Results for 'Robyn Martin'

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  1. Understanding Minds and Understanding Communicated Meanings in Schizophrenia.Robyn Langdon, Martin Davies & Max Coltheart - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (1‐2):68-104.
    The work reported in this paper investigated the putative functional dependence of pragmatic language skills on general mind‐reading capacity by testing theory‐of‐mind abilities and understanding of non‐literal speech in patients with schizophrenia and in healthy controls. Patients showed difficulties with inferring mental states on a false‐belief picture‐sequencing task and with understanding metaphors and irony on a story‐comprehension task. These difficulties were independent of low verbal IQ and a more generalised problem inhibiting prepotent information. Understanding of metaphors and understanding of irony (...)
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  2. Monothematic Delusions: Towards a Two-Factor Account.Martin Davies, Max Coltheart, Robyn Langdon & Nora Breen - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (2):133-158.
    Article copyright 2002. We provide a battery of examples of delusions against which theoretical accounts can be tested. Then we identify neuropsychological anomalies that could produce the unusual experiences that may lead, in turn, to the delusions in our battery. However, we argue against Maher's view that delusions are false beliefs that arise as normal responses to anomalous experiences. We propose, instead, that a second factor is required to account for the transition from unusual experience to delusional belief. The second (...)
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    Outcome-focused judgements of moral dilemmas in schizophrenia.Jonathan McGuire, Martin Brüne & Robyn Langdon - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 52:21-31.
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    Science review in research ethics committees: Double jeopardy?Stephen Humphreys, Hilary Thomas & Robyn Martin - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (4):227-237.
    Research ethics committees ‘(RECs) members’ perceptions of their role in regard to the science of research proposals are discussed. Our study, which involved the interviewing of 20 participants from amongst the UK’s independent (Phase I) ethics committees, revealed that the members consider that it is the role of the REC to examine and approve the scientific adequacy of the research – and this notwithstanding the fact that a more competent body will already have done this and even when that other (...)
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  5. Reviewers of Submitted Papers During 1993.Jody Azzouni, Emmon Bach, Chris Barker, Wojciech Buzkowski, Robyn Carsten, Gennaro Chierchia, Max Cresswell, Mary Dalrymple & Martin Davies - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16:655-556.
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    Detention and the Evolving Threat of Tuberculosis: Evidence, Ethics, and Law.Richard Coker, Marianna Thomas, Karen Lock & Robyn Martin - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):609-615.
    The issue of detention as a tuberculosis control measure has resurfaced following the prolonged detention of a patient with an extensively drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis in a prison cell in Arizona, and the attempted detention in Italy and subsequent detention in Atlanta, Georgia of an American sufferer thought to have XDR-TB in May 2007. These cases have reignited the debate over the evidence that supports detention policy in the control of tuberculosis, and its associated legal and ethical ramifications. This paper (...)
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    Revising Reasons Reactivity: Weakly and Strongly Sufficient Reasons for Acting.Robyn Repko Waller - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):529-543.
    In Responsibility and Control: A Theory of Moral Responsibility John Martin Fischer and Mark Ravizza propose an account of moral responsibility according to which an agent is morally responsible for an action just when that action is the product of her own moderately reasons-responsive mechanism, where reasons-responsiveness is explained in terms of the mechanism’s regular reasons-receptivity and weak reasons-reactivity. In a review of Fischer and Ravizza’s book Mele contends that their weakly reasons-reactivity condition is inadequate, constructing a case in (...)
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    Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learning.Martin Zettersten & Gary Lupyan - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104135.
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  9. Language, thought, and the language of thought (aunty's own argument revisited).Martin Davies - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher, Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 226.
    In this chapter, I shall be examining an argument for the language of thought hypothesis.
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    Exploring the mechanisms behind farmers’ perceptions of nutrient loss risk.Elizabeth R. Schwab, Robyn S. Wilson & Margaret M. Kalcic - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):839-850.
    Harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin are caused in large part by nutrient loss from agricultural production. While use of nutrient management practices is encouraged to reduce agricultural nutrient loss and its consequent environmental impacts, such practices are not universally adopted. This study aims to better understand the factors that influence western Lake Erie basin farmers’ risk perceptions associated with agricultural nutrient loss, and thus further our knowledge of how adoption of nutrient management practices may be increased. We (...)
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    Phenomenological records and the self-memory system.Martin A. Conway - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack, Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 235--255.
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    La peinture photographe.Jean-Hubert Martin - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):173-179.
    Résumé À partir du catalogue de l’exposition « La peinture photographe », voici l’évocation d’une collaboration qui commence en 1975 au Musée national d’art moderne, se continue au château d’Oiron et croise parfois l’œuvre de Marcel Duchamp. Passant de la « peinture photographe » à l’idée d’une « peinture sculptrice », Jean-Hubert Martin interroge le non-peint et les postures de la peinture.
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    Abailard and non-things.Martin M. Tweedale - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):329-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Abailard and Non-Things MARTIN M. TWEEDALE On SEVERAL OCCASIONSin his logical writings Abailard extracts himself from embarrassing ontological implications of his analyses of language by resorting to the notion of a something that is not a thing. I shall note here two such occasions and then discuss Abailard's explanations of this procedure based on the grammatical distinction of personal and impersonal constructions. Since the texts on this latter (...)
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    (1 other version)Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten.Martin Buber - 1972 - Heidelberg,: L. Schneider. Edited by Grete Schaeder.
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    Transforming Sacrifice Zones into Sacred Zones.Ryan Juskus - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):45-63.
    Through bringing Christian ethics into conversation with original fieldwork and archival research on environmental justice activists, this essay develops an ecopolitical theology and practice of environmental justice as the work of transforming “sacrifice zones” into “sacred zones.” Sacrifice zones are places of concentrated environmental injustice, where harmful toxins and ecological degradation are channeled to secure the social and ecological flourishing of other places. During the movement against the environmentally destructive practice of mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia, leading activist (...)
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    Adorno and Negative Theology.Martin Shuster - 2016 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 37 (1):97-130.
    This article elaborates Theodor W. Adorno’s understanding of ‘negation’ and ‘negative theology.’ It proceeds by introducing a typology of negation within modern philosophy roughly from Descartes onwards, showing how Adorno both fits and also stands out in this typology. Ultimately, it is argued that Adorno’s approach to negation and thereby to negative theology is throughout distinguished and infused by an ethical commitment.
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    Experiments in Ethics?Martin Sticker - 2016 - Idealistic Studies 46 (1):41-64.
    I discuss two puzzling and neglected passages in the Critique of Practical Reason, namely, V:92 and V:163. In these passages Kant claims that practical philosophers should follow the paradigm of the chemist and conduct experiments on common human reason. I explain Kant’s conception of the chemical experiment, provide a detailed interpretation of the two passages in question, and conclude by applying the structure of the chemical experiment to the Analytic of the Critique of Practical Reason. Chemical experiments as a model (...)
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    Outside the Dream : Lacan and French Styles of Psychoanalysis.Martin Stanton - 2016 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1983, Martin Stanton has written an intriguing and original guide to French styles of psychoanalysis. He describes the development of psychoanalytic technique and shows how it has transformed the contemporary French literary and philosophical thought and writing, as well as making inroads in the English-speaking cultural world. He argues that psychoanalysis has outgrown the individual setting and needs to evolve new methods of group work – in this respect, he believes, it has a special role to (...)
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    Hallische Avantgarde. Die Erfindung der Ästhetik und die Ästhetisierung des Christentums.Martin Fritz - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):1-27.
    Avantgarde in Halle: The Invention of Aesthetics and the Aestheticization of Christianity. The foundation of scholarly aesthetics by the Halle philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten and Georg Friedrich Meier in the middle of the 18th century took place within a milieu that was shaped by both pietism and the Enlightenment. Martin Fritz demonstrates that aesthetics in Halle itself can be considered a synthesis of pietism and Enlightenment ideas. The sensualization of basic Christian concepts is of eminent relevance for these aesthetics, (...)
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    Objectivity and Historiography.Martin Kusch - 2009 - Isis 100 (1):127-131.
  21.  14
    Realistische Ethik und Sozialismus: Grundlage und Ausarbeitung der realistischen Ethik auf Basis eines modernen Realismus, deren Integration in eine systemtheoretische Gesamtethik sowie ihre Anwendung auf soziale und ökonomische Gesellschaftsstrukturen.Martin A. König - 2005 - Norderstedt: Books on Demand.
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    Suggestion for unifying two types of quantized redshift of astronomical bodies.Martin Kokus & A. O. Barut - 1993 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16:11-13.
  23. Teilhirntod und Ethik.Martin Kurthen, Detlef Bernhard Linke & Dag Moskopp - 1989 - Ethik in der Medizin 1:134-142.
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  24. Incomplete preferences in disaster risk management.Martin Peterson & Nicolas Espinoza - unknown
    This paper addresses the phenomenon of incomplete preferences in disaster risk management. If an agent finds two options to be incomparable and thus has an incomplete preference ordering, i.e., neither prefers one option over the other nor finds them equally as good, it is not possible for the agent to perform a value tradeoff, necessary for an informed decision, between these two options. In this paper we suggest a way to model incomplete preference orderings by means of probabilistic preferences, and (...)
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  25. ch. 11. Aquinas on incontinence and psychological weakness.Martin Pickave - 2013 - In Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller & Matthias Perkams, Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Konstitutivní rysy Platónova Timaia.Martin Ritter - 2005 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 29:5-26.
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    Liturgy and Ethics: Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig on the Day of Atonement.Martin D. Yaffe - 1979 - Journal of Religious Ethics 7 (2):215 - 228.
    Ritual atonement for Cohen aims exclusively at ethical repentance. Sins, or ethical failures, are regarded as unwitting misdeeds, corrigible once recognized. As individuals continue to vacillate, their need for repentance remains life-long. Rosenzweig, however, considers redemption from sin impossible without recourse to miracles. Individual failures are failures in wish, Rosenzweig implies, rather than failures in deed, as Cohen maintains; hence atonement requires above all the ongoing regulating of wishes through liturgical prayer. "Repentance" (t'shuvah), which for Cohen is the "return" to (...)
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  28. William Kluback, The Idea of Humanity: Hermann Cohen's Legacy to Philosophy and Theology.Martin D. Yaffe - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7 (7):275-277.
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    Cautivas Troyanas: El mundo femenino fragmentado en las tragedias de Eurípides.Deidamia Sofía Zamperetti Martín - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:128-131.
    Este trabajo se propone estudiar las características de los paralogismos de composición y división (Retórica II 24.II, 1401a), de la consecuencia (Retórica II 24.VI, 1401b20-30) y de la causa aparente (Retórica II 24.VII, 1401b30-34), de modo de analizar si Eurípides los utiliza en el agón de Andrómaca de los versos 577 a 746 This paper intends to study the characteristics of paralogisms due to composition and division (Rhetoric II 24.II, 1401a), due to consequent (Rhetoric II 24.VI, 1401b20-30), and due to (...)
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  30. La pregunta por el pensar como acceso al comienzo histórico de la metafísica.Martín Zubiria - 1989 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 24 (53):109-122.
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    Épistémologie et pratique de la science chez Aristote: les Seconds analytiques et la définition de l'âme dans le De anima.Martin Achard - 2004 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Les "Seconds analytiques" contiennent les concepts et méthodes de la science aristotélicienne qui se retrouvent en acte dans les écrits biologistes. Cette étude s'intéresse aux passages sur la définition de l'âme, où Aristote use de deux procédés, la division et la démonstration. Elle met en évidence le caractère méthodique de l'argumentation et propose des solutions aux difficultés du texte.
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    The perpetual becoming of humanity.Martin Aidnik - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (5):104-124.
    Growing interest has been shown toward humanism in the 21st century after decades of critique and rejection. Posthumanism and transhumanism have redefined the topic primarily through developments in technology and by focusing on relations of interconnectedness between humans and the environment. A different concern with ‘being human’ can be found in the writings of Zygmunt Bauman and Ernst Bloch. The leitmotif of Bauman’s sociology and of Bloch’s utopian philosophy is their assertion that humans have the distinct capacity to transcend necessity (...)
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    Acerca del fundamento de la necesidad de las leyes empíricas de la ciencia en un sentido impropio en Kant. Una crítica de Michael Bennett McNulty.Martín Arias Albisu - 2019 - Tópicos 37:1-27.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es criticar un artículo de Michael B. McNulty publicado en 2015, a saber, “Rehabilitating the Regulative Use of Reason: Kant on Empirical and Chemical Laws”. En este artículo, McNulty examina la concepción kantiana de la necesidad de las leyes empíricas pertenecientes a lo que, en los Primeros principios metafísicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza, se denomina ciencia en un sentido “impropio”. McNulty considera la única ciencia en sentido impropio mencionada por Kant, a saber, la (...)
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    The Moral Defenses of the Physiocrats' Laissez-Faire.Martin Albaum - 1955 - Journal of the History of Ideas 16 (1/4):179.
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    Correspondence: 1919–1973.Martin Heidegger & Karl Löwith - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by Karl Löwith, Julia Goesser Assaiante & S. Montgomery Ewegen.
    Contributing to a greater understanding of German intellectual and cultural history, this essential volume presents for the first time a definitive collection of the extended academic and personal correspondence between Martin Heidegger and his student Karl Löwith.
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    On Hegel's philosophy of right: the 1934-35 seminar and interpretive essays.Martin Heidegger - 2014 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Andrew J. Mitchell, Peter Trawny, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback & Michael Marder.
    This is the first English translation of the seminar Martin Heidegger gave during the Winter of 1934-35, which dealt with Hegel's Philosophy of Right. This remarkable text is the only one in which Heidegger interprets Hegel's masterpiece in the tradition of Continental political philosophy while offering a glimpse into Heidegger's own political thought following his engagement with Nazism. It also confronts the ideas of Carl Schmitt, allowing readers to reconstruct the relation between politics and ontology. The book is enriched (...)
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    (1 other version)Menschliche Individualität: eine Studie zu den epistemologischen Grundlagen des menschlichen Selbstverständnisses.Martin Hoffmann - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    It is part of our self-understanding as humans to ascribe individuality to. But what our particular individuality consists of cannot be generally determined, because the concept of individuality aims precisely at the uniqueness and unmistakability of each individual. A philosophical theory of human individuality must therefore essentially be a theory of human self-understanding. The book substantiates this thesis both in philosophical-historical and in philosophical-systematical perspective. The author takes up problem descriptions from the founding phase of human sciences in the 19th (...)
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    Quomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pelliculae More Philologico sit Constituendum.Martin M. Winkler - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):137-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 137-141 [Access article in PDF] Qvomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pellicvlae More Philologico Sit Constitvendvm Martin M. Winklersive Martinvs Satiricvs Philocinematographicvs [Figures]Poetae rervmqve scriptores et antiqui et recentiores lectoribus fabulas suas sententiis vel versibus bene textis soliti sunt adferre. Sed hodie novum exstat narrandi genus, quod fabulas hominibus adfert praecipue picturis eo modo compositis et inter se coniunctis ut oculi humani imagines singulares celerrime (...)
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    Horizontal Unfairness and Retrospective Sensemaking.Martin Lund Petersen - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (1):5-22.
    In this article, I aim at problematizing the implied idea of causality in cognitive evaluations of horizontal justice events. I will draw on theories about retrospective sensemaking and its cognitive foundation in counterfactual belief formation. Issues related to horizontal or intraunit unfairness emerge in situations in which the actions of one employee influence the outcome of another due to relational interdependence. The authors of theories about horizontal unfairness have continued the traditional distinction between the three facets of justice, procedural, distributive, (...)
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    Truth as Mythic Coulisse in Nietztsche.Martin A. Bertman - 1974 - Philosophy Today 18 (1):41-46.
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    Kant über das sich selbst affizierende Subjekt. Zur Funktion der Selbstaffektion in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Martin Bondeli - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1115-1124.
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    Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag.Martin Buber (ed.) - 1921 - Frankfurt a.M.,: J. Kauffmann.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Pragmatism to the Rescue?Martin Bunzl - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (4):651-9.
  44.  6
    Europe and the care of the soul: Jan Patočka's conception of the spiritual foundations of Europe.Martin Cajthaml - 2014 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    A Theory of Fan-Type Dissociation.Martin Camper - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (4):433-449.
    ABSTRACT One of the most important developments in twentieth-century rhetorical theory is Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's insight that concepts, when under strain, can be split or dissociated into two separate terms. Not a simple binary, these terms remain interconnected in a value hierarchy with one term serving as the normative frame for the other. Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca theorize that either term can be dissociated further, producing a fan-type dissociation. Unlike ordinary dissociations, fan-types place three or more terms in hierarchical relationship, resulting (...)
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    Freiheit und Indeterminismus: zu den Naturbedingungen menschlicher Freiheit.Martin Carrier - 1999 - Facta Philosophica 1 (1):111-133.
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    Understanding Quantum Mechanics: A Realist Interpretation without Hidden Variables.Martin Carrier - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (3):222-224.
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    Being Sartre and not Definitely not Being Beauvoir (1905–1980 and not 1908–1986).Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez, Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 239–244.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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    D is for Maxwell's Demon.Martin Cohen - 2004 - In Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25–27.
    This chapter contains section titled: Discussion.
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    Mill's Poetical Turn (1806–1873).Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez, Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 188–192.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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