Results for 'Jeanne Etoré'

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  1. Philosophie, Orientation philosophique dans le monde, Éclairement de l'existence et Métaphysique.Karl Jaspers, Jeanne Hersch, D'irène Kruse & Jeanne Etoré - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):551-551.
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  2. L'avenir est ouvert.Konrad Lorenz, Karl Popper & Jeanne Etoré - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):703-705.
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    Health: Introductory paper.Etore Gelpi - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):74-76.
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    Bioethical Issues and the Nurse.Jeanne Meurer - 1979 - Ethics and Medics 4 (12):1-2.
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    Penser dans le temps: mélanges offerts à Jeanne Hersch.Jeanne Hersch & Raymond Aron (eds.) - 1977 - Lausanne: Éditions l'Age d'homme.
    Fessard, G. Jeanne Hersch, genèse d'une œuvre.--Muralt, A. de. Phénoménologie et métaphysique.--Philonenko, A. Leibniz et le platonisme.--Christoff, D. Représentation et décision dans la temporalité selon Kant.--Tilliette, X. De l'illusion au savoir, la philosophie.--Widmer, G. Variations kierkegaardiennes sur l'édifiant.--Dufour-Kowalska, G. L'imagination maîtresse de vérité.--Leyvraz, J.-P. Des noms.--Piguet, J.-C. Liberté esthétique et liberté éthique.--Schaerer, R. Le philosophe entre oui et non.--Scheurer, P.-B. Vues nouvelles sur la science du temps et l'histoire.--Starobinski, J. La littérature et l'irrationnel.--Aron, R. De la libéralisation.--Werner, E. La (...)
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Sex-Discrimination in Job Evaluation.Jeanne Bruijn - 1993 - Business Ethics: A European Review 2 (1):25-29.
    Job evaluation systems are becoming increasingly important in Europe to counter sex‐discrimination, but evaluation criteria can themselves be discriminatory. Dr Jeanne de Bruijn is Professor in Women and Policy at the Free University of Amsterdam.
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    Social Issues in Management as a Distinct Field: Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1334-1357.
    This article focuses on the question of whether Social Issues in Management (SIM) is a “field” and, if so, what kind, emphasizing specifically the recent literature on corporate social responsibility and performance (CSR/csp). Fields are defined in part by coherent bodies of knowledge that serve as guideposts for current research, and so the authors construct a simple model of CSR/csp scholarship, illustrating the relevant categories with representative publications. The authors conclude that SIM is a “low-paradigm” field but is not recognized (...)
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    Feminist Morality and Competitive Reality: A Role for an Ethic of Care?Jeanne M. Liedtka - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):179-200.
    A language of care and relationship-building has recently appeared with prominence in the business literature, driven by the realities of the marketplace. Thus, it seems a propitious time to reflect on a decade of writing in feminist morality that has focussed on the concept of an ethic of care, and examine its relevance for today's business context. Is the idea of creating organizations that “care” just another management fad that subverts the essential integrity of concepts of ethical caring? Conversely, are (...)
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    Expanding Accountability to Stakeholders: Trends and Predictions.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Patsy G. Lewellyn - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (4):419-435.
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    Evolutionary Theories and Men's Preferences for Women's Waist-to-Hip Ratio: Which Hypotheses Remain? A Systematic Review.Jeanne Bovet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11. Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem.Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Edited by Jeanne Peijnenburg.
    This Open Access book addresses the age-old problem of infinite regresses in epistemology. How can we ever come to know something if knowing requires having good reasons, and reasons can only be good if they are backed by good reasons in turn? The problem has puzzled philosophers ever since antiquity, giving rise to what is often called Agrippa's Trilemma. The current volume approaches the old problem in a provocative and thoroughly contemporary way. Taking seriously the idea that good reasons are (...)
  12. Exploring Ethical Issues Using Personal Interviews.Jeanne M. Liedtka - 1992 - Business Ethics Quarterly 2 (2):161-181.
    This paper argues that the personal interview method is particularly appropriate for the kind of exploratory and complicated theory-building research that ethical decision-making, as a topic, represents at present. In doing so, it examines the key tasks of the ethics researcher, the suitability of interviews for obtaining the kind of data needed to accomplish these tasks, and the ensuing problems faced by the interview methodologist. It concludes with suggestions for enhancing the validity and reliability of interview-based ethics research.
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  13. Coming to hear in a new way.Jeanne Bamberger - 1994 - In Rita Aiello & John A. Sloboda, Musical perceptions. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 131--151.
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    Bodily cleanliness in modern nursing.Jeanne Boge, Kjell Kristoffersen & Kari Martinsen - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (2):78-85.
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  15. The Man of Reason.Jeanne P. McLean - 1990 - Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):154-157.
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    Is Foundations of Education a Discipline?Jeanne Pietig - unknown
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    The relevance of critical race theory to educational theory and practice.Jeanne M. Powers - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (1):151–166.
    Critical Race Theory (CRT) has its origins in legal analysis but increasingly has been used by educational researchers to analyse the continued salience of institutional racism in educational settings. After providing a brief overview of the history of CRT and the educational issues addressed by critical race theorists, I review two books that explicitly engage critical race theory (CRT). Delgado and Stefancic’s (2001) primer on the CRT literature provides an important backdrop for situating Guinier and Torres’ (2002) ambitious argument for (...)
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    L’oralité des témoins dans le droit antique : les faits contre la rhétorique?Jeanne Roland - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (1):87-95.
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  19. Corporate social performance, stakeholder orientation, and organizational moral development.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Kristi Yuthas - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1213-1226.
    This article begins with an explanation of how moral development for organizations has parallels to Kohlberg's categorization of the levels of individual moral development. Then the levels of organizational moral development are integrated into the literature on corporate social performance by relating them to different stakeholder orientations. Finally, the authors propose a model of organizational moral development that emphasizes the role of top management in creating organizational processes that shape the organizational and institutional components of corporate social performance. This article (...)
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    Partial dislocations associated with NbC precipitation in austenitic stainless steels.Jeanne M. Silcock & W. J. Tunstall - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (105):361-389.
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    Rhetorical Citizenship and the Science of Science Communication.Jeanne Fahnestock - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (3):371-387.
    Public policy decisions often require rhetorically-engaged citizens to have some understanding of the science and technology involved. On many current issues sectors of the public hold views differing from those of most scientists, and they often do not support proposals based on the scientists’ views. The overall cultural authority of science has also been challenged in the last decade by several negative trends in the sciences themselves, including widely-reported cases of fraud and failures in replication. With the support of professional (...)
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    Just a Classic?Jeanne M. Logsdon - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (4):454-459.
    This article examines the major contributions made by Preston and Post in Private Management and Public Policy from the dual perspectives of a doctoral student in the late 1970s and midcareer professor in the mid-1990s. It also identifies the roots of contemporary issues and concepts in the business and society field in this early book, published in 1975. Finally, four questions are raised about what is missing, unforeseen, and subject to further scrutiny. The author's assessment is that the book is (...)
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    Writing the Self: The Life and Philosophy of a Dissenting Bengali Baul Guru.Jeanne Openshaw - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This book investigates the largely unexplored terrain of the lives of Baul Gurus by studying the autobiography of Baul Guru, Raj Krishna, and situating Baul songs in a larger socio-historical perspective. The author examines the life, 'lineage', and legacy of Raj Krishna in the context of the Renaissance in colonial Bengal, the growth of urban middle classes, transforming identities and the development of spiritual philosophy in the subcontinent. She traces the life and beliefs of Raj and his disciples through both (...)
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    Commodifying a “Good” Weather Data: Commercial Meteorology, Low-cost Stations, and the Global Scientific Infrastructure.Jeanne Oui - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (1):29-52.
    Since the 2000s, European open data policies have given a strong boost to commercial meteorology by giving free access to weather observations and models produced by public organizations. This article examines the efforts and challenges met by a French company that developed an offer of weather services based on the commodification of both open weather data and local observations produced by low-cost stations used by farmers. However, the paper shows that such commercialization of stations’ data is hampered both by their (...)
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (Suppl 1):353-365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a “David vs. Goliath” showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs – in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use (...)
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  26. Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy.Jeanne Peijnenburg & Sander Verhaegh (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book contains a selection of papers from the workshop *Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy* held in October 2019 in Tilburg, the Netherlands. It is the first volume devoted to the role of women in early analytic philosophy. It discusses the ideas of ten female philosophers and covers a period of over a hundred years, beginning with the contribution to the Significs Movement by Victoria, Lady Welby in the second half of the nineteenth century, and ending with Ruth (...)
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    The View From Above: The Science of Social Space.Jeanne Haffner & Peter Galison - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In "The View from Above," Jeanne Haffner traces the evolution of the science of social space from the interwar period to the 1970s, illuminating in particular the role of aerial photography in this new way of conceptualizing socio-spatial ...
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  28. The Emergence of Justification.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252):546-564.
    A major objection to epistemic infinitism is that it seems to make justification impossible. For if there is an infinite chain of reasons, each receiving its justification from its neighbour, then there is no justification to inherit in the first place. Some have argued that the objection arises from misunderstanding the character of justification. Justification is not something that one reason inherits from another; rather it gradually emerges from the chain as a whole. Nowhere however is it made clear what (...)
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    Plant succession and tree architecture: An attempt at reconciling two scales of analysis of vegetation dynamics.Jeanne Millet, André Bouchard & Claude Édelin - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (1):1-22.
    Plant succession is a phenomenon ascribed to vegetation dynamics at the scale of the plant community. The study of plant succession implies the analysis of the species involved and their relationships. Depending on the research done, the characteristics of trees have been studied according to either static, dimensional or partial approaches. We have revised the principal theories of succession, the methods of describing structure and development of tree and relationship established between tree species' attributes and their successional status. During studies (...)
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    Octavio Paz on Socialism in Latin America.Jeanne Reidy Simons - 1982 - Philosophy Today 26 (3):234-239.
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    (1 other version)Historique de l’expertise collective à l’Inserm et enjeux actuels.Jeanne Étiemble - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    En répondant à des demandes émanant des institutions impliquées dans le domaine de la santé, l’Inserm prolonge sa mission de recherche par une activité de diffusion et de partage des connaissances et participe à la réflexion sur les implications collectives de cette recherche. Aujourd’hui intégrée à l’Institut de santé publique dans le cadre de l’Alliance nationale pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé , l’activité d’expertise collective participe au plan stratégique 2010-2015 de l’Inserm : « l’expérience acquise (...)
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    Mr. Kaufman on intentions and causes.Jeanne Wacker - 1970 - Mind 79 (313):126-129.
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  33. Software piracy: Is it related to level of moral judgment?Jeanne M. Logsdon, Judith Kenner Thompson & Richard A. Reid - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (11):849 - 857.
    The possible relationship between widespread unauthorized copying of microcomputer software (also known as software piracy) and level of moral judgment is examined through analysis of over 350 survey questionnaires that included the Defining Issues Test as a measure of moral development. It is hypothesized that the higher one''s level of moral judgment, the less likely that one will approve of or engage in unauthorized copying. Analysis of the data indicate a high level of tolerance toward unauthorized copying and limited support (...)
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  34. When are thought experiments poor ones?Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):305-322.
    A characteristic of contemporary analytic philosophy is its ample use of thought experiments. We formulate two features that can lead one to suspect that a given thought experiment is a poor one. Although these features are especially in evidence within the philosophy of mind, they can, surprisingly enough, also be discerned in some celebrated scientific thought experiments. Yet in the latter case the consequences appear to be less disastrous. We conclude that the use of thought experiments is more successful in (...)
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  35. Practicing pedagogical documentation: teachers making more-than-human relationships and sense of place visible.Jeanne Marie Iorio, Adam Coustley & Christine Grayland - 2018 - In Nicola Yelland & Dana Frantz Bentley, Found in translation: connecting reconceptualist thinking with early childhood education practices. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The fight for animal rights.Jeanne Nagle - 2019 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
    For centuries, philosophers, scientists, and lawmakers worldwide have debated the merits of affording certain rights to animals. Central to any discussion of the topic is morality, who, or what, possesses it, and how and when it should be bestowed. This examination of the animal rights movement covers this and other points of contention, as well as the history of the movement and the people at the forefront of lobbying for animal welfare. Readers will discover and be inspired by the variety (...)
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    Learning from Exemplars.Jeanne Nakamura - 2018 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 5 (2):172.
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    Meeting Our Obligations to International Students.Jeanne Natali - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 10 (1):47-48.
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    Visual exploratory behavior in the pigeon.Jeanne M. Stahl, Robert A. O’Brien & Peter V. Hanford - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):35-36.
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    Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353 - 365.
    The popular view of shareholder activism focuses on shareholder resolutions and the shareholder vote via proxy statements at the annual meeting, which is treated as a "David vs. Goliath" showdown between the small group of socially responsible investors and the powerful corporation. This article goes beyond the popular view to examine where the real action typically occurs-in the Dialogue process where corporations and shareholder activist groups mutually agree to ongoing communications to deal with a serious social issue. Use of the (...)
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  41. Achilles, the Tortoise, and Colliding Balls.Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2008 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 25 (3):187 - 201.
    It is widely held that the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, introduced by Zeno of Elea around 460 B.C., was solved by mathematical advances in the nineteenth century. The techniques of Weierstrass, Dedekind and Cantor made it clear, according to this view, that Achilles’ difficulty in traversing an infinite number of intervals while trying to catch up with the tortoise does not involve a contradiction, let alone a logical absurdity. Yet ever since the nineteenth century there have been dissidents (...)
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    Ethics of Luxury: Materialism and Imagination.Jeanne Randolph - 2007 - Yyz Books. Edited by Ihor Holubizky.
    In Ethics of Luxury renowned Canadian thinker and artist Jeanne Randolph gives us a magnum opus focusing on one of the most pressing issues facing us today – how we act morally and ethically while participating in a culture of abundance, opulence and consumerism. Randolph argues that when we use our imagination, as we do when we create, appreciate and live with art, we are acting ethically, expressing our sense of morality in a practical, material way.
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    Ineffectual Foundations: Reply to Gwiazda: Discussions.Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2010 - Mind 119 (476):1125-1133.
    In an earlier paper I argued that there are cases in which an infinite probabilistic chain can be completed. According to Jeremy Gwiazda, however, I have merely shown that the chain in question can be computed, not that it can be completed. Gwiazda thereby discriminates between two terms that I used as synonyms. In the present paper I discuss to what extent computability and completability can be meaningfully distinguished.
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    Entretien réalisé par Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini et Gabrielle Houbre.Jeanne Balibar - 2004 - Clio 19:181-189.
    Q L’avènement du cinéma parlant a t-il amoindri l’importance de l’image et a-t-il influé sur les techniques de jeu des acteurs/trices? R Je ne suis pas sûre qu’il y ait une différence entre le cinéma muet et le cinéma parlant, en fait je ne pense pas qu’il y en ait. Ou plutôt je pense que les différences ne sont pas liées au fait qu’on passe du muet au parlant : ce sont les progrès techniques des caméras, des pellicules qui font (...)
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    Les épures du thé'tre de Milet : pratiques de chantiers antiques.Jeanne Capelle - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:769-820.
    Des tracés incisés ont été identifiés en 2014 et 2015 sur les murs du théâtre de Milet. Ces profils et élévations d’éléments architecturaux des phases impériales de l’édifice s’inscrivent dans un corpus qui compte aujourd’hui plus de cent trente épures et nous éclaire sur le dessin d’architecture et son usage sur les chantiers de construction dans l’Antiquité. À la lumière de ce corpus, on peut interpréter quelques épures de Milet : un ensemble de dessins dans l’hyposkènion, comprenant les moulures de (...)
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    Aristote et les mystères.Jeanne Croissant - 1932 - New York: Arno Press.
    1. ptie. La catharsis de l'enthousiasme.--2. ptie. Un fragment d'Aristote sur les mystères.
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    Disappearances, silences, and anxious rhetoric: Gender in abnormal psychology textbooks.Jeanne Marecek - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):114-123.
    Argues that from a feminist perspective the history of clinical psychology reveals a troubled relationship with women. Diagnoses and treatments have at times controlled and victimized women. Over the past 25 yrs, feminist scholarship, activism, and practice have contributed to knowledge. Yet, these accomplishments may go unnoticed in the field of abnormal psychology. Besides sexism, there may be other sources of resistance. Textbooks present disorders as abstracted, medicalized entities. Within this frame of reference, everyday identities, social categories , and cultural (...)
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    Global Business Citizenship: Applications to Environmental Issues.Jeanne M. Logsdon - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):67-87.
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    Blurring Boundaries and Online Opportunities.Jeanne M. Farnan & Vineet M. Arora - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):183-186.
    The rising use of social media, for both clinical and nonclinical purposes, obviates the need for policy to more explicitly guide physicians, and their behaviors, in this new digital environment. The current report from the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) addresses a number of these issues, specifically the nature of interaction and representation between physicians and patients. However, given the nature of the focus of this report—the nonclinical use of the internet and social media—there are a number (...)
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    Conversation about King Matt.Jeanne Hersch & Volker Edlinger - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):105-109.
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