Results for 'Hans Adolf Martin'

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    Allgemeiner Kantindex zu Kants gesammelten Schriften.Gottfried Martin, Ingeborg Heidemann, Dieter Krallmann & Hans Adolf Martin - 1967 - W. De Gruyter.
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    Minister of State Adolf Köster 1883–1930. A Life for the Weimar Republic. [REVIEW]Hans-Martin Kirchner - 1982 - Philosophy and History 15 (1):60-61.
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    Inquiring into Space-Time, the Human Mind, and Religion: The Life and Work of Adolf Grünbaum.Martin Carrier & Gereon Wolters - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (4):409-427.
    Grünbaum's three chief fields of research were space-time philosophy, the methodological credentials of psychoanalysis, and reasons given in favor of the existence of God. Grünbaum defended the so-called conventionality thesis of physical geometry. He partially followed Hans Reichenbach in this respect but developed a new ontological argument for the conventionality claim in addition. In addressing the physical basis of the direction of time, Grünbaum advocated that there is a physical basis for the distinction between the past and the future, (...)
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    Concretized Norm and Sanction qua Fact in the Vienna School's Stufenbaulehre.Martin Borowski - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (1):79-93.
    At the bottom level of the hierarchical structure (Stufenbau) of the legal system, the transition from “ought” to “is” has not been given its due. I argue that an additional level, that of fully concretized norms, belongs in the hierarchy. This sheds light on precisely where and how the transition from “ought” to “is” takes place. Whereas the fully concretized norm marks the bottom level in the hierarchy of norms, the coercive act or sanction qua fact is not found in (...)
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    Dionysius Pseudo-Areopagita und der Neuplatonismus (im Gespräch mit neuerer Literatur).Adolf Martin Ritter - 2004 - Philotheos 4:260-275.
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    Recht und wirklichkeit: einblick in werden und vergehen der rechtsformen.Hans Adolf Fehr - 1927 - Zürich,: Orell Füssli.
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  7. Stemmatisierungsversuche zum Corpus Dionysiacum Areopagiticum im Lichte des EDV-Verfahrens.Adolf Martin Ritter - 1980 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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  8. Der Angriff der audio-visuellen Medien auf die Weltthesis.Hans Friesen & Martin W. Schnell - 1986 - In Hans Friesen & Martin W. Schnell (eds.), Spannungsfelder der Diskurse: Philosophie nach 1945 in Deutschland und Frankreich. Münster: Lit.
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  9. Wege zu den Problemfeldern.Hans Friesen & Martin W. Schnell - 1986 - In Hans Friesen & Martin W. Schnell (eds.), Spannungsfelder der Diskurse: Philosophie nach 1945 in Deutschland und Frankreich. Münster: Lit.
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    Spannungsfelder der Diskurse: Philosophie nach 1945 in Deutschland und Frankreich.Hans Friesen & Martin W. Schnell (eds.) - 1986 - Münster: Lit.
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    Interview with professor of philosophy Hans-Martin Sass. November 15-18, 2020.Hans-Martin Sass & Hanna Hubenko - 2021 - Філософія Освіти 26 (2):188-193.
    Hans-Martin Sass, Honorary Professor of Philosophy. Founder and board member of the Centre for Medical Ethics, Bochum, Germany. Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Honorary Professor of the Bioethics Research Centre, Beijing. He has written more than 60 books and pamphlets, more than 250 articles in professional journals. Editor of the Ethik in der Praxis/ Practical ethics, Muenster: Lit. Founder and co-editor of the brochures “Medizinethische Materialien”, Bochum: ZME. He has (...)
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  12. Bisimulation and expressivity for conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief.Mikkel Birkegaard Andersen, Thomas Bolander, Hans van Ditmarsch & Martin Holm Jensen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2447-2487.
    Plausibility models are Kripke models that agents use to reason about knowledge and belief, both of themselves and of each other. Such models are used to interpret the notions of conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief. The logic of conditional belief contains that modality and also the knowledge modality, and similarly for the logic of degrees of belief and the logic of safe belief. With respect to these logics, plausibility models may contain too much information. A proper notion (...)
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  13. Synthesen der Philosophie der Gegenwart Festgabe Adolf Dyroff Zum 60. Geburtstag Dargebracht von Freunden Und Schülern.Adolf Dyroff, Erich Feldmann & Martin Honecker - 1926 - K. Schroeder.
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    Letters to the Editor.John Parascandola, Chauncey Leake, Hans Gundel, Martin Plessner & W. Paton - 1973 - Isis 64 (3):385-386.
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    Die Wiener rechtstheoretische Schule.Hans R. Klecatsky, René Marcic, Herbert Schambeck, Hans Kelsen & Adolf Merkl - 1968 - München: Pustet. Edited by René Marcic, Herbert Schambeck, Hans Kelsen & Adolf Merkl.
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  16. Martin Heidegger: Denk- und Irrwege eines spätbürgerlichen Philosophen.Hans-Martin Gerlach - 1982 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Martin Heidegger" verfügbar.
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    Martin Heidegger, Bibliography and Glossary.Hans-Martin Sass - 1982 - Bowling Green State Univ philosophy.
  18. Discourse on Thinking.Martin Heidegger, John M. Anderson & E. Hans Freund - 1966 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 1 (1):53-59.
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    Philosophie der Existenz und Theologie des Wortes Gottes: Hans Ehrenberg im Kontext.Hans Martin Dober - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (3):275-280.
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    Atheismus, Induktivismus und Freud oder: die Vertreibung eines Kölschen Jungen.Adolf Grünbaum & Hans-Peter Krüger - 1994 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (3):473-497.
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    Magnitude or Multitude – What Counts?Martin Lachmair, Susana Ruiz Fernández, Korbinian Moeller, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Barbara Kaup - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  22. The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary (Hermeneia).Martin Dibelius, Hans Conzelman, Philip Buttolph, Adela Yarbro & Helmut Koester - 1972
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    Glaube als Projektion. Zur Auseinandersetzung mit Ludwig Feuerbach.Hans-Martin Barth - 1970 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 12 (3):363-382.
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    Theologie der Säkularisation heute: Post-säkulare Theologie.Hans-Martin Barth - 1997 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 39 (1):27-41.
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    (1 other version)Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles.Martin Heidegger & Hans-Ulrich Lessing - 1989 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 6:235-274.
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    Redefining neuromarketing as an integrated science of influence.Hans C. Breiter, Martin Block, Anne J. Blood, Bobby Calder, Laura Chamberlain, Nick Lee, Sherri Livengood, Frank J. Mulhern, Kalyan Raman, Don Schultz, Daniel B. Stern, Vijay Viswanathan & Fengqing Zhang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The new triad: Responsibility, solidarity and subsidiarity.Hans-Martin Sass - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (6):587-594.
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  28. Albert Einstein in 1935 on Electrosmog and Fake News.Hans-Martin Sass - 2019 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (3):93-94.
    The biological impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans and other living beings still is controversial and inconclusive. In 1935 Albert Einstein called such an impact ‘fake news’, probably using the prestige of the Nobel Price as a powerful placebo. How should he and we deal with issues of electrosmog, placebo effects, and fake news today?
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    Egozentrizität, Mystik und christlicher Glaube: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Ernst Tugendhat.Hans-Martin Barth - 2004 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 46 (4):467-482.
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    Feuerbach und die Mystik.Hans-Martin Barth - 1991 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 33 (2):167-182.
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    Marcina Lutra „Disputatio de homine” 1536.Hans Martin Barth - 1987 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 4:47-60.
    Nach der Meinung das Verfassers bezieht sich heute der Streit zwischen der Philosophie und der Theologie auf den Menschen und nicht - wie in der Yergaxgenheit - auf Gott. Aufgrund dieser These wird die späte Abhandlung von Luther “Disputatio de homine" erörtert. An Hand de Vernunft ist die philosophische Anthropologie nur imstande eine Bestimmung des Menschen als einer weltlichen Ezietans zu geben. In der theologischen Anthropologie wird der Mensch als "pura materis Dei" verstanden. Es ist auch keine Begriffsbestimmung des menschlichen (...)
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    Bisimulation and expressivity for conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief.Martin Jensen, Hans Ditmarsch, Thomas Bolander & Mikkel Andersen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2447-2487.
    Plausibility models are Kripke models that agents use to reason about knowledge and belief, both of themselves and of each other. Such models are used to interpret the notions of conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief. The logic of conditional belief contains that modality and also the knowledge modality, and similarly for the logic of degrees of belief and the logic of safe belief. With respect to these logics, plausibility models may contain too much information. A proper notion (...)
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  33. Renate Schindler: Zeit, geschichte, ewigkeit in Franz rosenzweigs Stern der erlosung.Hans Martin Dober - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (4):334.
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    Introduction the principle of solidarity in health care policy.Hans-Martin Sass - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):367-370.
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    Gesamtausgabe: Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie (1919/20) : [frühe Freiburger Vorlesung Wintersemester 1919/20] / [hrsg. von Hans-Helmuth Gander].Martin Heidegger & Hans-Helmuth Gander - 2010 - Verlag Vittorio Klostermann.
    Phanomenologie als Ursprungswissenschaft vom Leben in ihren Strukturen und thematischen Bereichen aufzuweisen, steckt Rahmen und Ziel dieser Freiburger Dozentenvorlesung ab. In dieser Grundtendenz ist die Vorlesung ein bedeutendes Zeugnis des Durchbruchs des Heideggerschen Denkens hin zur Position von Sein und Zeit. Sie ist aber mit Blick auf Heideggers Denkweg nicht nur entwicklungsgeschichtlich von Interesse, sondern sie bezieht ihr Gewicht zudem auch aus ihrer Anlage als systematische Vorlesung. Mit kritischem Blick auf die Tradition, insbesondere aber im Bemuhen um Distanzgewinnung zur zeitgenossischen (...)
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  36. Advance Health Care Documents In Multicultural Perspectives.Hans-Martin Sass, Frederick Bonkovsky, Akira Akabayashi, Rita Kielstein & Robert Olick - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    In der modernen Medizin kommt es zunehmend zu Entscheidungskonflikten zwischen Intervention und Interventionsverzicht dort, wo nicht die medizinisch-technischen Möglichkeiten handlungsleitend sein sollen, sondern die am individuellen Patientenwohl sich orientierende bioethische Prognose entsprechend den klassischen arztethischen Prinzipien des primum nil nocere und des salus aegroti suprema lex. Schadensverbot und Heilauftrag sollen nicht heteronom und uniform vorgegeben werden, sondern sich am Willen des Patienten orientieren. Nicht selten macht jedoch die Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens große Schwierigkeiten, vor allem bei Demenz, Koma, schwerem Trauma (...)
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  37. A Democratic Theory of Life.Hans Asenbaum, Reece Chenault, Christopher Harris, Akram Hassan, Curtis Hierro, Stephen Houldsworth, Brandon Mack, Shauntrice Martin, Chivona Newsome, Kayla Reed, Tony Rice, Shevone Torres & I. I. Terry J. Wilson - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (176):1-33.
    In response to its current crisis, scholars call for the revitalisation of democracy through democratic innovations. While they make ample use of life metaphors describing democracy as a living organism, no comprehensive understanding of ‘life’ has been established within democratic theory. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement articulates the urgency of refocusing on life and its meaning through radical democratic practice. This article employs a grounded theory approach, enriched with participatory methods, to develop a radical democratic concept of life in (...)
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  38. Heidegger-Bibliographie.Hans-Martin Sass - 1968 - A. Hain.
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    Andrea Poma: Cadenzas. Philosophical Notes for Postmodernism.Hans Martin Dober - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (4):369-373.
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  40. A Hegelian in Southwest Texas.Hans Martin Sass - 1977 - The Owl of Minerva 9 (2):5-7.
    It is generally understood that Hegel’s influence in the United States was more or less restricted to the field of speculative philosophy. The philosophical importance of the St. Louis movement and The Journal of Speculative Philosophy is well known, just as Hegelian relationships to the New England Transcendentalists. Loyd D. Easton’s pioneering book Hegel’s First American Followers, described the independent Hegelian discussion in mid-nineteenth century Ohio. John B. Stallo and August Willich demonstrated clearly that under totally different cultural, social and (...)
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  41. Reichsrundschreiben 1931: Pre-nuremberg German regulations concerning new therapy and human experimentation.Hans-Martin Sass - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (2):99-112.
    This is the first re-publication and first English translation of regulations concerning Human Experimentation which were binding law prior to and during the Third Reich, 1931 to 1945. The introduction briefly describes the duties of the Reichsgesundheitsamt, which formulated these regulations. It then outlines the basic concept of the Richtlinien for protecting subjects and patients on the one hand and for encouraging New Therapy and Human Experimentation on the other hand. Major issues, like personal responsibility of the physician or researcher, (...)
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  42. Neither cosmopolitanism nor multipolarity : the political beyond global governmentality.Hans-Martin Jaeger - 2014 - In Japhy Wilson & Erik Swyngedouw (eds.), The Post-political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticisation, Spectres of Radical Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Introduction.Martin Ebers, Christian Twigg-Flesner & Hans Schulk-Nölke - 2008 - In Martin Ebers, Christian Twigg-Flesner & Hans Schulk-Nölke (eds.), Ec Consumer Law Compendium: The Consumer Acquis and its Transposition in the Member States. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Part 2: Transposition of the individual Directives.Martin Ebers, Christian Twigg-Flesner & Hans Schulk-Nölke - 2008 - In Martin Ebers, Christian Twigg-Flesner & Hans Schulk-Nölke (eds.), Ec Consumer Law Compendium: The Consumer Acquis and its Transposition in the Member States. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    A Hegelian in South Wisconsin.Hans-Martin Sass - 1981 - The Owl of Minerva 12 (4):1-3.
    Karl Theodor Bayrhoffer was born in Marburg Germany on October 14, 1812. Bayrhoffer first taught philosophy at Marburg University, there becoming a Full Professor in 1845. But in 1846, having been suspended from his teaching by reason of his politically free-thinking activities on behalf of the atheistic Lichtfreunde movement, he entered into Hessian politics, becoming - during its last week - the President of the Hesse Electorial Council. To escape political persecution in the period of the 1848 revolution, he, his (...)
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    Das Wort Toleranz im gebrauchspolitischen Streit.Hans-Martin Sass - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (4):577 - 590.
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    The clinic as testing ground for moral theory: A european view.Hans-Martin Sass - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):351-355.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Clinic as Testing Ground for Moral Theory: A European ViewHans-Martin Sass (bio)A Philosopher’s View of Theory in the Clinical SettingThe clinic is a testing ground for theories. I am not clinician; I am a philosopher who has been in the clinic only as a patient or as an ethicist who never has had the final word nor was ever intended to have the final word. I have (...)
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    Cultures in bioethics.Hans-Martin Sass - 2016 - Wien: Lit.
    Biotopes and Bioethics are highly complex and adaptable systems of Bios. Individual bios is terminal, but the stream of Bios goes on. Basic properties of Bios such as communication and cooperation, competence and competition, contemplation and calculation, compassion and cultivation come in different shades of light and dark in individuals and species, in history and ecology. Hans-Martin Sass discusses the territories of Bios and Bioethics, based on his involvement in decades of consulting in academia, business and politics. Special (...)
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  49. Fritz jahr's 1927 concept of bioethics.Hans-Martin Sass - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):279-295.
    : In 1927, Fritz Jahr, a Protestant pastor, philosopher, and educator in Halle an der Saale, published an article entitled "Bio-Ethics: A Review of the Ethical Relationships of Humans to Animals and Plants" and proposed a "Bioethical Imperative," extending Kant's moral imperative to all forms of life. Reviewing new physiological knowledge of his times and moral challenges associated with the development of secular and pluralistic societies, Jahr redefines moral obligations towards human and nonhuman forms of life, outlining the concept of (...)
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  50. Animals in Research: 7-R Principles and Corporate Responsibility.Hans-Martin Sass - 2008 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 18 (3):74-85.
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