Karl Theodor Bayrhoffer was born in Marburg Germany on October 14, 1812. Bayrhoffer first taught philosophy at Marburg University, there becoming a Full Professor in 1845. But in 1846, having been suspended from his teaching by reason of his politically free-thinking activities on behalf of the atheistic Lichtfreunde movement, he entered into Hessian politics, becoming - during its last week - the President of the Hesse Electorial Council. To escape political persecution in the period of the 1848 revolution, he, his wife, and their six children emigrated to the United States in 1852. He purchased a farm of 140 acres in Jordan, Green Country, Wisconsin. The following year, his wife died. He soon remarried to a Charlotte Draz, who lived until 1864, being survived not only by her husband but by their two children.