Results for 'I. Propositions'

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    Paolo Crivelli.I. Propositions - 2012 - In Christopher Shields (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 113.
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  2. I wish to express here my gratitude to various members of the Department of Mathematics of Cornell University who obliged me by critically reading various drafts of this paper. Bibliography.I. Alonzo Church - 1965 - In Martin Davis (ed.), The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions. Hewlett, NY, USA: Dover Publication. pp. 230.
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  3. Notes historiques sur les propositions modales.I. M. Bochenski - 1937 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 26:673-692.
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    VII*—Propositions and Davidson's Account of Indirect Discourse.I. G. McFetridge - 1976 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76 (1):131-146.
    I. G. McFetridge; VII*—Propositions and Davidson's Account of Indirect Discourse, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 76, Issue 1, 1 June 1976, Page.
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    Paradigmatic Propositions.Harold I. Brown - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (1):85 - 90.
  6.  89
    Empirical propositions and hypothetical statements.I. Berlin - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):289-312.
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    Propositions and Davidson's Account of Indirect Discourse.I. G. McFetridge - 1976 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76:131 - 145.
    I. G. McFetridge; VII*—Propositions and Davidson's Account of Indirect Discourse, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 76, Issue 1, 1 June 1976, Page.
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    Cut and gamma I: Propositional and constant domain R.Yale Weiss - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):887-909.
    The main object of this article is to give two novel proofs of the admissibility of Ackermann’s rule (γ) for the propositional relevant logic R. The results are established as corollaries of cut elimination for systems of tableaux for R. Cut elimination, in turn, is established both nonconstructively (as a corollary of completeness) and constructively (using Gentzen-like methods). The extensibility of the techniques is demonstrated by showing that (γ) is admissible for RQ* (R with constant domain quantifiers). The status of (...)
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  9. DÜRR, K. - The Propositional Logic of Boethius. [REVIEW]I. Thomas - 1955 - Mind 64:274.
  10.  29
    Outline of a Nominalist Theory of Propositions.I. G. Mcfetridge - 1982 - Philosophical Books 23 (1):41-42.
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    Úvod do logiky: Lvovsko-varšavské školy.Zuzana Rybaříková - 2020 - Praha: Togga.
    This book focuses on mathematical logic that was a prominent philosophical method in the Lvov-Warsaw School. Kazimierz Twardowski, who was the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School, favoured psychology as a philosophical method. However, his pupil Jan Łukasiewicz opposed to him and claimed that the proper method is mathematical logic. Łukasiewicz’s work attracted many other members of the Lvov-Warsaw School and soon became one of its most important subjects of interest. The results of its members in the field of mathematical logic (...)
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    Causal Propensity: A Review.I. J. Good - 1984 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984:829 - 850.
    The causal propensity of an event F to cause another event E is explicated as the weight of evidence against F if E does not occur, given the state of the universe just before F occurred. This definition, first given in 1961, is sharpened, defended, and applied to several examples. In this definition the concept of weight of evidence in favor of a proposition, provided by another one, is to be understood in a technical sense that is intended to capture (...)
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    Strong representability of fork algebras, a set theoretic foundation.I. Nemeti - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (1):3-23.
    This paper is about pairing relation algebras as well as fork algebras and related subjects. In the 1991-92 fork algebra papers it was conjectured that fork algebras admit a strong representation theorem . Then, this conjecture was disproved in the following sense: a strong representation theorem for all abstract fork algebras was proved to be impossible in most set theories including the usual one as well as most non-well-founded set theories. Here we show that the above quoted conjecture can still (...)
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    Both rules and associations are required to predict human behaviour.I. P. L. McLaren - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):216-217.
    I argue that the dual-process account of human learning rejected by Mitchell et al. in the target article is informative and predictive with respect to human behaviour in a way that the authors' purely propositional account is not. Experiments that reveal different patterns of results under conditions that favour either associative or rule-based performance are the way forward.
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    (1 other version)From Naming to Saying: The Unity of the Proposition.Martha I. Gibson - 2004 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _From Naming to Saying_ explores the classicquestion of the unity of the proposition, combining an historical approach with contemporary causal theories to offer a unique and novel solution. Presents compelling and sophisticated answers to questions about how language represents the world. Defends a novel approach to the classical question about the unity of the proposition. Examines three key historical theories: Frege’s doctrine of concept and object, Russell’s analysis of the sentence, and Wittgenstein’s picture theory of meaning. Combines an historical approach (...)
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  16.  39
    Modal logic with non-deterministic semantics: Part I—Propositional case.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Fariñas Del Cerro Luis & Marques Peron Newton - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):281-315.
    Dugundji proved in 1940 that most parts of standard modal systems cannot be characterized by a single finite deterministic matrix. In the eighties, Ivlev proposed a semantics of four-valued non-deterministic matrices, in order to characterize a hierarchy of weak modal logics without the necessitation rule. In a previous paper, we extended some systems of Ivlev’s hierarchy, also proposing weaker six-valued systems in which the axiom was replaced by the deontic axiom. In this paper, we propose even weaker systems, by eliminating (...)
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  17.  47
    Simon Kochen and E. P. Specker. Logical structures arising in quantum theory. A reprint of XL 507. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historicale evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. 263–276. - Simon Kochen and E. P. Specker. The calculus of partial propositional functions. A reprint of XL 508. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historical evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. 277–292. - P.D. Finch. On the structure of quantum logic. The logieo-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Volume I, Historical evolution, edited by C. A. Hooker, The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 5, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht and Boston1975, pp. [REVIEW]R. I. G. Hughes - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):558-566.
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  18. (1 other version)The psychology of folk psychology.Alvin I. Goldman - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):15-28.
    The central mission of cognitive science is to reveal the real nature of the mind, however familiar or foreign that nature may be to naive preconceptions. The existence of naive conceptions is also important, however. Prescientific thought and language contain concepts of the mental, and these concepts deserve attention from cognitive science. Just as scientific psychology studies folk physics (McCloskey 1983, Hayes 1985), viz., the common understanding (or misunderstanding) of physical phenomena, so it must study folk psychology, the common understanding (...)
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    Hegel and Contemporary Logic.I. S. Narskii - 1971 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (4):354-373.
    This is a very rewarding topic when we consider the history of dialectical logic, although it may seem to be unrewarding if it is formal logic that is under discussion. We are familiar with Hegel's hypercritical writings on this subject, with his evaluation of the use of symbols in cognition as "empty play," and with his — to say the least — skeptical reaction to early attempts at the mathematization of logic. He characterized the construction of calculi as "reduction" of (...)
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    Tableaux variants of some modal and relevant systems.P. I. Bystrov - 1988 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 17 (3/4):92-98.
    The tableaux-constructions have a number of properties which advantageously distinguish them from equivalent axiomatic systems . The proofs in the form of tableaux-constructions have a full accordance with semantic interpretation and subformula property in the sense of Gentzen’s Hauptsatz. Method of tatleaux-construction gives a good substitute of Gentzen’s methods and thus opens a good perspective for the investigations of theoretical as well as applied aspects of logical calculi. It should be noted that application of tableau method in modal, tense, relevant (...)
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    Forms of Life and Cultural Endowments.I. I. Victor Peterson - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):26-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Forms of Life and Cultural EndowmentsVictor Peterson IIYou know, honey, us colored folk is branches without roots and that makes things come round in queer ways.—Zora Neale Hurston (Their Eyes Were Watching God 15)what does it mean when we speak of a form of life? When speaking of a form of life, we consider one different from others by way of its mode of expression, that is, by its (...)
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  22. Wanting, getting, having.I. L. Humberstone - 1990 - Philosophical Papers 99 (August):99-118.
  23. Contextualism and Interest-Relative Invariantism.E. I. Coffman - 2012 - In Andrew Cullison (ed.), The Continuum Companion to Epistemology. New York: Continuum. pp. 199.
    Classical Invariantism (CI): The truth-value of a given knowledge-ascribing (-denying) sentence is (a) invariant across conversational contexts and (b) independent of how important it is to the subject (S) that the relevant proposition (P) be true.
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    Christus qui mentiri non potest.I. Levy - 1999 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 66 (2):316-334.
    John Wyclif’s rejection of the doctrine of transubstantiation has received a considerable amount of attention over the last six centuries. To this day scholars continue to reflect upon it, offering a variety of perspectives on Wyclif’s rationale. This study specifically considers the question in connection with Wyclif’s opposition to the more radical element in the fourteenth-century schools. Vehemently opposed to the reckless application of logical-grammatical methods which had led some to question of the truth of biblical propositions, Wyclif would (...)
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    Choice of primitives: A note on axiomatizing intuitionistic logic.I. L. Humberstone - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (1):31-40.
    A purported axiomatization, by P. Gärdenfors, of intuitionistic propositional logic is shown to be incomplete, and that the mistaken claim to completeness is seen to result from carelessness in the choice of primitive logical vocabulary. This leads to a consideration of various ways of conceiving the distinction between primitive and defined vocabularies, along with the bearing of these differences on such matters as are discussed in connection with Gärdenfors.
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  26. Retributivism, Justification and Credence: The Epistemic Argument Revisited.Sofia M. I. Jeppsson - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (2):177-190.
    Harming other people is prima facie wrong. Unless we can be very certain that doing so is justified under the circumstances, we ought not to do it. In this paper, I argue that we ought to dismantle harsh retributivist criminal justice systems for this reason; we cannot be sufficiently certain that the harm is justified. Gregg Caruso, Ben Vilhauer and others have previously argued for the same conclusion; however, my own version sidesteps certain controversial premises of theirs. Harsh retributivist criminal (...)
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    Political liberalism, dualist democracy and the call to constituent power.Frank I. Michelman - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1419-1431.
    Alessandro Ferrara’s argument in Sovereignty Across Generations takes shape within a broadly Rawlsian ‘political liberal’ framework of thought about moral underpinnings for a constitutional-democratic practice of politics. Where, exactly (I ask here), is the place within that thought for concern about occurrences in a country’s past of popular constituent power? If the country’s currently established constitutional regime is fully democratic (and is otherwise morally in order) by whatever operational measures you and I might think to apply, why should we or (...)
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    The fuzzy logic of chaos and probabilistic inference.I. Antoniou & Z. Suchanecki - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (3):333-362.
    The logic of a physical system consists of the elementary observables of the system. We show that for chaotic systems the logic is not any more the classical Boolean lattice but a kind of fuzzy logic which we characterize for a class of chaotic maps. Among other interesting properties the fuzzy logic of chaos does not allow for infinite combinations of propositions. This fact reflects the instability of dynamics and it is shared also by quantum systems with diagonal singularity. (...)
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  29. Argumentation and social epistemology.Alvin I. Goldman - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):27-49.
    What is a good argument? That depends on what is meant by 'argument'. In formal logic, an argument is a set of sentences or propositions, one designated as conclusion and the remainder as premises. On this conception of argument, there are two kinds of goodness. An argument is good in a weak sense if the conclusion either follows deductively from the premises or receives strong evidential support from them. An argument is good in a strong sense if, in addition (...)
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    Proposition II (Book I) of Newton’s Principia.Bruce Pourciau - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):129-167.
    After preparing the way with comments on evanescent quantities and then Newton’s interpretation of his second law, this study of Proposition II (Book I)— Proposition II Every body that moves in some curved line described in a plane and, by a radius drawn to a point, either unmoving or moving uniformly forward with a rectilinear motion, describes areas around that point proportional to the times, is urged by a centripetal force tending toward that same point. —asks and answers the following (...)
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    Précis of Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading.Alvin I. Goldman - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (3):431-434.
    In the second half of the twentieth-century, the traditional problem of other minds was re-focused on special problems with propositional attitudes and how we attribute them to others. How do ordinary people, with no education in scientific psychology, understand and ascribe such complex, unobservable states? In different terminology, how do they go about "interpreting" their peers?
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    Basic Propositional Calculus I.Mohammad Ardeshir & Wim Ruitenburg - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):317-343.
    We present an axiomatization for Basic Propositional Calculus BPC and give a completeness theorem for the class of transitive Kripke structures. We present several refinements, including a completeness theorem for irreflexive trees. The class of intermediate logics includes two maximal nodes, one being Classical Propositional Calculus CPC, the other being E1, a theory axiomatized by T → ⊥. The intersection CPC ∩ E1 is axiomatizable by the Principle of the Excluded Middle A V ∨ ⌝A. If B is a formula (...)
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    (1 other version)Thought and its objects.Abraham I. Melden - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (October):434-441.
    What are the objects of thought? To consider a familiar case, may we assert that the proposition “I am thinking of a unicorn” entails that there is some object which is being thought of? Theories of subsistent objects provide an affirmative answer and seem to be based on the consideration that we are thinking of something when we think of a unicorn. Otherwise, to paraphrase G. E. Moore's well known statement of the argument, we would be thinking of the same (...)
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    Natural deduction rules for a logic of vagueness.J. A. Burgess & I. L. Humberstone - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (2):197-229.
    Extant semantic theories for languages containing vague expressions violate intuition by delivering the same verdict on two principles of classical propositional logic: the law of noncontradiction and the law of excluded middle. Supervaluational treatments render both valid; many-Valued treatments, Neither. The core of this paper presents a natural deduction system, Sound and complete with respect to a 'mixed' semantics which validates the law of noncontradiction but not the law of excluded middle.
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  35. The intentionality of cognitive states.Fred I. Dretske - 1980 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 5 (1):281-294.
  36. Neklassicheskie logiki i propozit︠s︡ionalʹnye ustanovki: trudy Nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ seminara po logike Instituta filosofii AN SSSR.V. A. Smirnov, A. S. Karpenko & P. I. Bystrov (eds.) - 1987 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  37. (2 other versions)A causal theory of knowing.Alvin I. Goldman - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (12):357-372.
    Since Edmund L. Gettier reminded us recently of a certain important inadequacy of the traditional analysis of "S knows that p," several attempts have been made to correct that analysis. In this paper I shall offer still another analysis (or a sketch of an analysis) of "S knows that p," one which will avert Gettier's problem. My concern will be with knowledge of empirical propositions only, since I think that the traditional analysis is adequate for knowledge of nonempirical truths.
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  38. A New Source of Data About Singular Thought.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):1159-1172.
    Philosophers have justified extant theories of singular thought in at least three ways: they have invoked wide-ranging theories motivated by data from other philosophical areas, they have elicited direct intuitions about which thoughts are singular, and they have subjected propositional attitude reports to tests such as Russellian substitution and Quinean exportation. In these ways, however, we haven’t yet been able to tell what it takes to have singular thoughts, nor have we been able to tell which of our thoughts they (...)
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    The Obligatory Theory of Corporate Social Responsibility.Jim I. Unah - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 7:43-48.
    The ongoing discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) recognises two positions canvassed extensively in literature. These positions have crystallised in the agency theory and the stakeholder theory. The agency theory holds the proposition to be true that the social responsibility of business is profit maximisationand that the duty of the business executive or manager is to produce result for his employer(s) namely, the board of directors and the shareholders. The stakeholder theory, on the other hand, avers that beyond the board (...)
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    Epstein's The Semantic Foundations of Logic vol. I, Propositional Logics vol. II, Predicate Logic.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Informal Logic 19 (2).
  41. Justification magnets.C. S. I. Jenkins - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):93-111.
    David Lewis is associated with the controversial thesis that some properties are more eligible than others to be the referents of our predicates solely in virtue of those properties’ being more natural; independently, that is, of anything to do with our patterns of usage of the relevant predicates. On such a view, the natural properties act as ‘reference magnets’. In this paper I explore (though I do not endorse) a related thesis in epistemology: that some propositions are ‘justification magnets’. (...)
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  42. Wanting as believing.I. L. Humberstone - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):49-62.
    An account of desire as a species of belief may owe its appeal to the details of its proposal as to precisely what sort of beliefs desires are to be identified with, and its downfall may be due to those details it does provide. For example, it may be proposed that the desire that α is in fact the belief that it ought to be that α, or is morally good or desirable that it should be the case that α. (...)
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    Observation and the Foundations of Objectivity.Harold I. Brown - 1979 - The Monist 62 (4):470-481.
    Traditional empiricist analyses of the source of scientific objectivity were based on two guiding themes: that a claim can be objective only if it is tested against some independent touchstone, and that observation provides that touchstone. The issue of objectivity arises here only for beliefs that are formulated as propositions or sets of propositions, and the standard view demands that objective beliefs make claims about entities that exist independently of those beliefs, and whose properties can be determined and (...)
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  44. Breus propositions que contenen molta sentència: els proverbis lul· lians i les «formes sentencioses».Francesc Tous Prieto - 2011 - Studia Lulliana 51 (106):77-98.
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    Richard Price, the Debate on Free Will, and Natural Rights.Gregory I. Molivas - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (1):105-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard Price, the Debate on Free Will, and Natural RightsGregory I. MolivasWhen Richard Price projected metaphysical assumptions onto his ethical theory, he elaborated a conception of man as a normatively self-regulating being. Endowed with rationality, man is a “law unto himself.” Price’s political writings postulated accordingly that man should be his own legislator. The first proposition appeared in his ethics in the context of man’s identification with his higher (...)
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    The Subject of Black Subjectivity.I. I. Victor Peterson - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (2):187-203.
    In multiple essays, CLR James lays out what a theory of subjectivity must account for to resolve issues stemming from reducing subjectivity to a singular identity. Most proposals for a theory of subjectivity do so by making the subject the object of another’s propositions or claims about the world. I argue that this is an identity claim. The converse of this process is also true, that the subject who claims another as the object of their proposition must also be (...)
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    The Political Philosophies of Aquinas and Awolowo.Francis I. Ogunmodede - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):265-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES OF AQUINAS AND AWOLOW0 1 FRANCIS I. 0GUNMODEDE Semlnary of SS. Peter and Paul Ibadan, Nigeria Introduction W:HAT POSSIBLE connection is there between the hought of Aquinas and that of Awolowo? We must first observe a sharp difference in personality and approach to politics between the two men. Obafemi Awolowo ( 1909-87) was a recent Nigerian philosopher and politician whose works on politics include The People's (...)
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    Legalism and Humankind.Frank I. Michelman - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):190-208.
    Prescriptive political and moral theories contain ideas about what human beings are like and about what, correspondingly, is good for them. Conceptions of human “nature” and corresponding human good enter into normative argument by way of support and justification. Of course, it is logically open for the ratiocinative traffic to run the other way. Strongly held convictions about the rightness or wrongness, goodness or badness, of certain social institutions or practices may help condition and shape one's responses to one or (...)
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    A Value-based Framework for Understanding Managerial Tolerance of Bribery in Latin America.Juan I. Sanchez, Carolina Gomez & Guillermo Wated - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):341-352.
    The cross-cultural literature is reviewed and integrated together with attitude theories, thereby outlining a model through which certain values influence the intervening variables that ultimately lead managers to tolerate employee bribery. The case of Latin America is employed to illustrate how regionally dominant cultural values may shape managers' attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, which in turn affect tolerance of employee bribery. A series of research propositions and practical recommendations are derived from the model.
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    Epistemic concepts: A naturalistic approach.Harold I. Brown - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (3-4):323 – 351.
    Several forms of naturalism are currently extant. Proponents of the various approaches disagree on matters of strategy and detail but one theme is common: we have not received any revelations about the nature of the world -- including our own nature. Whatever knowledge we have has been acquired through a fallible process of conjecture and revision. This common theme will bring to mind the writings of Karl Popper and, in many respects, Popper is the father of contemporary naturalism. Along with (...)
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