Results for 'Ignacio Chavez'

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  1.  80
    El sentido en Deleuze a partir de la fenomenología.Juan Ignacio Chávez - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:11-30.
    This paper intends to reflect on the genesis of the deleuzian notion of sense. I will start by demonstrating that Deleuze’s project, as well as Husserl’s, tries to revert Platonism by means of the concept of immanence. Secondly, I will criticise the concept of noema as exposed in Ideas I, in order to elucidate the features that Deleuze seeks to reformulate: good sense and common sense. Finally, based on the previous critique, I will carry out a description of sense as (...)
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    The role played by critical thinking in the fight against academic failure in the ISENCO High School, Tecomán campus: An approach from Habermas theory.Julián Granados-Del Toro, Christian Omar Santos-Lozano & Ignacio Chávez-Morales - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad 10 (26).
    School failure is an educational problem that affects academic performance and the trajectory of students, impacts their self-esteem, and contributes to social inequality. This phenomenon, which indicates low educational quality, is linked to a lack of motivation, poor performance, and a scarcity of resources. A critical approach proposes analyzing the institutional structures that perpetuate this situation, fostering dialogue among educational actors to find effective solutions. At the ISENCO high school in Tecomán, efforts are being made to identify internal and external (...)
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger.Luz Ascárate, Raphael Aybar, Ethel Barja, Giancarlo Bellina, Romeld Bustamante, Josimar Castilla, Juan Ignacio Chávez, Maverick Díaz, Fedra Gutiérrez, Eduardo Llosa, Rafael Moreno, José Luis Obregón, Ana Luisa Quispe, Marlon Rivas, Soledad Sevilla, Manuel Vera, Ruth Zea & Arturo Rivas - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 9.
    El Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger que se presenta a continuación, reúne la información obtenida de las más de 240 revistas de filosofía disponibles en la Hemeroteca de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El Repertorio incluye referencias bibliográficas completas de los artículos, reseñas, estudios críticos, traducciones y otros documentos que abordan la obra del importante pensador alemán hasta el año 2010.
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    Neuromusic: Music and its Influence on the Purchase Process in the Markets.Luz Maribel, Vallejo-Chávez, María-Elena, Espín-Oleas, Hernán-Patricio, Moyano-Vallejo, Ana Julia & Vinueza-Salinas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:654-667.
    Music the art of combining sounds, maintains a sequence of time with harmony, melody and rhythm, generates changes in cognitive processes, improves concentration, memory, influences mood, produces changes in emotions, helps control anxiety, increases motivation, and decreases cortisol levels, the stress hormone, activates the hormone of happiness and rest, serotonin and melatonin. The objective was to analyze the influence of music in the purchase process and decision. The approach was qualitative-quantitative, exploratory level, descriptive statistics was applied to identify the main (...)
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    Vowel interaction and related phenomena in Basque and the nature of morphophonological knowledge.José Ignacio Hualde - 1999 - Cognitive Linguistics 10 (1).
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    Does it really pay to be good, everywhere? A first step to understand the corporate social and financial performance link in Latin American controversial industries.Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran & Daniel Arenas - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):286-309.
    Most research studying the corporate social performance –corporate financial performance link has utilized developed country samples. Also, this literature has generally focused on a wide variety of industries, ignoring the fact that certain sectors – such as controversial industries – have graver social and environmental issues. Hence, a gap exists in this tradition when it comes to emerging markets and controversial industries. This paper attempts to fill this void by providing preliminary evidence and insight on the matter. Based on an (...)
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    AI-powered recommender systems and the preservation of personal autonomy.Juan Ignacio del Valle & Francisco Lara - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2479-2491.
    Recommender Systems (RecSys) have been around since the early days of the Internet, helping users navigate the vast ocean of information and the increasingly available options that have been available for us ever since. The range of tasks for which one could use a RecSys is expanding as the technical capabilities grow, with the disruption of Machine Learning representing a tipping point in this domain, as in many others. However, the increase of the technical capabilities of AI-powered RecSys did not (...)
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  8. Are generics and negativity about social groups common on social media? A comparative analysis of Twitter (X) data.Uwe Peters & Ignacio Ojea Quintana - 2024 - Synthese 203 (6):1-22.
    Many philosophers hold that generics (i.e., unquantified generalizations) are pervasive in communication and that when they are about social groups, this may offend and polarize people because generics gloss over variations between individuals. Generics about social groups might be particularly common on Twitter (X). This remains unexplored, however. Using machine learning (ML) techniques, we therefore developed an automatic classifier for social generics, applied it to 1.1 million tweets about people, and analyzed the tweets. While it is often suggested that generics (...)
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    The ethics of innovation for Alzheimer’s disease: the risk of overstating evidence for metabolic enhancement protocols.Timothy Daly, Ignacio Mastroleo, David Gorski & Stéphane Epelbaum - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (5):223-237.
    Medical practice is ideally based on robust, relevant research. However, the lack of disease-modifying treatments for Alzheimer’s disease has motivated “innovative practice” to improve patients’ well-being despite insufficient evidence for the regular use of such interventions in health systems treating millions of patients. Innovative or new non-validated practice poses at least three distinct ethical questions: first, about the responsible application of new non-validated practice to individual patients ; second, about the way in which data from new non-validated practice are communicated (...)
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    Movement as Efficient Cause in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals.Ignacio De Ribera-Martin - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (2):296-326.
    In this article, I present in a systematic way Aristotle’s understanding of movement (kinêsis) as efficient cause in the Generation of Animals. This aspect of movement is not disclosed in the approach to movement as an incomplete activity in contrast to energeia, which has been extensively discussed in the literature. I explain in which sense movement is the efficient cause of generation and how this movement is related to the other factors, in particular the source of movement, the seminal fluid, (...)
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  11.  59
    Representation, Empiricism and Triangulation Commentary on conocer sin representar. El realismo epistemológico de Donald Davidson by William Duica.Ignacio Ávila Cañamares - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):315-329.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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    Possible Ethical Implications in the Deployment of the EFQM Excellence Model.Juan Ignacio Martín-Castilla - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1/2):125 - 134.
    It may be quite rightly stated that the EFQM Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management is the basic reference model for those organisations whose aim is to achieve excellence. It offers an integral and integrating approach to the most relevant dimensions of the reality of the organisation and permits the establishment of framework that is both objective and rigorous and based on a structured diagnosis. The EFQM Excellence Model is based on a humanist approach that situates the client (...)
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    Luces y sombras: el sueño de la razón en Occidente.Magdalena Garcâia Gonzâalez, Fâelix Garcâia & Ignacio Pedrero Sancho - 1994 - Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. Edited by Félix García Moriyón & Ignacio Pedrero Sancho.
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  14. Blind.Ignacio Ojea Quintana - unknown
  15.  41
    Pricing for a Common Good: beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices.Javier Pinto-Garay, Ignacio Ferrero & Germán Scalzo - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):271-291.
    Pricing policies and fair-trade practices are critical for sustaining commercial relationships between firms and customers. Nevertheless, in current business practices, fairness has been mistakenly reduced to a minimalistic ethic wherein justice only demands legal and explicit norms to which commercial parties voluntarily agree. Aimed at giving a different explanation of commercial agreements, this paper will introduce a Virtue Ethics (VE) explanation of the relationship between pricing and the common good by taking up classical concepts related to justice in commerce. In (...)
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    Posthumanismo, inmortalidad y naturaleza humana.José Ignacio Galparsoro - 2020 - Isegoría 63:451-470.
    The radical posthumanism of Kurzweil aims to achieve immortality. Fukuyama and Habermas criticize posthumanism defending the idea of an inalterable human nature. Pinker, for his part, considers that there is a human nature, but susceptible to modifications. There is a limit to human nature: it is found in the mortal nature of each member of the human species. Sloterdijk will introduce a nuance and insist on the natality of the creative acts of man, standing in continuity with the Nietzschean concept (...)
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    Computational systems as higher-order mechanisms.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-26.
    I argue that there are different orders of mechanisms with different constitutive relevance and individuation conditions. In common first-order mechanistic explanations, constitutive relevance norms are captured by the matched-interlevel-experiments condition (Craver et al. (2021) Synthese 199:8807–8828). Regarding individuation, we say that any two mechanisms are of the same type when they have the same concrete components performing the same activities in the same arrangement. By contrast, in higher-order mechanistic explanations, we formulate the decompositions in terms of generalized basic components (GBCs). (...)
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  18. Principles for consciousness in integrated cognitive control.Ricardo Sanz, Ignacio Lopez, Manuel Rodriguez & Carlos Hernandez - 2007 - Neural Networks 20 (9):938-946.
    In this article we will argue that given certain conditions for the evolution of bi- ological controllers, these will necessarily evolve in the direction of incorporating consciousness capabilities. We will also see what are the necessary mechanics for the provision of these capabilities and extrapolate this vision to the world of artifi- cial systems postulating seven design principles for conscious systems. This article was published in the journal Neural Networks special issue on brain and conscious- ness.
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    Efficient mechanisms.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):555-578.
    A distinguishing feature of neural computation and information processing is that it fits models that describe the most efficient strategies for performing different cognitive tasks. Efficiency determines a distinctive sense of teleology involving optimal performance and resource management through a specific strategy. I articulate this kind of teleology and call it efficient teleological function. I argue that efficient teleological function is compatible with mechanistic explanation and, most likely, neural computational mechanisms are efficiently functional in this sense. They are members of (...)
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  20.  7
    Para una genealogía de la posverdad: sobre su supuesta procedencia nietzscheana.José Ignacio Galparsoro - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 73:83-103.
    El problema de la posverdad permite auscultar nuestro presente y mostrar lo que tiene de vacua insustancialidad. Trazar su genealogía y remontarse a su supuesta procedencia nietzscheana puede ayudar a interpretar de manera menos apresurada los textos de este autor, de modo que sean de utilidad para tratar de construir nuestro futuro más inmediato con otras bases distintas a las de la posverdad. La crítica al dogmatismo en el terreno de la verdad no ha de conducir a la equiparación de (...)
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    Unfolding spiritual understanding through artistic creation: Findings of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality.Carlos Miguel Gómez-Rincón, Natalia Reinoso-Chávez & Corina Estrada-Barrios - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This article presents the results of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality (LAS), in which a group of seven Colombian artists investigated, over a period of 10 months, how artistic creation contributes to understanding spiritual experiences. The research-creation methodology involved spaces of spiritual practice, artistic exploration, and autoethnographic reflection. With the help of these spaces, the artists produced various materials that were subsequently analyzed using a hermeneutic phenomenological orientation. As a result, we developed a model of artistic understanding based on (...)
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  22. La teoría de los sentimientos de Agnés Hêller en la función jurisdiccional de Alf Ross.Gabriela Beatriz González-Gómez & María De Lourdes González-Chávez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:7.
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    Danza, protesta y desidentificación: Una teoría político coreográfica del 2001.Juan Ignacio Vallejos - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (23):e105.
    El objetivo de este artículo será el de proponer un análisis de las obras de danza contemporánea argentina Recorte de Jorge Cárdenas Cayendo (2017) creada por la Compañía Terceto bajo la dirección de Juan Pablo Gómez e Instrumento para estrellar (2018) de la coreógrafa Diana Szeinblum, en diálogo con conceptos de teoría política y teoría de la danza. Las obras citadas retoman imágenes y secuencias de movimiento de la movilización de diciembre de 2001 y de otros levantamientos populares de Latinoamérica, (...)
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    El rol de la agencia en la identidad híbrida de los pacientes neurotecnológicos.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes & Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:225-251.
    Recientemente, en la literatura sobre neuroética se ha analizado la integración entre neurotecnologías y ser humano desde la teoría de la mente extendida. La discusión se ha centrado en buscar dimensiones para evaluar la integración de los dispositivos en las funciones cognitivas de sus usuarios. Este enfoque ha tenido un relativo éxito en conceptualizar la paridad ética de los dispositivos respecto del cuerpo orgánico. Sin embargo, esta integración presenta al menos tres desafíos que no han sido abordados y requieren un (...)
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    La crítica nietzscheana al dualismo antropológico cartesiano.José Ignacio Galparsoro - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:431.
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  26. El teólogo ante la realidad canónica.Teodoro Ignacio Jiménez Urresti - 1982 - Salmanticensis 29 (1):43-79.
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    Reseña.Cristian Ignacio Vidal Barría - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 73:359-361.
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    The Coming of Age of Deliberative Constitutionalism.C. Ignacio Giuffré - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):397-426.
    In a 1998 article, Bohman argued that the contemporary deliberative turn in democratic theory had reached its ‘coming of age’, as deliberative democrats began to show greater interest in the institutionalization of their proposal. Moreover, Bohman referred to this growing interest with an expression that was unprecedented at the time: ‘deliberative constitutionalism’. At present, deliberative constitutionalism has become one of the most original and relevant contemporary proposals. In this context, my article proceeds as follows. I begin by arguing that the (...)
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  29. Derecho natural y ciencia jurídica.Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas - 2007 - Sapientia 62 (221-222):179-213.
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    Ensayo crítico acerca del pensamiento filosófico-jurídico de Carlos Marx.Carlos Ignacio Massini - 1976 - Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrot.
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    Sobre el realismo jurídico: el concepto de derecho, su fundamento, su concreción judicial.Carlos Ignacio Massini - 1978 - Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrot.
    <1>Acerca de la concepción realista del derecho.--<2>Los fundamentos del derecho natural clásico en el pensamiento de Michel Villey.--<3>Liberación y derecho.--<4>Sobre la equidad.--<5>Reflexiones acerca de la estructura del razonamiento judicial.
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    Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture.Sánchez Prado & M. Ignacio (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture is a collective reflection on the value of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's work for the study of Spanish and Latin American literature and culture. The authors deploy Bourdieu's concepts in the study of Modernismo, avant-garde Mexico, contemporary Puerto Rican literature, Hispanism, Latin American cultural production, and more. Each essay is also a contribution to the study of the politics and economics of culture in Spain and Latin America. The book, as a whole, is (...)
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    Adaptation to online teaching of field practices in coastal engineering courses.José Ignacio Pagán Conesa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    Field practices are ideal for the acquisition of specific competencies and for students to get a first-hand experience of the real environment of their profession. The COVID19 pandemic stopped them, forcing a move to online teaching. This research aims to define a new teaching approach to adapt them to the online environment, ensuring that the competencies are acquired in the same way as traditionally. It was decided to use various available audio-visual materials (documentaries, video reports, interactive web resources) from different (...)
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  34. Sobre razón práctica y naturaleza en el iusnaturalismo: algunas precisiones a partir de las ideas de John Finnis.Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (4):497-517.
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  35. Santo Tomás y el desafío de la ética analítica contemporánea.Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas - 1990 - Anuario Filosófico 23 (2):161-172.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: The Neurosciences of Health Communication: An fNIRS Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex and Porn Consumption in Young Women for the Development of Prevention Health Programs.Ubaldo Cuesta, Jose Ignacio Niño, Luz Martinez & Borja Paredes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El autorrespeto en la Teoría de la Justicia de John Rawls.Jesús Ignacio Delgado Rojas - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:233-254.
    El autorrespeto se configura como una de las dimensiones morales más valiosas para la vida de una persona. Tanto es así que Rawls en la Teoría de la Justicia lo eleva a la categoría de bien primario más importante. El ser humano que se estima y respeta a sí mismo está dotando a su vida de un incalculable sentido moral y convierte su existencia en un proyecto pleno y meritorio. La autoestima proporciona al individuo un sentido de su propia valía (...)
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    Ethics of Virtual Assistants.Juan Ignacio Del Valle, Joan Llorca & Jon Rueda - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 87-117.
    Among the many applications of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual assistants are one of the tools most likely to grow in the future. The development of these systems may play an increasingly important role in many facets of our lives. Therefore, given their potential importance and present and future weight, it is worthwhile to analyze what kind of challenges they entail. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of the ethical aspects of artificial virtual assistants. First, we provide a conceptual (...)
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    La comunidad en montaje. Georges didi-huberman Y la política en las imágenes.Luis Ignacio García - 2017 - Aisthesis 61 (61):93-117.
    This paper is located at the threshold between aesthetics and politics in order to interrogate the most recent works by Georges Didi-Huberman. It is argued that his “thinking of images” implies not only a politics of art, but also an art of politics, i. e., an aesthetic politics that lead us to the arena of actual political debate, showing not only the political implications of images but, much more decisively, the figural assumptions of politics. We discuss the main features of (...)
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  40. La polémica Tugendhat-Habermas en torno a la cuestión de la identidad personal.Juan Ignacio Blanco Ilari - 2011 - Laguna 29:75-96.
    La cuestión de la identidad personal ha sido muy discutida durante los últimos años. La atención puesta sobre este problema es una clara evidencia de la relevancia que tiene, entre otros, para el ámbito práctico en general. En este horizonte, Habermas y Tugendhat han sostenido una larga e interesante polémica sobre el concepto de identidad personal, polémica no siempre bien dimensionada. Esta querella ha servido para clarificar las diferentes variables que ingresan en esta problemática. En este trabajo analizaré críticamente cada (...)
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    The Strength of History at the Doors of the New Millenium: History and the Other Social and Human Sciences Along Xxth Century, 1899-2002: Vii International History Colloquium, Universidad De Navarra, Pamplona, 11-13 De Abril De 2002 ; I. Olábarri and F.J. Caspistegui, Eds ; Georg G. Iggers ... [Et Al.].Ignacio Olabarri Gortazar & Francisco Javier Caspistegui (eds.) - 2005 - Ediciones Universidad De Navarra.
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    Reseñas varias. [REVIEW]Vicente Raga Rosaleny, Ignacio Valdés, Andrea Mosquera, Amanda Núñez, Alejandro Sánchez Berrocal & Óscar Cubo - 2019 - Endoxa 43:347.
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    Descartes's Theory of Mind (review).Enrique Chávez-Arvizo - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):116-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes’s Theory of MindEnrique Chávez-ArvizoDesmond M. Clarke. Descartes’s Theory of Mind. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. viii + 267. Cloth, $49.95.Desmond Clarke, commentator on Cartesian natural philosophy, has now published an interpretation of Descartes's dualism, a theme which can hardly be said to be underrepresented in the literature. The monograph is divided into nine chapters concerned with explanation, sensation, imagination and memory, the passions, the will, language, thought, (...)
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    Prof. Ignacio Falgueras (Catedrático de Historia de la Filosofía de la Universidad de Málaga), Leonardo Polo, maestro.Ignacio Falgueras - 2006 - Studia Poliana:23-28.
    L. Polo es un buen maestro, más preocupado por descubrir la verdad que por ser entendido. Su pensar es paciente, la atención, concentrada. Mantiene la congruencia entre el nivel del método cognoscitivo que emplea y los temas reales conocidos que estudia. En él destacan tres cualidades: la audacia en el buscar, la convivencia con la verdad y la apertura universal al saber.
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    Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze: Mit E. Husserls und H. Scholz' Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Ignacio Angelelli.Gottlob Frege & Ignacio Angelelli - 2014 - Georg Olms Verlag.
    Dieser Band enthält die vier Arbeiten Freges: Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildeten Formelsprache, 1879; Anwendungen der Begriffsschrift, 1879; Über den Briefwechsel Leibnizens und Huggens mit Papin, 1881; Über den Zweck der Begriffsschrift, 1883; Über die wissenschaftliche Berechtigung einer Begriffsschrift, 1882. Frege's research work in the field of mathematical logic is of great importance for the present-day analytic philosophy. We actually owe to Frege a great amount of basical insight and exemplary research, which set up a new standard also in other (...)
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    Is more health always better for society? Exploring public preferences that violate monotonicity.Ignacio Abásolo & Aki Tsuchiya - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (4):539-563.
    There has recently been some literature on the properties of a Health-Related Social Welfare Function (HRSWF). The aim of this article is to contribute to the analysis of the different properties of a HRSWF, paying particular attention to the monotonicity principle. For monotonicity to be fulfilled, any increase in individual health—other things equal—should result in an increase in social welfare. We elicit public preferences concerning trade-offs between the total level of health (concern for efficiency) and its distribution (concern for equality), (...)
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    La vivencia de la tortura vista desde la fenomenología husserliana.Jorge Andrés Calvo Chávez - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):74-95.
    Resumen El objetivo principal del artículo es ahondar en la experiencia de la tortura desde una postura fenomenológica con la finalidad de dilucidar las diferencias entre las posibles representaciones de la muerte que una persona puede experimentar y la vivencia de la tortura. De acuerdo con esta investigación, primero explicaré en qué sentido se tomará el fenómeno de la muerte, dando paso a la relación que el dolor y la tortura mantienen, para mostrar que la terrible naturaleza de esta actividad (...)
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    Reseña de "Perú, como los de más estados latinoamericanos, nunca fue Estado- Nación sino multinacional (integrado por cinco naciones: mestiza, quechua, aymara, amazonicay afroperuana)" de Washington Duran Abarca.Ivan Oré Chávez - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (36):126-128.
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    Modularizando y desmodularizando la cognición social: el caso de la detección de trampa.Paola Hernandez-Chavez & Jonatan García-Campos - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):57-78.
    En este trabajo, revisamos la literatura clásica en modularidad cognitiva. Ofrecemos una descripción cognitiva neuronal de la modularidad, que incluye: patrones de disfunción específicos, la doble disociación, una actividad cerebral asociada, y un proceso de especialización funcional. Posteriormente, analizamos un módulo de cognición social, i.e., el módulo de detección de tramposos. Compilamos las objeciones clásicas a este módulo, y ofrecemos algunas nuevas, para posteriormente contrastarlas con las primeras. En la última parte, ofrecemos algunas implicaciones y direcciones futuras para los estudios (...)
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  50. What is Tarski's common concept of consequence?Ignacio Jané - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):1-42.
    In 1936 Tarski sketched a rigorous definition of the concept of logical consequence which, he claimed, agreed quite well with common usage-or, as he also said, with the common concept of consequence. Commentators of Tarski's paper have usually been elusive as to what this common concept is. However, being clear on this issue is important to decide whether Tarski's definition failed (as Etchemendy has contended) or succeeded (as most commentators maintain). I argue that the common concept of consequence that Tarski (...)
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