Results for 'Hatim Khogeer'

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  1.  1
    Identification of Factors Associated with Self-awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending AlZaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah City 2024.Hani Alawi, Hatim Khogeer, Yaser Azab, Sultan Aljumayi, Abdullah Alzahrani, Idris Fatani, Mohammed Boshnag, Wail Mutair, Malak Hasan, Abdullah Almalki, Nader Mutair, Ahmed Maher, Majdi Saad Alotaibi, Khalid Almasoudi, Nawaf Alotaian, Khalid Saad Alotaibi, Faez Alshihri, Hasan Albeshri & Abdulmalik Alawi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:3170-3182.
    Background: The prevalence of diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in poorer nations. It is anticipated to emerge as the sixth main cause of mortality globally by 2030. The factors linked to self-awareness in diabetes patients are still debated.Aim: To identify factors associated with self-awareness among diabetic patients attending Al-Zaher primary health care center (PHCC), Makkah Almukaramah City, Saudi Arabia 2024Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using a randomized sample of diabetes patients visiting Al-Zaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah (...)
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    Institutional review boards in Saudi Arabia: the first survey-based report on their functions and operations.Asim Khogeer, M. Zuheir AlKawi, Abeer Omar, Yasmin Altwaijri, Amani AlMeharish, Ammar Alkawi, Asma AlShahrani, Norah AlBedah & Areej AlFattani - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundInstitutional review boards (IRBs) are formally designated to review, approve, and monitor biomedical research. They are responsible for ensuring that researchers comply with the ethical guidelines concerning human research participants. Given that IRBs might face different obstacles that cause delays in their processes or conflicts with investigators, this study aims to report the functions, roles, resources, and review process of IRBs in Saudi Arabia.MethodThis was a cross-sectional self-reported survey conducted from March 2021 to March 2022. The survey was sent to (...)
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    A Framework for Determining the Return on Investment of Simulation-Based Training in Health Care.Hatim Bukhari, Pamela Andreatta, Brian Goldiez & Luis Rabelo - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801668717.
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    The neo-jurisprudence of pil in superior courts of pakistan: A comparative analysis of pre and post lawyers’ movement working of superior courts.Hatim Aziz Solangi - 2021 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 60 (1):33-44.
    The dynamics of the superior judiciary in Pakistan have undergone a drastic transformation in its approach and working in post 2007 emergency followed by a landmark movement of civil and legal fraternity for restoration of constitutional supremacy. The neo-jurisprudence is being applauded and criticized at the same time. The excessive use of Suo-motto and public interest litigation at one hand and frequent judicial review of executive and legislative action on other have been the main source of contention between judiciary and (...)
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    Single Trial EEG Patterns for the Prediction of Individual Differences in Fluid Intelligence.Emad-ul-Haq Qazi, Muhammad Hussain, Hatim Aboalsamh, Aamir Saeed Malik, Hafeez Ullah Amin & Saeed Bamatraf - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  6.  11
    Comprehensive Review of Pharmacological Therapies and Clinical Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus: A Depth Study.Mohammed Fulayyih Essa Alharbi, Salah Mahmoud Salah Alabbasi, Jamal Zaid Alshaikh, Abdullah Mastour Abdullah Alqarni, Saleh Aedh Mastour Alshamrani, Osama Abdulkarim Samargandi, Rami Mohammed Almutairi, Saleem Othman Rafi Alamri, Ibrahim Ahmed Alshehri, Abdulmohsin Nami Almutairi, Mona Ahmad Alshehri, Anas Abdulkarim Samargandi, Alhanouf Abed Algethami, Hatim Ahmed Ali Alzahrani & Abdulaziz Khalid Albarti - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:59-94.
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a colossal burden in global health, its prevalence increases steadily throughout the world. This systematic review explores the pathophysiology and epidemiology of diabetes, which describes the interactions that implicate that is the result of the play between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors in the development and progression of the disease. The review also describes a plethora of pharmacological treatments available to manage diabetes, with the oral agent, insulin regimens, and new approaches to therapy. Integrating the wisdom (...)
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  7. Exploring Researchers’ Perspectives on Institutional Review Boards Functions in Saudi Arabia: A Survey Utilizing the IRB-RAT Tool.Areej AlFattani, Asma AlShahrani, Norah AlBedah, Ammar Alkawi, Amani AlMeharish, Yasmin Altwaijri, Abeer Omar, M. Zuheir AlKawi & Asim Khogeer - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-9.
    The ethics committee has the responsibility to comply with the rules and guidelines regarding oversight of all human research activities, particularly when the research study involves vulnerable people. It also has the role of educating researchers on ethical issues, scientific truthfulness, preventing misconduct and conflicts of interest. In our study we evaluate and benchmark the function of the local ethical committees across the country from the researchers point-of-view. We employed an online IRB-RAT survey to measure perspectives of investigators towards IRB (...)
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  8.  36
    El De imaginibus caelestibus de Ibn al-Ḥātim.Marc Oliveras - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (1):171-220.
    En 1987 K. Lippincott y D. Pingree publicaron una primera edición latina junto a una traducción inglesa del tratado bilingüe árabo-latino del s. XV De imaginibus caelestibus, escrito originariamente por el andalusí Ibn al-?atim en el s. X. El trabajo que se presenta aquí pretende completar al precedente con una edición del texto árabe, su traducción al español y añadir algunas interpretaciones a las posibles fuentes de la imaginería talismánica. En este breve tratado de astromagia, Ibn al-Hatim se dedica (...)
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    Ibn al-hātim on the talismans of the lunar mansions.Kristen Lippincott & David Pingree - 1987 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 50 (1):57-81.
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    More on Ibn al-hātim.Kristen Lippincott - 1988 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 51 (1):188-190.
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    Horasan Ekolünün Teşekkülünde H'tim el-Esam ve Entelektüel Ağı.Ayşegül Mete - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):331-359.
    Erken dönem tasavvuf tarihinde iki ana akımdan biri olarak kabul edilen Horasan tasavvuf ekolünün şekillenmesinde Hâtim el-Esam (ö.237/851) önemli bir figür olarak karşımıza çıkar. İbrahim b. Edhem (ö.161/778) ve Şakîk-i Belhî (ö.194/810) kanalıyla gelen öğretinin Horasan ve Maveraünnehir genelinde aktarım ve intişarının sağlamasında onun etkin bir rol oynadığı bilinir. Aynı zamanda yetiştirdiği talebeleriyle Melâmetîliğin teşekkülüne katkı sağladığı kabul edilir. Bu makale Hâtim el-Esam’ın entelektüel açıdan kimliği ve ilişkiler ağının tespitine odaklanmaktadır. Herhangi bir akademik çalışmaya konu edilmediği görülen söz konusu odağı, (...)
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    Salvation and destiny in Islam: the Shiʻi Ismaili perspective of Ḥamīd al-Dīn al-Kirm̄anī.Maria De Cillis - 2018 - New York: I. B. Tauris in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies ;.
    Medieval Islamic philosophers were occupied with questions of cosmology, predestination and salvation and human responsibility for actions. For Ismailis, the related notions of religious leadership, namely the imamate, and the eschatological role of the prophets and imams were equally central. These were also a matter of doctrinal controversy within the so-called Iranian school of Ismaili philosophical theology. Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani (d. after 411/1020) was one of the most important theologians in the Fatimid period, who rose to prominence during the reign (...)
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    A Research on the Narration That Associated Tashahhud with the Miʿrāj.Üzeyir Durmuş - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):377-394.
    The narration of tashahhud being a conversation between Allah, the Prophet and the angels is quite common among people. This article examines the authenticity of this narration and questions whether it has an informative value. In this context, the research undertaken in Hadith, Siyar, Tafsīr and Fiqh sources resulted that the narration was not stated in the hadith books -with sanad (the chain of narrators) or without sanad. The first and only summary version of the script was included in the (...)
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    İnsan Ontolojisi Bakımından Necislik: Tevbe 9/28 Örneği.Rabiye ÇETİN - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):1-28.
    Bu makalede, müşriklerle sosyal ilişkinin mahiyetine dair Müslüman düşünce geleneğinde ortaya konulan literatür genel hatlarıyla ele alınmaktadır. Söz konusu literatür, “müşrikler bu yıldan sonra Mescid-i Harâm’a yaklaşmasınlar” (Tevbe 9/28) ayeti temelinde şekillenmiştir. Bu bağlamda âlimler şirkin mahiyeti, Mescid-i Harâm bölgesinin sınırları ile bu bölgeye yaklaşmamayı ifade eden fiilin içeriği ve özellikle de ayetteki uyarının Hac ibadeti ile sınırlı/kayıtlı olup olmadığı gibi hususları tartışma konusu yapmışlardır. Bu ayet çerçevesinde ortaya konulan literatürde iki görüşün ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Bunlardan ilki, Mescid-i Harâm (...)
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    Authenticity Problem in Early Interpretations and Author-Work Relationship.Süleyman Kaya - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):497-518.
    Early period (h. I-III) works are the most basic data sources in tafsīr studies. However, the related works were shaped within the conditions of the period. In this process, the literacy and schooling rate is low. It is not easy to obtain sufficient writing materials. For this reason, the information was initially transferred as a verbal, some of the original material that has been written has not survived. The information, which is usually narrated and sometimes written, can be learned through (...)
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    Yahy'’nın Şefaatn'me’si.Duygu Kayalık Şahin - 2022 - Atebe 8:211-231.
    İslamiyet’in Türkler tarafından kabul edilmesiyle birlikte Türk edebiyatında, İslamiyet’i konu alan eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserlerin bilhassa tevhid, naat, münâcât ve hâtime bölümlerinde Allah’ın rahmetine ve Hz. Muhammed’in şefaatine nail olmak arzusunun dile getirilmesi bir gelenek hâline gelmiştir. Zamanla, şefaati konu edinen ve başta Hz. Muhammed olmak üzere Allah’ın şefaat etmesine müsaade buyurduğu kişilerden şefaat isteğinde bulunulan manzum ve mensur müstakil eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserler, dinî-tasavvufi türlerden ayrılarak şefaatnâme olarak adlandırılmıştır. Şefaatnâmelerin geneli, eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde telif edilen Hikâye-i (...)
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    Mehmed Zihni Efendi (öl. 1332 / 1913). el-Kavlü’s-Sedîd fî ‘İlmi’t-Tecvîd (Tecvîd-i Cedîd). İstanbul: D'ru’t-Tıb'‘ati’l-‘Âmire, 1328. [REVIEW]Alaaddin Salihoğlu - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:381-386.
    Bu yazıda son devir Osmanlı âlim ve müderrislerinden Mehmed Zihni Efendi tarafından Osmanlı Türkçesiyle kaleme alınan “el-Kavlü’s-Sedîd fi ‘İlmi’t-Tecvîd” diğer ismiyle “Tecvîd-i Cedîd” adlı eseri değerlendirilmektedir. Medrese talebelerine yönelik hazırlanmış olan bu eser, üç ana konudan oluşmaktadır: Mushaf-ı Şerif, tilâvet ve tecvîd. Eserde, Kur’ân tarihi ve kitabeti, tilâvetin hükmü ve çeşitleri, Kur’ân eğitiminin fazileti, hatim geleneği gibi konuların yanı sıra vasıl ve vakıf hükümleri, harflerin çıkış yerleri ve sıfatları ile med çeşitleri gibi konular da ele alınmıştır. Müellifin konuları işlerken, (...)
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