Results for 'Ingrid Richardson'

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  1.  85
    Imaging the Visceral Soma : A Corporeal Feminist Interpretation.Ingrid Richardson & Carly Harper - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 6 (1):1-13.
    Feminist philosophers of technoscience have long argued that it is vital that we question biomedical and scientific claims to an immaterial and disembodied objectivity, and also, more specifically, that we disable the conception of medical visualising technologies as neutral or transparent conduits to the “fact” of the body. In this paper we suggest that corporeal feminism is well situated to provide such a critique. Feminist phenomenologists over the past decade have theorised embodiment in a number of critical ways, many deriving (...)
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  2. Causes of the Financial Crisis.Viral V. Acharya & Matthew Richardson - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):195-210.
    ABSTRACT Why did the popping of the housing bubble bring the financial system—rather than just the housing sector of the economy—to its knees? The answer lies in two methods by which banks had evaded regulatory capital requirements. First, they had temporarily placed assets—such as securitized mortgages—in off‐balance‐sheet entities, so that they did not have to hold significant capital buffers against them. Second, the capital regulations also allowed banks to reduce the amount of capital they held against assets that remained on (...)
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  3. Eroding the Boundaries of Cognition: Implications of Embodiment 1.Michael L. Anderson, Michael J. Richardson & Anthony Chemero - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):717-730.
    To accept that cognition is embodied is to question many of the beliefs traditionally held by cognitive scientists. One key question regards the localization of cognitive faculties. Here we argue that for cognition to be embodied and sometimes embedded, means that the cognitive faculty cannot be localized in a brain area alone. We review recent research on neural reuse, the 1/f structure of human activity, tool use, group cognition, and social coordination dynamics that we believe demonstrates how the boundary between (...)
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  4. The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism.Alan Richardson & Thomas Uebel (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    If there is a movement or school that epitomizes analytic philosophy in the middle of the twentieth century, it is logical empiricism. Logical empiricists created a scientifically and technically informed philosophy of science, established mathematical logic as a topic in and tool for philosophy, and initiated the project of formal semantics. Accounts of analytic philosophy written in the middle of the twentieth century gave logical empiricism a central place in the project. The second wave of interpretative accounts was constructed to (...)
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  5. Specifying, balancing, and interpreting bioethical principles.Henry S. Richardson - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (3):285 – 307.
    The notion that it is useful to specify norms progressively in order to resolve doubts about what to do, which I developed initially in a 1990 article, has been only partly assimilated by the bioethics literature. The thought is not just that it is helpful to work with relatively specific norms. It is more than that: specification can replace deductive subsumption and balancing. Here I argue against two versions of reliance on balancing that are prominent in recent bioethical discussions. Without (...)
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    The meaningful encounter: patient and next‐of‐kin stories about their experience of meaningful encounters in health‐care.Lena-Karin Gustafsson, Ingrid Snellma & Christine Gustafsson - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):363-371.
    This study focuses on the meaningful encounters of patients and next of kin, as seen from their perspective. Identifying the attributes within meaningful encounters is important for increased understanding of caring and to expand and develop earlier formulated knowledge about caring relationships. Caring theory about the caring relationship provided a point of departure to illuminate the meaningful encounter in healthcare contexts. A qualitative explorative design with a hermeneutic narrative approach was used to analyze and interpret written narratives. The phases of (...)
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    On the Merits and Limits of Nationalising the Fossil Fuel Industry.Fergus Green & Ingrid Robeyns - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:53-80.
    We explore the desirability of an idea that has not received the attention it deserves by political philosophers: that governments should bring privately-owned fossil fuel companies into public ownership with a view to managing their wind-down in the public interest – often simply referred to as ‘nationalising the fossil fuel industry’. We aim to make a conditional case for public ownership of fossil fuel companies. We will assume certain conditions about government motivations and capacities that are similar to assumptions made (...)
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    Sharing values to safeguard the future: British Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration as epideictic rhetoric.John E. Richardson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):171-191.
    This article explores the rhetoric, and mass mediation, of the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration ceremony, as broadcast on British television. I argue that the televised national ceremonies should be approached as an example of multi-genre epideictic rhetoric, working up meanings through a hybrid combination of genres, author/animators and modes. Epideictic rhetoric has often been depreciated as simply ceremonial ‘praise or blame’ speeches. However, given that the topics of praise/blame assume the existence of social norms, epideictic also acts to presuppose (...)
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    Assessment of frontal lobe functions.Paul F. Malloy & Emily D. Richardson - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy (eds.), The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press. pp. 125--137.
  10. Social cues support learning about objects from statistics in infancy.Rachel Wu, Alison Gopnik, Daniel C. Richardson & Natasha Z. Kirkham - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    The Value of Patient Perspectives in an Ethical Analysis of Recruitment and Consent for Intracranial Electrophysiology Research.Jordan P. Richardson, Irena Balzekas, Brian Nils Lundstrom, Gregory A. Worrell & Richard R. Sharp - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):75-77.
    We commend Mergenthaler and colleagues for bringing the topic of patient recruitment and consent in intracranial electrophysiology research to the attention of the neuroethics community. Mergenthal...
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  12. Science as Will and Representation: Carnap, Reichenbach, and the Sociology of Science.Alan W. Richardson - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):162.
    This essay explores some of the issues raised as regards the relations of philosophy and sociology of science in the work of Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach. It argues that Hans Reichenbach's distinction between the contexts of discovery and justification should not be seen as erecting a principled normative/descriptive distinction that demarcates philosophy of science from sociology of science. The essay also raises certain issues about the role of volition, decision, and the limits of epistemological concern in the work of (...)
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  13.  35
    Recontextualising fascist ideologies of the past: right-wing discourses on employment and nativism in Austria and the United Kingdom.John E. Richardson & Ruth Wodak - 2009 - Critical Discourse Studies 6 (4):251-267.
    In this article, we trace the histories of discourses supporting ‘jobs for natives’ in the UK and Austria using the discourse-historical approach to critical discourse studies. DHA uses four ‘levels of context’ as heuristic devices in critical analysis. In this article, we focus our attention predominantly on the broadest of these, largely eschewing the text internal analysis typical of CDA, in favour of a wider contextual sweep. In this way, we deconstruct and trace the conceptual history of British and Austrian (...)
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  14. Permanent beauty and becoming happy in Plato's Symposium.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield (ed.), Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 96.
    Our first encounter with Socrates in the Symposium is bizarre. Aristodemus, surprised to run into Socrates fully bathed and with his sandals on, asks him where he is going “to have made himself so beautiful (kalos)” (174a4, Rowe trans.). Socrates replies that he is on his way to see the lovely Agathon, and so that “he has beautified himself in these ways in order to go, a beauty to a beauty (kalos para kalon)” (174a7–8). Why does Socrates, who in just (...)
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    The human relationship in the ethics of robotics: a call to Martin Buber’s I and Thou.Kathleen Richardson - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):75-82.
    Artificially Intelligent robotic technologies increasingly reflect a language of interaction and relationship and this vocabulary is part and parcel of the meanings now attached to machines. No longer are they inert, but interconnected, responsive and engaging. As machines become more sophisticated, they are predicted to be a “direct object” of an interaction for a human, but what kinds of human would that give rise to? Before robots, animals played the role of the relational other, what can stories of feral children (...)
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  16.  41
    Solution of the identity problem for integral exponential functions.D. Richardson - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (20-22):333-340.
  17.  67
    Social Change, Solidarity, and Mass Agency.Kevin Richardson - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (2):210-232.
    Critics of social injustice argue that the agent of transformative social change will (or should) be a mass agent; namely, an agent that is large, complex, and geographically dispersed. Traditional theories of collective agency emphasize the presence of shared intentions and common knowledge, but mass agents are too large for such cohesion. To make sense of mass agency, I suggest a new approach. On the solidarity theory of mass agency, a mass agent is composed of (a) organizers who intend to (...)
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  18. The Logical Structure of Sittlichkeit.Henry S. Richardson - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (1):62-78.
    Sittlichkeit seduces: Hegel’s third category of Right, intended to synthesize impartially derived rights with a subjectively centered morality of the good, understandably piques the hopes of his modern readers. How could it not? Sittlichkeit, Ethical Life, holds out the prospect of so much that we still seek. It promises to reconcile welfare and autonomy while guaranteeing concrete content for their product. By combining legal duty with a place for conscience and freedom, it could solve a central problem of politics. Most (...)
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  19. Ketzer, Dilettanten und Genies: Grenzganger der Philosophie.Bernd Grafrath & Ingrid Weber - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (2):349-351.
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    “Magic through many minor measures”: How introducing a flowline production mode in six steps enables journalist team autonomy in local news organizations.Aina Landsverk Hagen, Ingrid M. Tolstad & Arne Lindseth Bygdås - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):745-759.
    While facing cuts, downsizing and revenue losses, media organizations experience paradoxical demands in being organized for print or linear production with daily deadlines and simultaneously striving to be ‘digital first’ and produce and publish stories online on a continuous basis throughout the day. In this paper, we describe efforts applied when introducing the metaphor flowline in a medium-sized newspaper organization in Norway with the aim of aligning their production and publishing processes to readers’ consumption of online news. Both the production (...)
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  21. Book ReviewsHarry G Frankfurt,. The Reasons of Love.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. Pp. 100. $19.95.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2005 - Ethics 116 (1):228-234.
  22.  16
    DRL responding under conditions of total darkness.Janice F. Adams & W. Kirk Richardson - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (4):302-305.
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    Die Substanzmetaphysik des Boethius in den Opuscula sacra.Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg - 1969 - Köln,:
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    Reichenbach’s Disease and Mirowski’s Theory of Knowledge? Or, Will to Power as Philosophy of Science.Alan Richardson - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (4):744-753.
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  25. Two Notes On Machiavelli's Asino.Brian Richardson - 1978 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 40 (1):137-141.
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  26. The Philosophy of Rawls. A Collection of Essays.Henry S. Richardson & Paul J. Weithman - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):179-180.
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  27. The Philosophy of History and the Stability of Civilizations.David B. Richardson - 1957 - The Thomist 20:158.
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    The rembrandt book (review).John Adkins Richardson - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Rembrandt BookProfessor Emeritus John Adkins RichardsonThe Rembrandt Book by Gary Schwartz. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2006, 384 pp. $40.95, cloth.This truly is the Rembrandt book. Substantial in every way, it is physically imposing, magnificently printed on heavy, glossy stock and profusely illustrated with splendid color reproductions of all the master’s major works and many sketches and preparatory drawings, as well as etchings and dry-point engravings. Gary (...)
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    The Visual Arts and Cultural Literacy.John Adkins Richardson - 1990 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 24 (1):57.
  30.  39
    Untimely Voices: rethinking the politico-legal with christine battersby and adriana cavarero.Janice Richardson - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):143-157.
    In this paper, I juxtapose the work of two contemporary feminist philosophers: Christine Battersby and Adriana Cavarero – both working within the Continental tradition – to show how they go well beyond feminist critique to produce different images of self-identity and conceptions of the political. Both reject traditional positions on selfhood but also stress the materiality of bodies and provide alternatives to the work of post-structuralists, such as Judith Butler. My aim is to draw out some of the politico-legal implications (...)
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    Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind, by A.S. Barwich. [REVIEW]Louise Richardson - 2024 - Mind 133 (529).
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    Turing tests for intelligence: Ned Block's defense of psychologism. [REVIEW]Robert C. Richardson - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 41 (May):421-6.
  33. The Rationality of Perception, by Susanna Siegel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, xxv + 221 pp. ISBN 978‐0‐19‐879708‐1 hb £35.00. [REVIEW]Louise Richardson - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):1191-1194.
  34.  68
    Scholia on the Theogony - Lambertus di Gregorio: Scholia vetera in Hesiodi Theogoniam. Pp. xxxii + 143. Milan: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1975. Paper, L. 18,000. [REVIEW]N. J. Richardson - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):163-163.
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    R. Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann, Carl A. P. Ruck: The Road to Eleusis. Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries. Pp. 126; 14 plates. New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. $12.95. [REVIEW]N. J. Richardson - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (2):323-323.
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    Römische Inschrift-Kunst. Römische Inschriften für den akademischen Unterricht und ah Einführung in die lateinische Epigraphik. [REVIEW]J. S. Richardson - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):522-523.
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    The Julio-Claudian Emperors, AD 14–70. [REVIEW]J. S. Richardson - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (1):254-255.
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    The Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice, Rainer Forst, trans. Jeffrey Flynn , 368 pp., $40 cloth. [REVIEW]Henry S. Richardson - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (4):483-486.
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    (1 other version)Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology.Robert C. Richardson - 2007 - Bradford.
    Human beings, like other organisms, are the products of evolution. Like other organisms, we exhibit traits that are the product of natural selection. Our psychological capacities are evolved traits as much as are our gait and posture. This much few would dispute. Evolutionary psychology goes further than this, claiming that our psychological traits -- including a wide variety of traits, from mate preference and jealousy to language and reason -- can be understood as specific adaptations to ancestral Pleistocene conditions. In (...)
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  40. Symposium on Louise Richardson’s “Flavour, Taste and Smell”.Louise Richardson, Fiona Macpherson, Mohan Matthen & Matthew Nudds - 2013 - Mind and Language Symposia at the Brains Blog.
  41.  30
    From the Archives: William Richardson’s Questions for Martin Heidegger’s “Preface”.William J. Richardson, Richard Capobianco & Ian Alexander Moore - 2019 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9:1-27.
    Martin Heidegger wrote one and only one preface for a scholarly work on his thinking, and it was for William J. Richardson’s study Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought, first published in 1963. Ever since, both Heidegger’s Preface and Richardson’s groundbreaking book have played an important role in Heidegger scholarship. Much has been discussed about these texts over the decades, but what has not been available to students and scholars up to this point is Richardson’s original comments and (...)
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    Gender and equity considerations in AMR research: a systematic scoping review.Ingrid Lynch, Lorenza Fluks, Lenore Manderson, Nazeema Isaacs, Roshin Essop, Ravikanya Praphasawat, Lyn Middleton & Bhensri Naemiratch - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-25.
    Research on gender and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) beyond women’s biological susceptibility is limited. A gender and equity lens in AMR research is necessary to promote gender equality and support the effectiveness, uptake, and sustainability of real-world AMR solutions. We argue that it is an ethical and social justice imperative to include gender and related intersectional issues in AMR research and implementation. An intersectional exploration of the interplay between people’s diverse identities and experiences, including their gender, socio-economic status, race, disability, age, (...)
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    Safeguarding Our Common Future: Rethinking Sustainable Development.Ingrid Leman Stefanovic (ed.) - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    Utilizes Heidegger in rethinking common environmental paradigms.
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  44. Satisficing: Not good enough.Henry S. Richardson - 2004 - In Michael Byron (ed.), Satisficing and Maximizing: Moral Theorists on Practical Reason. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 106--130.
  45.  15
    Criminología: introducción a sus principales pensamientos.Ingrid Plessen - 2021 - [Ciudadela, Argentina]: Dosyuna Ediciones Argentinas.
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    Notas inauditas.Ingrid Solana - 2019 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Difusión Cultural, Dirección de Literatura.
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    Selbstkontrolle.Ingrid Stapf - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda (eds.), Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 164--185.
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    Giordano Bruno: philosopher/heretic.Ingrid D. Rowland - 2008 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Prologue: the hooded friar -- A most solemn act of justice -- The Nolan philosopher -- "Napoli e tutto il mondo" -- "The world is fine as it is" -- "I have, in effect, harbored doubts" -- "I came into this world to light a fire" -- Footprints in the forest -- A thousand worlds -- Art and astronomy -- Trouble again -- Holy asininity -- The signs of the times -- A lonely sparrow -- Thirty -- The gifts of (...)
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    Demystifying evil: a biblical and personal exploration.Ingrid Faro - 2023 - Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
    How can we understand God's work in a world permeated with evil? Narrating her own wrestling with evil as well as engaging in biblical and philosophical analysis, biblical scholar Ingrid Faro explores the many dimensions to evil in a way that is soberly honest, biblically engaged, and theologically nuanced.
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  50. (1 other version)Practical Reasoning about Final Ends.Henry S. Richardson - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (4):782-783.
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