Results for 'Irene Senna'

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  1.  16
    Aim and Plausibility of Action Chains Remap Peripersonal Space.Irene Senna, Lucilla Cardinali, Alessandro Farnè & Claudio Brozzoli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fear of COVID-19, Stress, and Anxiety in University Undergraduate Students: A Predictive Model for Depression.Antonio J. Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Yisela Pantaleón, Irene Dios & Daniel Falla - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Cold or calculating? Reduced activity in the subgenual cingulate cortex reflects decreased emotional aversion to harming in counterintuitive utilitarian judgment.Katja Wiech, Guy Kahane, Nicholas Shackel, Miguel Farias, Julian Savulescu & Irene Tracey - 2013 - Cognition 126 (3):364-372.
    Recent research on moral decision-making has suggested that many common moral judgments are based on immediate intuitions. However, some individuals arrive at highly counterintuitive utilitarian conclusions about when it is permissible to harm other individuals. Such utilitarian judgments have been attributed to effortful reasoning that has overcome our natural emotional aversion to harming others. Recent studies, however, suggest that such utilitarian judgments might also result from a decreased aversion to harming others, due to a deficit in empathic concern and social (...)
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    Enhancing the Taxonomies Relating to Academic Integrity and Misconduct.Loreta Tauginienė, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Salim Razi, Irene Glendinning, Shivadas Sivasubramaniam, Franca Marino, Marco Cosentino, Alla Anohina-Naumeca & Julius Kravjar - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):345-361.
    A clear understanding of terminology is crucial in any academic field. When it is clear that complex interdisciplinary concepts are interpreted differently depending on the academic field, geographical setting or cultural values, it is time to take action. Given this, the Glossary for Academic Integrity, newly developed by the European Network for Academic Integrity project, served as the basis for compiling a comprehensive taxonomy of terms related to academic integrity. Following a rigorous coding exercise, the taxonomy was partitioned into three (...)
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    Research Guideline Recommendations for Broad Consent Forms in Biobank Research and How They Are Currently Addressed in Practice.Daniel Strech, Hannes Kahrass & Irene Hirschberg - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):60-63.
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    Hyperschematia after right brain damage: a meaningful entity?Gilles Rode, Roberta Ronchi, Patrice Revol, Yves Rossetti, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Irene Rossi & Giuseppe Vallar - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  28
    Behavioral and Imaging Studies of Infant Artificial Grammar Learning.Judit Gervain, Irene la Cruz-Pavía & LouAnn Gerken - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):815-827.
    Gervain et al. discuss both behavioral and neurophysiological AGL studies that investigate rule and structure learning processes in infants. The paper provides an overview of all the major AGL paradigms used to date to investigate infant learning abilities at the level of morpho‐phonology and syntax from a very early age onwards. Gervain et al. also discuss the implications of the results for a general theory of natural language acquisition.
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    Problematic Social Situations for Peer-Rejected Students in the First Year of Elementary School.Luis J. Martín-Antón, María Inés Monjas, Francisco J. García Bacete & Irene Jiménez-Lagares - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Virtual Reality as an Emerging Methodology for Leadership Assessment and Training.Mariano Alcañiz, Elena Parra & Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:301393.
    In developed countries, companies are now substantially reliant on the skills and abilities of their leaders to tackle a variety of complex issues. There is a growing consensus that leadership development training and assessment methods should adopt more holistic methodologies, including those associated with the emotional and neuroendocrine aspects of learning. Recent research into the assessment of leadership competencies has proposed the use of objective methods and measurements based on neuroscience. One of the challenges to be faced in the development (...)
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    Project DECIDE, part 1: increasing the amount of valid advance directives in people with Alzheimer’s disease by offering advance care planning—a prospective double-arm intervention study.Stefanie Baisch, Christina Abele, Anna Theile-Schürholz, Irene Schmidtmann, Frank Oswald, Tarik Karakaya, Tanja Müller, Janina Florack, Daniel Garmann, Jonas Karneboge, Gregor Lindl, Nathalie Pfeiffer, Aoife Poth, Bogdan Alin Caba, Martin Grond, Ingmar Hornke, David Prvulovic, Andreas Reif, Heiko Ullrich & Julia Haberstroh - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundEverybody has the right to decide whether to receive specific medical treatment or not and to provide their free, prior and informed consent to do so. As dementia progresses, people with Alzheimer’s dementia (PwAD) can lose their capacity to provide informed consent to complex medical treatment. When the capacity to consent is lost, the autonomy of the affected person can only be guaranteed when an interpretable and valid advance directive exists. Advance directives are not yet common in Germany, and their (...)
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    The CORBEL matrix on informed consent in clinical studies: a multidisciplinary approach of Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services.Paola Mosconi, Tamara Carapina, Irene Schluender, Victoria Chico, Sara Casati, Marialuisa Lavitrano, Mihaela Matei, Serena Battaglia, Christine Kubiak, Michaela Th Mayrhofer & Cinzia Colombo - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundInformed consent forms for clinical research are several and variable at international, national and local levels. According to the literature, they are often unclear and poorly understood by participants. Within the H2020 project CORBEL—Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services—clinical researchers, researchers in ethical, social, and legal issues, experts in planning and management of clinical studies, clinicians, researchers in citizen involvement and public engagement worked together to provide a minimum set of requirements for informed consent in clinical studies.MethodsThe template was (...)
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    Size Aftereffects Are Eliminated When Adaptor Stimuli Are Prevented from Reaching Awareness by Continuous Flash Suppression.Robin Laycock, Joshua A. Sherman, Irene Sperandio & Philippe A. Chouinard - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  13.  49
    A Tribute to Charlie Chaplin: Induced Positive Affect Improves Reward-Based Decision-Learning in Parkinson’s Disease.K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Nelleke C. van Wouwe, Guido P. H. Band, Scott A. Wylie, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Pieter van Hees, Jessika Buitenweg, Irene van de Vijver & Wery P. M. van den Wildenberg - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  14.  23
    Exploring the Image of Science in the Business Sector: Surveying and Modeling Scientific Culture, Perception and Attitudes Towards Science.Jesús Rey Rocha, Ana Muñoz-van den Eynde & Irene López-Navarro - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (2):137-159.
    ABSTRACTThe ‘Scientific Culture at Enterprises’ project aims to identify the different factors that characterize the image of science held by entrepreneurs and business managers, explore the relationships among these factors, and shed light on the role they play in defining this image and ultimately in developing a culture of science in the business sector. This article is based on the results of the SCe 2016 survey with a specially designed telephone survey questionnaire of a representative sample of Spanish companies. The (...)
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    How Individuals With Down Syndrome Process Faces and Words Conveying Emotions? Evidence From a Priming Paradigm.Maja Roch, Francesca Pesciarelli & Irene Leo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Status and Prospects of the New Ethical Model of Nursing in Minimal Access Surgical Services.Yaquelín Rodríguez Ramírez, José Ramón Acosta Sariego, Irene Barrios Osuna, Maricela Morera Pérez & Ana Bertha López Milhet - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):258-272.
    Los avances científico-tecnológicos han abierto una brecha en cuanto a los tratamientos médicos y los valores morales que deben sustentar la atención de salud. El profesional de enfermería no está exento de estos peligros, por lo que se ha generado un nuevo modelo ético que se integre al proceso de atención de enfermería. Con el objetivo de determinar los conocimientos y opiniones de estos profesionales, del área de cirugía de mínimo acceso, acerca de la aplicación del modelo en el contexto (...)
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    Comprehensive Model for Physical and Cognitive Frailty: Current Organization and Unmet Needs.Fulvio Lauretani, Yari Longobucco, Francesca Ferrari Pellegrini, Aurelio Maria De Iorio, Chiara Fazio, Raffaele Federici, Elena Gallini, Umberto La Porta, Giulia Ravazzoni, Maria Federica Roberti, Marco Salvi, Irene Zucchini, Giovanna Pelà & Marcello Maggio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Aging is characterized by the decline and deterioration of functional cells and results in a wide variety of molecular damages and reduced physical and mental capacity. The knowledge on aging process is important because life expectancy is expected to rise until 2050. Aging cannot be considered a homogeneous process and includes different trajectories characterized by states of fitness, frailty, and disability. Frailty is a dynamic condition put between a normal functional state and disability, with reduced capacity to cope with stressors. (...)
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  18. Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives.Jerald D. Gort, Henry Jansen, Hendrick M. Vroom & Irene J. Bloom - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (1):149-177.
    In reviewing five edited collections and one monograph from the 1990s, the article summarizes the present status of the "human rights revolution" that was signaled by the adoption in 1948 of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". It goes on to elaborate and evaluate some of the attempts contained in these books to deal with theoretical and practical controversies surrounding the subject of human rights, particularly the discussion of what to make of "cultural relativism" as far as human rights are (...)
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    III The Evidence of the Forged Paper.Manfred Mayer, Theresa Smith & Irene Brückle - 2011 - In Paul Needham, Irene Brückle & Horst Bredekamp, A Galileo Forgery: Unmasking the New York Sidereus Nuncius. De Gruyter. pp. 35-60.
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    A novel task and methods to evaluate inter-individual variation in audio-visual associative learning.Angela Pasqualotto, Aaron Cochrane, Daphne Bavelier & Irene Altarelli - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105658.
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    Principle and practicality: essays in Neo-Confucianism and practical learning.William Theodore De Bary & Irene Bloom (eds.) - 1979 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    These essays explore the continuities and discontinuities between the Neo-Confucian thought of Ming China and early Tokugawa Japan and the "practical learning" of the 17th and 18th centuries, underlining the need for a deeper examination of the complex relationship between "traditional" and "modern" thoughts and values.
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  22. Philosophie, Orientation philosophique dans le monde, Éclairement de l'existence et Métaphysique.Karl Jaspers, Jeanne Hersch, D'irène Kruse & Jeanne Etoré - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):551-551.
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    ¿Más allá de la ciencia académica?: modo 2, ciencia posnormal y ciencia posacadémica.María Jiménez-Buedo & Irene Ramos Vielba - 2009 - Arbor 185 (738):721-737.
    El artículo realiza una revisión de tres perspectivas que intentan describir los cambios producidos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX en la investigación científica y tecnológica. Los tres enfoques analizados –“Modo 2”, “ciencia posacadémica” y “ciencia posnormal”– asocian estas transformaciones a una mayor permeabilidad de la ciencia hacia los intereses y preferencias de los principales actores sociales. Estos enfoques han tenido un gran impacto, no sólo en la literatura especializada, sino también en la retórica de los hacedores de las (...)
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    Occupational Rehabilitation Is Associated With Improvements in Cognitive Functioning.Thomas Johansen, Chris Jensen, Hege R. Eriksen, Peter S. Lyby, Winand H. Dittrich, Inge N. Holsen, Hanne Jakobsen & Irene Øyeflaten - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Is it a Small World After All? Investigating the Theoretical Structure of Working Memory Cross- Nationally.Tracy Packiam Alloway, Robert Moulder, John C. Horton, Aaron Leedy, Lisa M. D. Archibald, Debora Burin, Irene Injoque-Ricle, Maria Chiara Passolunghi & Flávia Heloísa Dos Santos - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (3-4):331-353.
    To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to test different theoretical models of working memory in childhood based on a computerized assessment. We tested this across several countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Italy, and UK. The present study addressed the wider macro-cultural context and how this impacts working memory. We used two economic indices to characterize the participating countries and ranked the countries based on the Global Index of Cognitive Skills and Educational Attainment. Children between 5 and 10 (...)
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    Efficacy of Hypnosis-Based Treatment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Pilot Study.Arianna Palmieri, Johann Roland Kleinbub, Vincenzo Calvo, Gianni Sorarù, Irene Grasso, Irene Messina & Marco Sambin - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Perceptual size discrimination requires awareness and late visual areas: A continuous flash suppression and interocular transfer study.Hayden J. Peel, Joshua A. Sherman, Irene Sperandio, Robin Laycock & Philippe A. Chouinard - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 67 (C):77-85.
  28. Semantics in generative grammar.Irene Heim & Angelika Kratzer - 1998 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Angelika Kratzer.
    Written by two of the leading figures in the field, this is a lucid and systematic introduction to semantics as applied to transformational grammars of the ...
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    NACHWEIS AUS RICHARD ANTHONY PROCTOR, UNSER STANDPUNKT IM WELTALL (1877): mitgeteilt von Irene Treccani.Irene Treccani - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):327-329.
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  30. Response to professor Huang Siu-Chi's review of "knowledge painfully acquired", by lo ch'in-Shun and translated by Irene Bloom.Irene Bloom - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (4):459-463.
  31.  12
    Possibility and necessity in the time of Peter Abelard.Irene Binini - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    This book offers a major reassessment of Peter Abelard's modal logic and theory of modalities, presenting them as far more uniform and consistent than was until now recognized. Irene Binini offers new ways of connecting Abelard's modal views with other parts of his logic, semantics, metaphysics and theology. Further, the work also provides a comprehensive study of the logical context in which Abelard's theories originated and developed, by presenting fresh evidence about many 11th- and 12th-century sources that are still (...)
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  32. E-type pronouns and donkey anaphora.Irene Heim - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):137--77.
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    Arrest and Movement.Irene J. Winter & H. A. Groenewegen-Frankfort - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):505.
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    Felicità e principio primo: Teologia e filosofia nei primi commenti latini all'Ethica Nicomachea.Irene Zavattero - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    To adapt or not to adapt: The question of domain-general cognitive control.Irene P. Kan, Susan Teubner-Rhodes, Anna B. Drummey, Lauren Nutile, Lauren Krupa & Jared M. Novick - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):637-651.
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    Born to be Wild.Irene Klaver, Jozef Keulartz & Henk van den Belt - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):3-21.
    With the turning of wilderness areas into wildlife parks and the returning of developed areas of land to the forces of nature, intermediate hybrid realms surface in which wild and managed nature become increasingly entangled. A partitioning of environmental philosophy into ecoethics and animal welfare ethics leaves these mixed territories relatively uncharted—the first dealing with wild (animals), the second with the welfare of captive or domestic animals. In this article, we explore an environmental philosophy that considers explicitly these mixed situations. (...)
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  37. Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance.Irene Diamond, Lee Quinby, Seyla Benhabib & Drucilla Cornell - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.
    This essay is a critical review of two recent collections, Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby and Feminism as Critique: On the Politics of Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell. While the collections differ in their manner of addressing the critical sources that have inspired them-the former relying upon a single theorist, the latter attempting to move through some of the philosophical history that constitutes our present theoretical terrain-both attempt to (...)
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    Existential Flourishing: A Phenomenology of the Virtues.Irene McMullin - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    By putting existential phenomenology into conversation with virtue ethics, this book offers a new interpretation of human flourishing. It rejects characterizations of flourishing as either a private subjective state or an objective worldly status, arguing that flourishing is rather a successfully negotiated self-world fit – a condition involving both the essential dependence of the self upon the world and others, and the lived normative responsiveness of the agent striving to be in the world well. A central argument of the book (...)
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  39. Pragmatic truth and approximation to truth.Irene Mikenberg, Newton C. A. da Costa & Rolando Chuaqui - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):201-221.
  40.  59
    Peirce’s universal categories: On their potential for gesture theory and multimodal analysis.Irene Mittelberg - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (228):193-222.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    From Harmony to Conflict: MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in a Confucian Tradition.Irene Chu & Geoff Moore - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):221-239.
    This paper explores whether MacIntyrean virtue ethics concepts are applicable in non-Western business contexts, specifically in SMEs in Taiwan, a country strongly influenced by the Confucian tradition. It also explores what differences exist between different polities in this respect, and specifically interprets observed differences between the Taiwanese study and previous studies conducted in Europe and Asia. Based on case study research, the findings support the generalizability of the MacIntyrean framework. Drawing on the institutional logics perspective and synthesizing this with MacIntyrean (...)
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  42. Women and the concept of servant leadership biblical influences.Irene Muzvidziwa & Victor N. Muzvidziwa - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (4):403-418.
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  43. A modest proposal: Accounting for the virtuousness of modesty.Irene McMullin - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (241):783-807.
    Recent attempts to explain why modesty should be considered a virtue have failed. A more adequate account is that modesty involves understanding how far one's accomplishments ought to be taken as definitive of one's value. Modest people communicate this self-understanding through behaviour motivated by the desire to ensure that their accomplishments do not cause pain to others. This virtuous mode of self-awareness involves recognizing that one is both defined by social standards of success and irreducible to these assessments. Modest agents (...)
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    Visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ethical case study.Irene Hartigan, Ann Kelleher, Joan McCarthy & Nicola Cornally - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1111-1123.
    To prevent and reduce the transmission of the coronavirus to vulnerable populations, the World Health Organization recommended the restriction of visitors to nursing homes. It was recognised that such restrictions could have profound impact on residents and their families. Nonetheless, these measures were strictly imposed over a prolonged period in many countries; impeding families from remaining involved in their relatives’ care and diluting the meaningful connections for residents with society. It is timely to explore the impact of public health measures (...)
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  45. Love Life: Aristotle on Living Together with Friends.Irene Liu - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (6):579-601.
    According to Aristotle, the most characteristic activity of friendship is “living together” [to suzên]. This paper seeks to understand living together in the light of his famous, foundational claim that humans are social by nature. Based on an interpretation of Nicomachean Ethics 9.9, I explain our need for friends in terms of a more fundamental human need to appreciate one's life as a whole. I then argue that friendship is built into the very structure of human life itself such that (...)
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    Where Now for Post-Normal Science?: A Critical Review of its Development, Definitions, and Uses.Irene Lorenzoni, Mavis Jones & John Turnpenny - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (3):287-306.
    ‘‘Post-normal science’’ has received much attention in recent years, but like many iconic concepts, it has attracted differing conceptualizations, applications, and implications, ranging from being a ‘‘cure-all’’ for democratic deficit to the key to achieving more sustainable futures. This editorial article introduces a Special Issue that takes stock of research on PNS and critically explores how such research may develop. Through reviewing the history and evolution of PNS, the authors seek to clarify the extant definitions, conceptualizations, and uses of PNS. (...)
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  47. Kant on Radical Evil and the Origin of Moral Responsibility.Irene McMullin - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (1):49-72.
    The notion of radical evil plays a more important role in Kant's moral theory than is typically recognized. In Religion Within the Limits of Mere Reason, radical evil is both an innate propensity and a morally imputable act – a paradoxical status that has prompted commentators to reject it as inconsistent with the rest of Kant's moral theory. In contrast, I argue that the notion of radical evil accounts for the beginning of moral responsibility in Kant's theory, since the act (...)
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    Executive and semantic processes in reappraisal of negative stimuli: insights from a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.Irene Messina, Simone Bianco, Marco Sambin & Roberto Viviani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    4. Biology and Culture in the Mencian View of Human Nature.Irene Bloom - 2002 - In Alan K. L. Chan, Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 91-102.
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    Leaders and Laggards: The Influence of Competing Logics on Corporate Environmental Action.Irene M. Herremans, M. Sandy Herschovis & Stephanie Bertels - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):449-472.
    We study the sources of resistance to change among firms in the Canadian petroleum industry in response to a shift in societal level logics related to corporate environmental performance. Despite challenges to its legitimacy as a result of poor environmental performance, the Canadian petroleum industry was divided as to how to respond, with some members ignoring the concerns and resisting change (i.e., laggards) while others took action to ensure continued legitimacy (i.e., leaders). We examine why organizations within the same institutional (...)
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