Results for 'Hédi Sioud'

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  1.  79
    Awareness and regulation of emotion in typical and atypical development.Hedy Stegge & Mark Meerum Terwogt - 2007 - In James J. Gross, Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press. pp. 269-286.
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    Depicting second-order isomorphism and “depictive” representations.Hedy Amiri & Chad J. Marsolek - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):182-183.
    According to Pylyshyn, depictive representations can be explanatory only if a certain kind of first-order isomorphism exists between the mental representations and real-world displays. What about a system with second-order isomorphism (similarities between different mental representations corresponding with similarities between different real-world displays)? Such a system may help to address whether “depictive” representations contribute to the visual nature of imagery.
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    Le livre du licite et de l'illicite.Hédi Ghazzali & Djebnoun - 1981 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Régis Morelon.
    Le Prophète - que la bénédiction et le salut de Dieu soient sur lui - a dit : " La recherche du licite est une obligation pour tout musulman ". C'est là une obligation d'entre les obligations, la plus difficile à comprendre et à mettre en pratique. C'est ce qui explique la quasi-disparition de la science du licite et de sa mise en application. La difficulté à la saisir est la cause de sa disparition car les ignorants pensent que le (...)
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  4.  26
    of Depersonalization: A Disorder of Self-Awareness.Hedy Kober, R. A. Y. Alysa & Sukhvinder Obhi - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan, The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press. pp. 193.
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  5. The neural correlates of depersonalization: A disorder of self-awareness.Hedy Kober, Alysa Ray, Sukhvinder Obhi, Kevin Guise & Julian Paul Keenan - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan, The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press. pp. 193-205.
  6.  6
    La méthode transcendantale de la Critique de la raison pure de Kant.Hedi Majri - 2021 - Nice: Les Éditions Ovadia.
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    FDA Requirements and Post-Marketing Studies.Hedy M. Ries, Gary B. Weiss & William J. Winslade - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (6):11.
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  8. Sociografia da brigada anti publicidade.Hedi Zammouri - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):127-146.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever a Brigada Anti Publicidade em Paris, que opera semanalmente no âmbito da capital metropolitana. A pesquisa participante foi realizada em 2006 e 2007, e hoje conta a especificidade do ativismo pós-moderno. Novas perspectivas são elaboradas na seqüência dos trabalhos de Luc Boltansky e Eve Chiapello, relativos ao novo espírito do capitalismo. Uma abordagem em antropologia urbana no presente trabalho tem como objetivo destacar a performatividade desse Novo Movimento Social (NMS).
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  9.  24
    COVID-19 era healthcare ethics education: Cultivating educational and moral resilience.Hedy S. Wald & Settimio Monteverde - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):58-65.
    The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has had profound effects on global health, healthcare, and public health policy. It has also impacted education. Within undergraduate healthcare education of doctors, nurses, and allied professions, rapid shifts to distance learning and pedagogic content creation within new realities, demands of healthcare practice settings, shortened curricula, and/or earlier graduation have also challenged ethics teaching in terms of curriculum allotments or content specification. We propose expanding the notion of resilience to the field of ethics education under the (...)
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  10.  4
    Strategic Manoeuvring in the Depp-Heard Defamation Trial 2022: Dual Dialectical Goals and a Topical Shift.Hédi Virág Csordás & István Danka - forthcoming - Argumentation:1-23.
    In pragma-dialectics, a study of legal reasoning analyses judicial judgements’ dialectical and rhetorical aspects. Most analytical studies of legal reasoning focus on the role of judges and their decision-making mechanisms. In our study, we focus on the strategic manoeuvring of the opposing parties. Depending on the context, parties may have to justify their decision to litigants, a professional audience, and the public in rhetorically and dialectically different ways. What makes strategic manoeuvring special in judicial trials is that rhetorical aims (winning (...)
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  11. Gene Section.Hedy A. Chawsheen, Hong Jiang & Qiou Wei - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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  12.  17
    Ethics and reasonableness or how to live creatively.Hedy Boero - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):244-258.
    A história da ética filosófica é, em grande parte, uma tentativa de elucidar a maneira na qual os seres humanos podem fomentar um êthos, para atingir a própria plenitude. Fosse Peirce convidado a mostrar, primeiro, o que ele entendia pelo êthos do filósofo ou do cientista, ele responderia facilmente que é a busca por um ideal e verdades eternas, isto é, a própria razoabilidade que rege o universo. Fosse ele questionado, logo após, o que o êthos dos seres humanos é, (...)
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  13.  55
    Insights into Professional Identity Formation in Medicine: Memoirs and Poetry.Hedy S. Wald - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):377-384.
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  14. Inciarte F.-Llano, A., Metafísica tras el final de la metafísica.Hedy Boero - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (93):704-706.
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  15. ""Mayorga, RM, From Realism to" Realicism": The Metaphysics of Charles Sanders Peirce.Hedy Boero - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (92):496-498.
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  16.  29
    Le Roman algerien de langue francaise.Hedi Bouraoui & Charles Bonn - 1992 - Substance 21 (3):118.
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  17.  32
    Nedjma de Kateb Yacine: Essai sur la structure formelle du roman.Hedi Bouraoui & Marc Gontard - 1992 - Substance 21 (3):121.
  18.  27
    Laterality effects in symbolic judgment: The influence of semantic congruity on hemispheric processing.Hedy White, William P. Banks & Eran Zaidel - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (5):401-404.
  19.  33
    Envisioning the times of future events: The role of personal goals.Hédi Ben Malek, Fabrice Berna & Arnaud D'Argembeau - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:198-205.
  20. A Semantics-Based Common Operational Command System for Multiagency Disaster Response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2022 - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (6):3887 - 3901.
    Disaster response is a highly collaborative and critical process that requires the involvement of multiple emergency responders (ERs), ideally working together under a unified command, to enable a rapid and effective operational response. Following the 9/11 and 11/13 terrorist attacks and the devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it is apparent that inadequate communication and a lack of interoperability among the ERs engaged on-site can adversely affect disaster response efforts. Within this context, we present a scenario-based terrorism case study to (...)
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  21.  50
    ROMAIN: Towards a BFO compliant reference ontology for industrial maintenance.Mohamed Hedi Karray, Farhad Ameri, Melinda Hodkiewicz & Thierry Louge - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (2):155-177.
    In this paper, we present a domain-specific, open access, reference ontology (ROMAIN) for the maintenance management domain. We use a hybrid approach, based on a top-down alignment to an open sourc...
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  22. Self-reflective consciousness and the projectable self.Janet Metcalfe & Hedy Kober - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe, The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 57-83.
  23.  45
    Kateb Yacine's Modernity: Rewriting Surrealism.Hedi Abdel-Jaouad - 1992 - Substance 21 (3):11.
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  24. Geheimschrift der Biologie.Hedi Fritz-Niggli - 1967 - (München): Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung.
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  25. Ontology-driven multicriteria decision support for victim evacuation.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2021 - International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making:1–30.
    Abstract In light of the complexity of unfolding disasters, the diversity of rapidly evolving events, the enormous amount of generated information, and the huge pool of casualties, emergency responders (ERs) may be overwhelmed and in consequence poor decisions may be made. In fact, the possibility of transporting the wounded victims to one of several hospitals and the dynamic changes in healthcare resource availability make the decision process more complex. To tackle this problem, we propose a multicriteria decision support service, based (...)
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  26.  45
    The use of abstract paintings and narratives to foster reflective capacity in medical educators: a multinational faculty development workshop.Khaled Karkabi, Hedy Wald & Orit Castel - 2014 - Medical Humanities 40 (1):44-48.
    Reflective capacity is integral to core healthcare professional practice competencies. Reflection plays a central role in teacher education as reflecting on teaching behaviours with critical analysis can potentially improve teaching practice. The humanities including narrative and the visual arts can serve as a valuable tool for fostering reflection. We conducted a multinational faculty development workshop aiming to enhance reflective capacity in medical educators by using a combination of abstract paintings and narratives. Twenty-three family physicians or physicians-in-training from 10 countries participated (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Rimbaud et L'Algerie.Dominique Poncelet & Hedi Abdel-Jaouad - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):111.
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  28.  47
    Toward an Ethical Understanding of the Controversial Technology of Online Reverse Auctions.Mohamed Hédi Charki, Emmanuel Josserand & Nabila Boukef Charki - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):17-37.
    B2B online reverse auctions technology (ORAs) emerged as a popular tool for large buying firms in the late 1990s. However, its growing use has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in unethical behaviors to a point that it has been described as the technology that has triggered more ethical concerns in the e-commerce arena than in any other segment of activity. Our findings first indicate that the establishment of formal ethical criteria based on the restrictive interpretation of ethics as honesty (...)
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  29.  22
    INCIARTE, F. — LLANO, A., Metafísica tras el final de la metafísica. Cristiandad, Madrid, 2007, 381 pp. [REVIEW]Hedy Boero - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (3):704-706.
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  30.  18
    MAYORGA, R. M., From Realism to “Realicism”: The Metaphysics of Charles Sanders Peirce. Lexington Books, Lanham, 2007, 189 pp. [REVIEW]Hedy Boero - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico:496-498.
  31. An ontological approach to enhancing information sharing in disaster response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2021 - Information 12 (10).
    Managing complex disaster situations is a challenging task because of the large number of actors involved and the critical nature of the events themselves. In particular, the different terminologies and technical vocabularies that are being exchanged among Emergency Responders may lead to misunderstandings. Maintaining a shared semantics for exchanged data is a major challenge. To help to overcome these issues, we elaborate a modular suite of ontologies called POLARISCO that formalizes the complex knowledge of the ERs. Such a shared vocabulary (...)
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  32. PROMES: An ontology‐based messaging service for semantically interoperable information exchange during disaster response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed‐Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2020 - Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 28 (3):324-338.
    Disaster response requires the cooperation of multiple emergency responder organizations (EROs). However, after‐action reports relating to large‐scale disasters identity communication difficulties among EROs as a major hindrance to collaboration. On the one hand, the use of two‐radio communication, based on multiple orthogonal frequencies and uneven coverage, has been shown to degrade inter‐organization communication. On the other hand, because they reflect different areas of expertise, EROs use differing terminologies, which are difficult to reconcile. These issues lead to ambiguities, misunderstandings, and inefficient (...)
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  33. The brain basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review.Kristen A. Lindquist, Tor D. Wager, Hedy Kober, Eliza Bliss-Moreau & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):121-143.
    Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological science. With a surge of studies in affective neuroscience in recent decades, scientists are poised to answer this question. In this target article, we present a meta-analytic summary of the neuroimaging literature on human emotion. We compare the locationist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories consistently and specifically correspond to distinct brain regions) with the psychological constructionist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories (...)
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  34.  69
    Formal Methods for Hopfield-Like Networks.Hedi Ben Amor, Fabien Corblin, Eric Fanchon, Adrien Elena, Laurent Trilling, Jacques Demongeot & Nicolas Glade - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):21-39.
    Building a meaningful model of biological regulatory network is usually done by specifying the components and their interactions, by guessing the values of parameters, by comparing the predicted behaviors to the observed ones, and by modifying in a trial-error process both architecture and parameters in order to reach an optimal fitness. We propose here a different approach to construct and analyze biological models avoiding the trial-error part, where structure and dynamics are represented as formal constraints. We apply the method to (...)
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  35.  79
    A formal ontology for industrial maintenance.Mohamed Hedi Karray, Brigitte Chebel-Morello & Noureddine Zerhouni - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):269-310.
    The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has resulted in a variety of maintenance support systems and tools covering all sub-domains of maintenance. Most of these systems...
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  36.  98
    What are emotions and how are they created in the brain?Kristen A. Lindquist, Tor D. Wager, Eliza Bliss-Moreau, Hedy Kober & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):172-202.
    In our response, we clarify important theoretical differences between basic emotion and psychological construction approaches. We evaluate the empirical status of the basic emotion approach, addressing whether it requires brain localization, whether localization can be observed with better analytic tools, and whether evidence for basic emotions exists in other types of measures. We then revisit the issue of whether the key hypotheses of psychological construction are supported by our meta-analytic findings. We close by elaborating on commentator suggestions for future research.
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    Social values as an independent factor affecting end of life medical decision making.Charles J. Cohen, Yifat Chen, Hedi Orbach, Yossi Freier-Dror, Gail Auslander & Gabriel S. Breuer - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):71-80.
    Research shows that the physician’s personal attributes and social characteristics have a strong association with their end-of-life decision making. Despite efforts to increase patient, family and surrogate input into EOL decision making, research shows the physician’s input to be dominant. Our research finds that physician’s social values, independent of religiosity, have a significant association with physician’s tendency to withhold or withdraw life sustaining, EOL treatments. It is suggested that physicians employ personal social values in their EOL medical coping, because they (...)
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  38.  50
    (1 other version)Brief Mindfulness Meditation Improves Attention in Novices: Evidence From ERPs and Moderation by Neuroticism.Catherine J. Norris, Daniel Creem, Reuben Hendler & Hedy Kober - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention.Kathleen Garrison, Scheinost A., Worhunsky Dustin, D. Patrick, Hani Elwafi, Thornhill M., A. Thomas, Evan Thompson, Clifford Saron, Gaëlle Desbordes, Hedy Kober, Michelle Hampson, Jeremy Gray, Constable R., Papademetris R. Todd & Brewer Xenophon - 2013 - NeuroImage 81:110--118.
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    The role of the amygdala in the appraising brain.David Sander, Kristen A. Lindquist, Tor D. Wager, Hedy Kober, Eliza Bliss-Moreau & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):161-161.
    Lindquist et al. convincingly argue that the brain implements psychological operations that are constitutive of emotion rather than modules subserving discrete emotions. However, thenatureof such psychological operations is open to debate. I argue that considering appraisal theories may provide alternative interpretations of the neuroimaging data with respect to the psychological operations involved.
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  41.  63
    In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities.Jean Baudrillard, Sylvère Lotringer, Hedi El Kholti & Chris Kraus - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Baudrillard's remarkably prescient meditation on terrorism throws light on post-9/11 delusional fears and political simulations. Published one year after Forget Foucault, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities may be the most important sociopolitical manifesto of the twentieth century: it calls for nothing less than the end of both sociology and politics. Disenfranchised revolutionaries hoped to reach the masses directly through spectacular actions, but their message merely played into the hands of the media and the state. In a media society (...)
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  42.  45
    Research Ethics in the Assessment of PhD Theses: Footprint or Footnote?Allyson Holbrook, Kerry Dally, Carol Avery, Terry Lovat & Hedy Fairbairn - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):321-340.
    There is an expectation that all researchers will act ethically and responsibly in the conduct of research involving humans and animals. While research ethics is mentioned in quality indicators and codes of responsible researcher conduct, it appears to have little profile in doctoral assessment. There seems to be an implicit assumption that ethical competence has been achieved by the end of doctoral candidacy and that there is no need for candidates to report on the ethical dimensions of their study nor (...)
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  43. BFO-based ontology enhancement to promote interoperability in BIM.Justine Flore Tchouanguem, Mohamed Hedi Karray, Bernard Kamsu Foguem, Camille Magniont, F. Henry Abanda & Barry Smith - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):1–27.
    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process for managing construction project information in such a way as to provide a basis for enhanced decision-making and for collaboration in a construction supply chain. One impediment to the uptake of BIM is the limited interoperability of different BIM systems. To overcome this problem, a set of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) has been proposed as a standard for the construction industry. Building on IFC, the ifcOWL ontology was developed in order to facilitate representation (...)
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  44.  36
    The understanding and self-reported use of emotional display rules in children with autism spectrum disorders.Sander Begeer, Robin Banerjee, Carolien Rieffe, Mark Meerum Terwogt, Eva Potharst, Hedy Stegge & Hans M. Koot - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):947-956.
  45.  18
    Darcy Ribeiro e o Povo Brasileiro.Sidinei Pithan da Silva, Celso José Martinazzo & Hedi Maria Luft - 2022 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 28:180-188.
    O presente estudo configura-se como uma leitura da obra de Darcy Ribeiro, intitulada O povo brasileiro: a formação e o sentido do Brasil. É investigado, por meio dela, o tema da formação e do sentido do Brasil. O estudo é de caráter bibliográfico, com enfoque hermenêutico. Trata-se de uma abordagem que busca compreender o enfoque teórico-metodológico utilizado por Ribeiro na produção da escrita historiográfica, bem como analisar o próprio conteúdo desta produção em relação à caracterização da sociedade brasileira. Compreende-se, com (...)
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    A New Semi-automated Method for Assessing Avian Acoustic Networks Reveals that Juvenile and Adult Zebra Finches Have Separate Calling Networks.S. A. Fernandez Marie, A. Soula Hedi, M. Mariette Mylene & Vignal Clémentine - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Erratum to: Research Ethics in the Assessment of PhD Theses: Footprint or Footnote?Allyson Holbrook, Kerry Dally, Carol Avery, Terry Lovat & Hedy Fairbairn - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):341-341.
  48. Ontologies, arguments, and Large-Language Models.John Beverley, Francesco Franda, Hedi Karray, Dan Maxwell, Carter Benson & Barry Smith - 2024 - In Ítalo Oliveira, Joint Ontologies Workshops (JOWO). Twente, Netherlands: CEUR. pp. 1-9.
    Abstract The explosion of interest in large language models (LLMs) has been accompanied by concerns over the extent to which generated outputs can be trusted, owing to the prevalence of bias, hallucinations, and so forth. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in the use of ontologies and knowledge graphs to make LLMs more trustworthy. This rests on the long history of ontologies and knowledge graphs in constructing human-comprehensible justification for model outputs as well as traceability concerning the impact of evidence (...)
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  49.  10
    The Impact of a Study Trip to Auschwitz: Place-based Learning for Bioethics Education and Professional Identity Formation.Maxwell Li, Ramona Stamatin, Hedy S. Wald & Jason Adam Wasserman - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-11.
    There are increasing calls for coverage of medicine during the Holocaust in medical school curricula. This article describes outcomes from a Holocaust and medicine educational program featuring a study trip to Poland, which focused on physician complicity during the Holocaust, as well as moral courage in health professionals who demonstrated various forms of resistance in the ghettos and concentration camps. The trip included tours of key sites in Krakow, Oswiecim, and the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps, as well as meeting with survivors, (...)
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    Foreword.Niels Dabelstein, Ann Marie Fallenius, Hedy von Metzsch & Terry Smutylo - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 11 (4):3-4.
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