Results for 'Helena King'

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  1. Emotions and social movements.Helena Flam & Debra King - 2011 - In Ann Brooks, Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  2.  54
    Beyond Criticism of Ethics Review Boards: Strategies for Engaging Research Communities and Enhancing Ethical Review Processes.Andrew Hickey, Samantha Davis, Will Farmer, Julianna Dawidowicz, Clint Moloney, Andrea Lamont-Mills, Jess Carniel, Yosheen Pillay, David Akenson, Annette Brömdal, Richard Gehrmann, Dean Mills, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Tanya Machin, Suzanne Reich, Kim Southey, Lynda Crowley-Cyr, Taiji Watanabe, Josh Davenport, Rohit Hirani, Helena King, Roshini Perera, Lucy Williams, Kurt Timmins, Michael Thompson, Douglas Eacersall & Jacinta Maxwell - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):549-567.
    A growing body of literature critical of ethics review boards has drawn attention to the processes used to determine the ethical merit of research. Citing criticism on the bureaucratic nature of ethics review processes, this literature provides a useful provocation for (re)considering how the ethics review might be enacted. Much of this criticism focuses on how ethics review boards _deliberate,_ with particular attention given to the lack of transparency and opportunities for researcher recourse that characterise ethics review processes. Centered specifically (...)
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    Tiger talk and candy king: Marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to Swedish children.Helena Sandberg - 2011 - Communications 36 (2):217-244.
    This article describes a policy-driven project Marketing of unhealthy food directed to children, which represents the first extensive study of food and beverage advertising and marketing to children in Sweden. The project mapped out food and beverage advertisements directed to Swedish children to provide policymakers with current data about marketing trends to inform the debate concerning the regulation of food advertising in response to childhood obesity. The nature, number and placement of advertisements on television and in the internet that encourage (...)
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    La ópera King Priam de Tippett: de la épica homérica al drama musical Tippett's Opera King Priam: from Homeric Poetry to Musical Drama.Helena Guzmán - 2011 - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 24:239-267.
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    Life Contemplative, Life Practical: An Essay on Fatalism.Helena Eilstein - 1997 - Rodopi.
    Contents: Acknowledgements. Preface. CHAPTER ONE: OLDCOMB AND NEWCOMB. 1. In the King Comb's Chamber of Game. 2. The Newcombian Predicaments. CHAPTER TWO: ANANKE. 1. Fatalism: What It Is Not? 2. Fatalism: What Is It? 3. Fatalism and a priori Arguments. 4. Fatalism and ‘Internal' Experience. 5. Determinism, Indeterminism and Fatalism. 6. Transientism, Eternism and Fatalism. 7. Fatalism: What It Does Not Imply? CHAPTER THREE: FATED FREEDOM. 1. More on Libertarianism. 2. On the Deterministic Concept of Freedom. 3. Moral Self (...)
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    The one, the true, the good… or not: Badiou, Agamben, and atheistic transcendentality.King-Ho Leung - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (1):75-97.
    This article offers a reading of the “transcendental” character of Alain Badiou’s and Giorgio Agamben’s ontologies. While neither Badiou nor Agamben are “transcendental” philosophers in the Kantian sense, this article argues that their respective projects of ontology both recover aspects of the “classical” conception of the transcendentals. Not unlike how pre-modern philosophers conceived of oneness, truth and goodness as transcendental properties of all things, both Badiou’s and Agamben’s ontologies present various structures which can be universally predicated of all being. However, (...)
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  7. Transcendentality and Nothingness in Sartre's Atheistic Ontology.King-Ho Leung - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (4):471-495.
    This article offers a reading of Sartre's phenomenological ontology in light of the pre-modern understanding of ‘transcendentals’ as universal properties and predicates of all determinate beings. Drawing on Sartre's transcendental account of nothingness in his early critique of Husserl as well as his discussion of ‘determination as negation’ in Being and Nothingness, this article argues that Sartre's universal predicate of ‘the not’ (le non) could be understood in a similar light to the medieval scholastic conception of transcendentals. But whereas the (...)
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  8.  60
    The Technologisation of Grace and Theology: Meta-theological Insights from Transhumanism.King-Ho Leung - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):479-495.
    This article examines some of the recent theological critiques of the movement of technological human enhancement known as ‘transhumanism’. Drawing on the comparisons between grace and technology often found in the theological discourse on transhumanism, this article argues that the Thomistic distinction between healing grace and elevating grace can not only supplement the theological analysis of transhumanism and its ethical implications, but also help Christian theologians and ethicists become more aware of how the phenomenon of technology may have implicitly shaped (...)
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  9.  88
    The Picture of Artificial Intelligence and the Secularization of Thought.King-Ho Leung - 2019 - Political Theology 20 (6):457-471.
    This article offers a critical interpretation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a philosophical notion which exemplifies a secular conception of thinking. One way in which AI notably differs from the conventional understanding of “thinking” is that, according to AI, “intelligence” or “thinking” does not necessarily require “life” as a precondition: that it is possible to have “thinking without life.” Building on Charles Taylor’s critical account of secularity as well as Hubert Dreyfus’ influential critique of AI, this article offers a theological (...)
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  10.  48
    Fundamental Interventions: How Clinicians Can Address the Fundamental Causes of Disease.Adam D. Reich, Helena B. Hansen & Bruce G. Link - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):185-192.
    In order to enhance the “structural competency” of medicine—the capability of clinicians to address social and institutional determinants of their patients’ health—physicians need a theoretical lens to see how social conditions influence health and how they might address them. We consider one such theoretical lens, fundamental cause theory, and propose how it might contribute to a more structurally competent medical profession. We first describe fundamental cause theory and how it makes the social causes of disease and health visible. We then (...)
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  11.  74
    Global cities, global justice?Loren King & Michael Blake - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (3):332-352.
    The global city is a contested site of economic innovation and cultural production, as well as profound inequalities of wealth and life chances. These cities, and large cities that aspire to ‘global’ status, are often the point of entry for new immigrants. Yet for political theorists (and indeed many scholars of global institutions), these critical sites of global influence and inequality have not been a significant focus of attention. This is curious. Theorists have wrestled with the nature and demands of (...)
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  12. Functional genomic hypothesis generation and experimentation by a robot scientist.Ross King, Whelan D., E. Kenneth, Ffion Jones, Reiser M., G. K. Philip, Christopher Bryant, Muggleton H., H. Stephen, Douglas Kell, Oliver B. & G. Stephen - 2004 - Nature 427 (6971):247--52.
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    Cultura, estudos literários e grande tempo.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella & Carlos Gontijo Rosa - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e64121p.
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    A two-step guessing game.King King Li & Kang Rong - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-20.
    We propose a two-step guessing game to measure the depth of thinking. We apply this method to the P beauty contest game. Using our method, we find that 81% of subjects do not make choice following best response reasoning while the classical method would suggest only 12%. The result suggests that the classical method has the fundamental problem that it cannot distinguish if a submitted number is due to best response reasoning or not. It also suggests that traditional level k (...)
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  15.  60
    Sartre and Marion on Intentionality and Phenomenality.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (1):41-60.
    This article offers a reading of Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenology in light of Jean-Luc Marion’s more recent phenomenology. It may seem odd to compare Sartre to Marion, given that Sartre is well-known for his avowed atheism and his account of intentionality while Marion is primarily known for his work on religious phenomena and counter-intentionality. However, this article shows that there are many ways in which Sartre anticipates Marion’s work on phenomenological reduction and excessive phenomenality. By reading Sartre’s phenomenology in light of (...)
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  16.  49
    Nothingness without Reserve: Fred Moten contra Heidegger, Sartre, and Schelling.King-Ho Leung - 2023 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 15 (1):45-57.
    Contemporary critical theory and black studies have witnessed a surge in theoretical accounts of “blackness” as “nothingness”. Drawing on the work of the poet and cultural theorist Fred Moten, this article offers a reading of this recent postulation of blackness as “nothingness” in light of some of the similar theoretical endeavors in post-Kantian European philosophy. By comparing Moten’s “paraontological” conception of nothingness to Heidegger’s self-nihilating nothing, Sartre’s relative nothingness, as well as Schelling’s notion of absolute nothingness, this article argues that (...)
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  17.  32
    Bergson, Pan(en)theism, and ‘Being-in-Life’.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Sophia 62 (2):293-307.
    Recent philosophy has witnessed a renewed interest in the works and ideas of Henri Bergson (1859–1941). But while contemporary scholarship has sought to rehabilitate Bergson’s insights on time, memory, consciousness, and human freedom, comparatively little attention has been paid to Bergson’s relationship to pantheism. By revisiting the ‘pantheism’ controversy surrounding Bergsonian philosophy during Bergson’s lifetime, this article argues that the panentheistic notion of ‘being-in-God’ can serve as an illuminating framework for the interpretation of Bergson’s philosophy. By examining the ‘pantheist’ readings (...)
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  18.  38
    The Religion (without Religion) of the Living (without Life): Re-reading Derrida’s “Faith and Knowledge”.King-Ho Leung - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (3):35-49.
    This article offers a reading of Jacques Derrida’s account of “religion” and “life” in his seminal essay “Faith and Knowledge.” Applying Derrida’s aporetic structure of “X without X” to his remarks on religion and life in “Faith and Knowledge,” this article suggests that underlying Derrida’s endeavor to “think religion abstractly” is a radical re-conception not only of religion as “religion without religion” but moreover a re-imagination of life as “life without life” that breaks away from the traditional metaphysical understandings of (...)
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  19.  61
    Living Paradoxes: On Agamben, Taylor, and Human Subjectivity.King-Ho Leung - 2019 - Télos 187:85-106.
    Over the last two decades, Giorgio Agamben and Charles Taylor have produced important and influential genealogical works on the philosophical and political conceptions of secularity. Yet in their recent work, both of these thinkers have respectively returned to a prominent theme in their earlier works: Human life. This essay offers a parallel reading of Agamben and Taylor as post-Heideggerian critics of the modern conception of human subjectivity. Through examining these their respective characterizations of modern subjectivity — namely Taylor’s account of (...)
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  20. Platonic metaphysics and the ontology of International Relations: a sketch.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - International Relations 36 (2):176–191.
    This article offers a reading of Plato in light of the recent debates concerning the unique ‘ontology’ of International Relations (IR) as an academic discipline. In particular, this article suggests that Plato’s metaphysical account of the integral connection between human individual, the domestic state, and world order can offer IR an alternative outlook to the ‘political scientific’ schema of ‘levels of analysis’. This article argues that Plato’s metaphysical conception of world order can not only provide IR theory with a way (...)
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  21.  22
    Light as an Analogy for Cognition in the Vijñānavāda.King Chung Lo - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (5):1005-1018.
    Light is the most important analogy for the Vijñānavādin in proving self-awareness, namely the cognition that cognizes itself. Recent studies show that two opponents of the doctrine of self-awareness, Kumārila and Bhaṭṭa Jayanta alleged that the Vijñānavādin has also used light as an analogy for the view that cognition must be perceived before the object is perceived. However, this is a modification of the actual view of the Vijñānavāda that cognition must be perceived in order for it to perceive its (...)
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  22.  30
    On the Argument of Infinite Regress in Proving Self-awareness.King Chung Lo - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (3):553-576.
    In PV 3.440ab and 473cd–474ab, Dharmakīrti raises the argument of infinite regress twice. The argument originates from the same argument stated by Dignāga in his Pramāṇasamuccaya 1.12ab1, in which the fault of infinite regress is called aniṣṭhā. In Pramāṇasamuccayavṛtti 1.12b2, Dignāga presents another type of argument of infinite regress driven by memory, which is elucidated by Dharmakīrtian commentators. The arguments were criticized by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa and Bhaṭṭa Jayanta and even more intensively so by two modern scholars, Jonardon Ganeri and Birgit (...)
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  23. Transcendentality and the Gift.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (1):81-99.
    This article seeks to consider the compatibility between the doctrine of the Trinity and the theory of the transcendental properties by offering a consideration of the notion of the ‘gift’ as a transcendental term. In particular, this article presents a re-reading of John Milbank’s influential theology of the gift through Colin Gunton’s project of developing ‘trinitarian transcendentals’. In addition to showing how Milbank’s notion of the gift could be systematically understood in terms of what Gunton calls a ‘trinitarianly developed transcendental’ (...)
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  24.  98
    Jean Buridan's Philosophy of Science.Peter King - 1987 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 18 (2):109.
    introduced the concept of effective demand in the nascent science of economics; his discussions of astronomy were acute enough to raise Duhem’s interest. Neither are Buridan’s credentials as a nominalist in doubt, although investigation into his precise relation to William of Ockham continues: he rejected all abstract entities, whether universals, common natures, the complexe significabile, or types above and beyond tokens; for Buridan, every thing which exists is a concrete individual. His anti-realism included an epistemological component as well, for Buridan (...)
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    Enjoyment of films as a function of narrative experience, perceived realism and transportability.Rick W. Busselle & Helena Bilandzic - 2011 - Communications 36 (1):29-50.
    This study investigates the relations between narrative experiences and film enjoyment, and explores the possibility that transportability and perceived realism facilitate narrative experience and indirectly influence enjoyment. The study measured narrative experience and realism in three films from different genres. Results demonstrate that transportability, and both external realism and narrative realism positively influence at least one aspect of narrative experience, and that narrative experience in turn is a significant predictor for enjoyment.
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  26. Las prácticas de creación artística: un reto para la investigación de la gestión cultural en Colombia.Martha Helena Valencia Restrepo - 2013 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 23:91-114.
    Uno de los campos académicos más novedosos de las ciencias sociales y humanas en Colombia en la primera década del siglo XXI es el de la gestión cultural, pero sus méritos aún son poco conocidos debido posiblemente a la incipiencia temprana de sus alcances en términos del conocimiento o de sus productos de investigación. No obstante, se ha ido consolidando como un importante marco social de saberes teórico-prácticos para la construcción de conocimiento sobre el panorama cultural local y global. Su (...)
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    Considerations regarding the preservation of classical forms in the first churches.Regina Helena Rezende - 2009 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 3:99-104.
    This paper presents how the classical architectural forms – Greek-roman forms – are preserved in early Christian churches built in the Palestinian area between the fourth and the sixth centuries AD. We follow the concept that architecture defines a non-verbal communication form, a language possible to be decoded. Will be discussed questions regarding long-term preservation or change of this buildings in a historical structure evaluating their formal and ideological aspects.
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    Interaction of Body and Soul: What the Hellenistic Philosophers Saw and Aristotle Avoided.R. A. H. King - 2006 - In Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Walter de Gruyter.
  29. Do restabelecimento do prazo de validade dos créditos de celulares pré-pagos: Uma análise da decisão do stj a partir da legislação consumerista.Jéssica Helena Maruoka da Silva & Maise Gindre Mosseline - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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  30. A escolha do livro didático de sociologia em Porto alegre.Luiza Helena Pereira - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (8):133-145.
    Dando continuidade à Pesquisa sobre a Sociologia no Ensino Médio no Rio Grande do Sul, examinou­se o processo de escolha do livro didático de sociologia nas escolas públicas de Porto Alegre, pois a disciplina só veio a ser contemplada pelo Ministério de Educação e Cultura ­ MEC, no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD a partir de 2011. Essa escolha gerou uma interessante investigação do ponto de vista sociológico, pois possibilita pensar a vigilância epistemológica sobre nossos próprios pares, sociólogos/professores, (...)
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  31. Kent Bach on Speaker Intentions and Context.Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):161-168.
    It is generally believed that natural languages have lots of contextually sensitive expressions. In addition to familiar examples like ‘I’, ‘here’, ‘today’, ‘he’, ‘that’ and so on that everyone takes to be contextually sensitive, examples of expressions that many would take to be contextually sensitive include tense, modals, gradable adjectives, relational terms , possessives and quantifi ers . With the exception of contextually sensitive expressions discussed by Kaplan [1977], there has not been a lot of discussion as to the mechanism (...)
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  32.  13
    How Should One Live?: Comparing Ethics in Ancient China and Greco-Roman Antiquity.Richard King & Dennis Schilling (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Chinese and Greco-Roman ethics present highly articulate views on how one should live; both of these traditions remain influential in modern philosophy. The question arises how these traditions can be compared with one another. Comparative ethics is a relatively young discipline; this volume is a major contribution to the field. Fundamental questions about the nature of comparing ethics are treated in two introductory chapters, and core issues in each of the traditions are addressed: harmony, virtue, friendship, knowledge, the relation of (...)
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    Introduction.Preston King - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):1-14.
  34.  43
    IX—Universality and Argument inMencius IIA6.R. A. H. King - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (2pt2):275-293.
    In Menciusiia6 all humans are said to have ‘a heart that does not bear the suffering of others’. I argue that this statement is illustrated, rather than proven, by the example of our reaction to a child about to fall into a well. This illustration can be located at the most basic level of ethical universals : basic ethical training; further steps in a ladder of reflection are universal reflection on ethical norms themselves, which may finally be related universally to (...)
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  35. False endoxa and fallacious argumentation.Colin Guthrie King - 2013 - Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy 15:185–199.
    Aristotle determines eristic argument as argument which either operates upon the basis of acceptable premisses (endoxa) and merely give the impression of being deductive, or argument which truly is deductive but operates upon the basis of premisses which seem to be acceptable, but are not (or, again, argument which uses both of these mechanisms). I attempt to understand what Aristotle has in mind when he says that someone is deceived into accepting premisses which seem to be acceptable but which are (...)
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    Os muitos sentidos compartilhados: Bakhtiniana e a Jornada comemorativa de seus 15 anos.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes, Paulo Rogério Stella, Regina Godinho de Alcântara & Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e68180p.
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    A competência em informação no enfrentamento ao plágio no ambiente acadêmico.Jussara Borges, Helena Harthmann & Susane Barros - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):e-6921.
    Este artigo discute a competência em informação frente ao plágio no meio acadêmico. Reflete sobre as causas do plágio, como o pouco incentivo para que estudantes produzam conteúdos autorais e a ausência de políticas institucionais que orientem tais produções. Como resposta a este contexto, o artigo sugere uma educação para a autoria a partir da competência em informação. A competência em informação, entre outros, promove uma relação saudável entre as pessoas e o universo informacional. Assim, o objetivo é discutir de (...)
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    Life according to television. Implications of genre-specific cultivation effects: The Gratification/cultivation model.Patrick Rössler & Helena Bilandzic - 2004 - Communications 29 (3):295-326.
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    Bakhtiniana 15 anos: interação de ciência, arte e vida.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Letícia Jovelina Storto & Regina Godinho de Alcântara - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e66200p.
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    Historia de la investigación en la simbiosis leguminosa-bacteria: una perspectiva didáctica.Marta Helena Ramírez-Bahena, Álvaro Peix, Encarna Velázquez & Eulogio J. Bedmar - 2016 - Arbor 192 (779):a319.
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    New Steps on the Way to Open Science.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella & Carlos Gontijo Rosa - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (1):2-7.
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    Responsabilidade ética na ciência, na arte e na vida.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella & Carlos Gontijo Rosa - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (2):2-8.
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  43. Issues raised by Ruthrof’s ’Meaning: An intersemiotic perspective’.David King - 1997 - Semiotica 115 (3-4):391-396.
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  44. Heidegger’s Etymological Method.Matthew King - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (3):278-289.
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    Architecture, Capital and the Globalization of Culture.Anthony King - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):397-411.
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    Historical contextualism: The new historicism?Preston King - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (2):209-233.
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    Influence of interitem interval in the learning of connected discourse.David J. King - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (1):132.
  48.  96
    Natural selection and the unity of functional analyses.Adela Helena Roszkowski - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (4):633-645.
    While the question of whether selected-effects accounts of function or causal-role accounts of function provide the ‘true' functional analysis has given way to a general pluralistic consensus, Philip Kitcher has suggested that different functional accounts allow for unification. I argue that Kitcher's attempt to unify the two functional analyses fails because he adopts the environment-centered perspective on selection as a premise. The premise is undermined by the role niche construction is likely to play in the context of evolution. Moreover, I (...)
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  49. A critique of Baudrillard's hyperreality: Towards a sociology of postmodernism.Anthony King - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):47-66.
    Through the critical examination of Baudrillard's concept of hyperreality, this article seeks to make a wider contribution to contempor ary debates about postmodernism. It draws on a post-Cartesian, Heideg gerian philosophy to demonstrate the weakness of the concept of hyperreality and reveal its foundation in a Cartesian epistemology. The article goes on to claim that this same Heideggerian tradition suggests a way in which the concept of hyperreality and nihilistic postmodern sociologies more generally might be dialectically superseded. Instead of these (...)
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  50. Augustine’s Encounter with Neoplatonism.Peter King - 2005 - Modern Schoolman 82 (3):213-226.
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