Results for 'Hela Sheth'

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  1. Beyond the Game: Perceptions and Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Professional Sport Industry.Hela Sheth & Kathy M. Babiak - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):433-450.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an area of great interest, yet little is known about how CSR is perceived and practiced in the professional sport industry. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, including a survey, and a qualitative content analysis of responses to open-ended questions, to explore how professional sport executives define CSR, and what priorities teams have regarding their CSR activities. Findings from this study indicate that sport executives placed different emphases on elements of CSR including a focus on (...)
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  2. Toward a Political Philosophy of Race.Falguni A. Sheth - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines how liberal society enables racism and other forms of discrimination.
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  3. Hindu avatāra and Christian incarnation: A comparison.Noel Sheth - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (1):98-125.
    After tracing the development of the doctrines of avatāra and incarnation, the two are compared and contrasted. Some nuanced differences are: (1) Avatāras descend repeatedly, while Christ comes only once. However, we must also reckon with the Second Coming of Christ and the possibility of many incarnations. (2) The avatāra is real but perfect because it is made of "pure matter," while the incarnation is imperfect. (3) Avatāras have different purposes and, unlike the incarnation, not every Avatāra grants salivation. The (...)
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    Lebendes bild–haptisches bild.Philine Helas - 2013 - In Iris Wenderholm, Jörg Trempler & Markus Rath, Das haptische bild: Körperhafte bilderfahrung in der neuzeit. De Gruyter. pp. 69-92.
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    Śaṅkara on How Effects Pre-exist in Their Cause.Noel Sheth - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):298-304.
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  6. Children of the Same God.Narayan R. Sheth - 1994 - Gujarat Institute of Development Research.
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    Frequent attenders to ophthalmic accident and emergency departments.H. G. Sheth & A. G. Sheth - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (8):496-496.
    The issue of recurrent attenders to eye casualties has received little discussion in the ethics and health policy literature. As many ophthalmology departments offer a walk-in emergency service, protocols need to be in place to ensure appropriate use of this resource and also to identify potential psychiatric comorbidity in such attenders. We illustrate the problem with a recent case.A 42-year-old woman self-presented 14 times over a 4-month period to the same ophthalmic accident and emergency unit. ….
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    Hindu.Noel Sheth - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (1).
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  9. Holistic formation in Asia.Noel Sheth - 2017 - In Janis T. Ozolins, Civil society, education and human formation: philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education. New York: Routledge.
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    The Hijab and the Sari: The Strange and Sexy between Colonialism and Global Capitalism.Falguni A. Sheth - 2009 - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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    Berührbarkeit als conditio humana: Emotionale Phänomene in Hannah Arendts politischem Denken.Héla Hecker - 2021 - transcript Verlag.
    Hannah Arendts leidenschaftliches Denken offenbart sich in ihrem Werk u.a. durch die häufige Nennung emotionaler Phänomene wie Wut, Liebe, Mut oder Mitleid. Bislang wurde diese affektive Argumentationsebene jedoch nicht systematisch untersucht. Héla Hecker argumentiert dafür, dass Arendt Gefühle und Affekte nicht als per se apolitisch, sondern als welteröffnende bzw. -verschließende Artikulationen einer grundsätzlich menschlichen Berührbarkeit bewertet. Das Politische ist der Bereich, in dem diese Berührbarkeit als conditio humana frei und geschützt gelebt werden kann. Gleichzeitig bürgt die Fähigkeit, sich vom Anderen (...)
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  12. The Technology of Race.Falguni A. Sheth - 2004 - Radical Philosophy Review 7 (1):77-98.
    Drawing on Heidegger and Foucault, I argue that we need to understand race as a technology. Race has three technological dimensions: instrumental, naturalizing, and concealment. Through this understanding, I hope to bridge two discourses that appear disconnected: Race as Color, Blood, and Genealogy (RC), which sees race as phenotypical or biological, and eclipses a discussion of political power, and Political Othering (PO), which eclipses race in its accounts of political ostracization. Finally, the implications of thetechnology of race can be understood (...)
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  13. Covid-19 to a Pandemic of Fear: Some Reflections from the Jaina Perspective.Jinesh R. Sheth & Sulabh Jain - 2020 - ISJS-Transactions 4 (4):1-12.
    This paper reflects on the current Covid-19 crisis and the emotional stress that it leads to from the Jaina perspective. It demonstrates that any pandemic like situation is concomitant with a pandemic of emotions as well; fear and stress being prominent of them. The problem of fear is grave and must be dealt with equal measures. The concept of fear is thus analysed from various perspectives as gleaned from the diverse range of Jaina texts. The paper attempts to make the (...)
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  14.  20
    Subject to Difference: Heterogeneity, Antagonism, and Coercion.Falguni A. Sheth - 2023 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 13 (1):16-24.
    In this article, I explore Namita Goswami’s Subjects That Matter. Goswami has laid out an extensive excavation of the variety, depth, and breadth of antagonistic encounters between the Western world and subaltern subjects. I am interested in Goswami’s take on the production of the unknowable women of color who are constructed either as good wives, animate objects without wills of their own, or transgressors of the genre of producing women of color as oppressed. I argue that the question of heterogeneity (...)
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    Acute ophthalmic referrals from primary care – an audit and recommendations.Hiten G. Sheth, Sher A. Aslam, Srividya Subramanian & Anjlee G. Sheth - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):618-620.
  16. Christian and buddhist altruistic love.Noel Sheth - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (4):810-826.
    Nostra Aetate urges Christians to enter into dialogue and collaboration with religions, and to acknowledge, preserve and encourage the spiritual and moral truths found in them. It is in this spirit that this article makes a comparative theological study of altruistic love in the Christian and Buddhist Scriptures. Such comparison does not only facilitate better mutual understanding but also helps each tradition to understand itself better. The New Testament favours agape and related words to express the idea of altruistic love, (...)
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    Framing Rape: Patriarchy, Wartime, and the Spectacle of Genocidal Rape.Falguni A. Sheth - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (2):337-343.
    Debra Bergoffen’s Contesting the Politics of Genocidal Rape shows us beautifully what is gained by considering rape as a consequence of genocide. What gets lost here, in relation to considering cases of rape that are not the result of such, such as gang rape, “mass rape,” or other instances of rape? Is rape qua rape a human rights violation of a sort that is articulated within the context of the “right to sexual integrity”? Can a case be made, even in (...)
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    Loving devotion (Bhakti) as the best means and highest end in Bengal vaisnavism.Noel Sheth - 2001 - Disputatio Philosophica 3 (1):183-202.
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  19. Labor, Work, and Citizenship: A Study in the Meaning and Implications of the Concept of Work in Hegel, Marx, Arendt, and Kittay.Falguni A. Sheth - 2003 - Dissertation, New School University
    In this dissertation, I argue that the concepts of work and labor have been shaped by political and feminist philosophers in ways that are more revealing of their specific visions of society than the character and significance of various socially necessary activities. Hegel, Marx, and Arendt each have particular understandings of work that illuminate other elements of society that are considered important, detrimental, or dysfunctional. Their normative understandings stem from the idiosyncratic visions of the public and private spheres that are (...)
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  20. Determinism, Free Will and Morality: A Jain Perspective.Jinesh R. Sheth - 2020 - In Shrinetra Pandey & Sanjali Jain, Determinism in Śramaṇa Traditions. Delhi, India: pp. 77-84.
    The problem of determinism and free will has occupied the minds of human beings since time immemorial. Philosophers have dwelt on it at great length. The problem is alike for both those who support determinism and those who do not. From one side, it is argued that since all the actions are causally determined, the belief that we are free is an illusion; from the other side, it is argued that since we know that we are free, universal determinism is (...)
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    The Veil, Transparency, and the Deceptive Conceit of Liberalism.Falguni A. Sheth - 2019 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 9 (1):53-72.
    The veil has remained controversial in the US since 9/11, yet it has not been subject to explicit regulation. Beginning with a court case in which a Muslim woman is banned from the courtroom for refusing a judge’s order to remove her niqab, I explore the ways in which the judge’s order resembles a demand for transparency. Transparency as a norm, a mode of discourse, and a kind of comportment betrays the explicit ethos of secular-liberal political norms and practices as (...)
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  22. Interstitiality: Making Space for Migration, Diaspora, and Racial Complexity.Falguni A. Sheth - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):75-93.
    In this essay, I consider how to conceptualize “diasporic” subjects, namely those whose identities and homes cannot be easily attributed, with regard to the political and racial dynamics of intra-group tensions, alliances, and divergences of interest. These concerns are important relatives to topics that Critical Race Theorists and Critical Race Feminists have readily addressed, such as the war on terror, the not-so-gradual erosion of dignity and rights protections accorded to non-citizens, and the increasing antagonism, surveillance, and brutality toward Latino and (...)
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  23. Reconstruction or Decolonisation? Paul Taylor’s ‘Black Reconstruction in Ethics’.Falguni A. Sheth - 2020 - Debates in Aesthetics 15 (2):79-94.
    Paul Taylor’s essay ‘Black Reconstruction in Aesthetics,’ explores the questions of what reconstruction in aesthetics means. He asks how reconstruction, as a program for the post-bellum Southern United States, took up certain kinds of racially inclusive agendas even as it remained myopic to fundamental, seemingly insurmountable racial, racist, sentiments. I turn to his book to illuminate some of the myopias and seemingly intractable racisms that he seems to refer to in the essay, and then return to his essay, where he (...)
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  24. The Non-difference and Difference of Human Beings and the World from God.S. J. Noël Sheth - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    The War on Terror and Ontopolitics: Concerns with Foucault’s Account of Race, Power Sovereignty.Falguni A. Sheth - 2011 - Foucault Studies 12:51-76.
    In this article, I explore several of Foucault’s claims in relation to race, biopolitics, and power in order to illuminate some concerns in the wake of the post-9.11.01 political regime of population management. First, what is the relationship between sovereignty and power? Foucault’s writings on the relation between sovereignty and power seem to differ across his writings, such that it is not clear whether he had definitively circumscribed the role of sovereignty in relation to “power.” Second, while central sovereign authority, (...)
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    Women’s Leadership and Firm Performance: Family Versus Nonfamily Firms.Mehdi Nekhili, Héla Chakroun & Tawhid Chtioui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):291-316.
    We evaluate the relationship between the appointment of women to CEO or Chair positions and firm performance, and shed light on the differences between family and nonfamily firms. By using a propensity score matching approach on a sample of 394 French firms over the period 2001–2010, we find major discordances between women’s leadership style and family business expectations relative to firm performance, as measured by return on assets and Tobin’s q. Notably, our results support the conjecture that family firms, which (...)
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    Violence, Democracy, and Selective Recognition.Falguni A. Sheth - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (1):21-33.
    The January 2021 attacks on the US Capitol prompt a renewed look at the relationship between violence and Western liberal democracies. The attacks were viewed in a race-neutral frame of staging an insurrection against a procedurally elected government of a liberal democracy. Without considering the racial-political context, we are susceptible to recognizing only certain iterations of political violence while missing others altogether. In what follows, I argue that political violence against nonwhites is often not seen as violence or harm committed (...)
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    Emotionale und affektive Phänomene im Werk Hannah Arendts und ihre Relevanz für das Politische.Héla Hecker - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (2):10-34.
    The Political in Hannah Arendt’s view is a realm of relationships, a certain connection between people and the world, as well as between individuals and their peers. In my paper, I explore how emotional phenomena can be meaningfully inserted into the political space: How do affects shape this specific web of human relation- ships? When do they become destructive? How can they provide worldly inspiration for the establishment of a political value system? By analyzing Hannah Arendt’s implicit affect theory, I (...)
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    Knocking Down the Gates.Falguni A. Sheth - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):141-147.
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    The Production of Acceptable Muslim Women in the United States.Falguni A. Sheth - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (4):411-422.
    This essay explores some of the elements by which Muslim women who wear the hijab in the United States are managed so as to produce and distinguish "unruly" from "good" Muslim female citizens within the context of American liberation. Unlike the French state, which has regulated both the hijab and niqab through national legislation, the American liberal framework utilizes a laissez-faire approach, which relies on a range of public and private institutions to determine acceptable public presentations of the liberal female (...)
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    The Discourse of Progress.Falguni Sheth - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (4):1037-1046.
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    Border-Populations.Falguni Ashwin Sheth - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):131-157.
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    Politics of Historical Sense Generation.D. L. Sheth - 2007 - In Jörn Rüsen, Time and history: the variety of cultures. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 10--169.
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    Race by Any Other Name is Still….Falguni A. Sheth - 2008 - Radical Philosophy Review 11 (1):51-70.
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    Single mechanism, divergent effects; multiple mechanisms, convergent effect.Bhavin R. Sheth & Daw-An Wu - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):215-215.
    It is commonplace for a single physiological mechanism to seed multiple phenomena, and for multiple mechanisms to contribute to a single phenomenon. We propose that the flash-lag effect should not be considered a phenomenon with a single cause. Instead, its various aspects arise from the convergence of a number of different mechanisms proposed in the literature. We further give an example of how a neuron's generic spatio-temporal response profile can form a physiological basis not only of but also of many (...)
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    The Distinctive Character of Buddhist Forgiveness and Reconciliation.S. J. Noel Sheth - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1).
    In this article, I intend to bring out the distinctive features of Buddhist forgiveness and reconciliation, springing from the specific spirituality and the underlying worldview of living Buddhism in India and Asia. While there are similarities in forgiveness and reconciliation between Christianity and Buddhism, there are many distinctions arising from the divergent world-views not only of Christianity but also of Theravada and Mahayana. These differences are found not only with regard to the presuppositions, but also in reference to the motivation (...)
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    The Roosting Site.Nandita Sheth - 2015 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 9 (1).
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    Memory consolidation during sleep: A form of brain restitution.Bhavin R. Sheth - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):81-82.
    Does sleep restore brain function or does it consolidate memory? I argue that memory consolidation during sleep is an offshoot of restitution. Continual learning causes local synapse-specific neural fatigue, which then masks expression of that learning, especially on time-limited tests of procedural skills. Sleep serves to restore the fatigued synapses, revealing the consolidation-based enhancement observed as a “latent” overnight improvement in learning.
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    Values in Search of an Identity.N. R. Sheth - 1995 - Journal of Human Values 1 (1):75-91.
    This paper makes an attempt to examine the various facets of human values in the background of the widely shared popular beliefs about erosion of values. A random sample of elite opinions on the nature of decline of values brings out the difficulties involved in identifying values for social analysis. Values are an integral part of the religious, spiritual and governmental spheres of social behaviour within a culture. It is argued that the problem of erosion of values is shared across (...)
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  40. A Deeper Look at Hyperbolic Discounting.Barry Sopher & Arnav Sheth - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (2-3):219-255.
    We conduct an experiment to investigate the degree to which deviations from exponential discounting can be accounted for by the hypothesis of hyperbolic discounting. Subjects are asked to choose between an earlier or later payoff in a series of 40 choice questions. Each question consists of a pair of monetary amounts determined by compounding a given base amount at a constant rate per period. Two bases (8 and 20 dollars), three compounding rates (low, medium and high) and three delays (2, (...)
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    A Conversation with Noam Chomsky.Alejandro de Acosta & Falguni Sheth - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy 38 (2):1-18.
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    An ontological approach to focusing attention and enhancing machine perception on the Web.Cory Henson, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan & Amit Sheth - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (4):345-376.
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    Bodies in Politics.Falguni A. Sheth Lawrie Balfour - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):80.
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    Tommy L. Lott and John P. Pittman, eds., A Companion to African-American Philosophy. [REVIEW]Falguni A. Sheth - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (2):263-267.
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    The Switch, the Ladder, and the Matrix: Models for Classifying AI Systems.Jakob Mökander, Margi Sheth, David S. Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):221-248.
    Organisations that design and deploy artificial intelligence (AI) systems increasingly commit themselves to high-level, ethical principles. However, there still exists a gap between principles and practices in AI ethics. One major obstacle organisations face when attempting to operationalise AI Ethics is the lack of a well-defined material scope. Put differently, the question to which systems and processes AI ethics principles ought to apply remains unanswered. Of course, there exists no universally accepted definition of AI, and different systems pose different ethical (...)
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    A new test of convexity–concavity of discount function.Pavlo R. Blavatskyy & Hela Maafi - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (2):121-136.
    Discounted utility theory and its generalizations use discount functions for weighting utilities of outcomes received in different time periods. We propose a new simple test of convexity–concavity of discount function. This test can be used with any utility function and any preferences over risky lotteries. The data from a controlled laboratory experiment show that about one third of experimental subjects reveal a concave discount function and another one third of subjects reveal a convex discount function.
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    Consistent inconsistencies? Evidence from decision under risk.Guillaume Hollard, Hela Maafi & Jean-Christophe Vergnaud - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):623-648.
    Conventional economic theory assumes that agents should be consistent across decisions. However, it is often observed that experimental subjects fail to report consistent preferences. So far, these inconsistencies are almost always examined singly. We thus wonder whether the more inconsistent individuals in one task are also more inconsistent in other tasks. We propose an experiment in which subjects are asked to report their preferences over risky bets so as to obtain, for each subject, three measures of inconsistencies: classical preference reversals, (...)
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  48. Bodies in Politics.Lawrie Balfour, Falguni A. Sheth, Heath Fogg Davis, Shatema Threadcraft & Jemima Repo - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):80-118.
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    Correction to: The Switch, the Ladder, and the Matrix: Models for Classifying AI Systems.Jakob Mökander, Margi Sheth, David S. Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):249-249.
  50.  41
    Review of Ann Ferguson, Mechthild Nagel (eds.), Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young[REVIEW]Falguni A. Sheth - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (9).
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