Results for 'Intoxication'

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  1. Intoxication and the Act/Control/Agency Requirement.Susan Dimock - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (3):341-362.
    Doug Husak has argued, persuasively I think, that there is no literal ‘act requirement’ in Anglo-American law. I begin by reviewing Husak’s reasons for rejecting the act requirement, and provide additional reasons to think he is right to do so. But Husak’s alternative, the ‘control condition’, I argue, is inadequate. The control requirement is falsified by the widespread practice of holding extremely intoxicated offenders liable for criminal conduct they engage in even if they lack control over their conduct at the (...)
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  2. Intoxication and Culpability.Douglas Husak - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (3):363-379.
    I tackle the difficult problem of specifying how voluntary intoxication affects criminal culpability generally and recklessness in particular. I contend that the problem need not be conceptualized as an instance of actio libera in causa, namely the situation in which persons do something at t1 to culpably create the conditions of their own defense at t2. Instead, I argue that we need only consider intoxicated defendants at t2 in order to justify their punishment. In the course of defending my (...)
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    What are Intoxicated Offenders Responsible for? The “Intoxication Defense” Re-examined.Susan Dimock - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (1):1-20.
    I provide a brief history of the common law governing the criminal liability of intoxicated offenders, and the codification and application of the intoxication rules in Canada. I argue that the common law and its statutory application in Canada violate a number of principles of criminal justice. I then argue that the rules cannot be saved by attempts to subsume them under principles of prior fault. I end with a modest proposal for law reform.
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    Intoxication.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Philip Armstrong.
    From Plato's Symposium to Hegel's truth as a "Bacchanalian revel," from The Bacchae of Euripedes to Nietzsche, philosophy holds a deeply ambivalent relation to the pleasures of intoxication. At the same time, from Baudelaire to Lowry, from Proust to Dostoyevsky, literature and poetry are also haunted by scenes of intoxication, as if philosophy and literature share a theme that announces and navigates their proximities and differences.
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    Drugged Subjectivity, Intoxicating Alterity.Donald Pollock - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (1):28-50.
    This article explores the use of intoxicants by a community of Kulina Indians in western Brazil. I suggest that Kulina intoxication through alcohol, tobacco, and ayahuasca is best understood as a form of semiotic appropriation of the identity of cosmological “others,” including animal spirits, creator beings, other Indian groups, and Brazilians. I consider how embodying practices, such as song and physical movement, enhance the experience of being an “alter,” facilitated by the alterations in consciousness produced by intoxicants.
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    Intoxication and Criminal Responsibility in England, 1819–1920.Phil Handler - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):243-262.
    In the period 1819–1920 the ostensibly strict English common law rule that drunkenness was not an excuse to any criminal charge was modified. It was formally recognized that, at least for crimes requiring proof of a specific intention, intoxication could reduce liability. Legal historians have explained this course of development with reference to the establishment of a subjective pattern of criminal responsibility. Conceived as a mental condition excuse, intoxication could only be accommodated in legal doctrine once the defendant’s (...)
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    Mild intoxication and other aesthetic feelings: psychoanalysis and art revisited.Susan Best - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (3):157 – 170.
    The enjoyment of beauty has a peculiar, mildly intoxicating quality of feeling The science of aesthetics investigates the conditions under which things are felt as beautiful, but it has been unable to give any explanation of the nature and origin of beauty Psychoanalysis, unfortunately, has scarcely anything to say about beauty either.1 Freud.
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  8. Intoxication, Death and the Escape from Dialectic in Seneca's EM.David Merry - 2021 - In Boris Vezjak (ed.), Philosophical imagination: thought experiments and arguments in antiquity. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 99-114.
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    Kant, intoxicated: the aesthetics of drunkenness, between moral duty and “active play”.Matthew Perkins-McVey - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-13.
    This article examines Kant’s overlooked concept of “active play,” as opposed to “free play,” in connection with the influence of the Brunonian system of medicine, both of which, I propose, are central to understanding the broader significance of intoxication in Kant’s post-1795 work. Beginning with a discussion of the late-18th century German reception of Brunonian theory, the idea of vital stimulus, and their importance for Kant, I assess the distinction drawn between gluttony and intoxication in The Metaphysics of (...)
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  10. The intoxicating effects of conciliatory omniscience.David McElhoes - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (7):2151-2167.
    The coherence of omniscience is sometimes challenged using self-referential sentences like, “No omniscient entity knows that which this very sentence expresses,” which suggest that there are truths which no omniscient entity knows. In this paper, I consider two strategies for addressing these challenges: The Common Strategy, which dismisses such self-referential sentences as meaningless, and The Conciliatory Strategy, which discounts them as quirky outliers with no impact on one’s status as being omniscient. I argue that neither strategy succeeds. The Common Strategy (...)
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  11. Uncorking the muse: Alcohol intoxication facilitates creative problem solving.Andrew F. Jarosz, Gregory Jh Colflesh & Jennifer Wiley - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):487-493.
    That alcohol provides a benefit to creative processes has long been assumed by popular culture, but to date has not been tested. The current experiment tested the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication on a common creative problem solving task, the Remote Associates Test . Individuals were brought to a blood alcohol content of approximately .075, and, after reaching peak intoxication, completed a battery of RAT items. Intoxicated individuals solved more RAT items, in less time, and were more likely (...)
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  12. Intoxicated consent to sexual relations.Alan Wertheimer - 2001 - Law and Philosophy 20 (4):373-401.
  13. Playing with Intoxication: On the Cultivation of Shame and Virtue in Plato’s Laws.Nicholas R. Baima - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (3):345-370.
    This paper examines Plato’s conception of shame and the role intoxication plays in cultivating it in the Laws. Ultimately, this paper argues that there are two accounts of shame in the Laws. There is a public sense of shame that is more closely tied to the rational faculties and a private sense of shame that is more closely tied to the non-rational faculties. Understanding this division between public and private shame not only informs our understanding of Plato’s moral psychology, (...)
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    Eros and ironic intoxication.Kieran Bonner - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):114-131.
    The Symposium addresses the relation between desire, beauty and the good life, while indicating the fascination that strong teaching arouses in followers. For Plato, unlike for moderns, power, desire and ethics are interrelated. This article takes Socrates as a case study for the Platonic understanding of this interrelation and it will put into play the grounds involved in their modern separation. It focuses on the three speakers in the dialogue who were followers of Socrates as a way of addressing the (...)
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    Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise.Geri-Ann Galanti - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (1-2):36-37.
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    Involuntary intoxication: Excusing the inexcusable?William Wilson - 1995 - Res Publica 1 (1):25-40.
  17. God-Intoxicated Man: The Philosopher who denied the World.Yitzhak Melamed & Clare Carlisle - 2020 - TLS: The Times Literary Supplement.
  18.  7
    Sobriety, Intoxication, Hyperbology.Joanna Hodge - 2015 - In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 189-215.
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    Assessing Psychological Fitness to Drive for Intoxicated Drivers: Relationships of Cognitive Abilities, Fluid Intelligence, and Personality Traits.Martin Nechtelberger, Thomas Vlasak, Birgit Senft, Andrea Nechtelberger & Alfred Barth - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Our study explores the relationships between psychological and driving-related personality traits, fluid intelligence and cognitive abilities for drivers whose driving licence has been revoked due to intoxicated driving (alcohol and/or drugs). We were able to show that highly significant impacts on cognitive functions derive from the participants’ age and fluid intelligence. In addition, driving-related personality traits such as emotional instability, a sense of responsibility and self-control contributed significantly to some of the cognitive abilities that are important for fitness to drive. (...)
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    Eros and ironic intoxication: Profound longing, madness and discipleship in Plato’s Symposium and in modern life.Kieran Bonner - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):0952695113479358.
    The Symposium addresses the relation between desire, beauty and the good life, while indicating the fascination that strong teaching arouses in followers. For Plato, unlike for moderns, power, desire and ethics are interrelated. This article takes Socrates as a case study for the Platonic understanding of this interrelation and it will put into play the grounds involved in their modern separation. It focuses on the three speakers in the dialogue who were followers of Socrates as a way of addressing the (...)
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    Would you believe an intoxicated witness? The impact of witness alcohol intoxication status on credibility judgments and suggestibility.Georgina Bartlett, Julie Gawrylowicz, Daniel Frings & Ian P. Albery - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Memory conformity may occur when a person’s belief in another’s memory report outweighs their belief in their own. Witnesses might be less likely to believe and therefore take on false information from intoxicated co-witnesses, due to the common belief that alcohol impairs memory performance. This paper presents an online study in which participants watched a video of a mock crime taking place outside a pub that included a witness either visibly consuming wine or a soft drink. Participants then read a (...)
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    Implosion and Intoxication.Geoffrey Winthrop-Young - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):75-91.
    Focusing on Kittler’s reading of Goethe’s ‘Wanderer’s Nightsong’ and Pink Floyd’s ‘Brain Damage’, the article traces Kittler’s development from discourse analysis to media theory. Where more traditional approaches would stress notions of self-reflexivity (both the poem and the song elaborate on their effects and foreground their own construction), Kittler performs, in his own words, a kind of ‘implosion’: The words of Goethe’s poem collapse back into the discursive order they evoke, and Pink Floyd’s song performs its own technology. But it (...)
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    The responsibility of intoxicated offenders.Susan Dimock - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (3):339-368.
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    “Shallow Draughts Intoxicate the Brain”: Lessons from Cognitive Science for Cognitive Neuropsychology.Karalyn Patterson & David C. Plaut - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):39-58.
    This article presents a sobering view of the discipline of cognitive neuropsychology as practiced over the last three or four decades. Our judgment is that, although the study of abnormal cognition resulting from brain injury or disease in previously normal adults has produced a catalogue of fascinating and highly selective deficits, it has yielded relatively little advance in understanding how the brain accomplishes its cognitive business. We question the wisdom of the following three “choices” in mainstream cognitive neuropsychology: (a) single‐case (...)
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    The Intoxication of Power. [REVIEW]E. T. G. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):138-140.
    This book has both a philosophic and a practical aim. Its philosophic aim is to understand civil religion. Its practical aim is to help restore confidence in the West by showing the superiority of the American civil religion to that of the Soviet Union. In the first part of the book, Rome is examined to show how the problem of civil religion first arose. In the second, the United States is used both to show how civil religion may develop gradually (...)
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    Transferred Culpability and the Problem of Voluntary Intoxication.Evan Tiffany - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-18.
    This paper seeks to challenge principles of culpability transfer as they appear in both criminal law and moral philosophy. I begin by discussing the legal doctrine of substituted mens rea, focusing on Section 33.1 of Canada’s Criminal Code. I argue that this doctrine violates the principle of contemporaneity, which there are sound philosophical reasons to accept. I then argue that the same reasons apply to tracing accounts of moral responsibility. Finally, drawing on the moral luck literature, I argue that cases (...)
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  27. The Transfigurations of Intoxication: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Dionysus.Martha Nussbaum - 1993 - Arion 1 (2).
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    Aristotle on Intoxication and Liability.Dennis Klimchuk - 2003 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 20 (3):225 - 243.
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    Attention to advertising and memory for brands under alcohol intoxication.Jacob L. Orquin, Heine B. Jeppesen, Joachim Scholderer & Curtis Haugtvedt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:74963.
    In an attempt to discover new possibilities for advertising in uncluttered environments marketers have recently begun using ambient advertising in, for instance, bars and pubs. However, advertising in such licensed premises have to deal with the fact that many consumers are under the influence of alcohol while viewing the ad. This paper examines the effect of alcohol intoxication on attention to and memory for advertisements in two experiments. Study 1 used a forced exposure manipulation and revealed increased attention to (...)
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    Unraveling the Intoxicating and Therapeutic Effects of Cannabis Ingredients on Psychosis and Cognition.Marco Colizzi, Mirella Ruggeri & Sagnik Bhattacharyya - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Police Decision-Making in the Absence of Evidence-Based Guidelines: Assessment of Alcohol-Intoxicated Eyewitnesses.Daniel Pettersson, Magnus Bergquist & Angelica V. Hagsand - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Regarding police procedures with alcohol-intoxicated witnesses, Swedish police officers have previously reported inconsistent and subjective decisions when interviewing these potentially vulnerable witnesses. Most officers have also highlighted the need for national policy guidelines aiding in conducting investigative interviews with intoxicated witnesses. The aims of the two studies presented here were to investigate whether police officers’ inconsistent interview decisions are attributable to a lack of research-based knowledge; their decision to interview, as well as their perceptions of the witnesses’ credibility could be (...)
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  32. In Vino Veritas: a new way of understanding the intoxication of knowledge.Victor Mota - manuscript
    Saturation, intoxication to the medias of realization and porsuit of happyness.
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    The Intoxication of Power: An Analysis of Civil Religion in Relation to Ideology. By Maureen Henry. [REVIEW]Louis A. Barth - 1982 - Modern Schoolman 60 (1):53-54.
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    (1 other version)Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment: On Plato's Symposium.Steven Berg - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    _Provocative reinterpretation of Plato's Symposium._.
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    Drunk, but not blind: The effects of alcohol intoxication on change blindness.Gregory Jh Colflesh & Jennifer Wiley - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):231-236.
    Alcohol use has long been assumed to alter cognition via attentional processes. To better understand the cognitive consequences of intoxication, the present study tested the effects of moderate intoxication on attentional processing using complex working memory capacity span tasks and a change blindness task. Intoxicated and sober participants were matched on baseline WMC performance, and intoxication significantly decreased performance on the complex span tasks. Surprisingly, intoxication improved performance on the change blindness task. The results are interpreted (...)
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    Adaptation of ethanol intoxication.William P. Banks, Roger E. Vogler & Theodore A. Weissbach - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):319-322.
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    Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Empathic Neural Responses for Pain.Yang Hu, Zhuoya Cui, Mingxia Fan, Yilai Pei & Zhaoxin Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  38.  38
    The Spinoza-intoxicated man: Deleuze on expression. [REVIEW]Robert Piercey - 1996 - Man and World 29 (3):269-281.
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    What does current science tell us about the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of intoxicated witnesses? A case example of the murder of a prime minister.Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Andrea de Bejczy, Henrik Anckarsäter & Gísli Guðjónsson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Generally, the testimony of intoxicated witnesses has been considered relatively unreliable, but recent research has nuanced the knowledge base regarding these vulnerable witnesses.PurposeTo demonstrate the application of recent research findings regarding intoxicated witnesses to the statements made by a key witness to the murder of Olof Palme, Sweden's prime minister, in 1986. An additional purpose was to illustrate the use of a nuanced calculation of blood alcohol concentration for researchers.MethodsThe Palme murder has been debated since the crime was committed and (...)
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  40.  25
    Kant on Intoxication.Sarah Hoffman - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1135-1142.
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    The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty and Intoxication.Cain Todd - 2010 - Routledge.
    Does this Bonnes-Mares really have notes of chocolate, truffle, violets, and merde de cheval? Can wines really be feminine, profound, pretentious, or cheeky? Can they express emotion or terroir? Do the judgements of 'experts' have any objective validity? Is a great wine a work of art? Questions like these will have been entertained by anyone who has ever puzzled over the tasting notes of a wine writer, or been baffled by the response of a sommelier to an innocent question. Only (...)
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  42.  5
    Chanting and Enchantment: A Philosophical Communicology of Idolic Submission and Emotional Intoxication Part I: Foundation.Eric Mark Kramer & Kyle A. Hammonds - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (3).
    In this first of two articles on chanting and enchantment we introduce the problem of mass synchronisation via collective communicative action that works to eliminate or lessen independent and critical assessment. Chanting forges a singular ‘collective’ identity with little to no structure that would allow for logical tests such as falsifiability. We argue that this problem can be a fundamental threat to democratic polity, and we offer the Neo-Kantian theory of dimensional accrual and dissociation as an explanation. In Part 2, (...)
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    Nietzsche's contribution to a phenomenology of intoxication.Sonia Sikka - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (1):19-43.
    Through a reading of Nietzsche's texts, primarily of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, this article develops a phenomenological description of the variety of intoxication exemplified in conditions of drunkenness, or in states of emotional excess. It treats Thus Spoke Zarathustra as a literary expression of such intoxication, arguing against attempts to find a coherent narrative structure and clear authorial voice behind this text's apparent disorder. Having isolated the intoxicated characteristics of Thus Spoke Zarathustra - its hyperbolic rhetoric and emotions, its (...)
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    On the borders of the worthwhile: Intoxication and worship. [REVIEW]Steven G. Smith - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (1-2):279-292.
    Our actions, if we care about them positively, assume judgments of worthwhileness that have been made or could be made in their favor. But a huge proportion of humanity makes a point of engaging in two kinds of action that are (are are meant to be) specially difficult to justify as worthwhile: getting intoxicated and worshiping. Drawing comparisons with worth forms associated with play and work, I ask how intoxication and worship can be seen as worthwhile and conclude that (...)
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  45. Discussion of decision-making capacity as it relates to alcohol intoxication.Amy Coker - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty and Intoxication.Cain Todd Durham - 2012 - Mind 121 (483):484.
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    Event-Related Theta Power during Lexical-Semantic Retrieval and Decision Conflict is Modulated by Alcohol Intoxication: Anatomically Constrained MEG.Ksenija Marinkovic, Burke Q. Rosen, Brendan Cox & Sanja Kovacevic - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Eine Knabe, der träumt, or: Intoxicated by Power.Vladimir V. Mironov & Dagmar Mironowa - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (3):220-242.
    This article analyzes the issues associated with the publication of Martin Heidegger’s Black Notebooks. We attempt to explain the very publication of this document as a kind of experiment the philo...
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    Approaches. Drugs and Intoxication[REVIEW]Wolfgang Kretschmer - 1971 - Philosophy and History 4 (1):19-20.
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    Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2011 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (3):625-627.
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