Results for 'Idealism, Polish'

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  1.  77
    Polish Philosophy—its Goals and Mission.Lucyna Wiśniewska-Rutkowska - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (6-7):73-84.
    The article is an attempt to analyze the current trends of the development of Polish philosophy. It does not give a detailed description or systematization of Polish philosophy. The attention is focused on some vital issues: individuals, groupings, topics that determine its character and contribute to its native character and universal dimension. Polish culture follows an alternate pattern of development. Periods of idealistic vows, heroic deeds and great literature were followed by the time of “minimalism” restricted to (...)
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  2. The Paradigm Shift in the 19th-century Polish Philosophy of Mathematics.Paweł Polak - 2022 - Studia Historiae Scientiarum 21:217-235.
    The Polish philosophy of mathematics in the 19th century had its origins in the Romantic period under the influence of the then-predominant idealist philosophies. The decline of Romantic philosophy precipitated changes in general philosophy, but what is less well known is how it triggered changes in the philosophy of mathematics. In this paper, we discuss how the Polish philosophy of mathematics evolved from the metaphysical approach that had been formed during the Romantic era to the more modern positivistic (...)
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    Truth, Concept Empiricism, and the Realism of Polish Phenomenology.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2008 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):23-34.
    The majority of Polish phenomenologists never found Husserl’s transcendental idealism attractive. In this paper I investigate the source of this rather surprising realist attitude. True enough the founder of Polish phenomenology was Roman Ingarden - one of the most severe critics of Husserl’s transcendental idealism, so it is initially tempting to reduce the whole issue to this sociological fact. However, I argue that there must be something more about Ingarden’s intellectual background that immunized him against Husserl’s transcendental argumentation, (...)
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  4. Ingarden’s Combinatorial Analysis of The Realism-Idealism Controversy.Raphael Milliere - 2016 - In Sébastian Richard & Olivier Malherbe, Form(s) and Modes of Being. The Ontology of Roman Ingarden. Peter Lang. pp. 67-98.
    The Controversy over the Existence of the World (henceforth Controversy) is the magnum opus of Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden. Despite the renewed interest for Ingarden’s pioneering ontological work whithin analytic philosophy, little attention has been dedicated to Controversy's main goal, clearly indicated by the very title of the book: finding a solution to the centuries-old philosophical controversy about the ontological status of the external world. -/- There are at least three reasons for this relative indifference. First, even at the (...)
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    German philosophy in Vilnius in the years 1803–1832 and the origins of Polish Romanticism.Katarzyna Filutowska - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):19-30.
    This paper focuses on the origins of Polish Romanticism as born partially out of German idealist philosophy. I examine the influence exerted by the ideas of the most significant thinkers, such as Kant, Fichte and Schelling on both professors and students living in Vilnius at the beginning of the nineteenth century (particularly Jan Śniadecki, Józef Gołuchowski and Adam Mickiewicz). As an adherent of Enlightenment and empirical epistemology Śniadecki was critical towards Kant as well as Romantic poetics. On the contrary, (...)
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  6. Polski idealizm: przemówienie radiowe, wygłoszone w Nowym Jorku, dnia 21 listopada r. 1940, w rocznicę amerykańskiego Dnia Dziękczynienia.Andrzej J. Krzesiński - 1940 - New York: The Polish-American Publishers.
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    Triad.Zbigniew Klejn - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5):251-264.
    The idealistic, political and military causes and effects of the Warsaw Uprising are discussed by the author against a historical background and on the basis of his own experience as a participant in the fighting. Portrayed are its instigators’ and participants’ reasoning and ambitions as well as the revolt’s ultimate political and military defeat, whose tragic aftermath evoked heated discussions and mutual accusations among Poles. Klejn also dwells on the deep meaning of the uprising, whose ideals gradually led to the (...)
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    On Roman ingarden’s conception of ontic foundations of responsibility: Responsibility as foundation of ontology?Tomas Sodeika - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):601-618.
    The Polish phenomenologist Roman Ingarden gained recognition primarily due to his research on aesthetics. However, he considered the ontology to be the main area of his philosophical interests. At the beginning of his scientific career, Ingarden realized that he could not agree with his teacher Edmund Husserl, who considered phenomenology as a transcendental philosophy. From Ingarden’s point of view, the fallacy of this approach lies in the fact that it leads to metaphysical idealism and makes it impossible to grasp (...)
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  9.  15
    Immanuel Kant w Polsce – wybrane problemy recepcji przełomu XIX i XX wieku.Jerzy Kojkoł - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (1):115-136.
    The article interprets the reception of Immanuel Kant’s philosophy in Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The author points out that Kantianism, in the Polish philosophical tradition, has been viewed through the prism of its idealistic interpretations. Such a criticism has spread modernism and various other philosophical currents. A part of Polish philosophers of that time were critical in the treatment of the so-called psychological interpretation of Kantianism. They skeptically evaluated the interpretation proposed by (...)
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    Idealizm niemiecki i filozofia narodowa w polskiej myśli chrześcijańskiej lat 1831-1863.Jan Ryszard Błachnio - 1994 - Bydgoszcz: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Bydgoszczy.
  11.  17
    Dispute Over Logistic Between Jan Łukasiewicz and Augustyn Jakubisiak. Why Was it Important?Bartłomiej K. Krzych - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (2):16-24.
    Augustyn Jakubisiak (1884-1945), Polish priest, philosopher and theologian, undertook polemics with Jan Łukasiewicz, whom he knew personally. A dispute concerning the so-called logistics (mathematical logic) and its relationship with philosophy developed between the two. The most important arguments were laid out, primarily in the following works: in the case of Jakubisiak, in the book From Scope to Content and in the case of Łukasiewicz, in the texts Logistics and Philosophy and In the Defense of Logistics. Jakubisiak criticized logistics for (...)
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    Metodologicheskiĭ analiz krizisa filosofskogo idealizma: Na materialakh pol. filosofii kont︠s︡a XIX-pervoĭ treti XX v.Marat Nikolaevich Vernikov - 1978 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Roman Ingarden.Amie Thomasson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Roman Ingarden (1893 -- 1970) was a Polish phenomenologist, ontologist and aesthetician. A student of Edmund Husserl's from the Göttingen period, Ingarden was a realist phenomenologist who spent much of his career working against what he took to be Husserl's turn to transcendental idealism. As preparatory work for narrowing down possible solutions to the realism/idealism problem, Ingarden developed ontological studies unmatched in scope and detail, distinguishing different kinds of dependence and different modes of being. He is best known, however, (...)
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  14.  35
    A Ruscello on Russell [review of Michele di Francesco, Introduzione a Russell and Il realismo analytico: logica, ontologica e significato nel primo Russell ].I. Grattan-Guinness - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (2):222-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:222 Reviews A RUSCELLO ON RUSSELL I. GRATTAN-GUINNESS Faculty ofScience, Engineering and Mathematics Middlesex Polytechnic Enfield, Middlesex l!N3 4SF, England Michele di Francesco. Introduzione a Russell (I Filosofi, Vol. 53.) Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1990. Pp. viii, 200. 16,000 Lire. -. II Realismo analitico: logica, ontologia e significato nel primo Russell (Saggi, Vol. 28.) Milan: Guerini, 1991. Pp. 269. 30,000 Lire. Italy has long enjoyed a tradition of work (...)
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  15.  20
    Anioł Dowigird wobec filozofii Kanta.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2014 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (3):129-144.
    The paper aims at presenting Dowgird’s attitude toward various topics in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant – its main objective is to specify and characterise those of Dowgird’s convictions which are of a direct relevance to the issues posed within transcendental idealism. The paper delivers the most important information concerning Dowgird’s life, a general outline of his philosophical conceptions against the background of Polish Enlightenment philosophy, and – in the main part – an articulation of these elements in Dowgird’s (...)
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  16.  41
    Główne typy metafizyki analitycznej.Tadeusz Szubka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (15 (2011/4)).
    Author: Szubka Tadeusz Title: MAIN VARIETIES OF ANALYTIC METAPHYSICS (Główne typy metafizyki analitycznej) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.15, number: 2011/4, pages: 849-864 Keywords: ANALYTIC METAPHYSICS, G.E. MOORE, B. RUSSELL, P.F. STRAWSON, D. DAVIDSON, M. DUMMETT, W.V. QUINE, D.M. ARMSTRONG, D. LEWIS. Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In a widespread general view about analytic philosophy it is often emphasized the supposed animosity or mistrust of that movement towards metaphysics. That opinion (...)
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  17.  54
    Theory of Language Syntax: Categorial Approach.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1991 - Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book presents a formal and philosophical analysis of language syntax. It refers to some ideas of E.Husserl and G. Frege, to S. Leśniewski's theory of syntactic categories and K. Ajdukiewicz's conception of formal grammar, also to Ch.S. Pierces's distinction between tokens (concrete linguistic entities) and types (ideal linguistic entities) and to A.A. Markov's theory of algorithms. The central aim of the book is - in the spirit of these ideas - to provide both strict yet comprehensive lectures on two (...)
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  18.  29
    The reception of Hegel in Józef Gołuchowski’s thought.Katarzyna Filutowska - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):71-85.
    Although Gołuchowski was inspired mainly by Schelling, he was well acquainted with the views of other German idealist thinkers, including Hegel. Referring to Gołuchowski’s early works, as well as to his last book Dumania nad najwyższemi zagadnieniami człowieka (“Thoughts about the highest human issues”, published posthumously in 1861), I will discuss the main Hegelian motifs in his philosophy and their relationship to the Schellingian “basis” of his thought. I will also consider the main motifs of Gołuchowski’s critique of Hegel’s system (...)
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    Romanticism's Gray Matter.Nancy Easterlin - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):443-455.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 443-455 [Access article in PDF] Romanticism's Gray Matter Nancy Easterlin British Romanticism and the Science of Mind, by Alan Richardson; xx & 243 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, $55.00. THE ANTAGONISM BETWEEN science and the humanities is an old story, one whose basic themes were inspired by a new understanding of the utility of science that emerged from the Enlightenment. If faith in (...)
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    Zasada teleologiczna w metodologii Kanta.Jerzy Sawicki - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):281-292.
    Author: Sawicki Jerzy Title: THELEOGICAL PRINCIPLE IN KANT’S METHODOLOGY (Zasada teleologiczna w metodologii Kanta) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 281-292 Keywords: KANT, THELEOGICAL PRINCIPLE, FINALISM, MECHANICISM Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The work contains a concise of I. Kant’s views on the problem of the laws of nature and the theleological principle presented in this context, which Kant proposes in the character of a regulative methodological postulate. (...)
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  21. Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a Tree outside Delhi, May 1817.Homi K. Bhabha - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):144-165.
    How can the question of authority, the power and presence of the English, be posed in the interstices of a double inscription? I have no wish to replace an idealist myth—the metaphoric English book—with a historicist one—the colonialist project of English civility. Such a reductive reading would deny what is obvious, that the representation of colonial authority depends less on a universal symbol of English identity than on its productivity as a sign of difference. Yet in my use of “English” (...)
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  22.  14
    Mścisława Wartenberga wykładnia metafizyki w perspektywie filozofii Immanuela Kanta.Anna Musioł - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (4):205-225.
    Philosopher and mathematician Mścisław Wiktor Wartenberg, belongs to circles of experts of Immanuel Kant’s thought. How writes Wanda Bajor, the Thorough analysis of the Kantian philosophy gained him the acknowledgement in Poland and with the foreign lands. He tried to show that nor the idealism, nor the phenomenalism will lie, and a consequence of Kantianism is the realism. The critical interest with Kantian dualistic partition on this, what wonderful and is, what noumenal, Polish thinker of the turn of the (...)
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  23.  23
    Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka’s Proposition of the New Critique of Reason. Imagination–Creativity–Freedom.Magdalena Mruszczyk - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (3).
    Phenomenology is one of the main currents of modern philosophy. Philosophers most often understand it from the perspective of Edmund Husserl’s (1859–1938) phenomenology as a concept of cognition and a method of viewing and describing what is directly given, i.e. a phenomenon. In addition, phenomenology is the fundamental science – prima philosophia that determines what and how is directly given. Roman Ingarden (1893–1970), a student of E. Husserl, was the first thinker in Poland who practiced philosophy in a phenomenological way. (...)
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  24.  75
    A Closer Look at Reinhold's Theory of Consciousness.Kienhow Goh - 2017 - Philosophical Forum 48 (4):409-422.
    This paper provides an overview of the theory of consciousness that is contained in the “theory of the power of representation” or “elementary philosophy” of Karl Leonhard Reinhold (1757-1823) during the period of his professorship at the University of Jena. It examines the development the theory undergoes from its first formulation in the Versuch einer neuen menschlichen Theorie des Vorstellungsvermögens (1789) to its subsequent revision in Beiträge zur Berichtigung bisheriger Miβverständnisse der Philosophen (1790). Following Martin Bondeli’s cue, it presents the (...)
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  25.  19
    Pozytywizm, racjonalizm i... romantyzm Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie.Barbara Petelenz - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:101-124.
    The International Year of Chemistry, intertwined with commemoration of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded in 1911 to Marie Skłodowska-Curie, made me to ask about the philosophical background of this outstanding woman. The first factor which I could see was the positivism, launched by August Comte in France and developed a few decades later by his Polish followers. Another factor which seemed to me important was the interplay between the emotional and intellectual attitudes among the Poles in the 19th (...)
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  26.  11
    Filozof do filozofa. Wokół listu Bolesława Micińskiego do ks. Augustyna Jakubisiaka.Ryszard Zajączkowski - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):159-178.
    W artykule zaprezentowano nieznany list Bolesława Micińskiego do ks. Augustyna Jakubisiaka znaleziony w jego archiwum w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryżu. Jest to okazja do przypomnienia tych wybitnych, choć nieco zapomnianych filozofów oraz do prezentacji ich powiązań intelektualnych. Poznali się w 1937 r. w Paryżu i odtąd utrzymywali bliskie kontakty, aż do śmierci Micińskiego w 1943 r. Od początku łączył ich sprzeciw wobec idealistycznej filozofii niemieckiej oraz neopozytywizmu Koła Wiedeńskiego z jego materializmem, scjentyzmem i sceptycyzmem. Miciński odkrywał u ks. Jakubisiaka bliskie (...)
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  27. Teoria względności Einsteina na tle rozważań metodologicznych Leona Chwistka.Mateusz Hohol & Paweł Polak - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3):107--125.
    Leon Chwistek (1884-1944) was a Professor of Mathematical Logic at the Lviv University, but also philosopher, theoretician of modern art and avant-garde painter. The present article deals with the reception of Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity (SR) according to Leon Chwistek. Firstly, Chwistek’s life and philosophical views are presented. Particular attention is paid to the following issues: the theory of the multiplicity of realities, the problem of idealism in the context of philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science, and (...)
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  28. Forms, Dialectics and the Healthy Community: The British Idealists’ Receptions of Plato.Colin Tylercorresponding Author Centre For Idealism & School of Law the New Liberalism - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1).
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    “Transcendental Philosophy and Dialectic” a Conference Report.Daniel Breazeale - 1991 - Idealistic Studies 21 (1):66-73.
    The summer of 1989 was an especially eventful one for Poland, but in the midst of all the political ferment some two dozen scholars from 10 countries —including the Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Poland, the German Democratic Republic, China, Bulgaria, Italy, Israel, and the USA—spent five days together in a guest house owned by the Polish Academy of Sciences in the tiny village of Mogilany, a half-hour’s drive from Krakow. They were assembled for a conference organized by (...)
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  30.  50
    After Alice After Cats in Derrida's L'animal que donc je suis.Jessica Polish - 2014 - Derrida Today 7 (2):180-196.
    In this essay, I argue that Derrida cannot pursue the question of being/following unless he thinks through the question of sexual difference posed by figures of little girls in philosophical texts and in literature, specifically as posed by Lewis Carroll's Alice whom Derrida references in L'animal que donc je suis. At stake in thinking being after animals after Alice is the thought of an other than fraternal following, a way of being-with and inheriting from (other than human) others that calls (...)
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  31.  38
    Back to Kant?John Skorupski - 2009 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):97-110.
    Can we develop a Critical Philosophy without resorting either to transcendental idealism or to linguistic conventionalism; that is, without resorting to either of these accounts of the a priori? I argue that we can, by focusing on the notion of a reason: the basic normative concept, which provides the ‘interface’ between self and thought about an objective world.
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    On conscience, Larry may.Transcendental Idealism - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (2).
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  33.  45
    The Problem of Empty Names.Michele Marsonet - 1997 - Idealistic Studies 27 (1-2):91-96.
    In a short but important article, the Polish philosopher Izydora Dambska criticized the thesis-endorsed by Tadeusz Kotarbinski the effect that there are "empty" terms which denote no objects at all, besides the usual general and singular terms. Dambska remarked that "we usually find cited as examples of empty names such self-contradictory names as or, or names of mythical deities-fictitious figures that exist only in legends, poems, novels, etc." She also pointed out, however, that the basic semantic function of names (...)
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    development of moral habits. Examples are taken from commutative justice, friendship, parental love, and political life.Transcendental Idealism & Quassim Cassam - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149).
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    Roman Ingarden.Władysław Stróżewski - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):11-34.
    My paper is devoted to the most important and fundamental issues of Roman Ingarden’s philosophy, including the contention between idealism and realism, the controversy between objectivism and subjectivism in the area of axiology, the problem of validity of cognition, and the structure and role of language. I argue for the claim that Ingarden solved several specific philosophical problems (like, for instance, the issue of causality, theory of systems, etc.) and he also frequently shed new light on various issues that had (...)
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  36. The impact of idealism in north America.British Idealism In Southern - 2010 - In William Sweet, Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism. New York: Continuum. pp. 20.
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    Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives by Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder.Jessica Polish - 2018 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8 (1):151-155.
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    Descartes on sensible qualities, Jill Vance Buroker.Was Schopenhauer an Idealist, Dale Snow & R. E. X. Intelligibility - 1991 - The Monist 74 (2).
  39.  18
    Maintenance and loss of minority lan.Catalan French, Macedonian Polish, Romany Welsh, Quechua Swahili & Turkish Finnish - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    Proclus on the One.Carl R. Kordig - 1973 - Idealistic Studies 3 (3):229-237.
    There is a strong mystical strain running through the Neo-Platonic tradition. It arises from the claim that the One is absolutely transcendent, beyond all thought and all being, ineffable and incomprehensible. This claim readily appears in the doctrines of Plotinus, Iamblichus, and Damascius. It is, however, most carefully dealt with and receives its most systematic espousal from the celebrated Proclus of Athens. Proclus’ Commentary On The Parmenides is a polished espousal of the first hypothesis of Plato’s Parmenides. It is there (...)
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  41. 9. prolegomena to any future metaphysics.Transcendental Idealism - 2003 - In Steven Luper, Essential Knowledge: Readings in Epistemology. Longman. pp. 87.
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    Fictions and the Spatiotemporal World—in the Light of Ingarden.Ingvar Johansson - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):81-103.
    The paper is an attempt to take Ingarden’s unfinished critique of idealism one step further. It puts forward a schematic solution to the external-world realist’sproblem of how to explain the fact that we can identify and re-identify fictions, entities that in one sense do not exist. The solution contains three proposals: to accept, with Husserl and Ingarden, that there are universals with intentionality (Husserl’s “intentional essences”), to accept, contra Husserl and Ingarden, an immanent realism for universals, and to accept Ingarden’s (...)
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    Human Rights. [REVIEW]Robert Ginsberg - 1983 - Idealistic Studies 13 (2):173-174.
    Human rights, the topic of the September 1978 meeting of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, is a splendid choice for the high-level multidisciplined focus of that Society, which has generated the Nomos Yearbooks. But this volume does not live up to the reputation of the series. Its contents are uneven in length, scope, polish, and significance. Editing is poor; proofreading is disastrous. Painfully evident are the games professionals play. The undoubted talent here does not live up (...)
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    Social Structures and Their Threats to Moral Agency, ALASDAIR MAcINTYRE.Was Leibniz an Idealist & Peter Lopston - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (289).
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    Aristotelian Metaphysics and the Distinction between Consciousness and the Real World in Husserl and Ingarden.Jeff Mitscherling - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):137-156.
    While Ingarden makes only infrequent reference to Aristotle, The Philosopher’s presence can be discerned throughout his published works. Perhaps mostsignificantly, when Ingarden returned to work on Controversy over the Existence of the World in 1938, he immersed himself in the study of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and the entire framework of Controversy appears to have been inspired by reflection on central Aristotelian concepts. Ingarden’s understanding of the Aristotelian conception of the relation between form and matter, and indeed the Aristotelian character of Ingarden’s (...)
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    does the natural law theory coming from Aristotle and St. Thomas fit into this modern debate, especially in the light of the Grisez-Finnis school, which sees Aquinas, if not Aristotle, as having taken the Kantian turn in some way?Realism V. Idealism - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (237).
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    (1 other version)On Polish Political Attitudes.M. Marody - 1991 - Télos 1991 (89):109-113.
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    John Taber.Revelation Reason & Idealism In Sankara'S. - 2000 - In Roy W. Perrett, Philosophy of Religion: Indian Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 161.
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  49. Richard Rorty: Selected Publications.German Chinese, Spanish Italian, French Portuguese, Japanese Serbo-Croat, Russian Polish, Greek Korean, Slovak Bulgarian, Hebrew Turkish, Japanese Italian & French Serbo-Croat - 2000 - In Robert Brandom, Rorty and His Critics. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 378.
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  50. The Case for Idealism.John Foster - 1982 - Boston: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1982, the aim of this book is a controversial one - to refute, by the most rigorous philosophical methods, physical realism and to develop and defend in its place a version of phenomenalism. Physical realism here refers to the thesis that the physical world is an ingredient of ultimate reality, where ultimate reality is the totality of those entities and facts which are not logically sustained by anything else. Thus, in arguing against physical realism, the author sets (...)
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