Results for 'Haiyan Xing'

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  1.  13
    Research on parallel data processing of data mining platform in the background of cloud computing.Lijun Wu, Haiyan Xing, Hui Zhang & Lingrui Bu - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):479-486.
    The efficient processing of large-scale data has very important practical value. In this study, a data mining platform based on Hadoop distributed file system was designed, and then K-means algorithm was improved with the idea of max-min distance. On Hadoop distributed file system platform, the parallelization was realized by MapReduce. Finally, the data processing effect of the algorithm was analyzed with Iris data set. The results showed that the parallel algorithm divided more correct samples than the traditional algorithm; in the (...)
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  2. Dao de, li xing yu ren wen di xiang du.Haiyan Ye - 1996 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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    Zhuangzi yi dian ling: dong fang sheng ming liao yu xian xing zhe.Haiyan Ye - 2018 - Taibei Shi: Wei lan wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
    因為現代醫藥之發達與進步,我們身體的痛已大多有了消解之道;但思想、心理與性靈的病卻是越來越讓我們感到憂傷,越來越教我們心生恐懼,也越來越侵犯到我們原本一心盼望單單純純地「活在此時此刻」這極其謙卑的權利 與心願。 顯然,現代科技仍然效力有限,而無端的生命苦難更是難以預期與估量。我們還是得時時回頭看看自己這一身,回頭想想自己這一生,並同時回頭思量自己這一顆心到底蘊藏著什麼寶貝,或許,這樣的自力救濟與自力更生纔是生 活的王道。 且讓我們一起來細細品味兩千多年前這一位東方的「生命療癒先行者」――莊子到底是怎麼看待他自己這一身、這一生、這一世以及時時刻刻跳動在「此時此刻」的這一顆心,而其中又有何特殊光景值得莊子大書特書,這也許是 人類千年不變的生命共業。 原本,我們一出生就無法自外於大自然,而「自然」原來就在我們完完整整的這一身,它的符碼(甚至是密碼)就藏在我們人人心底,就靠我們自己來記憶,來存取,來開啟我們與生俱來的自我療癒的能力,而莊子如是言,如是 行,如是思量,如是觀想,如是腳踏實地,如是心無旁鶩,如是存活於此時此刻──而他已然為我們落下這八個無比精采的篇章: ◆逍遙之遊──莊子一心渴望真自由,而他到底是如何滿足這心底深沉的渴望?又是如何從地面起身躍向那無邊無界的天空? ◆齊物之論──莊子彷彿心無是非,口無虛言,而只是靜觀萬物,平等看待這世上的一切,他是如何能夠保有這份真真切切的「自知之明」?如何在夢醒之際清清楚楚地守著這僅有的清明之心? ◆養生之主──莊子先是如同一般人,一心只盼望健健康康,無疾也無病,但他還深刻地警覺生命最大的痛──死亡隨時隨處在窺伺著我們,我們又能如何真正地跳出這幾乎無所不在的死亡的幽谷? ◆人間之世──莊子深知世上難免無妄之災,更難防故意之敵,但我們還是得盡量避禍,盡力解厄,同時盡心地處理好所有與我們相連相繫的人際關係;不過,當不順心不如意之事迎面而來之際,我們又當如何舉重若輕地一肩承 擔?莊子顯然有他自己的法子。 ◆真人之身──莊子不是教主,也不想開宗立派,他只是始終關心本來無價無償的生命到底該怎麼被我們認真地看待,而那「無用之用」的奧妙又有誰能真正了解? ◆渾沌之死──就莊子看來,「渾沌」本無生亦無死;而如果說我們總是自己在「找死」,並不是死亡找上我們,這雖然看似重話,卻可能有警醒人心的作用。原來,莊子的「生命之壺」暗藏玄機,而縱然生死之謎究竟無解,但 我們又何妨放下心來,自由自在地在這世上走上一回。 ◆自然之道──莊子當然不懂現代科技,但他已經知道運用機械的後遺症。設想時下所謂的「科技新貴」能夠放下「釣魚上鉤」的念頭,靜靜地佇立水岸,觀賞那魚兒水中游,大概就將別有一番生活情趣與生命體悟。 ◆幸福之夢──莊子應該和任何人一樣,都想幸幸福福過一生,但我們到底該怎麼尋找終生的伴侶(甚至是「絕配」)?日子又該怎麼過得舒適?而和自己又能如何做一輩子的至親好友?這些問題的解答,可能就是打開那幸福之 門的鑰匙吧! 作者:葉海煙 輔仁大學哲學博士,美國哈佛大學訪問學人、東吳大學哲學系教授兼系主任、長榮大學哲學與宗教學系教授兼系主任、台灣哲學學會會長、錢穆故居執行長、台南市哲學學會會長。現任南神神學院神學研究所專任哲學教授、國立 成功大學兼任哲學教授。專長道家哲學,當代新儒學,當代倫理學比較研究,台灣文化研究。著有《莊子的生命哲學》、《老莊哲學新論》、《道德、理性與人文的向度》、《中國哲學的倫理觀》、《人文與哲學的對話》、《傳 統倫理的現代挑戰》、《莊子的處世智慧》、《老子診療室》、《臺灣學入門》、《道家倫理學:理論與實踐》、《哲學與人生》、《哲學在哪裡》等近二十種著作。.
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  4.  85
    Jifeng Liu;, Yanqiong Liu;, Haiyan Xie. Liang dan yi xing gong cheng yu da ke xue [The Project of “Two Bombs, One Satellite”: A Model of the Big Science]. . 254 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2004. ¥27. [REVIEW]John Lewis & Xue Litai - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):430-431.
  5.  41
    The "Wanzhang" Chapter in the Mencius and the Bamboo Slip Wu Xing.Xing Wen - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (1):63-78.
    The "Wanzhang" chapter in the Mencius has this famously quoted passage:1.
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    Differential Neural Correlates Underlie Judgment of Learning and Subsequent Memory Performance.Haiyan Yang, Ying Cai, Qi Liu, Xiao Zhao, Qiang Wang, Chuansheng Chen & Gui Xue - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Filial Piety Culture Restated.Hao Haiyan - 2024 - Philosophy Study 14 (5).
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    Pushing the TAD boundary: Decoding insulator codes of clustered CTCF sites in 3D genomes.Haiyan Huang & Qiang Wu - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (10):2400121.
    Topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries are the flanking edges of TADs, also known as insulated neighborhoods, within the 3D structure of genomes. A prominent feature of TAD boundaries in mammalian genomes is the enrichment of clustered CTCF sites often with mixed orientations, which can either block or facilitate enhancer–promoter (E‐P) interactions within or across distinct TADs, respectively. We will discuss recent progress in the understanding of fundamental organizing principles of the clustered CTCF insulator codes at TAD boundaries. Specifically, both inward‐ (...)
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  9.  27
    The profound meaning of the Lotus sutra: T̕ ien-t̕ai philosophy of Buddhism.Haiyan Shen - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Publishers Distributors.
    Study of Miao fa lian hua jing xuan yi, Chinese commentary on Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra by Zhiyi, 538-597, on Tiantai Buddhism.
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  10.  13
    Assessing the Antecedents and Consequence of Enterprise Transformation: A Quantitative Approach.Haiyan Song, Tanaporn Hongsuchon, Santhaya Kittikowit & Zhe Dong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With the negative impact of COVID-19, the continuous recession of economic globalization, and the increasing market competition, enterprise transformation gradually becomes the theme of enterprise management. Although more and more scholars and companies have paid attention to the importance of enterprise transformation, most of the research on it is still at the qualitative level of theoretical descriptions and lacks a comprehensive consideration and empirical research on its motivation and performance. In view of this, this study analyzes the overall driving effect (...)
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  11.  24
    Improved KNN Algorithm Based on Preprocessing of Center in Smart Cities.Haiyan Wang, Peidi Xu & Jinghua Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The KNN algorithm is one of the most famous algorithms in machine learning and data mining. It does not preprocess the data before classification, which leads to longer time and more errors. To solve the problems, this paper first proposes a PK-means++ algorithm, which can better ensure the stability of a random experiment. Then, based on it and spherical region division, an improved KNNPK+ is proposed. The algorithm can select the center of the spherical region appropriately and then construct an (...)
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  12.  23
    On Stability of Multi-Valued Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers.Haiyan Wang, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, Jianqiang Li, Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin, Jia Wang & Lijia Ma - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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  13.  57
    Combining strength and uncertainty for preferences in the graph model for conflict resolution with multiple decision makers.Haiyan Xu, Keith W. Hipel, D. Marc Kilgour & Ye Chen - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (4):497-521.
    A hybrid preference framework is proposed for strategic conflict analysis to integrate preference strength and preference uncertainty into the paradigm of the graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) under multiple decision makers. This structure offers decision makers a more flexible mechanism for preference expression, which can include strong or mild preference of one state or scenario over another, as well as equal preference. In addition, preference between two states can be uncertain. The result is a preference framework that is more (...)
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  14. Chuan tong lun li de xian dai tiao zhan.Haiyan Ye - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  15.  10
    Ru jiao de xian dai chuan cheng yu fu xing.Xing Han - 2015 - Fuzhou: Fujian jiao yu chu ban she.
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  16.  62
    The Development and Validation of the Online Shopping Addiction Scale.Haiyan Zhao, Wei Tian & Tao Xin - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  17.  38
    The Impact of the Economic Corridor on Economic Stability: A Double Mediating Role of Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Development Under the Exceptional Circumstances of COVID-19.Haiyan Li, Javaria Hameed, Rafique Ahmed Khuhro, Gadah Albasher, Wedad Alqahtani, Muhammad Waqas Sadiq & Tong Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study discusses the impact of different economic indicators on economic stability, including honest leadership, improved infrastructure, revenue generation, and CPEC taking into account the double mediating role of environmental sustainability and sustainable development, while considering the latest COVID-19 situation. This study adopted primary data collection methods and obtained data from the employees of CPEC by using questionnaires and smart-PLS for analysis purposes. The results revealed that honest leadership, improved infrastructure, revenue generation, and CPEC have a positive nexus with economic (...)
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  18.  24
    Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Filial Piety Culture.Hao Haiyan - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (2).
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    Hai yu hun yi: Yuan dai de ru xue cheng chuan yu wen tan ge ju = The Great Unifying World: Inheritance of Confucianism and Literary World Pattern in the Yuan Dynasty.Haiyan Luo - 2019 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本书探讨了元代儒学学派与诗文流派之间的互动关系。全书分为上下两编,上编为总论部分,对南宋金元时期学术变迁与派别分化、学术与诗文的联动、理学门派传承与诗文流派的生成加以宏观性论述;同时重点考察了许衡与元 代中州文派、刘因与元代北方文派、许谦与元代金华文派、李齐贤与元代高丽文派等的儒学承传和文学创作。下编为考证部分,汇辑了元代高丽士人李齐贤研究资料,并考撰了“元代中朝(韩)越日间文学活动编年”。.
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  20.  11
    Zhang Yimou Films: The Reflections on Chinese Society and Culture in the Context of Republic of China (1912-1949).Li Haiyan, Supachai Singyabuth, Chen Lu, Li Ying & Jiao Pu - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:661-672.
    This study adopts qualitative research methods, and the research texts are three Zhang Yimou films that reflect the history and social culture of the Republic of China, namely Red Sorghum, Ju Dou, and Raise the Red Lantern, also known as the Red Trilogy. This study explores the phenomenon of consuming history through the art form of films. The study finds that history is not only concerned and used by historians and archaeologists but can also be used by artists and consumed (...)
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  21.  10
    Mou Zongsan zhe xue yu Zhongguo xian dai xing jian gou =.Xing Lu - 2019 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    作為現代新儒家第二代的重鎮,牟宗三著力凸顯“現代性在中國”的民族文化特質,並與西方現代性展開“吸收”與“批判”的雙向互動。本書將牟宗三哲學置於“古今”“中西”的交會點上,探析他立足儒家思想建構“中國現 代性”的哲學思考,揭示其積極貢獻與內在問題。以牟宗三這一個案審視現代新儒家應對全球化及現代化的理論思考,其意義在於一方面以現代哲學的話語對傳統儒學予以詮釋和重構,另一方面以儒家價值為西方現代性補偏救弊 。.
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  22.  20
    Scientific and Technological Civilization and Confucian Culture: Views of Modern Neo-Confucianism.Hao Haiyan - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (4).
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  23.  21
    The Life Wisdom of Chinese Traditional Filial Piety.Hao Haiyan - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (6).
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    Alterations of Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease With Depression: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study.Haiyan Liao, Jie Fan, Qin Shen, Sainan Cai, Min Wang, Chunyu Wang, Hainan Zhang, Jun Liu, Xiongzhao Zhu & Changlian Tan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  25. Pháp hoa huyền nghĩa: Phật học Thiên Thai tông = The profound meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tʻien Tʻai philosophy of Buddhism.Haiyan Shen - 2007 - [Ho Chi Minh City?: Từ Đức An Hoa. Edited by Zhiyi.
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    Self-Reference Emerges Earlier than Emotion during an Implicit Self-Referential Emotion Processing Task: Event-Related Potential Evidence.Haiyan Zhou, Jialiang Guo, Xiaomeng Ma, Minghui Zhang, Liqing Liu, Lei Feng, Jie Yang, Zhijiang Wang, Gang Wang & Ning Zhong - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  27.  22
    Zero-Sum Construal of Workplace Success Promotes Initial Work Role Behavior by Activating Prevention Focus: Evidence From Chinese College and University Graduates.Haiyan Zhang & Shuwei Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  28.  17
    Novel Robust Stability Criteria of Uncertain Systems with Interval Time-Varying Delay Based on Time-Delay Segmentation Method and Multiple Integrals Functional.Xing He, Li-Jun Song, Yu-Bin Wu & Zi-Yu Zhou - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    Interval time-varying delay is common in control process, e.g., automatic robot control system, and its stability analysis is of great significance to ensure the reliable control of industrial processes. In order to improve the conservation of the existing robust stability analysis method, this paper considers a class of linear systems with norm-bounded uncertainty and interval time-varying delay as the research object. Less conservative robust stability criterion is put forward based on augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method and reciprocally convex combination. Firstly, the (...)
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  29.  12
    Sheng yu si de zhi hui: ji zhe xue jia fu qin Ren Huizhong.Xing Ren - 2011 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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  30.  18
    People-centred myth: Representation of the Wenchuan earthquake in China Daily.Haiyan Wang & Liangen Yin - 2010 - Discourse and Communication 4 (4):383-398.
    This article primarily explains how China Daily — an exemplary representative of China’s press — modified the disaster discourse, to provide coverage of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, through the exclusion of rational thought and in doing so created a people-centred myth. The secondary aim is to understand why the need for legitimacy was the reason behind the Government’s decision to allow media coverage of the disaster. Critical linguistics and critical discourse analysis underpin the study. The article concludes that the (...)
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  31.  16
    Time perspective and family history of alcohol dependence moderate the effect of depression on alcohol dependence: A study in Chinese psychiatric clinics.Haiyan Wang, Yichen Zhu, Jie Shi, Xiaoyu Huang & Xiaoying Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDepression and alcohol dependence are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders that commonly co-occur. Therefore, gaining a better grasp of factors related to this comorbidity is particularly interesting for clinicians. Past research has highlighted the significant role that time perspective and family history of alcohol dependence play in the occurrence of depression and AD. However, much remains unexplored in the understanding of the association between them. This study explored how temporal profile and other sociodemographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with AD (...)
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  32.  63
    From the Iron Rice Bowl to the Beggar's Bowl: What Good Is (Chinese) Literature?Haiyan Lee - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (151):129-149.
    In June 2009, the Chinese mediasphere was abuzz with the announcement that the octogenarian writer Jin Yong (Louis Cha) was slated to join the Chinese Writers' Association (Zhongguo zuojia xiehui, CWA). Jin Yong is a beloved martial arts fiction writer who made his career in the freewheeling ex-British colony of Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s.1 His joining the association known for its stodgy conformism struck many as ironic, or at least as blog-worthy. Indeed, just a few years ago, (...)
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  33.  14
    Song dai zhuang xue si xiang yan jiu.Haiyan Xiao - 2011 - Wuhan Shi: Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Kua ling yu de Dao jia zhe xue.Haiyan Ye - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban you xian gong si.
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    Ti yan de cun zai: Feng Youlan yu qian qi Weitegensitan zhi shi yu rong he.Haiyan Zhao - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  36.  21
    Adam B. Seligman and Robert P. Weller. How Things Count as the Same: Memory, Mimesis, and Metaphor. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. 241 pp. [REVIEW]Haiyan Lee - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):416-416.
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  37.  21
    Review of Egbert & Baker (2020): Using Corpus Methods to Triangulate Linguistic Analysis. [REVIEW]Haiyan Tian & Fan Pan - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (2):285-289.
    This article reviews Using Corpus Methods to Triangulate Linguistic Analysis 9781138082540.
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  38.  24
    Tourism Demand Forecasting Based on Grey Model and BP Neural Network.Xing Ma - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    This article aims to explore a more suitable prediction method for tourism complex environment, to improve the accuracy of tourism prediction results and to explore the development law of China’s domestic tourism so as to better serve the domestic tourism management and tourism decision-making. This study uses grey system theory, BP neural network theory, and the combination model method to model and forecast tourism demand. Firstly, the GM model is established based on the introduction of grey theory. The regular data (...)
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    Chinese Preschool Children’s Socioemotional Development: The Effects of Maternal and Paternal Psychological Control.Shufen Xing, Xin Gao, Xinxin Song, Marc Archer, Demao Zhao, Mengting Zhang, Bilei Ding & Xia Liu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Sequential Effects in Essay Ratings: Evidence of Assimilation Effects Using Cross-Classified Models.Zhao Haiyan, Andersson Björn, Guo Boliang & Xin Tao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Effect of the Embodied Guidance in the Insight Problem Solving: An Eye Movement Study.Qiang Xing, Cuiliang Rong, Zheyi Lu, Yanfeng Yao, Zhonglu Zhang & Xue Zhao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  42.  6
    Zhi guan zheng ti: Zhongguo ren de zhe xue zhi hui = Zhiguan zhengti: Zhongguoren de zhexue zhihui.Xing Cao - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she. Edited by Li Ma & Yanxia Zhao.
    本书侧重分析中华民族哲学智慧的个性及其对人类哲学文明发展的特殊贡献。中华文明从未间断并发展下来的哲学原因是中华民族不断开发不断完善的直观智慧,中华民族的哲学精神为人类简单明了地指出了走出民族冲突与宗教 冲突困惑的思路。.
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  43. The Guodian Chu slips-The paleographical issues and their significance.W. Xing - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (1):7-17.
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    Language and State: An Inquiry Into the Progress of Civilization.Xing Yu - 2013 - Upa.
    This book argues that a primitive society is formed on the basis of kinship ties while a civilized society is formed on the basis of language. Yu presents a new theory about the importance of language in the growth of the state.
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    Xing Bensi wen ji.Bensi Xing - 1998 - Xi'an: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Xing Bensi zi xuan ji =.Bensi Xing - 2002 - Beijing Shi: Xue xi chu ban she.
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  47.  25
    Team Member Work Role Performance: The Organizational Benefits From Performance-Based Horizontal Pay Dispersion and Workplace Benign Envy.Haiyan Zhang, Shuwei Sun & Lijing Zhao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the context of the current uncertain, complex, and interdependent work systems, teams have become organizations’ substantial working unit, which in turn challenges the traditional view of employee performance and ultimately results in the emergence of team member work role performance. Employee team-oriented work role behaviors with proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity, which are integrated by the new construct, are so crucial to team effectiveness that many organizations keenly expect to achieve team member work role performance through implementing a dispersed pay-for-performance (...)
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    The quality enhancement of action research on primary school English instruction in Chinese rural areas: An analysis based on multimodality.Haiyan Zhang, Cunxin Han, Hongyan Ma & Liusheng Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the influences of action research on primary school English instruction from five dimensions in the classroom, viz., types of questions, language errors, gestures, facial expressions, and interpersonal distance. Four English teachers’ 9 real classroom teaching videos before and after action research are collected and annotated by using ELAN software. The results show that primary school English teachers in Chinese rural areas prefer closed questions to open questions; They make some language errors; Deictic gestures are the most common (...)
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    Application of Educational Psychology-Based Dance Therapy in College Students’ Life Education.Haiyan Zhong, Chunhui Zhao, Fengrui Zhang & Ruizhi Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose is to strengthen the life education of contemporary college students and give better play to the vital role of life education in preventing college students’ mental diseases. Specifically, it discusses the role of dance therapy in College Students’ Life Education. Firstly, based on educational psychology, this manuscript analyzes the relevant theoretical concepts of EP and life education and discusses the importance of life education to contemporary college students. Secondly, following a Questionnaire Survey and using deep learning Convolutional Neural (...)
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    Characterization of a new Nb–silicide in Nb–Si binary systems.Guangming Cheng, Haiyan Qian, Lianlong He & Hengqiang Ye - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (19):2557-2568.
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