Results for 'Ivan Frick'

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  1.  46
    Linguistic analysis and personal identity.Ivan Frick - 1966 - World Futures 4 (4):86-90.
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    Synthetic Modelling of Biological Communication: A Theoretical and Operational Framework for the Investigation of Minimal Life and Cognition.Leonardo Bich & Ramiro Frick - 2018 - Complex Systems 27 (3):267-287.
    This paper analyses conceptual and experimental work in synthetic biology on different types of interactions considered as minimal examples or models of communication. It discusses their pertinence and relevance for the wider understanding of this biological and cognitive phenomenon. It critically analyses their limits and it argues that a conceptual framework is needed. As a possible solution, it provides a theoretical account of communication based on the notion of organisation, and characterised in terms of the functional influence exerted by the (...)
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    Artificial intelligence in hospitals: providing a status quo of ethical considerations in academia to guide future research.Milad Mirbabaie, Lennart Hofeditz, Nicholas R. J. Frick & Stefan Stieglitz - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1361-1382.
    The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in hospitals yields many advantages but also confronts healthcare with ethical questions and challenges. While various disciplines have conducted specific research on the ethical considerations of AI in hospitals, the literature still requires a holistic overview. By conducting a systematic discourse approach highlighted by expert interviews with healthcare specialists, we identified the status quo of interdisciplinary research in academia on ethical considerations and dimensions of AI in hospitals. We found 15 fundamental manuscripts by constructing (...)
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    Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events: Proceedings of the 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium.Anne Siegetsleitner, Andreas Oberprantacher, Marie-Luisa Frick & Ulrich Metschl (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Publications of the series include the official proceedings of the ALWS-conferences and of their special workshops. The series is open also for other high-quality publications, especially on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and its influence on contemporary analytic philosophy.
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    Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street.Ivan Flis, Evina Steinová & Paul Wouters - 2016 - Isis 107 (2):346-348.
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    Il carattere tecnico delle immagini. Riflessioni sulla relazione tra ermeneutica e iconologia a partire da Horst Bredekamp.Ivan Quartesan - 2024 - Tropos. Rivista di Ermeneutica e Critica Filosofica 16 (1):154-168.
    This paper proposes a comparison between the myth of Prometheus and Pliny the Elder’s account of the origins of painting to assess the technical characterof images. Such a character is seen as a precondition for understanding their epistemological value, as well as for supporting the need for hermeneutics at any level of artificial intervention. Finally, part of Horst Bredekamp’s work will be presented as an example of a methodology that combines hermeneutics and iconology based on such a technical character.
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    The Völkerpsychologie of Lazarus and Steinthal and the modern concept of culture.Ivan Kalmar - 1987 - Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (4):671-690.
  8.  35
    The cultures of mathematical economics in the postwar Soviet Union: More than a method, less than a discipline.Ivan Boldyrev & Olessia Kirtchik - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 63:1-10.
  9.  58
    A Note on Existentially Known Assertions.Ivan Milić - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (261):813-821.
    An assertion is existentially known if and only if: (i) the speaker knows that the sentence she uses to make the assertion expresses a true proposition; (ii) she makes the assertion based on that knowledge; and (iii) she does not believe, have justification for, or know the proposition asserted. Accordingly, if existentially known assertions could be made correctly—as argued by Charlie Pelling in his ‘Assertion and the Provision of Knowledge’—this would show that the norm of assertion cannot be the speaker's (...)
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    Environmental Performance Implications of Certified Management Standards in Mexico: ISO 14001 and Clean Industry.Bryan W. Husted & Ivan Montiel - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:314-317.
    This study analyzes the adoption and performance implications of two certified management standards in Mexico. Basing our predictions on strategic balance theory we find that those firms seeking for higher levels of differentiation or legitimacy show inferior environmental performance that firms demonstrating higher strategic balance.
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    Philosophy ... Artifacts ... Friendship-: -and the History of the Gaze.Ivan Illich - 1996 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 70:59-77.
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    Four Phases of Medieval Epistemic Logic.Ivan Boh - 2000 - Theoria 66 (2):129-144.
  13.  10
    What is Central and Eastern Europe?Ivan T. Berend - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (4):401-416.
    The historical trajectory of Central and Eastern Europe differed significantly from that of the West. The region became the periphery of a transforming West during the early modern centuries. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries were characterized by repeated attempts to catch up with the West. Romanticism brought in Western ideas and generated struggles for national independence and modernization. Failures paved the way for desperate revolts in the inter-war years. Left- and right-wing revolutions engulfed the region. Authoritarian, Fascist and Communist regimes (...)
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  14. The Oxford Handbook of History and Material Culture.Ivan Gaskell & Sarah Anne Carter (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
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    Pathogenesis, Immunity, and the Quality of Public Health.Ivan Illich - 1996 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 16 (5-6):254-256.
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    Factorial Structure of the Serbian Version of the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms – Evidence for Three Factors of Negative Symptoms.Ivan Ristić, Stefan Jerotić, Mirjana Zebić, Bojana Savić, Vuk Vuković, Manuela Russo, Tatjana Voskresenski, Nikolina Jovanović & Nađa P. Marić - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (2 other versions)Філософська антропологія як незавершений проєкт рене декарта.Ivan D. Zahriichuk - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63.
    Review of the Monograph Malivskyi, A. M.. Unknown Descartes: Anthropological Dimension in Philosophy. Dnipro: GERDA.
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  18. On the nature and cognitive function of phenomenal content -- part one.Ivan Fox - 1989 - Philosophical Topics 17 (1):81-103.
  19.  23
    Correction to: Poti-Interpretants, Sin-Interpretants, and Legi-Interpretants: Rethinking Semiotic Causation as Production of Signs.Ivan Fomin - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (2):219-219.
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    Religious Tolerance and Freedom in Continental Europe.Iván C. Ibán - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (1):90-107.
    The author analyses the problems faced by Continental Europe's legal systems as a result of the appearance of the so‐called new religious movements. He is of the opinion that the expected change towards the achievement of full legal neutrality regarding the religious phenomena cannot be based on the sole assumption that each and every religion deserves protection. In fact, he considers that any system of equality should be aimed at protecting the legitimate expression of the individual's free will; that is (...)
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  21. Will and Representation in the Resolution of Metaphysical Doubt 1.Ivan Fox - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (2):406-438.
    My purpose there [in the Discourse] was not to provide a full [Latin: accurate] treatment, but merely to offer a sample, and learn from the views of my readers how I should handle these topics at a later date. [7]² But now that I have, after a fashion, taken an initial sample of people's opinion, I am again tackling the same questions concerning God and the human mind; and this time I am also going to deal with the foundations of (...)
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  22.  14
    La imagen de los vagabundos en la prensa. Persistencia de un estereotipo inmemorial.Iván Parro Fernández - 2010 - Aposta 44:5.
    Este ensayo tiene como objetivo denunciar la persistencia del viejo estereotipo sobre los vagabundos. La historia y la literatura están en el origen de esa construcción social que caricaturiza a los mendigos. Mediante una investigación cualitativa de las noticias de prensa, se comprueba que en la actualidad esas etiquetas antiguas perduran. De este modo, el drama social de los sin techo nunca llega a conocerse en profundidad, y lo único que el público recibe son imágenes deformadas de un mundo grotesco (...)
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  23.  41
    Dio da dio: La maschera di Cristo, Giove Serapide e il mosaico di Santa Pudenziana a Roma.Ivan Foletti - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):60-73.
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    Exchanges and Interactions in a Time of Pandemic.Ivan Foletti & Zuzana Frantová - 2020 - Convivium 7 (2):11-12.
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    Germigny-des-Prés, il Santo Sepolcro е la Gerusalemme Celeste.Ivan Foletti - 2014 - Convivium 1 (1):32-49.
  26.  17
    “Romanesque” Conques as a Neo-Carolingian Project.Ivan Foletti, Adrien Palladino, Vincent Debiais, Éric Sparhubert & Cécile Voyer - 2021 - Convivium 8 (2):169-174.
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  27.  9
    Roundtable. Medieval Art Today, Why?Ivan Foletti & Adrien Palladino - 2020 - Convivium 7 (2):160-185.
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    Spaces for Miracles. Constructing Sacred Space through the Body, from Conques to the Mediterranean, and Beyond.Ivan Foletti - 2022 - Convivium 9 (1):168-185.
    Reconstruction of the basilica that preceded the present abbey church at Conques lends itself to exploring the notion of “sacred space”. Like its successor, the original basilica, probably built around 900, was dedicated to St Foy and held her remains. Textual evidence, augmented with (albeit scarce) archeological data, enables a reconstruction of what emerges as an unusual building containing a “physical” sacred space clearly conceived as a place into which the whole cult of St Foy could be “condensed”. At the (...)
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  29.  16
    Vivre le pèlerinage . Une expérience corporelle.Ivan Foletti - 2018 - Convivium 5 (2):137-150.
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  30.  62
    Distance from indifference.Ivan Fox - 1978 - Erkenntnis 12 (2):249 - 279.
  31.  53
    The individualization of consciousness.Ivan Fox - 1985 - Philosophical Topics 13 (3):119-43.
  32.  11
    (1 other version)On Stop‐Conditions in the Definitions of Constructive Languages.Ivan Friš - 1965 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 11 (1):61-73.
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    The ethics of science: Its problems and the sphere of research.Ivan T. Frolov - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):235-242.
    Moral principles are indispensable for the assessment of the sciences. Medicine is one of the sciences in need of the guidance of ethics. Ethical principles are put forward and interpreted by society. Vital principles for bioethics include a high standard for professional medical workers, confidentiality between the physician and the patient, and informed consent. Marxist teaching calls for the unity of science and ethics, based on humanist ideas. Keywords: ethics of science, ethical neutrality, professional ethics, Marxism-Leninism, humanist ideals, USSR, bioethics (...)
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  34.  7
    A. Denker/H. Zaborowski, Heidegger-Jahrbuch.Ivan Kordić - 2005 - Prolegomena 5 (1).
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    Perceptual metaphysics: the case for composites.Ivan V. Ivanov & Arthur Schipper - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-17.
    In this paper, we propose an account of how perceptual evidence might allow us to draw justified conclusions about the existence of composite objects. We call the thesis at issue PERCEPTUAL ADEQUACY, and argue that a specific, naïve realist picture of the phenomenal character of perception provides us with a straightforward way to defend it. The claim that we have empirical evidence for the existence of macroscopic composites cannot be propped up merely by the plausible claim, granted by many, that (...)
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  36. Peer-to-Peer Semantic Search Engine.Tomáš Havryluk & Ivan Jelínek - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (3):215.
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    The Croatian Philosophical Society Celebrating its 50th Anniversary.Ivan Jelović, Anita Lunić, Damir Markov, Željka Metesi & Hrvoje Jurić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):959-969.
    Članak predstavlja prikaz obilježavanja 50. obljetnice Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, koje se održalo u Zagrebu od 6. do 8. prosinca 2007., a uključivalo je simpozij Suvremena hrvatska filozofija, predstavljanje novih knjiga u izdanju Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, godišnju skupštinu Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, svečanu akademiju u povodu 50. obljetnice Hrvatskog filozofskog društva, te okrugli stol o Vladimiru Filipoviću, prvom predsjedniku Hrvatskog filozofskog društva.The paper outlines the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Croatian Philosophical Society that took place in Zagreb 6–8 December, 2007. (...)
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  38.  6
    Metafizika na smŭrtta.Ivan Petrov Kalchev - 1993 - Sofii︠a︡: Bibliotka "Nov DEN".
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  39. Sartr: za nego i ot nego.Ivan Petrov Kalchev - 1993 - Sofii︠a︡: Biblioteka "Nov den".
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    The story of the Obor Foundation: Can an Indonesian experience be replicated?Ivan Kats - 1991 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2 (3):127-132.
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  41. Envy in Logic-Based Therapy.Ivan Guajardo - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):138-154.
    Contemporary research offers a more compelling account on the complex emotion of envy than the traditional view of envy as simply something bad. This essay explains how Logic-Based Therapy can use this account to coach individuals struggling with negative species of envy. Given that jealousy and envy are often equated, the essay differentiates the two; explains the conditions that make the four species of envy possible; identifies cardinal fallacies associated with negative species of envy; proposes counteractive virtues, and describes ways (...)
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  42.  4
    Social networks as a means of organizing education in a higher educational institution.Ivan Kokh & Aleksander Melnik - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:31-41.
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  43. Korak za smisao: antropologijsko-etičke studije i eseji.Ivan Koprek - 1992 - Zagreb: Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove.
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    postmoderne, Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove, Za-greb 2005, 272 str.Ivan Koprek - 2007 - Prolegomena 6:1.
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  45.  19
    “Sustainable development” and globalisation processes.Ivan Koprek - 2020 - Disputatio Philosophica 21 (1):21-26.
    How do we relate globalisation to other types of mondialisation, such as communications and economics? The answer should be: any globalisation should be motivated by the general interest of humanity and striving to that aim. In practice, this means that international protection of human rights and environmental rights need not only jurisdictional but also, above all, ethical standards. Without it, a conflict between different types of globalisation could become damaging, almost dangerous. The very idea of the global village that has (...)
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  46.  7
    Zlo vrijeme za dobro.Ivan Koprek - 1997 - Zagreb: Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove.
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  47.  26
    Heidegger-Jahrbuch 1.Ivan Kordić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):126-129.
  48.  41
    The world as an objective being.Ivan Kuvacic - 1967 - World Futures 6 (2):54-62.
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    Is Evolutionary Epistemology of Science Compatible with Scientific Realism.Ivan Kuzin - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 46 (4):163-179.
    Classical, selectionist (adaptationist) evolutionary epistemology of science draws an analogy between development of science and natural selection. But natural selection immediately increases only the relative fitness of organisms with regard to specific and changing environment. Therefore evolutionary epistemology of science is exploited (by van Fraassen in particular) against scientific realism which presumes existence of absolute scientific progress as an approach to truth. In modern biology in order to explain absolute evolutionary progress nonadaptationist, nonselectionist models based on a passive trend mechanism (...)
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  50. La digitalización audiovisual de la ópera: nuevos medios, nuevos usos, nuevos públicos.Iván Lacasa & Isabel Villanueva Benito - 2011 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 88:65-74.
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