Jacob Moses [5]Jacob D. Moses [4]
  1.  77
    Gender‐Affirming Care for Cisgender People.Theodore E. Schall & Jacob D. Moses - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (3):15-24.
    Gender‐affirming care is almost exclusively discussed in connection with transgender medicine. However, this article argues that such care predominates among cisgender patients, people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. To advance this argument, we trace historical shifts in transgender medicine since the 1950s to identify central components of “gender‐affirming care” that distinguish it from previous therapeutic models, such as “sex reassignment.” Next, we sketch two historical cases—reconstructive mammoplasty and testicular implants—to show how cisgender patients offered justifications grounded (...)
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    Federalism and Infrastructural Responsibility.Tiffany Bystra & Jacob Moses - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):89-91.
    Chipman, Meagher, and Barwise (2024) develop a public health ethics framework to understand and address health disparities for those with limited English proficiency (LEP). People with LEP face hea...
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    For Analytics Beyond “Personhood,” Bioethics Should Look Toward Science and Technology Studies (STS).Vishnu Subrahmanyam, Alberto Aparicio, Jacob D. Moses & Stephen Molldrem - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (1):46-48.
    Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby (2024) argues that “[i]t is time for bioethics to end talk about personhood” (11). The author calls on the field to ask different kinds of normative questions about the mo...
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    Breaking Binaries: The Critical Need for Feminist Bioethics in Pediatric Gender‐Affirming Care.Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Grayson R. Jackson & Jacob D. Moses - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):55-56.
    This commentary responds to Moti Gorin's article “What Is the Aim of Pediatric ‘Gender‐Affirming’ Care?” We argue that Gorin's case against pediatric gender‐affirming care rests upon numerous false conceptual binaries: female/male, public/private, objective/subjective, and medically necessary/elective. Drawing on feminist bioethics, we show how such dichotomous thinking is both inaccurate and marginalizing of gender minorities.
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  5. Pandemic Flu Planning in the Community: What Can Clinical Ethicists Bring to the Public Health Table?Nancy Berlinger & Jacob Moses - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):468-470.
    It is still remarkably difficult for public health officials charged with developing and implementing pandemic influenza preparedness plans at the community levelto obtain clear, concrete, and consistent guidance on how to construct plans that are both ethical and actionable. As of mid-2007, most of the federal and state pandemic plans filed with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, describing how public health officials will coordinate public agencies and private entities in the event of an outbreak, failed to include ethical (...)
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    Continuity in Claims of Exception in Biomedical Technologies.Jacob D. Moses, Miriam Rich, Callie Terris & Emma Tumilty - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):89-92.
    “Ethical exceptionalism” is often used as a pejorative shrouded in a superlative. The charge of wrongly treating similar things differently—for varying motives—has been leveled against exceptional...
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  7. The Five People You Meet in a Pandemic—and What They Need from You Today.Nancy Berlinger & Jacob Moses - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Bioethics Casebook 2.0: Using Web‐Based Design and Tools to Promote Ethical Reflection and Practice in Health Care.Jacob Moses, Nancy Berlinger, Michael C. Dunn, Michael K. Gusmano & Jacqueline J. Chin - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):19-25.
    The idea of the Internet as Gutenberg 2.0—a true revolution in disseminating information—is now a routine part of how bioethics education works. The Internet has become indispensable as a channel for sharing teaching materials and connecting learners with a central platform that houses materials to support an online or hybrid curriculum or a traditional course. A newer idea in bioethics education reflects developments in web-based medical education more broadly and draws on design principles developed for the Internet. This approach to (...)
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    Field notes.Jacob Moses - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (1):i-i.