Results for 'Hubert Yockey'

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  1.  15
    Information in bits and bytes. Reply to Lifson's review of ‘information theory and molecular biology’.Hubert P. Yockey - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):85-88.
  2.  25
    Walther Lob, Stanley L. Miller and prebiotic building blocks in the silent electrical discharge.Hubert P. Yockey - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (1):125-131.
  3. A Review of:“Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life as a Digital Message How Life Resembles a Computer” Second Edition. Hubert P. Yockey, 2005, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 400 pages, index; hardcover, US $60.00; ISBN: 0-521-80293-8. [REVIEW]Attila Grandpierre - 2006 - World Futures 62 (5):401-403.
    Information Theory, Evolution and The Origin ofLife: The Origin and Evolution of Life as a Digital Message: How Life Resembles a Computer, Second Edition. Hu- bert P. Yockey, 2005, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 400 pages, index; hardcover, US $60.00; ISBN: 0-521-80293-8. The reason that there are principles of biology that cannot be derived from the laws of physics and chemistry lies simply in the fact that the genetic information content of the genome for constructing even the simplest organisms is (...)
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    Information theory and vitalism. Reply to Hubert P. Yockey's letter (BioEssays 17, 85–88, 1995).Shneior Lifson - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (2):185-185.
  5. What Computers Still Can’T Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1992 - MIT Press.
    A Critique of Artificial Reason Hubert L. Dreyfus . HUBERT L. DREYFUS What Computers Still Can't Do Thi s One XZKQ-GSY-8KDG What. WHAT COMPUTERS STILL CAN'T DO Front Cover.
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Pierre Cardinal, Serge Cazelais, Eric Crégheur, Lucian Dînca, Steve Johnston, Jonathan I. von Kodar, Paul-Hubert Poirier & Jennifer K. Wees - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (1):169.
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Marie-Pierre Bussières, Serge Cazelais, Eric Crégheur, Lucian Dîncă, Steve Johnston, Jonathan I. Von Kodar, Jean-François Létourneau, Jean-Pierre Mahé, Louis Painchaud & Paul-Hubert Poirier - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (1):121-162.
  8.  31
    Kirrha 2008‑2015 : un bilan d’étape.Raphaël Orgeolet, Despoina Skorda, Julien Zurbach, Lou de Barbarin, Reine Marie Bérard, Brice Chevaux, Jonhatan Hubert, Tobias Krapf, Anna Lagia, Alexia Lattard, Raphaëlle Lefebvre, Jérémy Maestracci, Alexandre Mahé, Ioanna Moutafi & Simon Sedlbauer - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:41-116.
    Cet article constitue la présentation des recherches effectuées par une équipe franco-grecque sur le tell de Kirrha en Phocide entre 2008 et 2015, et représente la publication préliminaire des structures archéologiques mises au jour. Deux secteurs distants l’un de l’autre ont été fouillés, révélant une dense occupation de l’Helladique Moyen, ainsi que des niveaux s’étageant jusqu’à l’Helladique Récent III. Notamment, une nécropole de la période transitionnelle (Helladique Moyen III – Helladique Récent I/II) a été fouillée dans la partie occidentale du (...)
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    The use of personalized medicine for patient selection for renal transplantation: Physicians' views on the clinical and ethical implications.Marianne Dion-Labrie, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Marie-Josée Hébert & Hubert Doucet - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):5-.
    BackgroundThe overwhelming scarcity of organs within renal transplantation forces researchers and transplantation teams to seek new ways to increase efficacy. One of the possibilities is the use of personalized medicine, an approach based on quantifiable and scientific factors that determine the global immunological risk of rejection for each patient. Although this approach can improve the efficacy of transplantations, it also poses a number of ethical questions.MethodsThe qualitative research involved 22 semi-structured interviews with nephrologists involved in renal transplantation, with the goal (...)
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    Components of Mathematics Anxiety: Factor Modeling of the MARS30-Brief.Belinda Pletzer, Guilherme Wood, Thomas Scherndl, Hubert H. Kerschbaum & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Réflexions, morales & politiques.Émile Théodore Joseph Hubert Banning - 1899 - Bruxelles,: Spineux & cie.. Edited by Ernest Édouard Gossart & Alexis Henri Brialmont.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  12. Wissenschaft: Stellung, Funktion und Organisation in der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft.Günter Kröber & Hubert Laitko (eds.) - 1975 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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    Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler: eine Dokumentation.Thomas Mann, Marianne Baeumler, Alfred Baeumler, Hubert Brunträger & Hermann Kurzke - 1989
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    20 Hz Steady-State Response in Somatosensory Cortex During Induction of Tactile Perceptual Learning Through LTP-Like Sensory Stimulation.Marion Brickwedde, Marie D. Schmidt, Marie C. Krüger & Hubert R. Dinse - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  15.  20
    Public participation in national preparedness and response plans for pandemic influenza: Towards an ethical contribution to public health policies.Yanick Farmer, Marie-Ève Bouthillier, Marianne Dion-Labrie, Céline Durand & Hubert Doucet - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):9-23.
    Faced with the threat of pandemic influenza, several countries have made the decision to put a number of measures in place which have been incorporated into national plans. In view of the magnitude of the powers and responsibilities that States assume in the event of a pandemic, a review of the various national preparedness and response plans for pandemic influenza brought to light a series of extremely important ethical concerns. Nevertheless, in spite of the recent emergence of literature focusing specifically (...)
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    Argos.Marcel Piérart, Pierre Aupert, Gilles Reynal, Hubert Rio, Jean-François Bommelaer, Jacques Des Courtils, Claude Baurain, Jean-Yves Empereur & Pascal Darcque - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (2):891-917.
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    Amaranth and meadowfoam: Two new crops?Holly Hauptli, Subodh Jain, B. Lennart Johnson, J. Giles Waines, Royce S. Bringhurst, James F. Hancock, Victor Voth, Paul G. Smith, Paulden F. Knowles & Hubert B. Cooper - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart (ed.), Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Robert Ginsberg, J.Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides, Dinal V. Picotti C.Robert Ginsberg, J. Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides & Dinal V. Picotti C. - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:613-613.
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    Dialogue avec Hubert Mono Ndjana: sur la politique, la science et la société.Hubert Mono Ndjana - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Philippe Nguemeta.
    Les Presses universitaires de France ont publié, en 1994, une Encyclopédie universelle de philosophie, dans laquelle Hubert Mono Ndjana est présenté comme un spécialiste de la pensée des hommes politiques. Il avait en effet traduit en français Obiang Nguema Mbasogo en 1980 (Un Pari pour la liberté), publié un ouvrage en 1985 sur le chef d'Etat de son pays (L'Idée sociale chez Paul Biya), et deux autres sur la pensée et le pays de Kim Il Sung (Révolution et création (...)
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  20. The editor has review copies of the following books. Potential reviewers should contact the editor to obtain a review copy (rhaynes@ phil. ufl. edu). Books not previously listed are in bold-faced type. [REVIEW]A. Blair, D. Hitchcock, M. Cerf, D. Gibbon, B. Hubert, R. Ison, J. Jiggins, M. Paines, J. Proost & N. Roling - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18:243-244.
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  21. Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall & J. E. Malpas - 2000
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    Background Practices: Essays on the Understanding of Being.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2017 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Mark A. Wrathall.
    This volume presents a selection of Hubert Dreyfus's pioneering work in bringing phenomenology and existentialism to bear on the philosophical and scientific study of the mind. Each of the thirteen essays interprets, develops, and extends the insights of his predecessors working in the European philosophical tradition. One of Dreyfus' central contributions to reading the historical canon of philosophy comes from his recognition that great philosophers help us to understand the -background practices- of a culture - the practices that shape (...)
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  23.  9
    Denken in de spiegel: Hubert Dethier: filosofie en zingeving voor de 21ste eeuw.Hubert Dethier - 2015 - Brussel: ASP. Edited by Julien Libbrecht.
    Dit boek is een hommage aan de filosoof Hubert Dethier (°21 juli 1933), die we zeker in de rij kunnen plaatsen van denkers als Jaap Kruithof, Hans Achterhuis en Etienne Vermeersch. Deze hommage is geen chronologische biografie. Het is daarentegen wel een verhaal waarin het leven van Hubert Dethier verweven wordt met de geschiedenis van zijn denken. Een denken dat zich situeert in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw en het begin van de huidige eeuw en zich (...)
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  24. Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action.Hubert L. Dreyfus (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    For fifty years Hubert Dreyfus has done pioneering work which brings phenomenology and existentialism to bear on the philosophical and scientific study of the mind. This is a selection of his most influential essays, developing his critique of the representational model of the mind in analytical philosophy of mind and mainstream cognitive science.
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    Denken als openheid: Liber Amicorum Hubert Dethier.Hubert Dethier, Else Walravens & Johan Stuy (eds.) - 1998 - Brussel: Vubpress.
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  26. Le complexe significabile.Hubert Elie - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:100.
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    Devianz und Dynamik: Festschrift für Hubert Seiwert zum 65. Geburtstag.Hubert Michael Seiwert & Edith Franke (eds.) - 2014 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Religiose Vielfalt ist nicht erst eine Erscheinung der "westlichen Moderne". Vielmehr existierten schon in fruhen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Orten der Welt oft mehrere Religionen nebeneinander, sei es dass diese unterschiedlichen Ursprungs waren oder sich aufgrund divergierender Auffassungen der religiosen Akteure innerhalb einer gemeinsamen Tradition ausdifferenzierten. Nicht immer war und ist diese Koexistenz eine friedliche. Die Religion der anderen wird haufig als "deviant" wahrgenommen oder gar als "nonkonformistisch" stigmatisiert und sanktioniert, bis hin zur physischen Vernichtung der "Devianten". Im vorliegenden Band (...)
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  28.  54
    On the Internet.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Routledge.
    _Internet_ is een van de eerste boeken waarin het filosofische inzicht -van Plato tot Kierkegaard - betrokken wordt op het debat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van het internet. Dreyfus laat zien dat de onstoffelijke, 'vrij zwevende' websurfer zijn oorsprong vindt in Descartes' scheiding van geest en lichaam, en hoe Kierkegaards inzichten in de opkomst van het moderne leespubliek vooruitlopen op de nieuwsgierige, maar elk risico vermijdende internet-junkie. Uitgaande van recente onderzoeken naar het isolement dat veel internetgebruikers ervaren, toont Dreyfus (...)
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  29.  40
    Arguments from Ostension.Hubert Marraud - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):309-327.
    My purpose here is to describe a type of argument characterized by the fact that one of its premises is a directive—i.e. what is expressed by a directive sentence: a general instruction how to proceed or act. This directive premise brings an ostensive mechanism for the inclusion of visual or multimodal elements in an argument. If an argument is an invitation to inference, by using such a directive utterance the addresser is inviting the addressee to make an inference from an (...)
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  30. What Computers Can’T Do: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1972 - Harper & Row.
  31.  41
    Retrieving Realism.Hubert Dreyfus & Charles Taylor - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Taylor.
    For Descartes, knowledge exists as ideas in the mind that represent the world. In a radical critique, Hubert Dreyfus and Charles Taylor argue that knowledge consists of much more than the representations we formulate in our minds. They affirm our direct contact with reality—both the physical and the social world—and our shared understanding of it.
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    Le Signifiable Par Complexe: La Proposition Et Son Objet Gregoire De Rimini, Meinong, Russell.Hubert Elie - 1937 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    En 1936, Hubert Elie publiait une these remarquable: Le complexe significabile, accompagnee de l'edition et de la traduction du Traitee de l'infini de Jean Mair. Sous le terme technique de complexe significabile se trouve abordee la question du signifiable par complexe, c'est-a-dire du signifie de la proposition et de son statut objectif. L'ouvrage propose ainsi une double approche de la notion de signification et de ses rapports a la reference ontologique: l'analyse classique depuis Gregoire de Rimini a Leibniz, les (...)
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  33. 20. What Computers Can’t Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2014 - In Bernard Williams (ed.), Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 90-100.
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    Brandt on Hopi Ethics:Hopi Ethics, A Theoretical Analysis.Hubert G. Alexander - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):106 - 111.
    Ethics, in the sense of a recognized branch of inquiry, reputedly began with Socrates and the Sophists, at least for the western world. Ethics, understood as a set of moral standards, traditionalized by maxims and admonitions, has existed in human cultures from so early a time that it would be hazardous indeed to conjecture the date of its probable origin. The "Hopi Ethics" which Mr. Brandt has studied is obviously that of this second sense, whereas his own study, at least (...)
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  35. Origin and history of the new mexico & west texas philosophical society.Hubert G. Alexander - 1999 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 21:111.
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    Was ist moralische Reife?: Eine phänomenologische Darstellung der Entwicklung ethischer Expertise.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1993 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41 (3):435-458.
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    Wie man mit Fundamentalisten diskutiert, ohne den Verstand zu verlieren: Anleitung zum subversiven Denken.Hubert Schleichert - 2019
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  38. Intelligence without representation – Merleau-ponty's critique of mental representation the relevance of phenomenology to scientific explanation.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2002 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (4):367-383.
    Existential phenomenologists hold that the two most basic forms of intelligent behavior, learning, and skillful action, can be described and explained without recourse to mind or brain representations. This claim is expressed in two central notions in Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception: the intentional arc and the tendency to achieve a maximal grip. The intentional arc names the tight connection between body and world, such that, as the active body acquires skills, those skills are stored, not as representations in the mind, (...)
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  39. Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being in Time, Division I.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1990 - Bradford.
    Essays discuss the themes of worldliness, affectedness, understanding, and the care-structure found in Heidegger's work on the nature of existence.
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  40. New books. [REVIEW]W. R. Sorley, Margaret Washburn, W. B. Pillsbury, Hubert M. Foston, Charles Douglas, Alexander F. Shand, B. A. W. Russell, James Lindsay & W. R. Scott - 1896 - Mind 5 (17):119-133.
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    Cómo lograr una relación libre con la técnica según Heidegger.Hubert Dreyfus & Juan Solernó - 2024 - Tábano 24:7-21.
    De acuerdo con Hubert L. Dreyfus, a Heidegger no le preocupaba el problema del control humano de la técnica, que sí concierne a los teóricos que conciben la técnica como ideología. En su texto, Dreyfus sostiene que la cuestión es más bien la comprensión del ser como mera materia prima proyectada en la cosmovisión técnica del Occidente moderno. Sólo dándonos cuenta de que el ser mismo ordena esta dispensación podremos comenzar a distanciarnos de esa visión del mundo. En última (...)
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    Would Roland Allen still have anything to say to us today?Hubert J. B. Allen - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (3):179-185.
    The Rev’d Roland Allen’s grandson ventures to speculate on the attitudes his grandfather might be expected to have adopted regarding several of today’s controversial issues. After rehearsing briefly Roland’s published and unpublished work, Hubert Allen reviews, both on the basis of Roland’s expressed opinions and by inference from remarks made by him or by members of his immediate family, how he believes his grandfather would have reacted to six matters of current or recent controversy, namely: Modern Translations of the (...)
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    Comprendre sans prévoir, prévoir sans comprendre.Hubert Krivine - 2018 - [Paris]: Cassini. Edited by J. C. Ameisen.
    L'idée que comprendre permet de prévoir est une idée moderne. Elle est fondée sur la découverte, que le monde physique obéit à des lois (Galilée, et surtout Newton). Elle a mis fin à la pensée magique, et elle est à la base de la révolution scientifique et du monde moderne. Or nous assistons à la dissociation de ces deux choses. D'une part, on réalise par exemple que les lois mathématiques de certains phénomènes, mêmes parfaitement connues, sont si sensibles à la (...)
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    Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics.Hubert Cuyckens, René Dirven & John R. Taylor (eds.) - 2003 - Mouton De Gruyter.
    "This book provides a representative survey of early and more recent concerns in cognitively inspired lexical semantics.
  45. A Merleau-Pontyian Critique of Husserl’s and Searle’s Representationalist Accounts of Action.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (3):287-302.
    Husserl and Searle agree that, for a bodily movement to be an action, it must be caused by a propositional representation. Husserl's representation is a mental state whose intentional content is what the agent is trying to do; Searle thinks of the representation as a logical structure expressing the action's conditions of satisfaction. Merleau-Ponty criticises both views by introducing a kind of activity he calls motor intentionality, in which the agent, rather than aiming at success, feels drawn to reduce a (...)
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  46. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Paul Rabinow - 1982 - Chicago: Routledge. Edited by Paul Rabinow & Michel Foucault.
    This book is the first to provide a sustained, coherent analysis of Foucault's work as a whole. To demonstrate the sense in which Foucault's work is beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, the authors unfold a careful, analytical exposition of his oeuvre. They argue that during the of Foucault's work became a sustained and largely successful effort to develop a new method - "interpretative analytics" - capable of explaining both the logic of structuralism's claim to be an objective science and the apparent (...)
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    Mind Over Machine.Hubert Dreyfus, Stuart E. Dreyfus & Tom Athanasiou - 1986 - Simon & Schuster.
    Human intuition and perception are basic and essential phenomena of consciousness. As such, they will never be replicated by computers. This is the challenging notion of Hubert Dreyfus, Ph. D., archcritic of the artificial intelligence establishment. It's important to emphasize that he doesn't believe that AI is fundamentally impossible, only that the current research program is fatally flawed. Instead, he argues that to get a device (or devices) with human-like intelligence would require them to have a human-like being in (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Why Heideggerian ai failed and how fixing it would require making it more Heideggerian.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):247 – 268.
    MICHAEL WHEELER Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005432 pages, ISBN: 0262232405 (hbk); $35.001.When I was teaching at MIT in the 1960s, students from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory would come to...
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  49. The age of technology.Hubert F. Beck - 1970 - St. Louis,: Concordia Pub. House.
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    The interior realization.Hubert Benoît - 1987 - Shaftsbury, Dorset: Element Books.
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