Results for 'Hilde Henon'

384 found
  1.  33
    Which factors influence the resort to surrogate consent in stroke trials, and what are the patient outcomes in this context?Anne-Marie Mendyk, Julien Labreuche, Hilde Henon, Marie Girot, Charlotte Cordonnier, Alain Duhamel, Didier Leys & Régis Bordet - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):26.
    The provision of informed consent is a prerequisite for inclusion of a patient in a clinical research project. In some countries, the legislation on clinical research authorizes a third person to provide informed consent if the patient is unable to do so directly . This is the case during acute stroke, when the symptoms may prevent the patient from providing informed consent and thus require a third party to be approached. Identification of factors associated with the medical team’s decision to (...)
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    Ethical challenges experienced by public health nurses related to adolescents’ use of visual technologies.Hilde Laholt, Kim McLeod, Marilys Guillemin, Ellinor Beddari & Geir Lorem - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1822-1833.
    Background: Visual technologies are central to youth culture and are often the preferred communication means of adolescents. Although these tools can be beneficial in fostering relations, adolescents’ use of visual technologies and social media also raises ethical concerns. Aims: We explored how school public health nurses identify and resolve the ethical challenges involved in the use of visual technologies in health dialogues with adolescents. Research design: This is a qualitative study utilizing data from focus group discussions. Participants and research context: (...)
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    Science Leaks: A Signal to Improve Data Protection in Scientific Research.Hilde Petronella Adriana - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (3).
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    Politieke kennis van laatste-jaars-humanioraleerlingen.Hilde Pattyn - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (2):325-349.
    Our research concerns political knowledge among eighteen-year-old pupils in Belgium and the variables that may cause a differential level of political knowledge.The results point out that the average level of political knowledge is really low, though some elementary items score up to 98 %. The studyreveals as the most significant independent variables : the sex, political participation of the parents, mass media, and school. Mass media are most frequently mentioned as the most important sources of political information. Moreover, respondents with (...)
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  5. Damaged identities, narrative repair.Hilde Lindemann - 2001 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Hilde Lindemann Nelson focuses on the stories of groups of people--including Gypsies, mothers, nurses, and transsexuals--whose identities have been defined by those with the power to speak for them and to constrain the scope of their actions. By placing their stories side by side with narratives about the groups in question, Nelson arrives at some important insights regarding the nature of identity. She regards personal identity as consisting not only of how people view themselves but also of how others (...)
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  6. (1 other version)An Invitation to Feminist Ethics.Hilde Lindemann (ed.) - 2005 - New York: McGraw-Hill.
    An Invitation to Feminist Ethics is a hospitable approach to the study of feminist moral theory and practice. Designed to be small enough to be used as a supplement to other books, it also provides the theoretical depth necessary for stand-alone use in courses in feminist ethics, feminist philosophy, and women's studies. The "overviews" section introduces important concepts in feminist ethical theory and contrasts that theory with the standard moral theories. The "close-ups" section looks at three topics--bioethics, violence, and the (...)
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  7.  73
    Holding and Letting Go: The Social Practice of Personal Identities.Hilde Lindemann - 2014 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This book explores the social practice of holding each other in our identities, beginning with pregnancy and on through the life span. Lindemann argues that our identities give us our sense of how to act and how to treat others, and that the ways in which we we hold each other in them is of crucial moral importance.
  8. Older peoples' attitudes towards euthanasia and an end-of-life pill in The Netherlands: 2001–2009.Hilde M. Buiting, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Dirk L. Knol, Jochen P. Ziegelmann, H. Roeline W. Pasman, Guy A. M. Widdershoven & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (5):267-273.
    Introduction With an ageing population, end-of-life care is increasing in importance. The present work investigated characteristics and time trends of older peoples' attitudes towards euthanasia and an end-of-life pill. Methods Three samples aged 64 years or older from the Longitudinal Ageing Study Amsterdam (N=1284 (2001), N=1303 (2005) and N=1245 (2008)) were studied. Respondents were asked whether they could imagine requesting their physician to end their life (euthanasia), or imagine asking for a pill to end their life if they became tired (...)
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  9.  18
    Registered nurses’ exposure to high stress of conscience in long-term care.Hilde Munkeby, Grete Bratberg & Siri Andreassen Devik - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1011-1024.
    Background In long-term care, registered nurses and other care providers often experience tensions between ideals and realities in the delivery of services, which can result in stress of conscience. Burnout, low quality of care and a tendency to leave the profession are perceived as consequences. Objectives This study aimed to identify the socio-demographic and work-related factors associated with a high level of stress of conscience, particularly between nursing occupations. Research design A cross-sectional survey was conducted among care providers who worked (...)
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  10.  77
    What Child Is This?Hilde Lindemann Nelson - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (6):29-38.
    If personhood involves the construction of a narrative identity, then what are we to say of someone who is seriously ill or disabled? How can her life have any narrative when she is unable to write one?
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  11.  12
    Ethiek in beweging: bewegen en ethiek in onderwijs, sport en gezondheidscentra.Hilde Bax & Anton van den Heuvel - 1999 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by Anton van den Heuvel.
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  12.  28
    Implicit visual learning and the expression of learning.Hilde Haider, Katharina Eberhardt, Alexander Kunde & Michael Rose - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):82-98.
    Although the existence of implicit motor learning is now widely accepted, the findings concerning perceptual implicit learning are ambiguous. Some researchers have observed perceptual learning whereas other authors have not. The review of the literature provides different reasons to explain this ambiguous picture, such as differences in the underlying learning processes, selective attention, or differences in the difficulty to express this knowledge. In three experiments, we investigated implicit visual learning within the original serial reaction time task. We used different response (...)
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  13. The agrarian roots of pragmatism / edited by Paul B. Thompson and Thomas C. Hilde.Paul B. Thompson & Thomas C. Hilde (eds.) - 2000 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    The essays in this volume critically analyze and revitalize agrarian philosophy by tracing its evolution in the classical American philosophy of key figures such as Franklin, Jefferson, Emerson, Thoreau, Dewey, and Royce.
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    Eine Reliquiennische in der Krypta auf dem Petersberg bei Fulda. Mit einem Anhang von FRIEDRICH OSWALD, Protokoll der Untersuchungen an der mittleren Westwand der Krypta von Petersberg am 27. Oktober 1970.Hilde Claussen - 1987 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 21 (1):245-273.
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    Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change.Hilde G. Corneliussen - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- Disrupting the Impression of Stability in the Gender-Technology Relation -- Changing Images of Computers and its Users since 1980 -- Discursive Developments Within Computer Education -- Variations in Gender-ICT Relations Among Male and Female Computer Students -- Stories About Individual Change and Transformation -- Layered Meanings and Differences Within -- Is there an Elsewhere? -- References -- Endnotes -- Index.
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    Frühneuhochdeutsche medizinische Fachprosa in Böhmen.Hilde-Marie Groß & Gundolf Keil - 2003 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 26 (2):143-143.
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  17.  47
    Italian models of Hogarth's picture stories.Hilde Kurz - 1952 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 15 (3/4):136-168.
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  18.  81
    The Museum in Transition: A Philosophical Perspective.Hilde S. Hein - 2000 - Smithsonian Institution.
    During the past thirty years, museums of all kinds have tried to become more responsive to the interests of a diverse public. With exhibitions becoming people-centered, idea-oriented, and contextualized, the boundaries between museums and the “real” world are eroding. Setting the transition from object-centered to story-centered exhibitions in a philosophical framework, Hilde S. Hein contends that glorifying the museum experience at the expense of objects deflects the museum's educative, ethical, and aesthetic roles. Referring to institutions ranging from art museums (...)
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  19.  81
    Counter the Counterstory.Hilde Lindemann - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (3).
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  20.  26
    What’s Gendered about Gender-Based Violence?: An Empirically Grounded Theoretical Exploration from Tanzania.Hilde Jakobsen - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (4):537-561.
    Violence is often considered gendered on the basis that it is violence against women. This assumption is evident both in “gender-based violence” interventions in Africa and in the argument that gender is irrelevant if violence is also perpetrated against men. This article examines the relation of partner violence not to biological sex, but to gender as conceptualized in feminist theory. It theorizes the role of gender as an analytical category in dominant social meanings of “wifebeating” in Tanzania by analyzing arguments (...)
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  21. (1 other version)The Atrocity Paradigm: A Theory of Evil.Hilde Lindemann Nelson - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (2):213-215.
  22.  35
    The Surrogate's Authority.Hilde Lindemann & James Lindemann Nelson - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (2):161-168.
    The authority of surrogates—often close family members—to make treatment decisions for previously capacitated patients is said to come from their knowledge of the patient, which they are to draw on as they exercise substituted judgment on the patient’s behalf. However, proxy accuracy studies call this authority into question, hence the Patient Preference Predictor (PPP). We identify two problems with contemporary understandings of the surrogate’s role. The first is with the assumption that knowledge of the patient entails knowledge of what the (...)
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  23.  26
    Preferences and Other Moral Sources.Hilde Lindemann Nelson & James Lindemann Nelson - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (6):19-21.
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  24.  20
    Special Issue of Hypatia.Hilde Hein & Carolyn Korsmeyer - 1990 - Hypatia 48 (4).
    This special issue was the first philosophy journal issue in English devoted to feminist perspectives in aesthetics. It was prompted by more than two decades of feminist scholarship in all academic disciplines that challenged the operations of gender in research and theory, prompting widespread examination of disciplinary assumptions and methods, new understandings of the histories of fields and their classic texts, and refinement of awareness of how scholarship retains gender bias. An expanded version of the journal resulted in the publication (...)
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  25.  66
    Formal models of “resource depletion”.Hilde M. Huizenga, Maurits W. van der Molen, Anika Bexkens & Wery Pm van den Wildenberg - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):694-695.
    The opportunity cost model (OCM) aims to explain various phenomena, among which the finding that performance degrades if executive functions are used repeatedly (). We argue that an OCM account of resource depletion requires two unlikely assumptions, and we discuss an alternative that does not require these assumptions. This alternative model describes the interplay between executive function and motivation.
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  26.  37
    Is the unconscious, if it exists, a superior decision maker?Hilde M. Huizenga, Anna C. K. van Duijvenvoorde, Don van Ravenzwaaij, Ruud Wetzels & Brenda R. J. Jansen - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):32-33.
  27. British Analytical Philosophy.Hilde Ishiguro - 1966 - London: : Routledge & K Paul,.
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  28. (1 other version)Imagination.Hilde Ishiguro - 1966 - In British Analytical Philosophy. London: : Routledge & K Paul,.
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  29. Complete Life in the Eudemian Ethics.Hilde Vinje - 2023 - Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 53 (2):299–323.
    In the Eudemian Ethics II 1, 1219a34–b8, Aristotle defines happiness as ‘the activity of a complete life in accordance with complete virtue’. Most scholars interpret a complete life as a whole lifetime, which means that happiness involves virtuous activity over an entire life. This article argues against this common reading by using Aristotle’s notion of ‘activity’ (energeia) as a touchstone. It argues that happiness, according to the Eudemian Ethics, must be a complete activity that reaches its end at any and (...)
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  30.  78
    (1 other version)Holding one another (well, wrongly, clumsily) in a time of dementia.Hilde Lindemann - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (3-4):416-424.
    This essay takes a close look at a species of care that is particularly needed by people with progressive dementias but that has not been much discussed in the bioethics literature: the activity of holding the person in her or his identity. It presses the claim that close family members have a special responsibility to hold on to the demented person's identity for her or him, and offers some criteria for doing this morally well or badly. Finally, it considers how (...)
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  31.  63
    Retailer-driven agricultural restructuring—Australia, the UK and Norway in comparison.Carol Richards, Hilde Bjørkhaug, Geoffrey Lawrence & Emmy Hickman - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (2):235-245.
    In recent decades, the governance of food safety, food quality, on-farm environmental management and animal welfare has been shifting from the realm of ‘the government’ to that of the private sector. Corporate entities, especially the large supermarkets, have responded to neoliberal forms of governance and the resultant ‘hollowed-out’ state by instituting private standards for food, backed by processes of certification and policed through systems of third party auditing. Today’s food regime is one in which supermarkets impose ‘private standards’ along the (...)
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  32.  30
    Stories and their limits: narrative approaches to bioethics.Hilde Lindemann (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Narratives have always played a prominent role in both bioethics and medicine; the fields have attracted much storytelling, ranging from great literature to humbler stories of sickness and personal histories. And all bioethicists work with cases--from court cases that shape policy matters to case studies that chronicle sickness. But how useful are these various narratives for sorting out moral matters? What kind of ethical work can stories do--and what are the limits to this work? The new essays in Stories and (...)
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  33. Holding on to Edmund: the relational work of identity.Hilde Lindemann - 2008 - In Hilde Lindemann, Marian Verkerk & Margaret Urban Walker, Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 65--79.
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  34. The endurance of the mechanism—vitalism controversy.Hilde Hein - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (1):159-188.
  35.  50
    Religiousness in First-Episode Psychosis.Hilde Hanevik, Knut A. Hestad, Lars Lien, Inge Joa, Tor Ketil Larsen & Lars Johan Danbolt - 2017 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 39 (2):139-164.
    _ Source: _Volume 39, Issue 2, pp 139 - 164 The aim of the present study is to explore the significance of religiousness for patients suffering from first-episode psychosis. Our study is a thematic analysis. The study illustrates how the patients understood their hallucinations as mystical experiences. Even so, many of the patients describe their religiousness to be helpful in coping with their disorder, giving meaning to life as well as a relationship to a sacred figure. However, their religiousness often (...)
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  36.  17
    The Patient in the Family: An Ethics of Medicine and Families.Hilde Lindemann Nelson & James Lindemann Nelson - 1995 - New York: Routledge. Edited by James Lindemann Nelson.
    The Patient in the Family diagnoses the ways in which the worlds of home and hospital misunderstand each other. The authors explore how medicine, through its new reproductive technologies, is altering the stucture of families, how families can participate more fully in medical decision-making, and how to understand the impact on families of medical advances to extend life but not vitality.
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  37.  98
    An old problem: How can we distinguish between conscious and unconscious knowledge acquired in an implicit learning task?Hilde Haider, Alexandra Eichler & Thorsten Lange - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):658-672.
    A long lasting debate in the field of implicit learning is whether participants can learn without acquiring conscious knowledge. One crucial problem is that no clear criterion exists allowing to identify participants who possess explicit knowledge. Here, we propose a method to diagnose during a serial reaction time task those participants who acquire conscious knowledge. We first validated this method by using Stroop-like material during training. Then we assessed participants’ knowledge with the Inclusion/Exclusion task and the wagering task . Both (...)
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  38. Seier gjennom nederlag.Hilde Vinje - 2017 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 52 (4):146-159.
    This paper is a revised version of the essay that won the Zapffe Prize in 2017. -/- In «The Last Messiah» and On the tragic, Peter Wessel Zapffe suggests that humankind should cease to reproduce, as the meaning of life cannot be found and human life at its best is tragic. The theory has been criticized for assuming that the meaning of life must be explained by an external cause and implicitly asks for an infinite causal chain. In this paper, (...)
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  39. Equality of opportunity and opportunity dominance.Matthias Hild & Alex Voorhoeve - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):117-145.
    All conceptions of equal opportunity draw on some distinction between morally justified and unjustified inequalities. We discuss how this distinction varies across a range of philosophical positions. We find that these positions often advance equality of opportunity in tandem with distributive principles based on merit, desert, consequentialist criteria or individuals' responsibility for outcomes. The result of this amalgam of principles is a festering controversy that unnecessarily diminishes the widespread acceptability of opportunity concerns. We therefore propose to restore the conceptual separation (...)
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  40. Identity and free agency.Hilde Lindemann Nelson - 2001 - In Peggy Desautels, Joanne Waugh, Margaret Urban Walker, Uma Narayan, Diana Tietjens Meyers & Hilde Lindemann Nelson, Feminists Doing Ethics. Feminist Constructions.
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    Auto-epistemology and updating.Matthias Hild - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):321-361.
  42.  15
    Distributional Justice: Theory and Measurement.Hilde Bojer - 2003 - Psychology Press.
    Introducing the main theories of distributional justice the book covers utilitarianism and welfare economics, moving on to Rawls's social contract and the Sen/Nussbaum capability approach with a refreshingly readable style. There is a chapter covering the position of mothers and children in theories of justice. The book then studies empirical methods used in analysing the distribution of economic goods, covering Lorenz curves and inequality measures. The concepts of income, wealth and economic goods are comprehensively discussed, with a particular view to (...)
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    55 John Rawls.Hilde Bojer - 2009 - In Jan Peil & Irene van Staveren, Handbook of economics and ethics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 426.
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    Fragments of illness: The Death of a Beekeeper as a literary case study of cancer.Hilde Bondevik, Knut Stene-Johansen & Rolf Ahlzén - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):275-283.
    The first decisive steps of medicine towards becoming a science in its present shape happen to coincide with “the rise of the novel” in the eighteenth century. Before this well known and in our days still growing scientific specialization of medicine, the connections between literature and medicine were both many and close. By reading and analyzing a contemporary novel, The Death of a Beekeeper by the Swedish author Lars Gustafsson (1978), this article is an attempt to explore to which extent (...)
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    Editorial: Special issue HAIS19-IGPL.Hilde Pérez García, Lidia Sánchez González, Manuel Castejón Limas, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):563-565.
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  46. Worker Bees and Slave Labor.Hilde Hein - 2017 - In Stefano Gattei & Nimrod Bar-Am, Encouraging Openness: Essays for Joseph Agassi on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    For Your Eyes Only: A Field Experiment on Nudging Hygienic Behavior.Hilde Mobekk, Dag Olav Hessen, Asle Fagerstrøm & Hanne Jacobsen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    These days many gyms and fitness centers are closed to reduce transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in society. The gym is an environment rich in microorganisms, and careful hygiene is a necessity to keep infections at bay. Exercise centers strive for better hygiene compliance among their members. This effort has become essential in light of the current pandemic. Several experimental studies show that others’ physical presence, or the “illusion” of being watched, may alter behavior. This article reports on a natural (...)
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  48.  35
    The generation of conscious awareness in an incidental learning situation.Hilde Haider & Peter A. Frensch - 2005 - Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung 69 (5):399-411.
  49.  18
    Meanings of troubled conscience in nursing homes: nurses’ lived experience.Hilde Munkeby, Grete Bratberg & Siri A. Devik - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):20-31.
    Background: Troubled conscience among nurses and other healthcare workers represents a significant contributor to healthcare worker moral distress, burnout and attrition. While research in this area has examined critical care in hospitals, less knowledge has been obtained from long-term care contexts such as nursing homes, despite widely recognised challenges with regard to vulnerable patients, increasing workload and maintaining workforce sustainability among nurses. Objective: The aim of this study was to illuminate and interpret the meaning of the lived experience of troubled (...)
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  50.  33
    (1 other version)Autonomy, Beneficence, and Gezelligheid: Lessons in Moral Theory from the Dutch.Hilde Lindemann - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):39-45.
    American bioethicists lack the theoretical resources to work in cross‐cultural settings. All we have are two approaches to ethics—principles vs. narratives—that are mostly at odds, and neither of which is up to the job. If moral principles are too abstract to be useful, and if stories cannot provide moral authority, then where do we find our moral norms?
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