Results for 'Gáspár Jékely'

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  1.  20
    Small GTPases and the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.Gáspár Jékely - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1129-1138.
    The origin of eukaryotes is one of the major challenges of evolutionary cell biology. Other than the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the steps leading to eukaryotic endomembranes and endoskeleton are poorly understood. Ras‐family small GTPases are key regulators of cytoskeleton dynamics, vesicular trafficking and nuclear function. They are specific for eukaryotes and their expansion probably traces the evolution of core eukaryote features. The phylogeny of small GTPases suggests that the first endomembranes to evolve during eukaryote evolution had secretory, (...)
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    Evolution of intraflagellar transport from coated vesicles and autogenous origin of the eukaryotic cilium.Gáspár Jékely & Detlev Arendt - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (2):191-198.
    The cilium/flagellum is a sensory-motile organelle ancestrally present in eukaryotic cells. For assembly cilia universally rely on intraflagellar transport (IFT), a specialised bidirectional transport process mediated by the ancestral and conserved IFT complex. Based on the homology of IFT complex proteins to components of coat protein I (COPI) and clathrin-coated vesicles, we propose that the non- vesicular, membrane-bound IFT evolved as a specialised form of coated vesicle transport from a protocoatomer complex. IFT thus shares common ancestry with all protocoatomer derivatives, (...)
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    Pātañjala yoga, from related ego to absolute self.Gaspar M. Koelman - 1970 - Poona,: Papal Athenaeum.
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  4. Science and Poetry.Lorand Gaspar - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (67):26-50.
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  5. Zibaldone di Pensieri di Giacomo Leopardi. Edizione critica a cura di Fiorenza Ceragioli e Monica Ballerini.Gaspare Polizzi - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (2):367.
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    The Voice of the Creole.M. ª Del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734).
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  7. Scrisoare catre prietenii mei romani.Gaspar Miklos Tamas - 2001 - Dilema 416.
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    Pātañjala Yoga: From Related Ego to Absolute Self.Gaspar M. Koelman - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (2):236-239.
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    "Irreversibile come il flusso di un fiume". Serres e il parassitismo.Gaspare Polizzi - 2020 - Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey 7.
    Michel Serres developed a strong core of his philosophical practice around the logic of parasitism. To illustrate this, I propose a bipartite reflection that plays on the external-internal relationship. In the first part I follow Serres in his reflection on the dynamic and unstable relationship between parasitism and symbiosis. The biological and ecological dimension of parasitism occurs in the relationship between viruses, humans and reservoirs. Serres tries to make explicit a parasitic function, irreducible in a single language, which allows to (...)
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    Teološke perspektive za XXI. stoljeće.Veronika Gašpar - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):985-996.
    Članak je pisan sa svrhom upoznavanja čitatelja s temeljnim sadržajem nove knjige R. Gibellinija, Teološke perspektive za XXI. stoljeće. Ta se knjiga tematski nadovezuje na njegovu prethodnu knjigu, Teologija dvadesetog stoljeća. Nakon panorame teološke misli XX. stoljeća, R. Gibellini se pita o zadaćama i perspektivama teološke misli u neposrednoj budućnosti. Budući da je knjigu koju predstavljamo njezin autor R. Gibellini zamislio kao bilancu u perspektivi budućnosti, bilancu koja se oslanja na teologiju XX. stoljeća, u prvom dijelu članka daje se prikaz (...)
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  11. El concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible: del presente hacia el futuro.Isabel Gaspar - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:111-113.
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  12. Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez: A Great Mentor.Emily San Gaspar-Gito - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):201-207.
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  13. Să fii de stânga în Europa de Est.Gáspár Miklós Tamás - 2002 - Dilema 494:20.
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    Ontología de la causalidad intramundana y gnoseología del pensar por connaturalidad.Gaspar Risco Fernández - 2016 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (36-37):199-222.
    Desde la perspectiva de la metafísica tomasiana, el tema de la cultura se inscribe de lleno en la ontología de la causalidad intramundana, pero para emerger de ella trascendiéndola. La relevancia que aquí cobra el acontecer no es arbitraria. Le viene dada por el hecho de ser, en la esfera de lo generable y corruptible, la más eminente participación del acto creador, más íntimo a ella que ella misma.
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    Emotional Intelligence and Deception: A Theoretical Model and Propositions.Joseph P. Gaspar, Redona Methasani & Maurice E. Schweitzer - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):567-584.
    Deception is pervasive in negotiations and organizations, and emotions are critical to using, detecting, and responding to deception. In this article, we introduce a theoretical model to explore the interplay between emotional intelligence (the ability to perceive and express, understand, regulate, and use emotions) and deception in negotiations. In our model, we propose that emotional intelligence influences the decision to use deception, the effectiveness of deception, the ability to detect deception, and the consequences of deception (specifically, trust repair and retaliation). (...)
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    Laudatio.Gaspar Hernández Peludo - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (1):7-14.
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    Scienza e epistemologia in Francia (1900-1970).Gaspare Polizzi - 1979 - Loescher.
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  18. Un problema di filosofia della scienza: la scienza simulante.Gaspare Polizzi - 2006 - Comunicazione Filosofica 17.
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  19.  32
    Between the City and the Desert.Cristian Gaşpar - 2003 - Chôra 1:79-96.
  20.  9
    Gli stadi nel cammino della vita in S. Kierkegaard.Gaspare Lombardo - 2017 - Milano: Lampi di stampa.
    Con un'impostazione che coniuga la fedeltà testuale e l'approfondimento critico, il percorso di questo libro mira a ricondurre l'edificazione kierkegaardina - spesso considerata mera esortazione spirituale - allo spessore autenticamente filosofico d'una via soggettiva alla verità. Un modello antioggettivistico di filosofare senza perdere di vista né l'esercizio del dubbio né la dimensione della fede. Attraverso l' interpretazione kierkegaardiane di C. Fabro si è giunti all'esposizione e ai lineamenti descrittivi fondamentali della nozione del singolo. Il singolo viene presentato dallo stesso Kierkegaard (...)
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  21. Maria, en la perspectiva del tercer milenio: Comentario mariológico a la Tertio Millenio adveniente.Gaspar Calvo Moralejo - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (213-14):27-51.
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    El Ser que se da y el Dios que se encarna: una aproximación a Cristo como exigencia de verdad.Gaspar Hernández Peludo - 2004 - Salmanticensis 51 (3):535-566.
    La encarnación del Verbo de Dios, que culmina en el misterio pascual de la muerte y resurección de Jesucristo, es el hecho fundamental y la novedad radial del Cristianismo. En la encarnación del Verbo, el Dios infinito y creador se autocomunica amorosamente a lo otro creado, para redención y divinización del hombre, para recapitulación del cosmos.
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    Forme di sapere e ipotesi di traduzione: materiali per una storia dell'epistemologia francese.Gaspare Polizzi - 1984 - Franco Angeli.
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    I sensi del daimon: Ritmo e durata, tra Bachelard e Bergson.Gaspare Polizzi - 2022 - Kaiak 9.
    The crisis of subjectivistic anthropocentrism makes a new interpretation of the weird category of the demonic feasible today. The demonic presents itself as the realm of influences, of connections, of the necessary hybridizations. The essay will try to indicate a path that leads to such hybridizations starting from the category of temporality, confronting itself with an active and subjectivistic interpretation, hybridized in the relationship between science and writing, such as that of Gaston Bachelard.
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    La filosofia e i saperi scientifici.Gaspare Polizzi (ed.) - 2011 - Messina-Firenze: G. D'Anna.
  26.  8
    La filosofia italiana del Novecento: autori e metodi.Gaspare Polizzi (ed.) - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Spettacolo senza spettatore: Dalla pietade illuminata al Dialogo di un folletto e di uno gnomo.Gaspare Polizzi - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
    Il saggio segue la metamorfosi dell’immagine edificante dello spettacolo della natura, metafora della pietade illuminata nell’opera dell’Abate Pluche e segno di un relativismo umanistico e prospettico negli Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes del Fontanelle, fino a circoscrivere lo scenario del Dialogo di un Folletto e di uno Gnomo, che dà luogo a un originalissimo ribaltamento dell’immagine dello spettacolo. Le forme di tale torsione insieme poetica e di pensiero, che coinvolge l’orizzonte del sapere naturalistico leopardiano nella rappresentazione desolata e straniante (...)
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    Uno scritto dimenticato del giovane Leopardi: la Disputatio e il suo rapporto con le Dissertazioni filosofiche.Gaspare Polizzi & Valentina Sordoni - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):653-707.
    A forgotten document by the young Leopardi: the Disputatio and its relation to the Dissertazioni filosofiche - In this essay we look at the Disputatio, a forgotten document by the young Leopardi. It consists of a list of sixty questions, thirty written in Latin and thirty in Italian. These were the questions that Leopardi had to answer in his last public examination, held on the 20 July 1812. In the first part, the authors and sources used by Leopardi in the (...)
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    An axiomatic approach to CG′3 logic.Miguel Pérez-Gaspar, Alejandro Hernández-Tello, José Arrazola Ramírez & Mauricio Osorio Galindo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (6):1218-1232.
    In memoriam José Arrazola Ramírez The logic $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ was introduced by Osorio et al. in 2008; it is a three-valued logic, closely related to the paraconsistent logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ introduced by Osorio et al. in 2014. The logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ is defined in terms of a multi-valued semantics and has the property that each theorem in $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ is a theorem in $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$. Kripke-type semantics has been given to $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ in two different ways by Borja et al. in 2016. In this work, we (...)
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    Algunos matices ideológicos del siglo XVII en México: La controversia entre D. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y el Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino sobre la naturaleza y efectos de los cometas.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:289-304.
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  31. La idea de derecho natural en la ciencia nueva de Giambattista Vico.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
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    Benedetto Croce..Gaspare Caliendo - 1972 - Bresso,: Cetim.
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    Entweder Gott oder Nichts – Nihilismus und transzendentaler Idealismus.Francisco Prata Gaspar - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:158-171.
    Either God or nothing – Nihilism and transcendental Idealism. By the time of the “Atheism-Controversy” (Atheismusstreit) Jacobi wrote a “Letter to Fichte” (Brief an Fichte) in which he described the doctrine of science as Nihilism and not as Atheism. According to Jacobi, the doctrine of science would incur in to an emptiness of meaning and in to an artificial belief. Nevertheless, Fichte’s first and immediate position towards those critiques was not one of perplexity, because according to him the critiques Jacobi’s (...)
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  34. Maimónides, Córdoba 1135-Cairo 1204..Mariano] Gaspar Y. Remiro - 1935 - Córdoba,: Imprenta La Ibérica.
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  35. v. 2. Antología.Carmen Rovira Gaspar, Carolina Ponce & Compiladoras - 1963 - In Díaz de Gamarra & Juan Benito (eds.), Elementos de filosofía moderna. México: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  36. Felipe II: las ediciones litúrgicas y la Biblia Real.Gaspar Morocho Gayo - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (3):813-881.
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    La metafisica in Tommaso D'Aquino: aspetti etici e politici.Gaspare Lombardo - 2017 - Vignate (MI): Lampi di stampa.
    L'opera è uno studio sugli aspetti teologici,metafisici, etici e politici della dottrina di Tommaso D'Aquino. Partendo dall'aspetto metafisico i principi della natura e l'ente e l'essenza scritti tra il 1252 e il 1256. L'opera verte sul rapporto tra l'ordine metafisico e quello logico. Affronta una serie di questioni centrali nel pensiero tomista: il principio di individuazione, il problema degli universali, il rifiuto dell'ilemorfismo universale, l'indefinibilità formale di Dio.
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  38. El Beato Juan Duns Escoto:" Maestro de pensamiento y de vida".Gaspar Calvo Moralejo - 1993 - Verdad y Vida 51 (202):149-162.
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    L'ermeneutica veritativa per un "tomismo ermeneutico": dal commento di S. Tommaso al Peri hermeneias di Aristotele.Gaspare Mura - 2012 - Milano: EDUCatt. Edited by Enrico Garlaschelli.
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    Leopardi e le ragioni della verità: scienze e filosofia della natura negli scritti leopardiani.Gaspare Polizzi - 2003
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    La filosofia di Gaston Bachelard: tempi, spazi, elementi.Gaspare Polizzi - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  42. Una nota su corporeità e coscienza alla luce delle neuroscienze.Gaspare Polizzi - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (14).
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  43.  13
    El consumo en tiempos de crisis: una aproximación sociológica a la distribución del gasto en España.Gaspar Brändle Señán - 2010 - Aposta 45:1.
    Los recientes acontecimientos económicos y su trascendental repercusión a nivel mundial, tienen entre alguna de sus más notables consecuencias la caída generalizada en los niveles de consumo. Paralelamente otro de los fenómenos cuasi-globales, el consumo masivo de objetos, se caracteriza cada vez más por la frugalidad de dichos objetos de consumo y la necesidad de sustituirlos por otros que aporten alguna novedad; lo que implica que el consumidor no pueda descansar en sus ansias consumistas. A partir de la unión de (...)
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    Introduzione all'ermeneutica veritativa.Gaspare Mura - 2005 - Roma: Università della Santa Croce.
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    Scripta hermeneutica.Gaspare Mura - 2016 - Città del Vaticano: Lateran University Press.
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    C. Tullio-Altan, "Gli italiani in Europa. Profilo storico comparato delle identità nazionali europee".Gaspare Nevola - 2000 - Polis 14 (3):504-508.
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    Confident and Cunning: Negotiator Self-Efficacy Promotes Deception in Negotiations.Joseph P. Gaspar & Maurice E. Schweitzer - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):139-155.
    Self-confidence is associated with many positive outcomes, and training programs routinely seek to build participants’ self-efficacy. In this article, however, we consider whether self-confidence increases unethical behavior. In a series of studies, we explore the relationship between negotiator self-efficacy—an individual’s confidence in his or her negotiation ability—and the use of deception. We find that individuals high in negotiator self-efficacy are more likely to use deception than individuals low in negotiator self-efficacy. We also find that perceptions of the risk of deception (...)
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  48.  22
    Lenka Panušková, ed., The Velislav Bible, Finest Picture-Bible of the Late Middle Ages: “Biblia depicta” as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool. (Central European Medieval Studies.) Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018. Pp. 335; color and black-and-white figures. €129. ISBN: 978-9-4629-8044-0. Table of contents available online at ages#toc. [REVIEW]Zsombor Jékely - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):548-550.
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    C'è un canone per l'insegnamento della filosofia?Gaspare Polizzi - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (1):93-104.
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    Ermetismo, messaggi e angeli.Gaspare Polizzi - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):97-112.
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