Results for 'Hani Alawi'

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  1.  3
    Identification of Factors Associated with Self-awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending AlZaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah City 2024.Hani Alawi, Hatim Khogeer, Yaser Azab, Sultan Aljumayi, Abdullah Alzahrani, Idris Fatani, Mohammed Boshnag, Wail Mutair, Malak Hasan, Abdullah Almalki, Nader Mutair, Ahmed Maher, Majdi Saad Alotaibi, Khalid Almasoudi, Nawaf Alotaian, Khalid Saad Alotaibi, Faez Alshihri, Hasan Albeshri & Abdulmalik Alawi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:3170-3182.
    Background: The prevalence of diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in poorer nations. It is anticipated to emerge as the sixth main cause of mortality globally by 2030. The factors linked to self-awareness in diabetes patients are still debated.Aim: To identify factors associated with self-awareness among diabetic patients attending Al-Zaher primary health care center (PHCC), Makkah Almukaramah City, Saudi Arabia 2024Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using a randomized sample of diabetes patients visiting Al-Zaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah (...)
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  2. Hani Gorō rekishi ronshō.Gorō Hani - 1986 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Takashi Saitō & Kenji Yamaryō.
  3. Rasāʼil falsafīyah lī-Abī Bakr Ibn Bājjah: nuṣūṣ falsafīyah ghayr manshūrah.Jamal al-din Alawi & Avempace - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah. Edited by Avempace.
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    A Training Strategy and Functionality Analysis of Digital Multi-Layer Neural Networks.R. Al-Alawi & T. J. Stonham - 1992 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 2 (1-4):53-94.
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    The Political Economy of Revolution: Karl Polanyi in Tahrir Square.Hany Zayed - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):75-97.
    The causes and consequences of revolutionary change have long been the subject of scholarly debate. Through a systematic integration of political economic elements into an analysis of contemporary social transformations, this article joins this conversation by asking how Karl Polanyi’s double movement framework can clarify, and be extended by, the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. By embedding a nuanced account of neoliberalism in Egypt’s modern politics and by bringing those in dialogue with Polanyi’s theoretical apparatus, this article contends that there is (...)
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    Revision of a self‐assessment tool for research ethics committees in low‐ and middle‐income countries: Incorporation of elements that safeguard participants' rights and welfare.Hany Sleem & Henry J. Silverman - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    Evaluating the quality of research ethics committees (RECs) is crucial but challenging due to the difficulty of developing meaningful quality measures. Recently, commentators assessed ten quality instruments for RECs, including the Research Ethics Committee Quality Assurance Self‐Assessment Tool developed for RECs in the Arab Middle East. They identified several missing items in this tool regarding safeguarding participants' rights and welfare.To address these gaps, we aimed to redesign the tool. Using the Delphi method, we involved 15 REC chairs to provide feedback (...)
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    The “Mystic” and Society According to Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Tufayl.Hani Nasri - 1986 - International Philosophical Quarterly 26 (3):223-227.
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    A logical approach to the analysis of metaphors.Isabel D'Hanis - 2002 - In L. Magnani, N. J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi, Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 21--37.
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    Love in the teachings of Ibn ʻArabī.Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim - 2022 - Bristol: Equinox Publishing.
    This book explores the theory of love in the writings of the Great Andalusian Sufi Sheikh, Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn 'Arabī (558-638/1165-1240). It begins by examining Divine and human love as found in the works of many Sufi masters that preceded Ibn 'Arabī, and then turns to the views of Ibn 'Arabīhimself.
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  10. Majmūʻ mushtamal ʻalá thalāth wa-ʻishrīn risālah wa-dīwān wa-manẓūmah.ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn Bāʻalawī - 2002 - Ḥaḍramawt: Maktabat Tarīm al-Ḥadīthah.
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  11. al-Ifādah bi-taʻrīf al-ʻādah.ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn Bāʻalawī - 2009 - Tarīm, Ḥaḍramawt: Tarīm lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Qādir ʻAydarūs, ʻAbd al-Nūr & Muḥammad Yaslam.
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  12. The use of metaphors in scientific development: A logical approach.Isabel D'Hanis - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 44:215.
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    Comment on “Contemporary art: cultivating Feng Zikai’s teachings”.Hanying Chen - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400265.
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  14. Three Notes on the Method of Analysis and Synthesis in its Ancient and (Arabic) Medieval Contexts.Hany Moubarez - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (1):5-11.
    Most historians and philosophers of philosophy and history of mathematics hold one interpretation or the other of the nature of method of analysis and synthesis in itself and in its historical development. In this paper, I am trying to prove – through three points – that, in fact, there were two understandings of that method in Greek mathematics and philosophy, and which were reflected in Arabic mathematical science and philosophy; this reflection is considered as proof also of this double nature (...)
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    Arabic and Islamic Philosophy and Sciences: Method and Truth.Hany Moubarez - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (1):1-4.
    What are Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences? How and where did they come about? I am trying in this preface to provide a short and brief answer to those two questions. Having done this, I sketch the contents of five papers trying to study Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences from its perspective to method and truth.
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  16. Cuneiform Š umma Sentences: Conditionals or Implications?Hany Moubarez - 2025 - Studia Humana 14 (1):1-14.
    For a long time, it was believed in Assyriology and related disciplines that šumma sentences, or grammatical conditionals, which appeared in cuneiform texts and tablets of astrology, exorcism, law, extispicy, oneiromancy, medicine, and divination, were linguistic expressions of logical conditionals. F. Rochberg (2010; 2016) extended this belief, suggesting that they are even material conditionals. Andrew Schumann (2017; 2020; 2021) followed this, claiming that, as a result, we can trace the origin of symbolic logic in cuneiform writings, through which it moved (...)
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    The impact of mindfulness practice on physician burnout: A scoping review.Hani Malik & Carrie Amani Annabi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPhysician burnout is a growing phenomenon in current health systems worldwide. With the emergence of COVID-19, burnout in healthcare is progressively becoming a serious concern. Increasing emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment threaten the effective delivery of healthcare. Compassion fatigue and moral injury are a considerable risk to the doctor-patient relationship. These issues can potentially be mitigated by mindfulness practice, which has shown promising results in reducing burnout, restoring compassion, and preventing moral injury in physicians.MethodologyA scoping review was conducted (...)
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  18. A semiotic analysis of the genetic information.Charbel El-Hani, Joao Queiroz & Claus Emmeche - 2006 - Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique 160 (1/4):1-68.
    Terms loaded with informational connotations are often employed to refer to genes and their dynamics. Indeed, genes are usually perceived by biologists as basically ‘the carriers of hereditary information.’ Nevertheless, a number of researchers consider such talk as inadequate and ‘just metaphorical,’ thus expressing a skepticism about the use of the term ‘information’ and its derivatives in biology as a natural science. First, because the meaning of that term in biology is not as precise as it is, for instance, in (...)
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    Identifying structures, processes, resources and needs of research ethics committees in Egypt.Hany Sleem, Samer S. El-Kamary & Henry J. Silverman - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):12-.
    Background: Concerns have been expressed regarding the adequacy of ethics review systems in developing countries. Limited data are available regarding the structural and functional status of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in the Middle East. The purpose of this study was to survey the existing RECs in Egypt to better understand their functioning status, perceived resource needs, and challenges. Methods: We distributed a self-administered survey tool to Egyptian RECs to collect information on the following domains: general characteristics of the REC, membership (...)
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  20. Firefly Femmes Fatales: A Case Study in the Semiotics of Deception.Charbel N. El-Hani, João Queiroz & Frederik Stjernfelt - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (1):33-55.
    Mimicry and deception are two important issues in studies about animal communication. The reliability of animal signs and the problem of the benefits of deceiving in sign exchanges are interesting topics in the evolution of communication. In this paper, we intend to contribute to an understanding of deception by studying the case of aggressive signal mimicry in fireflies, investigated by James Lloyd. Firefly femmes fatales are specialized in mimicking the mating signals of other species of fireflies with the purpose of (...)
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  21. Towards a multi-level approach to the emergence of meaning processes in living systems.João Queiroz & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (3):179-206.
    Any description of the emergence and evolution of different types of meaning processes (semiosis, sensu C.S.Peirce) in living systems must be supported by a theoretical framework which makes it possible to understand the nature and dynamics of such processes. Here we propose that the emergence of semiosis of different kinds can be understood as resulting from fundamental interactions in a triadically-organized hierarchical process. To grasp these interactions, we develop a model grounded on Stanley Salthe's hierarchical structuralism. This model can be (...)
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    Emergence Theories and Pragmatic Realism.Charbel Niño El-Hani & Sami Pihlström - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (2):143-176.
    The tradition of pragmatism has, especially since Dewey, been characterized by a commitment to nonreductive naturalism. The notion of emergence, popular in the early decades of the twentieth century and currently re-emerging as a central concept in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, may be useful in explicating that commitment. The present paper discusses the issue of the reality of emergent properties, drawing particular attention to a pragmatic way of approaching this issue. The reality of emergents can be defended as (...)
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    Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations.David Ludwig & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2020 - Journal of Ethnobiology (1):3-20.
    Ethnobiology has become increasingly concerned with applied and normative issues such as climate change adaptation, forest management, and sustainable agriculture. Applied ethnobiology emphasizes the practical importance of local and traditional knowledge in tackling these issues but thereby also raises complex theoretical questions about the integration of heterogeneous knowledge systems. The aim of this article is to develop a framework for addressing questions of integration through four core domains of philosophy - epistemology, ontology, value theory, and political theory. In each of (...)
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  24. Naqd-i falsafah, yā, Taḥqīq dar ārāʼ va ʻaqāyid-i falāsifah.Ghulām Ḥusayn Āhanī - 1961 - [Isfahan?]: Kitābfurūsh-i Shahriyār.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Intermediate English as a Foreign Language learners' formulaic language speaking proficiency: Where does the teaching of lexical chunks figure?Hani Hamad M. Albelihi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Professional Boundary Ethics Attitudes and Awareness Among Nurses and Physicians in a University Hospital in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Hani Tamim, Amr Jamal, Huda Al Shamsi, Abdulla Al Sayyari & Fayez Hejaili - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):21-32.
    This study sought to gauge ethical attitudes about professional boundary issues of physicians and nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Respondents scored 10 relevant boundary vignettes as to their ethical acceptability. The group as a whole proved “aware/ ethically conservative,” but with the physicians' score falling on the “less ethically conservative” part of the spectrum compared to nurses. The degree of ethicality was more related to profession than to gender, with nurses being more “ethical” than physicians.
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  27. Higher-level descriptions: why should we preserve them.Charbel Nino El-Hani & Antonio Marcos Pereira - 2000 - In P. B. Andersen, Claus Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann & P. V. Christiansen, Downward Causation. Aarhus, Denmark: University of Aarhus Press.
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    The Events of The December Revolution in Romania: Its Causes and Days.Tuqa Alawi Gaffer & Yousif Taha Hussein Al-Quraishi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1265-1271.
    There were major reasons that led to the fall of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime, foremost among which was the impact of the communist economic crisis on Romania, as well as the effects of the global economic crisis and Romania’s loss of Western support, in addition to the emergence of internal opposition calling for the restructuring of the Soviet bloc since the mid-seventies, due to the major economic crisis of the communist regime that was imposed on the peoples of the Soviet (...)
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  29. Knowledge, Belief, and Science Education.Waldomiro Silva-Filho, Charbel El-Hani & Tiago Ferreira - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (7 - 8):775-794.
    This article intends to show that the defense of “understanding” as one of the major goals of science education can be grounded on an anti-reductionist perspective on testimony as a source of knowledge. To do so, we critically revisit the discussion between Harvey Siegel and Alvin Goldman about the goals of science education, especially where it involves arguments based on the epistemology of testimony. Subsequently, we come back to a discussion between Charbel N. El-Hani and Eduardo Mortimer, on the (...)
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    From the Organizational Theory of Ecological Functions to a New Notion of Sustainability.Charbel N. El-Hani, Felipe Rebelo Gomes de Lima & Nei de Freitas Nunes-Neto - 2023 - In Matteo Mossio, Organization in Biology. Springer. pp. 285-328.
    In this chapter, we will address criticisms to the theory of ecological functions introduced by Nunes-Neto et al. (2014). In doing so, we intend to further develop the theory, as a possible basis for naturalizing the teleological and normative dimensions of ecological functions. We will also take the first steps in the construction of an integrated scientific and ethical approach to sustainability that is intended to avoid an anthropocentric perspective.
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  31. Gould, Hull, and the individuation of scientific theories.Paulo Abrantes & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (4):295-313.
    When is conceptual change so significant that we should talk about a new theory, not a new version of the same theory? We address this problem here, starting from Gould’s discussion of the individuation of the Darwinian theory. He locates his position between two extremes: ‘minimalist’—a theory should be individuated merely by its insertion in a historical lineage—and ‘maximalist’—exhaustive lists of necessary and sufficient conditions are required for individuation. He imputes the minimalist position to Hull and attempts a reductio : (...)
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    Knowledge and Wisdom.ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī ʻAṭṭās - 2000 - Starlatch Press.
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    7 Issues in Socialization, Literacy Learning, and Educational Processes.Alister Cumming, Mohammed Al-Alawi & Yuko Watanabe - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming, Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 74--87.
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  34. La emergencia de significado en sistemas semióticos.Joao Queiroz & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 56 (2):47-65.
    Cualquier descripción de la emergencia de significado en sistemas biológicos y artificiales debe apoyarse en un marco teórico que haga posible entender la naturaleza y la dinámica de tales procesos. En este artículo se toma la filosofía pragmática del signo de Charles S. Peirce, que asociamos aquí con el estructuralismo jerárquico de Stanley Salthe, como la base correcta para desarrollar ese marco conceptual. Se formulan algunas preguntas que consideramos fundamentales para asegurar una aplicación precisa de la noción de emergencia en (...)
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    Jadal al-dīn wa-al-siyāsah ʻinda IbnʻAlawī Rashīd - 2018 - al-Jazāʼir: Ibn al-Nadīm lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Averroës, 1126-1198; criticism and interpretation; Islamic philosophy; Religion and ploitics.
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    Mushkilat al-jawhar ʻinda Ibn Rushd: bayna al-ʻilm al-ṭabīʻī wa-ʻilm mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻʻAlawī Rashīd - 2016 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Ḥasan al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Mawsūʻat al-akhlāq.ʻAlawī Saqqāf (ed.) - 2013 - al-Ẓahrān: Muʼassasat al-Durar al-Sanīyah lil-Nashr.
    al-mujallad 1. al-Iḥsān -- al-shahāmah -- al-mujallad 2. al-ṣabr -- al-waqār -- al-mujallad 3. al-Isāʼah -- sūʼ al-ẓann -- al-mujallad 4. al-Shamātah -- al-Yaʼs wa-al-qunūṭ.
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    Drivers of convergence/divergence of corporate governance codes of MENA countries.Ali Uyar, Hany Elbardan & Ahmed Yamen - 2019 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 13 (3):217.
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    Acute pain management and assessment: are guidelines being implemented in developing countries (Lebanon).Abeer A. Zeitoun, Hani I. Dimassi, Bahija A. Chami & Nibal R. Chamoun - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):833-839.
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    Results of a self-assessment tool to assess the operational characteristics of research ethics committees in low- and middle-income countries.Henry Silverman, Hany Sleem, Keymanthri Moodley, Nandini Kumar, Sudeshni Naidoo, Thilakavathi Subramanian, Rola Jaafar & Malini Moni - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):332-337.
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    Covid-19 and the decolonisation of education in Palestinian universities.Bilal Hamamra, Nabil Alawi & Abdel Karim Daragmeh - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14):1477-1490.
    Despite the severe social, health, political and economic impacts of the outbreak of Covid-19 on Palestinians, we contend that one positive aspect of this pandemic is that it has revealed the perils and shortcomings of the teacher-centered, traditional education which colonizes students’ minds, compromises their analytical abilities and, paradoxically, places them in a system of oppression which audits their ideas, limits their freedoms, and curtails their creativity. While Israeli occupation has proven to be an obstacle in the face of the (...)
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    A Peircean Approach to ‘Information’ and its Relationship with Bateson’s and Jablonka’s Ideas.Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):75-94.
    The Peircean semiotic approach to information that we developed in previous papers raises several new questions, and shows both similarities and differenceswith regard to other accounts of information. We do not intend to present here any exhaustive discussion about the relationships between our account and otherapproaches to information. Rather, our interest is mainly to address its relationship to ideas about information put forward by Gregory Bateson and Eva Jablonka. We conclude that all these authors offer quite broad concepts of information, (...)
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    Mendel in Genetics Teaching: Some Contributions from History of Science and Articles for Teachers.Charbel N. El-Hani - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (1-2):173-204.
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    Honorary authorship in biomedical journals: how common is it and why does it exist?Waleed Al-Herz, Hani Haider, Mahmoud Al-Bahhar & Adnan Sadeq - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):346-348.
    Background The number of coauthors in the medical literature has increased over the past 50 years as authorship continues to have important academic, social and financial implications.Aim and method The study aim was to determine the prevalence of honorary authorship in biomedical publications and identify the factors that lead to its existence. An email with a survey link was sent anonymously to 9283 corresponding authors of PubMed articles published within 1 year of contact.Results A completed survey was obtained from 1246 (...)
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  45. Downward determination.Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2005 - Abstracta 1 (2):162-192.
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  46. Understanding biological causation.Charbel Niño El-Hani & Antonio Marcos Pereira - 1999 - In Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Where Biology Meets Psychology: Philosophical Essays. MIT Press.
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    Nexus between corporate governance, CSR and earnings management: moderating role of leverage and firm size.Suha Mahmoud Alawi - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    Imagination in Science.Luana Poliseli & Charbel El-Hani - 2020 - In Luca Tateo, A theory of Imagining, Knowing and Understanding. SpringerBriefs in Psychology. pp. 65-84.
    Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. Imagination in Science. In L. Tateo, A theory of Imagining, Knowing and Understanding, SpringerBriefs in Psychology. -/- This chapter comments on the book from the perspective of the developments in philosophy of science and intercultural communication. It raises a number of issues to be further discussed in order to continue inquiry into Tateo’s approach. It discusses how imaginative processes are engaged in modeling work in science. It also shows how, facing the environmental challenges that (...)
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    (2 other versions)On the reality of emergents.Charbel Nino El-Hani - 2002 - Principia 6 (1):51-87.
    The controversy over the notion of emergence has recently re-emerged But a rigorous debate concerning how it might be explained or defined is often lacking Emergence is discussed here under two strict conditions (l) emergents can be predictable from the knowledge about a system's parts, (ll) emergents can be regarded as dependent on, and deternuned by, the system's micro-structure O'Connor's definmon of an emergent property is taken as a starting-point for a new definmon, incorporating Emmeche and colleagues' analysis of dounward (...)
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  50. Transdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: Meeting the Challenge of Indigenous Expertise.David Ludwig, Charbel El-Hani, Fabio Gatti, Catherine Kendig, Matthias Kramm, Lucia Neco, Abigail Nieves Delgado, Luana Poliseli, Vitor Renck, Adriana Ressiore C., Luis Reyes-Galindo, Thomas Loyd Rickard, Gabriela De La Rosa, Julia J. Turska, Francisco Vergara-Silva & Rob Wilson - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91:1221-1231.
    Transdisciplinary research knits together knowledge from diverse epistemic communities in addressing social-environmental challenges, such as biodiversity loss, climate crises, food insecurity, and public health. This paper reflects on the roles of philosophy of science in transdisciplinary research while focusing on Indigenous and other subaltern forms of knowledge. We offer a critical assessment of demarcationist approaches in philosophy of science and outline a constructive alternative of transdisciplinary philosophy of science. While a demarcationist focus obscures the complex relations between epistemic communities, transdisciplinary (...)
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