Results for 'Irene Valsecchi'

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  1.  50
    Non-uniqueness of equilibrium action profiles with equal size in one-shot cheap-talk games.Irene Valsecchi - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (1):31-53.
    For strategic communication games à la Crawford and Sobel the paper shows that under some prior beliefs different equilibrium partitions of the state space can have equal cardinality. Hence, there can be different equilibrium action profiles with the same size.
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  2. The Neural Basis of Intuitive and Counterintuitive Moral Judgement.Guy Kahane, Katja Wiech, Nicholas Shackel, Miguel Farias, Julian Savulescu & Irene Tracey - 2011 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7 (4):393-402.
    Neuroimaging studies on moral decision-making have thus far largely focused on differences between moral judgments with opposing utilitarian (well-being maximizing) and deontological (duty-based) content. However, these studies have investigated moral dilemmas involving extreme situations, and did not control for two distinct dimensions of moral judgment: whether or not it is intuitive (immediately compelling to most people) and whether it is utilitarian or deontological in content. By contrasting dilemmas where utilitarian judgments are counterintuitive with dilemmas in which they are intuitive, we (...)
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    Project DECIDE, part II: decision-making places for people with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease: supporting advance decision-making by improving person-environment fit.Julia Haberstroh, Heiko Ullrich, Anna Theile-Schürholz, Irene Schmidtmann, Andreas Reif, Aoife Poth, David Prvulovic, Nathalie Pfeiffer, Frank Oswald, Tanja Müller, Gregor Lindl, Boris Knopf, Jonas Karneboge, Tarik Karakaya, Ingmar Hornke, Martin Grond, Daniel Garmann, Simon Forstmeier, Stefanie Baisch, Christina Abele & Janina Florack - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThe UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the reformed guardianship law in Germany, require that persons with a disability, including people with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease (PwAD), are supported in making self-determined decisions. This support is achieved through communication. While content-related communication is a deficit of PwAD, relational aspects of communication are a resource. Research in supported decision-making (SDM) has investigated the effectiveness of different content-related support strategies for PwAD but has only succeeded in improving understanding, (...)
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  4. Cristina Becchio, Cesare Bertone. The ontology of neglect.Hilde Haider, Peter A. Frensch, Daniel Joram, Anna Abraham, Sabine Windmann, Irene Daum, Onur Güntürkün, Todd E. Feinberg, Julian Paul Keenan & John D. Eastwood - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14:426-427.
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    Skiing and Thinking About It: Moment-to-Moment and Retrospective Analysis of Emotions in an Extreme Sport.Audun Hetland, Joar Vittersø, Simen Oscar Bø Wie, Eirik Kjelstrup, Matthias Mittner & Tove Irene Dahl - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:313338.
    Happiness is typically reported as an important reason for participating in challenging activities like extreme sport. While in the middle of the activity, however, participants do not seem particularly happy. So where does the happiness come from? The article proposes some answers from a study of facially expressed emotions measured moment-by-moment during a backcountry skiing event. Self-reported emotions were also assessed immediately after the skiing. Participants expressed lower levels of happiness while skiing, compared to when stopping for a break. Moment-to-moment (...)
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    Uncaring Midwives.Margareta Eliasson, Gisela Kainz & Iréne von Post - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):500-511.
    The aim of this study was to understand how mothers experienced midwives' uncaring behaviour and actions during birth. Sixty-seven first-time mothers took part in the study, in which data were collected through interview. The interview text was analysed using hermeneutic text analysis. Nearly half of the mothers interviewed (n = 32) said that midwives did not care for them. The findings show that midwives' behaviour was humiliating when they ignored mothers and held them in contempt. The mothers felt further humiliated (...)
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    Ethics of early detection of disease risk factors: A scoping review.Sammie N. G. Jansen, Bart A. Kamphorst, Bob C. Mulder, Irene van Kamp, Sandra Boekhold, Peter van den Hazel & Marcel F. Verweij - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Scientific and technological advancements in mapping and understanding the interrelated pathways through which biological and environmental exposures affect disease development create new possibilities for detecting disease risk factors. Early detection of such risk factors may help prevent disease onset or moderate the disease course, thereby decreasing associated disease burden, morbidity, and mortality. However, the ethical implications of screening for disease risk factors are unclear and the current literature provides a fragmented and case-by-case picture. Methods To identify key ethical considerations (...)
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  8.  27
    Space of the cineclub of death to create mental health in the academic community.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira, Benita Caetano Lima de Souza, Yasmin de Miranda Sant’ Ana Valle, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Irene Bulcão - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:300-312.
    La película es una expresión artística que permite a los estudiantes entrar en contacto con temas sensibles, como la muerte, el duelo y los cuidados paliativos. Este Proyecto de Extensión tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de la comunidad académica de una Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro con el Cineclube da Morte. Su propuesta metodológica es producir procesos de aprendizaje con el propósito de difundir y dilucidar temas relacionados con la finitud humana y cualquier tema que permea la muerte (...)
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    Same Pig, Different Conclusions: Stakeholders Differ in Qualitative Behaviour Assessment.Naomi Duijvesteijn, Marianne Benard, Inonge Reimert & Irene Camerlink - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):1019-1047.
    Animal welfare in pig production is frequently a topic of debate and is sensitive in nature. This debate is partly due to differences in values, forms, convictions, interests and knowledge among the stakeholders that constitute differences among their frames of reference with respect to pigs and their welfare. Differences in frames of reference by stakeholder groups are studied widely, but not specifically with respect to animal behaviour or welfare. We explored this phenomenon using a qualitative behaviour assessment . Participating stakeholders (...)
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    Indonesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-DjermanIndonesisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia-Djerman.John M. Echols, Otto Karow & Irene Hilgers-Hesse - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):495.
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  11. Semantics in generative grammar.Irene Heim & Angelika Kratzer - 1998 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Angelika Kratzer.
    Written by two of the leading figures in the field, this is a lucid and systematic introduction to semantics as applied to transformational grammars of the ...
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  12.  26
    Relato de experiência através de vivências profissionais e a inserção da espiritualidade nos cuidados paliativos.Janaina Luiza dos Santos, Alexandre Diniz Breder, Irene Bulcão, Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho, Lilian Claudia Ulian Junqueira, Ana Claudia Moreira Monteiro & Márcia Gomide da Silva Mello - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:307-319.
    A equipe da Enfermagem é privilegiada, pois, é o cuidador que permanece vinte e quatro horas na assistência direta do paciente, podendo ter uma visão ampliada da pessoa no processo do adoecimento, tendo a oportunidade de incorporar e desenvolver os princípios dos Cuidados Paliativos (CP). Na perspectiva holística da saúde a religião/religiosidade/espiritualidade é uma das possibilidades de cuidado e manejo, porém ainda muito negligenciada pelos profissionais da saúde, seja por desconhecimento ou preconceitos e tabus, mas que se torna essencial no (...)
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    Understanding cultural values, norms and beliefs that may impact participation in genome‐editing related research: Perspectives of local communities in Botswana.Setlhomo Koloi-Keaikitse, Mary Kasule, Irene Kwape, Dudu Jankie, Dimpho Ralefala, Dolly Mogomotsi Ntseane & Gaonyadiwe George Mokone - 2025 - Developing World Bioethics 25 (1):24-34.
    Gene‐editing research is a complex science and foreign in most communities including Botswana. Adopting a qualitative deliberative framework with 109 participants from 7 selected ethnic communities in Botswana, we explored the perceptions of local communities on cultural values, norms, and beliefs that may motivate or deter likely participation in the use of gene‐editing related research. What emerged as the ethnic community's motivators for research participation include the potential for gene‐editing technologies to promote access to individualized medications, and the possibility of (...)
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    Editorial: Neuro-covid: neuropsychological implications of the pandemic.Martina Amanzio, Sara Palermo, George Prigatano & Irene Litvan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Recognizing Personality Traits Using Consumer Behavior Patterns in a Virtual Retail Store.Jaikishan Khatri, Javier Marín-Morales, Masoud Moghaddasi, Jaime Guixeres, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli & Mariano Alcañiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Virtual reality is a useful tool to study consumer behavior while they are immersed in a realistic scenario. Among several other factors, personality traits have been shown to have a substantial influence on purchasing behavior. The primary objective of this study was to classify consumers based on the Big Five personality domains using their behavior while performing different tasks in a virtual shop. The personality recognition was ascertained using behavioral measures received from VR hardware, including eye-tracking, navigation, posture and interaction. (...)
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  16.  41
    Biobanking and consenting to research: a qualitative thematic analysis of young people’s perspectives in the North East of England.Momodou Ndure, Isatou Sarr, Anna Roca, Kalifa Bojang, Effua Usuf, Fiona Cresswell, Elizabeth Fitchett, David Bath, Manuel Dewez, Shunmay Yeung, Sebastian Schroepf, Carola Schoen, Karl Reiter, Esther Maier, Eberhard Lurz, Matthias Kappler, Sabrina Juranek, Tobias Feuchtinger, Matthias Griese, Florian Hoffmann, Niklaus Haas, Katharina Danhauser, Irene Alba-Alejandre, Ioanna Mavridi, Patricia Schmied, Laura Kolberg, Ulrich von Both, Maike K. Tauchert, Elmar Wallner, Volker Strenger, Andrea Skrabl-Baumgartner, Siegfried Rödl, Klaus Pfurtscheller, Andreas Pfleger, Heidemarie Pilch, Tobias Niedrist, Sabine Löffler, Markus Keldorfer, Andreas Kapper, Christa Hude, Almuthe Hauer, Harald Haidl, Siegfried Gallistl, Ernst Eber, Astrid Ceolotto, Martin Benesch, Sebastian Bauchinger, Manfred G. Sagmeister, Martina Strempfl, Bianca Stoiser, Glorija Rajic, Alexandra Rusu, Lena Pölz, Manuel Leitner, Susanne Hösele, Christoph Zurl, Nina A. Schweintzger, Daniel S. Kohlfürst, Benno Kohlmaier & Ale Binder - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundBiobanking biospecimens and consent are common practice in paediatric research. We need to explore children and young people’s (CYP) knowledge and perspectives around the use of and consent to biobanking. This will ensure meaningful informed consent can be obtained and improve current consent procedures.MethodsWe designed a survey, in co-production with CYP, collecting demographic data, views on biobanking, and consent using three scenarios: 1) prospective consent, 2) deferred consent, and 3) reconsent and assent at age of capacity. The survey was disseminated (...)
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  17. Schriften zur chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur.Eingeleitet Und Kommentiert von Irene Eber Herausgegeben - 2001 - In Martin Buber, Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Peter Schäfer, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften & Akademyah Ha-le Umit Ha-Yi Sre Elit le-Mada Im, Werkausgabe. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
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    Introduction Frailty and Debility.Irene Gedalof, Yasmin Gunaratnam & Sadie Wearing - 2015 - Feminist Review 111 (1):1-9.
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  19.  8
    Il fine dell'uomo nella teologia di Tommaso d'Aquino: un percorso attraverso le opere maggiori.Alfonso Valsecchi - 2003 - Roma: Pontificia Università gregoriana.
    Tommaso si e confrontato spesso con il tema del fine dell'uomo: ampie sezioni delle sue opere vi sono espressamente dedicate e altre ne sono l'implicita trattazione. La presente ricerca vuole introdursi all'opera di Tommaso d'Aquino non tanto evocando gli spettri di polemiche solo posteriori sul soprannaturale, quanto invece gettando uno sguardo al tempo in cui e vissuto, il XIII secolo, ed ad un luogo caratteristico nel quale egli ha studiato e insegnato: l'universita di Parigi. Ne viene fuori una figura in (...)
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  20. E-type pronouns and donkey anaphora.Irene Heim - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):137--77.
  21.  30
    From Harmony to Conflict: MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in a Confucian Tradition.Irene Chu & Geoff Moore - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):221-239.
    This paper explores whether MacIntyrean virtue ethics concepts are applicable in non-Western business contexts, specifically in SMEs in Taiwan, a country strongly influenced by the Confucian tradition. It also explores what differences exist between different polities in this respect, and specifically interprets observed differences between the Taiwanese study and previous studies conducted in Europe and Asia. Based on case study research, the findings support the generalizability of the MacIntyrean framework. Drawing on the institutional logics perspective and synthesizing this with MacIntyrean (...)
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  22.  19
    NACHWEIS AUS RICHARD ANTHONY PROCTOR, UNSER STANDPUNKT IM WELTALL (1877): mitgeteilt von Irene Treccani.Irene Treccani - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):327-329.
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  23.  12
    Lotmani teadusuurijalik julgus.Irene Machado - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):104-104.
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    Essence et causalité dans le De Trinitate d’Augustin et le Periphyseon de Jean Scot Érigène.Alessandro Valsecchi - 2023 - Chôra 21:381-410.
    In his masterwork De Trinitate, Augustine claims there is no real difference between the notions of essentia and substantia, even if the former better express the unity of God and if the latter is more commonly used. Still, a useful philosophical distinction can be drawn from Augustine’s use of the two terms : since substantia may contain a possible conception of potentiality, Augustine prefers essentia to avoid any implication of multiplicity inside the Trinity. John Scottus Eriugena receives Augustine’s influence but (...)
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  25.  18
    Uomo, analogia di Dio: dialettica universale e creazione in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena.Alessandro Valsecchi - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:133-157.
    Nel pensiero di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena si può ritrovare un rapporto analogico sussistente tra Dio e la natura umana. Ultimo dei grandi neoplatonici, egli propone un sistema filosofico caratterizzato da un movimento universale distinto in tre momenti: la creazione, lo sviluppo e il ritorno. Essi sono identificati rispettivamente al pensiero, alla parola e alla comprensione; tutti e tre mostrano l’analogia tra il creatore e la sua creatura. Nel principio, le cause primordiali di tutte le cose consistono in definizioni, pensate da (...)
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    Concealed questions.Irene Heim - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow, Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 51--60.
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    The Role of Attention Shifting in Orthographic Competencies: Cross-Sectional Findings from 1st, 3rd, and 8th Grade Students. [REVIEW]von Suchodoletz Antje, Fäsche Anika & T. Skuballa Irene - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sounding fragilities: an anthology.Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin (eds.) - 2022 - Hofheim: Wolke.
    Sounding Fragilities enacts a polyphony of writing on contemporary composition, music and performing arts in relation to music theatre. Co-edited by a theatre and performance scholar and by a composer and artistic researcher, this anthology considers its field of investigation through the lens of positionalities. Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme invite readers into intimate encounters with an artist's practice, feminist and queer perspectives, and personal explorations into aspects of musicology, theatre studies, technology and ecology. By presenting female* composers who (...)
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    Mencius.Irene Bloom (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known throughout East Asia as Mengzi, or "Master Meng," Mencius was a Chinese philosopher of the late Zhou dynasty, an instrumental figure in the spread of the Confucian tradition, and a brilliant illuminator of its ideas. Mencius was active during the Warring States Period, in which competing powers sought to control the declining Zhou empire. Like Confucius, Mencius journeyed to one feudal court after another, searching for a proper lord who could put his teachings into practice. Only a leader who (...)
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  30.  15
    Tourism, Self-Representation and National Identity in Post-Socialist Hungary.Irén Annus - 2011 - In Helen Vella Bonavita, Negotiating Identities : Constructed Selves and Others. Rodopi. pp. 77--1.
  31.  34
    Taylor, Dianna and Karen Vintges , eds. Feminism and The Final Foucault , Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2004.Irene Javors - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:169-172.
  32. The religious roots of the idea of an international federation : from Grotius to Hermann Cohen.Irene Kahon - 2019 - In Eveline Goodman-Thau & George Y. Kohler, Nationalismus und Religion: Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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  33. Women and the concept of servant leadership biblical influences.Irene Muzvidziwa & Victor N. Muzvidziwa - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (4):403-418.
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    Born to be Wild.Irene Klaver, Jozef Keulartz & Henk van den Belt - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):3-21.
    With the turning of wilderness areas into wildlife parks and the returning of developed areas of land to the forces of nature, intermediate hybrid realms surface in which wild and managed nature become increasingly entangled. A partitioning of environmental philosophy into ecoethics and animal welfare ethics leaves these mixed territories relatively uncharted—the first dealing with wild (animals), the second with the welfare of captive or domestic animals. In this article, we explore an environmental philosophy that considers explicitly these mixed situations. (...)
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  35.  95
    Mencian arguments on human nature (jen-hsing).Irene Bloom - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (1):19-53.
  36. Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance.Irene Diamond, Lee Quinby, Seyla Benhabib & Drucilla Cornell - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.
    This essay is a critical review of two recent collections, Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby and Feminism as Critique: On the Politics of Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell. While the collections differ in their manner of addressing the critical sources that have inspired them-the former relying upon a single theorist, the latter attempting to move through some of the philosophical history that constitutes our present theoretical terrain-both attempt to (...)
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  37.  35
    Clinical ethics committees – also for mental health care? The Norwegian experience.Irene Syse, Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):81-86.
    Background The aim was to explore how the clinical ethics committees in Norway have worked and functioned within mental health care and addiction treatment services. Methods Analysis of 256 annual reports from clinical ethics committees from 2003 to 2012 and a survey to clinicians who had used a clinical ethics committee. Results Dilemmas related to coercion, confidentiality, information, and patient autonomy dominated. The committees established only for psychiatric hospitals, had received more cases from mental health and addiction services than the (...)
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  38. Facilitating secure attachment : integrating infant observation studies, attachment, trauma, and neurobiology in clinical interventions.Irene Harwood - 2012 - In Irene N. H. Harwood, Walter Stone & Malcolm Pines, Self experiences in group, revisited: affective attachments, intersubjective regulations, and human understanding. New York, NY: Routledge.
  39. The technological society: Some challenges for social science.Irene Taviss - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  40. Civilising missions and humanitarian interventions : into the laws and territories of first nations.Irene Watson - 2017 - In Joshua Nichols, Legal violence and the limits of the law. New York: Routledge.
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  41. Verse: Loquacious winds.Irene Wilde - 1942 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 23 (3):266.
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    The Collationes Oxonienses: a Famous Collection of Student Exercises Partially Attributable to Duns Scotus.Irene Zavattero - 2017 - Quaestio 17:649-655.
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  43. Where sound and meaning part : language and performance in early Hebrew poetry.Irene Zwiep - 2018 - In Babette Hellemans & Alissa Jones Nelson, Images, improvisations, sound, and silence from 1000 to 1800 - degree zero. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Executive and semantic processes in reappraisal of negative stimuli: insights from a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.Irene Messina, Simone Bianco, Marco Sambin & Roberto Viviani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Time and the shared world: Heidegger on social relations.Irene McMullin - 2013 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Time and the shared world -- The "subject" of inquiry -- Mineness and the practical first-person -- Being and otherness: Sartre's critique -- Heideggerian aprioricity and the categories of being -- The temporality of care -- Fursorge: acknowledging the other Dasein -- Authenticity, inauthenticity, and the extremes of Fursorge -- Conclusion.
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  46. Pragmatic truth and approximation to truth.Irene Mikenberg, Newton C. A. Costa & Rolando Chuaqui - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):201-221.
  47. A modest proposal: Accounting for the virtuousness of modesty.Irene McMullin - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (241):783-807.
    Recent attempts to explain why modesty should be considered a virtue have failed. A more adequate account is that modesty involves understanding how far one's accomplishments ought to be taken as definitive of one's value. Modest people communicate this self-understanding through behaviour motivated by the desire to ensure that their accomplishments do not cause pain to others. This virtuous mode of self-awareness involves recognizing that one is both defined by social standards of success and irreducible to these assessments. Modest agents (...)
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    Plato and the metaphysical feminine: one hundred and one nights.Irene Han - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine offers a new interpretation of the role of the female and the feminine in Plato's political dialogues--the Republic, Laws, and Timaeus--informed by Deleuze's film theory and Irigaray's psychoanalytic feminism. Irene Han reads Plato against the grain in order to close the gap between the vitalists and Plato, instead of magnifying their differences. Han explores the ambivalence that the vitalist tradition, Irigaray, and Derrida have towards Platonism. The application of Deleuzian and Irigarayan concepts to the (...)
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    Top-down influences on ambiguous perception: the role of stable and transient states of the observer.Lisa Scocchia, Matteo Valsecchi & Jochen Triesch - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Stakeholder Relationships, Engagement, and Sustainability Reporting.Irene M. Herremans, Jamal A. Nazari & Fereshteh Mahmoudian - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):417-435.
    The concept of sustainability was developed in response to stakeholder demands. One of the key mechanisms for engaging stakeholders is sustainability disclosure, often in the form of a report. Yet, how reporting is used to engage stakeholders is understudied. Using resource dependence and stakeholder theories, we investigate how companies within the same industry address different dependencies on stakeholders for economic, natural environment, and social resources and thus engage stakeholders accordingly. To achieve this objective, we conducted our research using qualitative research (...)
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