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Ning Zhong [12]Ninghua Zhong [2]
  1.  24
    Erratum to: Does Corporate Governance Enhance Common Interests of Shareholders and Primary Stakeholders?Ninghua Zhong, Shujing Wang & Rudai Yang - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):433-433.
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    Does Corporate Governance Enhance Common Interests of Shareholders and Primary Stakeholders?Ninghua Zhong, Shujing Wang & Rudai Yang - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):411-431.
    Employing a unique dataset of Chinese non-listed firms, this paper investigates the effects of the presence of 19 governance structures on 20 employees’ interest indicators. In general, we find that firms with the governance structures pay workers higher hourly wages, require less monthly working hours, and have a smaller chance of wage arrears. Meanwhile, the shares of total wage and welfare expenditures in total sales revenue are lower in these firms, which results in higher profitability. Moreover, firms with the governance (...)
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    Self-Reference Emerges Earlier than Emotion during an Implicit Self-Referential Emotion Processing Task: Event-Related Potential Evidence.Haiyan Zhou, Jialiang Guo, Xiaomeng Ma, Minghui Zhang, Liqing Liu, Lei Feng, Jie Yang, Zhijiang Wang, Gang Wang & Ning Zhong - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  4.  41
    The wave equation with computable initial data whose unique solution is nowhere computable.Marian B. Pour-El & Ning Zhong - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):499-509.
    We give a rough statement of the main result. Let D be a compact subset of ℝ3× ℝ. The propagation u of a wave can be noncomputable in any neighborhood of any point of D even though the initial conditions which determine the wave propagation uniquely are computable. A precise statement of the result appears below.
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  5.  42
    Lp -Computability.Ning Zhong & Bing-Yu Zhang - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):449-456.
    In this paper we investigate conditions for Lp-computability which are in accordance with the classical Grzegorczyk notion of computability for a continuous function. For a given computable real number p ≥ 1 and a compact computable rectangle I ⊂ ℝq, we show that an Lp function f ∈ Lp is LP-computable if and only if f is sequentially computable as a linear functional and the Lp-modulus function of f is effectively continuous at the origin of ℝq.
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    Editorial: Math. Log. Quart. 5/2008.Vasco Brattka, Hajime Ishihara, Matthias Schröder & Ning Zhong - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (5):453-453.
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    Preface: MLQ ‐ Math. Log. Quart. Supplement 1/2002.Vasco Brattka, Peter Hertling, Mariko Yasugi & Ning Zhong - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (S1):III-III.
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    Preface: MLQ ‐ Math. Log. Quart. 4–5/2004.Vasco Brattka, Peter Hertling, Ker-I. Ko & Ning Zhong - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4-5):327-328.
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  9.  26
    Computability of Solutions of the Korteweg‐de Vries Equation.William Gay, Bing-Yu Zhang & Ning Zhong - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (1):93-110.
    In this paper we study computability of the solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation ut + uux + uxxx = 0. This is one of the open problems posted by Pour-El and Richards [25]. Based on Bourgain's new approach to the initial value problem for the KdV equation in the periodic case, we show that the periodic solution u of the KdV equation is computable if the initial data is computable.
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  10.  11
    A unified probabilistic inference model for targeted marketing.Jiajin Huang & Ning Zhong - 2008 - In S. Iwata, Y. Oshawa, S. Tsumoto, N. Zhong, Y. Shi & L. Magnani, Communications and Discoveries From Multidisciplinary Data. Springer. pp. 171--186.
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  11.  21
    A Multilevel Integration Approach for E-Finance Portal Development.Jia Hu & Ning Zhong - 2008 - In S. Iwata, Y. Oshawa, S. Tsumoto, N. Zhong, Y. Shi & L. Magnani, Communications and Discoveries From Multidisciplinary Data. Springer. pp. 139--155.
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  12.  12
    Evaluating the Error Risk of Email Filters Based on ROC Curve Analysis.Wenbin Li, Ning Zhong & Chunnian Liu - 2008 - In S. Iwata, Y. Oshawa, S. Tsumoto, N. Zhong, Y. Shi & L. Magnani, Communications and Discoveries From Multidisciplinary Data. Springer. pp. 299--314.
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  13.  41
    Computable analysis of the abstract Cauchy problem in a Banach space and its applications I.Klaus Weihrauch & Ning Zhong - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4‐5):511-531.
    We study computability of the abstract linear Cauchy problem equation image)where A is a linear operator, possibly unbounded, on a Banach space X. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for A such that the solution operator K: x ↦ u of the problem is computable. For studying computability we use the representation approach to computable analysis developed by Weihrauch and others. This approach is consistent with the model used by Pour-El/Richards.
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  14.  16
    Derivatives of Computable Functions.Ning Zhong - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):304-316.
    As is well known the derivative of a computable and C1 function may not be computable. For a computable and C∞ function f, the sequence {f} of its derivatives may fail to be computable as a sequence, even though its derivative of any order is computable. In this paper we present a necessary and sufficient condition for the sequence {f} of derivatives of a computable and C∞ function f to be computable. We also give a sharp regularity condition on an (...)
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