Results for 'Hilary Thomas'

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  1.  99
    On the CPT theorem.Hilary Greaves & Teruji Thomas - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 45:46-65.
    We provide a careful development and rigorous proof of the CPT theorem within the framework of mainstream quantum field theory. This is in contrast to the usual rigorous proofs in purely axiomatic frameworks, and non-rigorous proof-sketches in the mainstream approach. We construct the CPT transformation for a general field directly, without appealing to the enumerative classification of representations, and in a manner that is clearly related to the requirements of our proof. Our approach applies equally in Minkowski spacetimes of any (...)
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    Maintaining underclasses via contrastive judgement: Can inclusive education ever happen?Hilary Cremin & Gary Thomas - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (4):431-446.
    Borrowing from epidemiological and economic analysis, we argue that the central constructs by which children are judged educationally rest in contrastive judgements and that such judgements are based on 'everyday' constructs - not objective descriptors. But because these everyday constructs become seemingly objectified by the procedures and discourses of education, they appear reliable and objective. The insistent process of contrastive judgement based on these everyday constructs has its result in cohorts of children forever being judged unfavourably next to others. A (...)
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    (1 other version)On the desire to make a difference.Hilary Greaves, Teruji Thomas, Andreas Mogensen & William MacAskill - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1599-1626.
    True benevolence is, most fundamentally, a desire that the world be better. It is natural and common, however, to frame thinking about benevolence indirectly, in terms of a desire to make a difference to how good the world is. This would be an innocuous shift if desires to make a difference were extensionally equivalent to desires that the world be better. This paper shows that at least on some common ways of making a “desire to make a difference” precise, this (...)
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    Reimagining Thriving Ethics Programs without Ethics Committees.Hilary Mabel, Joshua S. Crites, Thomas V. Cunningham & Jordan Potter - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    With the increasing professionalization of clinical ethics, some hospitals and health systems utilize both ethics committees and professional clinical ethicists to address their ethics needs. Drawing upon historical critiques of ethics committees and their own experiences, the authors argue that, in ethics programs with one or more professional clinical ethicists, ethics committees should be dissolved when they fail to meet minimum standards of effectiveness. The authors outline several criteria for assessing effectiveness, describe the benefits of a model that places primary (...)
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    In the queue for total joint replacement: patients' perspectives on waiting times.Hilary A. Llewellyn-Thomas, Rena Arshinoff, Mary Bell, J. Ivan Williams & C. David Naylor - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (1):63-74.
  6.  25
    The burden of waiting for hip and knee replacements in Ontario.J. Ivan Williams, Hilary Llewellyn‐Thomas, Rena Arshinoff & C. David Naylor - 1997 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 3 (1):59-68.
  7.  33
    Science review in research ethics committees: Double jeopardy?Stephen Humphreys, Hilary Thomas & Robyn Martin - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (4):227-237.
    Research ethics committees ‘(RECs) members’ perceptions of their role in regard to the science of research proposals are discussed. Our study, which involved the interviewing of 20 participants from amongst the UK’s independent (Phase I) ethics committees, revealed that the members consider that it is the role of the REC to examine and approve the scientific adequacy of the research – and this notwithstanding the fact that a more competent body will already have done this and even when that other (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Hilary Kornblith, Yehuda E. Kalay, Deborah A. Gagnon, Thomas J. Shuell, K. Nicholas Leibovic & Hans Berliner - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (2):239-252.
  9. Interdisciplinary approaches to the phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucinations.Angela Woods, Nev Jones, Marco Bernini, Felicity Callard, Ben Alderson-Day, Johanna Badcock, Vaughn Bell, Chris Cook, Thomas Csordas, Clara Humpston, Joel Krueger, Frank Laroi, Simon McCarthy-Jones, Peter Moseley, Hilary Powell & Andrea Raballo - 2014 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 40:S246-S254.
    Despite the recent proliferation of scientific, clinical, and narrative accounts of auditory verbal hallucinations, the phenomenology of voice hearing remains opaque and undertheorized. In this article, we outline an interdisciplinary approach to understanding hallucinatory experiences which seeks to demonstrate the value of the humanities and social sciences to advancing knowledge in clinical research and practice. We argue that an interdisciplinary approach to the phenomenology of AVH utilizes rigorous and context-appropriate methodologies to analyze a wider range of first-person accounts of AVH (...)
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    Mind, body and world in the philosophy of Hilary Putnam.Hilary Putnam & Léo Peruzzo - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):211-216.
    O artigo visa analisar, em linhas gerais, a arqueologia do sujeito operada por Alain de Libera, o que será feito pela concentração no estudo de duas teses fundamentais: Descartes chegou ao sujeito menos por reflexão e mais por refração, em seu debate com Hobbes e Regius, ao tentar escapar da redução do indivíduo à vida corporal e, portanto, à passividade; Tomás de Aquino e Pedro de João Olivi teriam sido os responsáveis por dar certo acabamento a uma temática elaborada desde (...)
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    Storer Thomas. On defining ‘soluble’ – reply to Bergmann. Analysis , vol. 14 no. 5 , pp. 123–126.Hilary Putnam - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):75-76.
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    Hilary of Poitiers on the inter-Trinitarian Relation of the Son and the Holy Spirit.Thomas Crean - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):385-405.
    Given the authority accorded to Hilary of Poitiers by ecumenical councils of the 1st millennium, it is of interest to determine his teaching about the disputed question of the eternal relation of the Son and the Holy Spirit. The question is complex, partly because it is one that Hilary in most cases touches upon only indirectly, when arguing for the divinity of the Son, and partly because the meaning of the relevant passages, even on the level of Latin (...)
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  13. The Greek philosophical background of the psychology of St. Thomas.Arthur Hilary Armstrong - 1952 - [London]: Blackfriars.
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    The Renaissance Drama of Knowledge: Giordano Bruno in England.Hilary Gatti - 1989 - Routledge.
    Giordano Bruno’s visit to Elizabethan England in the 1580s left its imprint on many fields of contemporary culture, ranging from the newly-developing science, the philosophy of knowledge and language, to the extraordinary flowering of Elizabethan poetry and drama. This book explores Bruno's influence on English figures as different as the ninth Earl of Northumberland, Thomas Harriot, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. Originally published in 1989, it is of interest to students and teachers of history of ideas, cultural history, European (...)
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  15. The Multiple Realization Book.Thomas W. Polger & Lawrence A. Shapiro - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Lawrence A. Shapiro.
    Since Hilary Putnam offered multiple realization as an empirical hypothesis in the 1960s, philosophical consensus has turned against the idea that mental processes are identifiable with brain processes, and multiple realization has become the keystone of the 'antireductive consensus' across philosophy of science. Thomas W. Polger and Lawrence A. Shapiro offer the first book-length investigation of multiple realization, which serves as a starting point to a series of philosophically sophisticated and empirically informed arguments that cast doubt on the (...)
  16. Aristotle, Plotinus & St. Thomas.Arthur Hilary Armstong - 1946 - Oxford,: Blackfriars.
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  17. Putnam's intuition.Thomas W. Polger - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (2):143-70.
    Multiple realizability has recently attractedrenewed attention, for example Bickle, 1998;Bechtel and Mundale, 1999; Bechtel and McCauley,1999; Heil, 1999; and Sober, 1999. Many of thesewriters revisit the topic of multiplerealizability in order to show that someversion of a mind-brain identity theory isviable. Although there is much of value inthese recent explorations, they do not addressthe underlying intuitions that have vexedphilosophers of mind since Hilary Putnamintroduced the concern (1967). I argue that thestandard way of construing multiplerealizability is a much stronger claim (...)
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  18. Natural Minds.Thomas W. Polger - 2004 - Bradford.
    In Natural Minds Thomas Polger advocates, and defends, the philosophical theory that mind equals brain -- that sensations are brain processes -- and in doing so brings the mind-brain identity theory back into the philosophical debate about consciousness. The version of identity theory that Polger advocates holds that conscious processes, events, states, or properties are type- identical to biological processes, events, states, or properties -- a "tough-minded" account that maintains that minds are necessarily indentical to brains, a position held (...)
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    Hilary Bok freedom and responsibility. (Princeton NJ: Princeton university press, 1998). 220pp. [REVIEW]Thomas Pink - 2000 - Religious Studies 36 (1):107-121.
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    I think, therefore I draw: understanding philosophy through cartoons.Thomas Cathcart - 2018 - New York: Penguin Books.
    A hilarious new exploration of philosophy through cartoons from the duo who brought you the New York Times bestselling Plato and a Platypus Walk Into A Bar... Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klien have been thinking deep thoughts and writing jokes for decades, and now they are here to help us understand Philosophy through cartoons, and cartoons through Philosophy. Covering topics as diverse as religion, gender, knowledge, morality, and the meaning of life (or the lack thereof), I Think, Therefore I (...)
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  21. Testimony, memory and the limits of the a priori.David Christensen & Hilary Kornblith - 1997 - Philosophical Studies 86 (1):1-20.
    A number of philosophers, from Thomas Reid1 through C. A. J. Coady2, have argued that one is justified in relying on the testimony of others, and furthermore, that this should be taken as a basic epistemic presumption. If such a general presumption were not ultimately dependent on evidence for the reliability of other people, the ground for this presumption would be a priori. Such a presumption would then have a status like that which Roderick Chisholm claims for the epistemic (...)
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  22.  10
    Review of The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other essays, by Hilary Putnam. [REVIEW]Thomas Keith - 2005 - Essays in Philosophy 6 (1):270-272.
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    Erkenntnistheorie. Positionen zwischen Tradition und Gegenwart.Thomas Grundmann (ed.) - 2001 - mentis.
    Wie sieht die korrekte Struktur der Rechtfertigung menschlichen Wissens aus? Welches sind ihre legitimen Quellen? Wie groß ist der Umfang unserer gerechtfertigten Meinungen? Von der normativen Erkenntnistheorie erhoffen wir uns Antworten auf diese und ähnliche Fragen. Allzu oft wird dabei übersehen, daß die Antworten ganz entscheidend davon abhängen, was wir unter 'Rechtfertigung' verstehen. Mit den Beiträgen einer internationalen Autorenschaft möchte das Buch durch die Konfrontation der traditionellen Erkenntnistheorie mit ihren Gegnern die versteckten Prämissen und Implikationen der traditionellen Perspektive transparenter machen. (...)
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  24. Philosophy of Perception and Liberal Naturalism.Thomas Raleigh - 2022 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Liberal Naturalism. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 299-319.
    This chapter considers how Liberal Naturalism interacts with the main problems and theories in the philosophy of perception. After briefly summarising the traditional philosophical problems of perception and outlining the standard philosophical theories of perceptual experience, it discusses whether a Liberal Naturalist outlook should incline one towards or away from any of these standard theories. Particular attention is paid to the work of John McDowell and Hilary Putnam, two of the most prominent Liberal Naturalists, whose work was also very (...)
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    The Development of the Peace of God in Aquitaine (970–1005).Thomas Head - 1999 - Speculum 74 (3):656-686.
    “Splendid is the name of peace.” So begins the conciliar decree issued by five Aquitanian bishops meeting in synod at Poitiers sometime around, and quite probably in, the year 1000. The phrase had particular meaning and authority for tenth-century Aquitanian bishops, since it was borrowed from a letter by Hilary, the famed fourth-century bishop of Poitiers. The bishops went on to assert that they were meeting “for the restoration of peace and justice” in condemning, among other offenses, attacks on (...)
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    The heart of awareness: a translation of the Ashtavakra Gita.Thomas Byrom (ed.) - 1990 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Wolf Haas' Detective Brenner series has become wildly popular around the world for a reason: They're timely, edgy stories told in a wry, quirky voice that's often hilarious, and with a protagonist it's hard not to love. In this episode, Brenner-forced out of the police force-tries to get away from detective work by taking a job as the personal chauffeur for two-year-old Helena, the daughter of a Munich construction giant and a Viennese abortion doctor. One day, while Brenner's attention is (...)
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    The Controversy on Methusalem's Death.Thomas O'loughlin - 1995 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 62:182-225.
    From, at least, the mid-fourth century until the mid-fifth-century AD a controversy concerning a seemingly trivial fact engaged Christian scholars: when did Methuselah die? Although most of the major Latin fathers were drawn into the fray — and echoes of the debate continued in Latin exegesis for another five centuries — this controversy has escaped historians and is today unknown. So this paper has a double task. First, uncover from its remnants what we can know of this problem that elicited (...)
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    Beauty and belief: Aesthetics and religion in Victorian literature : Hilary Fraser , xii + 282 pp., £25.00. [REVIEW]Thomas William Heyck - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (6):767-768.
  29. Identity, variability, and multiple realization in the special sciences.Lawrence A. Shapiro & Thomas W. Polger - 2012 - In Simone Gozzano & Christopher S. Hill (eds.), New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 264.
    Issues of identity and reduction have monopolized much of the philosopher of mind’s time over the past several decades. Interestingly, while investigations of these topics have proceeded at a steady rate, the motivations for doing so have shifted. When the early identity theorists, e.g. U. T. Place ( 1956 ), Herbert Feigl ( 1958 ), and J. J. C. Smart ( 1959 , 1961 ), fi rst gave voice to the idea that mental events might be identical to brain processes, (...)
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  30. I forgot how hilarious Nietzsche is":,Politischer' Nietzsche bei der internationalen,Neuen Rechten' als Figuration des,Unpolitischen' bei Thomas Mann.Julian Reidy - 2021 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Markus Winkler (eds.), Nietzsche, Das ›Barbarische‹ Und Die ›Rasse‹. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Thomas Reid's “Inquiry”: The Geometry of Visibles and The Case for Realism Norman Daniels Foreword by Hilary Putnam Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989. Pp. xix, 160. $35.00. [REVIEW]D. D. Todd - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (4):671-.
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    The Summa Contra Gentiles Reconsidered: On the Contribution of the de Trinitate of Hilary of Poitiers.Joseph Wawrykow - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):617-634.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES RECONSIDERED: ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE DE TRINITATE OF HILARY OF POITIERS JOSEPH WAWRYKOW University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 0 NE OF THE most difficult and puzzling of Aquinas's works, the Summa contra Gentiles, has occasioned much controversy among scholars.1 Who are the gentiles against whom Thomas is writing? Is the work principally philosophical or theological in character? Why has (...) delayed discussion of the central Christian truths of Trinity and Incarnation to the fourth and final book of the contra Gentiles? How much credence should be given to the slightly later story (that is, post-Thomas) that Thomas composed the Summa contra Gentiles for "missionary purposes"?-these, and other such questions, have exercised the imagination of numerous students of Aquinas. In the recent literature, Mark Jordan's " The Protreptic Structure of the Summa contra Gentiles,, without doubt offers the most 1 Thomas Aquinas, Liber de Veritate Catholicae Fidei contra errores Infidelium seu 'Summa contra Geiitiles' Vols. II-III. Edited by C. Pera, P. Marc and P. Caramello (Turin: Marietti, 1961). References to the ScG list the book, chapter, and section numbers according to the Marietti edition. P. Marc in Volume I of this edition (Turin: Marietti, 1967), provides an indispensable introduction to the principal issues in the scholarship, with a strong emphasis on the problem of dating; see especially chapter I, article 3. For an English translation, see A. Pegis et al., Summa contra Gentiles, Vols. IIV (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1975). I would like to express my gratitude to the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, for a summer stipend that has supported the writing of this atricle. 617 618 JOSEPH WAWRYKOW innovative and promising approach to this controversial work.2 Jordan has raised the study of the contra Gentiles to a new level by identifying its genre through careful analysis. As his title indicates, for Jordan Thomas's Summa contra Gentiles is a protreptic work, an invitation to wisdom, to be precise, an invitation to Christian wisdom. Issued by one Christian to other Christians, the contra Gentiles in this view is a recommendation of the more serious and sustained pursuit of the Christian form of life, a recommendation that includes in its survey of the different layers of Christian wisdom the depiction of the failings of alternative, non-Christian, versions of truth.3 In the hands of Aquinas, this protreptic, moreover, itself becomes a schooling in wisdom (Jordan, p. 209) : in following Thomas in the numerous discrete arguments that constitute the contra Gentiles, the Christian reader will in fact become imbued in Christian wisdom, thus anticipating in the present life the completion of this pursuit of wisdom that will be provided in the beatific vision in the next. Jordan's is a powerful study and, on the basis of its structural observations about the contra Gentiles, both large and local, would seem in its core insight to be fundamentally correct. His recognition of the protreptic structure permits a balanced assessment of the traditional questions addressed to the contra Gentiles (for details, see the article), while highlighting the positive, Christian-theological intentions of Aquinas in composing this work. Yet, by observing two points at which his analysis flags, it will be possible to add to Jordan's genuine contribution. The first of these observations concerns Jordan's treatment of 2 Mark D. Jordan, "The Protreptic Structure of the Summa contra Gentiles," The Thomist 50 (1986) : 173-209. I have benefitted greatly from extended conversations with Professor Jordan about his work on the contra Gentiles. 3 Jordan specifies the term "protreptic" as follows (p. 192): "A protreptic was originally a persuasion to the study and practice of some art or skill; for philosophic writers, it became an exhortation to the practice of the philosophic art, which required virtues of inquiry and contemplation." Later (p. 194), Jordan indicates the ways in which Thomas has transformed ancient protreptic in offering this Christian protreptic. HILARY'S DE TRINITATE AND AQUINAS 619 Aquinas's approach to scripture in the fourth book of the Summa contra Gentiles. That the analysis of Thomas's approach here to scripture needs... (shrink)
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    Meaning changes: a study of Thomas Kuhn's philosophy.Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2008 - Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
    Thomas Kuhn with his classic The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is one of the most influential and widely read philosophers of the 20th century. Kuhn's claim that the meanings of scientific terms change is often taken to be refuted by recent advances in the philosophy of language. Meaning Changes challenges this interpretation showing that meaning change in Kuhn has multiple aspects: Semantic, mental and historical. The author describes the traditional view with clarity, but demonstrates that Kuhn's idea stems from (...)
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    Concepts, Beings, and Things in Contemporary Philosophy and Thomas Aquinas.John O’Callaghan - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):69 - 98.
    IN THIS PAPER I WANT TO ADDRESS the metaphysical status of concepts in Thomas Aquinas. The need to do so is raised by contemporary criticism of Aristotelian reflections upon how language “hooks up with the world.” Many contemporary philosophers, following upon the later Wittgenstein think that in the opening passages of the De interpretatione Aristotle provides a very bad “theory” of semantic relations, when he sketches how words are related to things via the mind. It is a bad “theory” (...)
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    Incommensurability of Theories as Incompatibility of Taxonomic Categories.Александра Александровна Аргамакова - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (3):102-121.
    This article explores the explanation of incommensurable theories as alternative conceptual schemes based on different categorical or taxonomic structures. The concept of incommensurability, which is a cornerstone of the late philosophy of Thomas Kuhn, is elucidated, reflecting his approach to avoid assessing the history of science in terms of the truth and falsity of scientific paradigms. It is shown how Kuhn has combined Frege – Russell’s descriptivist semantics and the causal theory of reference by Hilary Putnam and Saul (...)
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    Retroactivity in Science: Latour, Žižek, Kuhn.Graham Harman - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):25-47.
    This article discusses three recent philosophers who speak in different ways about the retroactive construction of reality by human knowledge. Bruno Latour unapologetically claims that the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II could not have died of tuberculosis, as determined by a team of French doctors in 1976, since this disease was not discovered until three thousand years after his death. Slavoj Žižek often makes comparable arguments, though his version of retroactivity draws on both psychoanalysis and dialectics in a way that is (...)
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    O Relativismo Cognitivo é Autorrefutante?Robinson Guitarrari - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (1):139-158.
    RESUMO: Hilary Putnam procurou solapar o relativismo cognitivo, mediante acusações de incoerência autodestrutiva. A concepção de Thomas Kuhn de desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico ocupa um lugar de destaque nesse empreendimento crítico, e a incomensurabilidade entre paradigmas rivais constitui o núcleo da disputa. Putnam afirmou que a incomensurabilidade é autorrefutante, levando em conta apenas sua dimensão semântica. Este artigo examina essa investida antirrelativista. Considero dois sentidos de autorrefutação, o material e o formal, e defendo que essa acusação não atinge (...)
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    Interpretación, Traducción y Comunicación, Variedades de la Inconmensurabilidad.Pablo Melogno - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 18:87-111.
    En 1983 Thomas Kuhn introdujo la distinción entre interpretación y traducción, con el propósito de fortalecer la tesis de la inconmensurabilidad y responder a objeciones formuladas por Donald Davidson y Hilary Putnam. A partir de este contexto de debate, este trabajo revisa la distinción kuhniana con el objetivo de explorar las conexiones que pueden establecerse entre las teorías rivales y las comunidades científicas que las defienden. Para ello examino el papel de la traducción, la interpretación y la comunicación (...)
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  39. Philosophy of Mathematics.Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (3):488-489.
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  40. The Semantics of Divine Esse in Boethius.Elliot Polsky - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1215-1264.
    Boethius identifies God both with esse ipsum and esse suum. This paper explains Boethius's general semantic use of "esse" and the application of this use to God. It questions the helpfulness of attributing to Boethius "existence" words and argues for a more robust role in Boethius’s thought for Hilary of Poitiers’s and Augustine’s exegeses of Exodus 3:14-15 than has been acknowledged in recent scholarship.
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    The Cambridge history of later Greek and early medieval philosophy.Arthur Hilary Armstrong (ed.) - 1967 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    Surveys philosophy from the neo-Platonists to St. Anselm, showing how Greek philosophy took the form in which it was known to its cultural inheritors and how ...
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  42. The Illiads, and Odysses of Homer translated out of Greek into English by Thomas.Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - In The collected works of Thomas Hobbes. London: Routledge Thoemmes Press.
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    Reading Putnam.Peter Clark & Bob Hale (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    From the philosophy of mind and language, through physics and mathematics, to the philosophy of the human sciences, morality and religion, there is almost no area of philosophy to which Hilary Putnam has not made highly original and influential contributions. This wide-ranging collection of papers provides a critical assessment and exploration of Putnam's Seminal Work. Written by Philosophers themselves well known for their work in the field, each essay bears witness to the continuing influence and importance of Putnam's thought. (...)
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  44. Philosophy, theology and interpretation.Arthur Hilary Armstrong - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes (ed.), Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Literature in Mind: H. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad Scientist.Anne Stiles - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):317-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature in MindH. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad ScientistAnne StilesIn 1893, H. G. Wells's article "Man of the Year Million" dramatically predicted the distant evolutionary future of mankind:The descendents of man will nourish themselves by immersion in nutritive fluid. They will have enormous brains, liquid, soulful eyes, and large hands, on which they will hop. No craggy nose will they have, no vestigial ears; their mouths (...)
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    A Computing Procedure for Quantification Theory.Martin Davis & Hilary Putnam - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (1):125-126.
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    Transzendenz im Plural: Schleiermacher und die Kunst der Moderne (Schleiermacher-Lecture, Berlin 2019).Thomas Erne - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Thomas Erne entfaltet im Anschluss an Schleiermachers Ästhetik das Verhältnis von Kunst und Religion. Dabei nimmt er über Schleiermacher hinaus auch die moderne, autonome Kunst in Blick. Im Dialog mit exemplarischen Kunstwerken der Gegenwart fragt er nach Transzendenzerfahrungen in der Gegenwartskunst, in der die Kunstwerke selbst zu,,autonomen Sinndomänen" werden. Der Band dokumentiert die Schleiermacher-Lecture 2019 an der Theologischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Im Rahmen dieser Reihe sollen ausgewählte Aspekte von Schleiermachers Werk mit Fragen und Problemkonstellationen der Gegenwart in (...)
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    (1 other version)On the notational independence of various hierarchies of degrees of unsolvability.Gustav Hensel & Hilary Putnam - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):69-86.
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    Distance Teaching for the Third World: The Lion and the Clockwork Mouse.Michael Young, Hilary Perraton, Janet Jenkins & Tony Dodds - 2010 - Routledge.
    This reissue, first published in 1980, is based on the experiences of the International Extension College in developing distance teaching. The volume begins by reviewing the world problems of educational quality and quantity, and then examines the ways in which print, broadcasts and group study have been used to train teachers, to improve classroom education, to teach by correspondence out of school, and to support rural development. It then considers how that experience can be used, perhaps by creating a network (...)
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    Wolf Hall and moral personhood.Nora Hämäläinen - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):197-207.
    Can a good man do evil things? This paper offers a moral philosophical reading of Hilary Mantel’s novels Wolf Hall and Bring up the bodies, focusing on Mantel’s fictional portrayal of Thomas Cromwell as a good person, in spite of his growing involvement in the dirty work of Henry VIII. The narrative resists interpretations of Cromwell as someone corrupted by power. It also thwarts attempts to read his deeds as results of a deficient capacity for sympathetic imagination, which (...)
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