Results for 'Jacob Bronsther'

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  1.  28
    Vague comparisons and proportional sentencing.Jacob Bronsther - 2019 - Legal Theory 25 (1):26-52.
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    Byproducts, Side-Effects, and the Law of War.Jacob Bronsther - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (3):735-757.
    The Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) provides that, all else equal, intentional deaths are harder to justify than merely foreseen deaths. The principle is meant to ground the distinction within humanitarian law between terror bombing and strategic bombing. However, according to the “closeness problem,” terror bombers are not necessarily intentional killers. Terror bombing strictly requires only that the civilians appear dead, goes the argument, such that—for a “sophisticated” terror bomber—the civilians’ deaths could be unintended side-effects of making them appear dead. (...)
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  3. Spinoza..Jacob Shatzky - 1927 - [New York]:
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  4. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif de terreur ?Jacob Rogozinski & Andreas Wilmes - 2018 - Esprit 10 (10):85-96.
    Une religion est un dispositif de croyance qui peut s’employer dans le sens de l’émancipation ou être dévoyé par des dispositifs de domination, de persécution, voire de terreur. Les analyses du djihadisme sous-estiment trop souvent sa dimension religieuse, notamment messianique et apocalyptique.
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    Night Operation. By Owen Barfield and Eager Spring. By Owen Barfield.Jacob Sherman - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):1068-1070.
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    Book Forum.Jacob Stegenga - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 81:101274.
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  7. The Sensory Content of Perceptual Experience.Jacob Berger - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (4):446-468.
    According to a traditional view, perceptual experiences are composites of distinct sensory and cognitive components. This dual-component theory has many benefits; in particular, it purports to offer a way forward in the debate over what kinds of properties perceptual experiences represent. On this kind of view, the issue reduces to the questions of what the sensory and cognitive components respectively represent. Here, I focus on the former topic. I propose a theory of the contents of the sensory aspects of perceptual (...)
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  8. “Population” Is Not a Natural Kind of Kinds.Jacob Stegenga - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (2):154-160.
    Millstein argues against conceptual pluralism with respect to the definition of “population,” and proposes her own definition of the term. I challenge both Millstein’s negative arguments against conceptual pluralism and her positive proposal for a singular definition of population. The concept of population, I argue, does not refer to a natural kind; popula tions are constructs of biologists variably defined by contexts of inquiry.
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  9. Corporate Directors and Social Responsibility: Ethics versus Shareholder Value.Jacob M. Rose - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (3):319-331.
    This paper reports on the results of an experiment conducted with experienced corporate directors. The study findings indicate that directors employ prospective rationality cognition, and they sometimes make decisions that emphasize legal defensibility at the expense of personal ethics and social responsibility. Directors recognize the ethical and social implications of their decisions, but they believe that current corporate law requires them to pursue legal courses of action that maximize shareholder value. The results suggest that additional ethics education will have little (...)
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    Ledelse af det intime rum.Jacob Bock - 2009 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 56 (56).
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    Johannes von Kries’s Range Conception, the Method of Arbitrary Functions, and Related Modern Approaches to Probability.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):151-170.
    A conception of probability that can be traced back to Johannes von Kries is introduced: the “Spielraum” or range conception. Its close connection to the so-called method of arbitrary functions is highlighted. Possible interpretations of it are discussed, and likewise its scope and its relation to certain current interpretations of probability. Taken together, these approaches form a class of interpretations of probability in its own right, but also with its own problems. These, too, are introduced, discussed, and proposals in response (...)
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    Text and Concept in Leviticus 1:1-9: A Case in Exegetical Method.Jacob Milgrom & Rolf P. Knierim - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):320.
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    The Graduated Ḥaṭṭāʾt of Leviticus 5:1-13.Jacob Milgrom - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (1):249.
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  14. Hegel.Jacob Taubes - 2014 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (31).
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  15. Kafka.Jacob Taubes - 2013 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (24).
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  16.  41
    A new approach to multinational social responsibility.Jacob Naor - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (3):219 - 225.
    Multinational business activity has expanded dramatically since the end of World War II. The increased presence of foreign corporations and the generally strategic significance of such presence for host countries, has increasingly confronted both sides with the need to develop guidelines governing the conduct of such operations.The new voluntary approach to guideline development suggested here is based on the proposition that the fundamental aim of business activity is the satisfaction of socially desirable needs. Under this approach, MNC's should attempt to (...)
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    Oriëntatie in de nieuwe filosofie.Jacob Klapwijk - 1986 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Tussen historisme en relativisme: Een studie over de dynamiek van het historisme en de wijsgerige ontwikkelingsgang van Ernst Troeltsch.Jacob Klapwijk - 1970 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
  19. Sefer Hatslaḥat ha-nefesh.Jacob Levin - 1969
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    The Concept of Maʿal in the Bible and the Ancient near East.Jacob Milgrom - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):236.
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  21. I & II Esdras.Jacob M. Myers - 1974
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  22. The Linguistic and Literary Form of the Book of Ruth.Jacob M. Myers - 1955
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    The Idea of History in Rabbinic Judaism What Kinds of Questions did the Ancient Rabbis Answer?Jacob Neusner - 2009 - New Blackfriars 90 (1027):277-294.
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  24. Messiah in Context.Jacob Neusner - 1984
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    When Intellectual Paradigms Shift: Does the End of the Old Mark the Beginning of the New?Jacob Neusner - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (3):241-260.
    In the age of change in the institutional and conceptual setting in which the ancient tradition of Jewish learning would go forward, what we see in the two most important figures of the transitional generation is only the end of the old, not the beginning of the new. Saul Lieberman continued the received tradition that learning means exegesis of texts, but did not fully master the logic of that received tradition and so distorted it. Salo W. Baron undertook a new (...)
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    Life's irreducible structure: Where are we, five decades later?Jacob Joseph - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000250.
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    Do all creatures possess an acquired immune system of some sort?Jacob Rimer, Irun R. Cohen & Nir Friedman - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):273-281.
    Recent findings have provided evidence for the existence of non‐vertebrate acquired immunity. We survey these findings and propose that all living organisms must express both innate and acquired immunity. This is opposed to the paradigm that only vertebrates manifest the two forms of immune mechanism; other species are thought to use innate immunity alone. We suggest new definitions of innate and acquired immunity, based on whether immune recognition molecules are encoded in the inherited genome or are generated through somatic processes. (...)
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  28.  44
    Rede en religie in de greep van grondmodellen.Jacob Klapwijk - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (1):19-43.
    Over de vraag hoe geloof en verstand zich onderling verhouden, bestaat geen communis opinio; ook in het verleden is die er nooit geweest. Integendeel, de filosofiehistorie vertoont een complexe verscheidenheid van opvattingen. In dit artikel heb ik deze geordend in een beperkt aantal grondschema’s of grondmodellen. Ik breng zeven van die grondmodellen ter sprake, en duid ze kortweg aan met de termen identificatie, conflict, subordinatie, complementariteit, fundering, authenticiteit en transformatie. Mijn analyse laat zien hoe deze modellen, eenmaal present op het (...)
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    Handbuch Datenschutz im Sport: Formulare – Erläuterungen – Gesetze.Jacob Kornbeck - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (2):211-216.
  30.  15
    A Modern Dictionary: Arabic-Hebrew.Jacob M. Landau & M. H. Goshen-Gottstein - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):539.
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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    Feu la mort : deuil, survie, résurrection.Jacob Rogozinski - 2016 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 39:77-90.
    Il y a plusieurs manières de penser la mort : en«s’exerçant à mourir », c’est-à-dire en acceptant notre finitude, ou bien en promettant d’« en finir avec la mort », en affirmant une vie plus originaire que l’opposition entre vie et mort. Afin de comprendre quelle conception défend Derrida, l’on interroge ses analyses portant sur le deuil et la survivance. L’on montre que, pour échapper à la fois à l’aporie de la relève et à celle de la finitude, il a (...)
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  33.  45
    The eleatic stranger's socratic condemnation of socrates.Jacob Howland - 1993 - Polis 12 (1-2):15-36.
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  34. Legislation, Bioethics, Judgement.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff - 1997 - Rechtstheorie:211-222.
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  35.  7
    New views on old subjects, social, scientific and political.Jacob Wilson - 1910 - New York,: Lemcke & Buechner.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Studies in Maimonides and St. Thomas Aquinas.Jacob Israel Dienstag (ed.) - 1975 - [New York]: Ktav Pub. House.
  37.  22
    Beyond the Two-State Solution: A Jewish Political Essay by Yehouda Shenhav: Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press, 2012.Frank Jacob - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (3):317-318.
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    Confronting the anomaly: directions in (German) economic research after the crisis.Ulrike Jacob & Oliver A. Brust - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (4):449-471.
    ArgumentRecurring economic crises, like the one of 2007-2008, led to criticism of economic research and a demand to develop new strategies to avoid them. Standard economic theories use conventional approaches to deal with economic challenges, heterodox theories try to develop alternatives with which to face them. It remains unclear whether the 2007-2008 crisis led to a change in economic research as well as to a consideration of alternative approaches. We used co-word analysis to map the structure of economic research in (...)
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    Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East: Youth, Technology, Human Rights, and US Foreign Policy by Mahmood Monshipouri: Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2014.Frank Jacob - 2015 - Human Rights Review 16 (4):409-411.
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    Early Newtonianism.M. C. Jacob - 1974 - History of Science 12 (2):142-146.
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  41. Memory, learning and metacognition.Pierre Jacob - unknown
    I examine the impact of human metarepresentational abilities on human memory.
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    Note de sculpture archaïque : raccords récents au musée de l’Acropole.Raphaël Jacob - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (1):99-117.
    Le travail d’identification, de reclassement et d’enregistrement informatique des fragments de la réserve du nouveau musée de l’Acropole ainsi que l’étude de nombreux fragments déposés jusqu’ici dans des caisses en bois a permis la matérialisation d’une quarantaine de raccords, en particulier sur des statues archaïques, dont les plus significatifs sont publiés ici. Certains complètent, parfois de manière substantielle, des oeuvres connues (chien Acr. 143, cavalier Acr. 700, géant Acr. 631C). Une «nouvelle » corè (Acr. 588) a aussi été recomposée. L’article (...)
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  43.  19
    the Book Of St. Albans.E. F. Jacob - 1944 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 28 (1):99-118.
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  44. ha-Maʹor sheba-Torah.Jacob Moses Lesin - unknown
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    10. Handeln und Determinismus.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - In Entscheidung, Rationalität Und Determinismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 122-131.
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    Philippa Foot: Die Natur des Guten.Jacob Rosenthal - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (3):273 - 277.
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    Étude critique.Jacob Schmutz - 2008 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 85 (2):253.
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    Actuarial methods as appropriate strategy for the validation of diagnostic tests.Jacob O. Sines - 1964 - Psychological Review 71 (6):517-523.
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    Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution. Lisa Jardine.Margaret Jacob - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):179-180.
  50.  5
    (1 other version)Le matérialisme historique.B. Jacob - 1907 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 15 (4):401 - 420.
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