Results for 'Pia Palme'

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  1.  2
    Sounding fragilities: an anthology.Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin (eds.) - 2022 - Hofheim: Wolke.
    Sounding Fragilities enacts a polyphony of writing on contemporary composition, music and performing arts in relation to music theatre. Co-edited by a theatre and performance scholar and by a composer and artistic researcher, this anthology considers its field of investigation through the lens of positionalities. Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme invite readers into intimate encounters with an artist's practice, feminist and queer perspectives, and personal explorations into aspects of musicology, theatre studies, technology and ecology. By presenting female* composers who (...)
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  2. A dialogue between two fragilities.' A conversation.Chaya Czernowin & Pia Palme - 2022 - In Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin, Sounding fragilities: an anthology. Hofheim: Wolke.
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  3. I. Preliminaries. An anthology as polyphony. An introduction / Pia Palme ; Fragile soundings. A collection of compositions as case studies / Pia Palme ; Fragmented fragilities. An introduction ; Three fagilities. Introduction to the contributions. [REVIEW]Irene Lehmann - 2022 - In Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin, Sounding fragilities: an anthology. Hofheim: Wolke.
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  4. II. Fragile communities. Composing futures. Activism and ecology in contemporary music / Pia Palme ; On the fragilities of music theatre. A conversation / Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Pia Palme, Irene Lehmann ; How feminism matters. An exploration of listening / Christina Fischer-Lessiak ; Listening is a browser. On the fragility of listening online / Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka ; Regarding listening. On the theatricality of experimental listening situations / Irene Lehmann ; Hannah Arendt and the 'fragility of sounds.' Aesthetics and politics in the 21st century / Susanne Kogler ; An infinite echo-system: Reflecting on the 'fragility of sounds'. [REVIEW]Suvani Suri - 2022 - In Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin, Sounding fragilities: an anthology. Hofheim: Wolke.
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    Palme, A. J G. Sulzers Psychologie und die Anfänge der Dreivermögenslehre.Anton Palme - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    Distanciation in Ricoeur's theory of interpretation: narrations in a study of life experiences of living with chronic illness and home mechanical ventilation.Pia Sander Dreyer & Birthe D. Pedersen - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):64-73.
    Within the caring science paradigm, variations of a method of interpretation inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation are used. This method consists of several levels of interpretation: a naïve reading, a structural analysis, and a critical analysis and discussion. Within this paradigm, the aim of this article is to present and discuss a means of creating distance in the interpretation and the text structure by using narration in a poetic language linked to the meaning of the (...)
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  7.  15
    Patientenautonomie Und Informierte Einwilligung: Schlüssel Und Barriere Medizinischer Behandlungen.Pia Becker - 2019 - J.B. Metzler.
    Pia Becker entwirft eine Konzeption von Patientenautonomie, die sich im Gegensatz zu in der Medizinethik bisher dominierenden Konzeptionen an der grundsätzlichen Fähigkeit des Patienten zur Autonomie orientiert. Ausgangspunkt bildet die Notwendigkeit der informierten Einwilligung, die neben der Patientenautonomie vor allem auch die körperliche Integrität des Patienten schützt. Als Adäquatheitsbedingungen dienen die beiden normativen Funktionen der Patientenautonomie als Barriere und Schlüssel einer medizinischen Behandlung. Diese Konzeption von Patientenautonomie hat den Vorteil, Patienten besser vor Überforderungen zu bewahren und deren Bedarf an Unterstützungsangeboten (...)
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  8.  49
    La unidad de las dualidades humanas. Sobre «El hombre como ser dual» de Salvador Piá Tarazona.Piá Tarazona de Salvador & Juan Fernando Sellés - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:181-208.
    Salvador Piá Tarazona’s book, El hombre como ser dual is an important methodical-thematic advance in the research of transcendental anthropology as much as it does not detain its focus on human nature nor its development , but rather on th readicality of personal intimacy and its openness to transcendence.
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  9. The Art of the New World After the Spanish Conquest.Erwin Walter Palm & Victor A. Velen - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (47):63-74.
  10.  20
    What's non-linguistic visual context?Pia Knoeferle & Ernesto Guerra - 2012 - In Rita Finkbeiner, Jörg Meibauer & Petra B. Schumacher, What is a Context?: Linguistic Approaches and Challenges. John Benjamins. pp. 196--129.
  11.  23
    Erkenntnis Und Wissenschaft. Knowledge and Science: Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters. Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy.Pia Antolic, Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (eds.) - 2004 - Akademie Verlag.
    Im Zentrum des Bandes steht die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie im Kontext der mittelalterlichen Rezeption der Texte des Aristoteles an Hof und Universitäten, und dabei insbesondere der für die Epistemologie einschlägigen Passagen in De anima und in den Zweiten Analytiken sowie ihre spätantike und arabische Vermittlung. In diesem komplexen Rezeptions- und vor allem Transformationsprozeß werden zugleich die wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlich-institutionellen Grundlagen für den okzidentalen Prozeß der Rationalisierung und der Aufklärung gelegt, deren "Dialektik" nicht nur die Geschichte (...)
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    Art and Performance in the Buddhist Visual Narratives at Bhārhut.Pia Brancaccio - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (4):671-688.
    The reliefs carved on the _vedikā_ of the Bharhut _stūpa_ in the Satna District of Madhya Pradesh are some of the earliest artworks extant in India to articulate the Buddha’s life stories and the essence of his teaching in a complex visual form. This article proposes that the reliefs from Bharhut depicting episodes from Śākyamuni’s life and _jātakas_ were informed by narrative practices established in the traditions of Buddhist recitation and performance. The inscriptions engraved on the Bharhut _vedikā_ that function (...)
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    Sins and signs: Modern disguises of gluttony.Pia Brinzeu - 1997 - Semiotica 117 (2-4):231-238.
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    Soziale Gerechtigkeit im Wandel: ein idealistisches Konstrukt und/oder ein Mittel zur politischen Akzeptanzsicherung?Pia Jaeger - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos, Edition Sigma.
    Altersarmut, Bildungsunterschiede, eine wachsende Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich - die deutsche Gesellschaft spaltet sich, und viele fordern mehr Soziale Gerechtigkeit. Die Autorin untersucht, wie sich das Verstandnis von Sozialer Gerechtigkeit in Philosophie und Politik gewandelt hat, und hinterfragt, inwieweit Politiker Soziale Gerechtigkeit als Akzeptanzmittel fur ihre Entscheidungen nutzen.
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  15. Lääkärin etiikka muuttuvassa maailmassa.Arne Johannes Palmén - 1968 - [Helsinki,: Tekijä.].
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  16.  34
    Rights that trump.Elin Palm - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (4):196-209.
    – This paper aims to deal with an increasing securitization and criminalisation of migration in Europe highlighting ethical implications of the current surveillance-based EU migration governance. It is shown that EU member states employ surveillance regimes to control movements across borders and to restrict migrants' access to their territories. The ethical acceptability of such practices is questioned with a particular focus on the “freedom of movement”., – In order to establish the extent to which the current EU migration governance can (...)
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    Synchronicity and its use in the brain.Guenther Palm & Thomas Wennekers - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):695-696.
    We briefly review the long-standing ideas about the use of synchronicity in the brain, which rely on Donald Hebb's views on cell assemblies and synaptic plasticity. More recently the distinction among several timescales in the description of neural activity has become a focus of theoretical discussion. Phillips & Singer's target article is criticized mainly because it does not distinguish these timescales properly and hence does not really address the questions so intensely debated today.
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    Medienwissenschaft, Medientheorie oder Medienphilosophie?Claus Pias - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler, Philosophy of the Information Society: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 75-88.
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  19. Vom "Alchemisten-Kunststück, aus Koth Gold zu machen" (1995).Pia Daniela Volz - 2014 - In Christian Niemeyer, Friedrich Nietzsche. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  20.  8
    Question[s].Pia Lauritzen - 2018 - Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press.
    How many questions do we ask each day? Why do we ask them in the first place? Do we always ask because we're trying to learn something? Or are there some questions we don't expect to have answered - and some questions that simply can't be answered at all? What do our questions tell us about ourselves? Do they define who we are? Who asked the world's first question? Can anyone answer all these questions? Is that a stupid question, or (...)
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  21.  56
    The influence of the immediate visual context on incremental thematic role-assignment: evidence from eye-movements in depicted events.Pia Knoeferle, Matthew W. Crocker, Christoph Scheepers & Martin J. Pickering - 2005 - Cognition 95 (1):95-127.
  22.  39
    The Coordinated Interplay of Scene, Utterance, and World Knowledge: Evidence From Eye Tracking.Pia Knoeferle & Matthew W. Crocker - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):481-529.
    Two studies investigated the interaction between utterance and scene processing by monitoring eye movements in agent–action–patient events, while participants listened to related utterances. The aim of Experiment 1 was to determine if and when depicted events are used for thematic role assignment and structural disambiguation of temporarily ambiguous English sentences. Shortly after the verb identified relevant depicted actions, eye movements in the event scenes revealed disambiguation. Experiment 2 investigated the relative importance of linguistic/world knowledge and scene information. When the verb (...)
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  23.  37
    Boundary Work and Power in the Controversy Over Therapeutic Touch in Finnish Nursing Science.Pia Vuolanto - 2015 - Minerva 53 (4):359-380.
    The boundary work approach has been established as one of the main ways to study controversies in science. However, it has been proposed that it does not meet the power dynamics of the scientific field sufficiently. This article concentrates on the intertwining of boundary work and power. It combines the boundary work approach developed by Thomas Gieryn and the analysis of power in the work of Pierre Bourdieu. Based on a literature review and an analysis of a controversy over therapeutic (...)
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  24.  56
    Human Dignity and the Profoundly Disabled.Pia Matthews - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (2):185-203.
    One challenge to the concept of human dignity is that it is a rootless notion invoked simply to mask inequalities that inevitably exist between human beings. This privileging of humans is speciesist and its weak point is the profoundly disabled human being. This article argues that far from being a weak point, the profoundly disabled person is a source of strength and witness to the intrinsic dignity that all human beings have by virtue of being human. The disabled represent the (...)
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  25.  15
    Rethinking Evil: Contemporary Perspectives.María Pía Lara (ed.) - 2001 - University of California Press.
    This innovative volume will be welcomed by moral and political philosophers, social scientists, and anyone who reflects seriously on the twentieth century's heavy burden of war, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and other evidence of people's desire to harm one another. María Pía Lara brings together a provocative set of essays that reexamine evil in the context of a "postmetaphysical" world, a world that no longer equates natural and human evil and no longer believes in an omnipotent God. The question of how (...)
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    Functoriality and Grammatical Role in Syllogisms.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (1):41-66.
    We specify two problems in syllogistic: the lack of functoriality of predicates (although a thief is a person, a good thief may not be a good person) and the change of grammatical role of the middle term, from subject to predicate, in some syllogisms. The standard semantics, the class interpretation, by-passes these difficulties but, we argue, in a manner that is at odds with logical intuition. We propose a semantics that is category theoretic to handle these difficulties. With this semantics (...)
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    Gurū Grantha wicāra-kosha.Piārā Siṅgha Padama (ed.) - 1969
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  28. Fuzzy control approaches, General design schemes, Structure of a fuzzy controller.R. Palm - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz, Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics.
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  29. Fundamentos de hecho de la psicología gestaltista.Fernando M. Palmés - 1946 - Pensamiento 2 (5):5-32.
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    Hegel's Concept of Sublation: A Critical Interpretation.Ralph Palm - 2009 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    INTRODUCTION 1 GENERAL REMARKS 1 OUTLINE OF THE PROJECT 5 PART I: STRUCTURE 8 CHAPTER 1: DEFINITIONS 8 A. POSITIVE DEFINITIONS 8 Remark: On Translating Aufheben 13 B. NEGATIVE DEFINITIONS 15 1. Negation 16 2. Synthesis 18 3. Irony 21 CHAPTER 2: USAGE 24 A. FREQUENCY 24 Table 1. Number of Occurrences of the Various Forms 26 Table 2. Summary of the Information on the Different Volumes 26 Table 3. Results of the Regression Analysis 29 B. SYNTAX 35 C. CONTEXT (...)
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  31.  50
    How to combine interpolation with feedback?Guenther Palm - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):478-478.
    The Chorus representation is a sparse, similarity-preserving representation achieved by a feedforward neural network. Hence it is probably better suited for interpolation than for categorization. This commentary raises the question of how to combine categorization with interpolation, whether feedforward networks can be reasonable models for parts of the cerebral cortex, and whether people can perform more than one interpolation at a time.
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  32. Filozofia.Łukasz Piątek & Jan Rymarczyk (eds.) - 1987 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uczelniane Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu.
  33. Privacy Expectations at Work—What is Reasonable and Why?Elin Palm - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (2):201-215.
    Throughout the longstanding debate on privacy, the concept has been framed in various ways. Most often it has been discussed as an area within which individuals rightfully may expect to be left alone and in terms of certain data that they should be entitled to control. The sphere in which individuals should be granted freedom from intrusion has typically been equated with the indisputably private domestic sphere. Privacy claims in the semi-public area of work have not been sufficiently investigated. In (...)
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  34. Brain Theory.G. Palm & A. Aertsen (eds.) - 1986 - Springer.
  35.  14
    „Experientia est universalis acceptio singularium": Die Rezeption der Zweiten Analytiken im Kommentar des Roger Bacon zu Buch I der Metaphysik.Pia A. Antolic - 2004 - In Pia Antolic-Piper, Alexander Fidora & Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Erkenntnis Und Wissenschaft/ Knowledge and Science: Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters/ Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 213-238.
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  36. Dio perchè?Pia Bruzzichelli & Luigi Bovo (eds.) - 1971 - Assisi,: Pro civitate christiana.
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    Irregular Feelings: Mimesis, Poikilia, and the Emotions in Plato's Republic.Pia Campeggiani - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:541-567.
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  38. La filosofia del paradosso nel mondo civile delle nazioni: Vico, Pascal e Domat.Mariagrazia Pia - 1998 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 28:121-152.
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  39. Syncritism as philosophy and a way of life.J. Pia?ek - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (7):475-492.
    Exposition of the philosophy of syncriticism.
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    Andrews, Lori B. Future Perfect: Confronting Decisions about Genetics.Pia Solenni - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (1):213-214.
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    Consanguinity on Robinson crusoe island, an isolated chilean population.Pia Villanueva, Maria A. Fernández, Zulema de Barbieri & Hernán Palomino - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (4):1-10.
  42.  91
    Who Cares? Moral Obligations in Formal and Informal Care Provision in the Light of ICT-Based Home Care.Elin Palm - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (2):171-188.
    An aging population is often taken to require a profound reorganization of the prevailing health care system. In particular, a more cost-effective care system is warranted and ICT-based home care is often considered a promising alternative. Modern health care devices admit a transfer of patients with rather complex care needs from institutions to the home care setting. With care recipients set up with health monitoring technologies at home, spouses and children are likely to become involved in the caring process and (...)
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    The Gender Perspective in Nursing Research: A Theoretical Treasure Chest or a ‘Thorn’ in the Side?Pia Vuolanto & Anne Laiho - 2017 - Minerva 55 (3):371-390.
    This article contributes to the current discussion on interdisciplinarity in the health research field. It focuses on the relationship between nursing research and gender research. Nursing research is a ‘health sciences’ field which draws from the social sciences, the humanities, and biomedicine. Previous research shows the difficulties that social scientists face in their efforts to integrate with biomedical scientists. The aim of this article is to analyse nursing researchers’ views about one potential collaboration partner in the social sciences and humanities: (...)
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    A predictive nature for tactile awareness? Insights from damaged and intact central-nervous-system functioning.Lorenzo Pia, Francesca Garbarini, Dalila Burin, Carlotta Fossataro & Anna Berti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:139874.
    In the present paper, we will attempt to gain hints regarding the nature of tactile awareness in humans. At first, we will review some recent literature showing that an actual tactile experience can emerge in absence of any tactile stimulus (e.g., tactile hallucinations, tactile illusions). According to the current model of tactile awareness, we will subsequently argue that such (false) tactile perceptions are subserved by the same anatomo-functional mechanisms known to underpin actual perception. On these bases, we will discuss the (...)
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  45.  40
    Can Speaker Gaze Modulate Syntactic Structuring and Thematic Role Assignment during Spoken Sentence Comprehension?Pia Knoeferle & Helene Kreysa - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    The Importance of Being Dead: the Dead Donor Rule and the Ethics of Transplantation Medicine.Pia Becker - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (3):255-258.
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    The Problem of Answered Prayer.Pia Maria Huber - 1996 - Feminist Theology 5 (13):108-111.
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    The blood–CSF barrier explained: when development is not immaturity.Pia A. Johansson, Katarzyna M. Dziegielewska, Shane A. Liddelow & Norman R. Saunders - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):237-248.
    It is often suggested that during development the brain barriers are immature. This argument stems from teleological interpretations and experimental observations of the high protein concentrations in fetal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreases in apparent permeability of passive markers during development. We argue that the developmental blood–CSF barrier restricts the passage of lipid‐insoluble molecules by the same mechanism as in the adult (tight junctions) rendering the paracellular pathway an unlikely route of entry. Instead, we suggest that both protein and passive (...)
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  49.  27
    Communication Strategies and Intensive Interaction Therapy Meet the Theology of the Body.Pia Matthews - 2013 - The New Bioethics 19 (2):97-110.
    Academic bioethics does not appear to be interested in communication and its ethical concerns unless communication is to do with issues such as capacity, consent, truth telling and confidentiality. In contrast practitioners are interested in actually communicating with their patients and they are often particularly perplexed when it comes to people with profound disabilities where communication appears disrupted. Although some new and not so new communication strategies, and especially intensive interaction, are available, little has been written on either the ethical (...)
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    To Toil and to Survive: Wartime Memories of Finnish Women.Pia Olsson - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (2):127-138.
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