. Rather, facial expression processing can be achieved through lower-cognitive, heuristical perceptual processing and expression of prototypical morphological musculature movement patterns that communicate discrete trustworthiness and capacity cues to conspecifics.
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    The Principles of Constitutional Reform.Jacob Weinrib - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):631-651.
    In legal orders around the world, commitments to democracy, liberalism and constitutionalism are increasingly eroding. Although political and constitutional theorists often lament this trend, they invariably adopt frameworks that are indifferent to these commitments. My aims in this article are both critical and constructive. As a critical matter, I will expose the indifference of the leading political and constitutional theories to the emergence, maintenance and refinement of liberal democratic constitutional orders. As a constructive matter, I will draw on Immanuel Kant’s (...)
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    Doctors and rules: a sociology of professional values.Joseph M. Jacob - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Out of a reassertion of old ways, this book presents a new blueprint for future professional conduct.
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    Trade-offs in low-income women’s mate preferences.Jacob M. Vigil, David C. Geary & Jennifer Byrd-Craven - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (3):319-336.
    A sample of 460 low-income women completed a mate preference questionnaire and surveys that assessed family background, life history, conscientiousness, sexual motives, self-ratings (e.g., looks), and current circumstances (e.g., income). A cluster analysis revealed two groups of women: women who reported a strong preference for looks and money in a short-term mate and commitment in a long-term mate, and women who reported smaller differences across mating context. Group differences were found in reported educational levels, family background, sexual development, number of (...)
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    State consciousness revisited.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I try to reconcile Dretske's representational theory of conscious mental states with Rosenthal's higher-order thought (HOT) theory of conscious mental states by arguing that Rosenthal's HOT can make room for the notion of a state of consciousness whereby an invidual may be conscious of an object or property without thereby being conscious of being in such a state.
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    (1 other version)Swinging on the Pendulum: Shifting Views of Justice in Human Subjects Research.Anna Mastroianni & Jeffrey Kahn - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (3):22-24.
    Federal policies on human subjects research have undergone a progressive transformation. In the early decades of the twentieth century, federal policies largely relied on the discretion of investigators to decide when and how to conduct research. This approach gradually gave way to policies that augmented investigator discretion with externally imposed protections. We may now be entering an era of even more stringent external protections. Whether the new policies effectively absolve investigators of personal responsibility for conducting ethical research, and whether it (...)
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  35. Resource Bounded Agents.Jacob N. Caton - 2014
    Resource Bounded Agents Resource bounded agents are persons who have information processing limitations. All persons and other cognitive agents who have bodies are such that their sensory transducers have limited resolution and discriminatory ability; their information processing speed and power is bounded by some threshold; and their memory and … Continue reading Resource Bounded Agents →.
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    The Juridical Significance of Kant's 'Supposed Right to Lie'.Jacob Weinrib - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (1):141-170.
    In his ‘On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropy’ Kant makes the astonishing claim that one is not entitled to lie even to save a friend from a murderer. This claim has been an embarrassment for Kant's defenders and an indication of Kant's excessive rigour for his detractors. Responses to SRL fall into three main groups. The first of these groups, that of Kant's critics, claim that SRL demonstrates that Kant's ethical views are so rigorous that they become abhorrent (...)
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    Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin, Demystifying Legal Reasoning Reviewed by.Jacob M. Held - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (2):74-76.
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    (1 other version)Do we know how we know our own minds yet?Pierre Jacob - 2004 - In Richard Schantz (ed.), The Externalist Challenge. De Gruyter.
    In traditional epistemology, psychological self-knowledge is taken to be the paradigm of privleged a priori knowledge. According to an influential incompatibilist line of thought, traditional epistemic features attributed to psychological self-knowledge are supposed to be inconsistent with content externalism. In this paper, I examine one prominent compatibilist response by an advocate of content externalism, i.e., Fred Dretske's answer tot he incompatibilist argument, based on the model of displaced perceptual knowledge. I discuss the costs and benefits of his answer.
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    Edgar Morin: la fabrique d'une pensée et ses réseaux influents.Jean Jacob - 2011 - Villeurbanne: Éditions Golias.
    Né en 1921, Edgar Morin est un penseur connu, mais heureusement pas toujours reconnu dans les milieux scientifiques. Sa ronflante Méthode, qui établit que les effets d’une action échappent souvent à son auteur en provoquant des conséquences méconnues, comble surtout des médias trop heureux d’avoir sous la main un théoricien tout-terrain aux analyses grandiloquentes. D’ailleurs, la femme, l’entreprise, le football, la France, l’Europe, les pays de l’est, les pays arabes, le monde... sont, pour Edgar Morin, complexes. En quelques années, Edgar (...)
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    Faut-il prendre Les Deipnosophistes au sérieux?Christian Jacob - 2020 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    On défend ici la thèse qu’Athénée met en scène dans les Deipnosophistes un cercle réel de grands lecteurs et d’érudits, engagés dans un jeu vertigineux : les citations, échangées sur un rythme infernal, sont autant de pions pour se déplacer sur le damier de la bibliothèque, de la langue, de la culture grecques classiques.
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  41. Memory, learning and metacognition.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I examine the impact of human metarepresentational abilities on human memory.
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    Normative Fragen von Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit.Daniel Jacob, Bernd Ladwig & Cord Schmelzle (eds.) - 2017 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Der Staat, wie wir ihn zu kennen glauben, ist geschichtlich und gegenwartig die Ausnahme und nicht die Regel. Doch auch in Raumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit wird regiert, haufig unter Beteiligung privater Akteure und internationaler Organisationen. Der Band untersucht, ob und wie unter diesen Bedingungen legitimes Regieren moglich ist und wem die Verantwortung zukommt, Menschenrechte und demokratische Teilhabe zu gewahrleisten. Der erste Teil des Bandes fragt begrifflich nach den normativen Implikationen von Staatlichkeit. Hieran anschlieaend untersucht der zweite Teil menschenrechts- und gerechtigkeitstheoretische Fragen, (...)
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    Private Beliefs in Public Temples: The New Religiosity of the Eighteenth Century.Margaret Jacob - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:60-84.
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  44. Theology of Election—Israel and the Church.Jacób Jocz - 1958
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    Michael L. Gross , Moral Dilemmas of Modern War: Torture, Assassination, and Blackmail in an Age of Asymmetric Conflict . Reviewed by.Jacob Held - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (1):24-26.
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  46. Gottlob Freges "drittes Reich" der Gedanken.Jacob Hesse - 2017 - Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 64:95–100.
  47. Socrates and Alcibiades: Eros, Piety, and Politics.Jacob Howland - 1990 - Interpretation 18 (1):63-90.
  48. Abraham et sa signification pour la foi chrétienne.Edmond Jacob - 1962 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 42:148-56.
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  49. Human Action, Deliberation and Causation.Pierre Jacob - 1998 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  50. Henry More's "a Platonick Song of the Soul": A Critical Study.Alexander Jacob - 1988 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    The complexities of Henry More's eclectic Neoplatonism and his recklessly energetic poetic style have hitherto deterred scholars from undertaking a complete study of his long philosophical poem, A Platonick Song of the Soul . The aim of my dissertation is to study the Platonick Song in its entirety. I attempt to unravel the different strands of thought that it is woven of and reveal the consistency of thought and architectonic scheme of the work. ;The major themes of the Platonick Song (...)
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