Results for 'Gil Scott-Heron'

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    Home is Where the Hatred is (Lyric).Gil Scott-Heron - 2002 - Feminist Review 72 (1):80-81.
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    Seeking Resistance in Coral Reef Ecosystems: The Interplay of Biophysical Factors and Bleaching Resistance under a Changing Climate.Charlotte E. Page, William Leggat, Scott F. Heron, Severine M. Choukroun, Jon Lloyd & Tracy D. Ainsworth - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1800226.
    If we are to ensure the persistence of species in an increasingly warm world, of interest is the identification of drivers that affect the ability of an organism to resist thermal stress. Underpinning any organism's capacity for resistance is a complex interplay between biological and physical factors occurring over multiple scales. Tropical coral reefs are a unique system, in that their function is dependent upon the maintenance of a coral–algal symbiosis that is directly disrupted by increases in water temperature. A (...)
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    Rebuilding relationships on coral reefs: Coral bleaching knowledge‐sharing to aid adaptation planning for reef users.Tracy D. Ainsworth, William Leggat, Brian R. Silliman, Coulson A. Lantz, Jessica L. Bergman, Alexander J. Fordyce, Charlotte E. Page, Juliana J. Renzi, Joseph Morton, C. Mark Eakin & Scott F. Heron - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2100048.
    Coral bleaching has impacted reefs worldwide and the predictions of near‐annual bleaching from over two decades ago have now been realized. While technology currently provides the means to predict large‐scale bleaching, predicting reef‐scale and within‐reef patterns in real‐time for all reef users is limited. In 2020, heat stress across the Great Barrier Reef underpinned the region's third bleaching event in 5 years. Here we review the heterogeneous emergence of bleaching across Heron Island reef habitats and discuss the oceanographic drivers (...)
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    BioEssays 7∕2019.Charlotte E. Page, William Leggat, Scott F. Heron, Severine M. Choukroun, Jon Lloyd & Tracy D. Ainsworth - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1970071.
    Graphical AbstractDriving patterns of coral bleaching over reefs are a suite of biophysical interactions where the physical environment modulates organism response through an interplay with intrinsic biological functioning. Flow conditions over reefs can mitigate the physiological impacts of thermal stress across multiple spatial scales. More details can be found in article number 1800226 by Charlotte E. Page et al., Seeking Resistance in Coral Reef Ecosystems: The Interplay of Biophysical Factors and Bleaching Resistance under a Changing Climate, DOI: 10.1002/bies.201800226.
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  5. Scott Redford, The Archaeology of the Frontier in the Medieval Near East: Excavations at Gritille, Turkey. With chapters by Gil J. Stein and Naomi F. Miller and a contribution by Denise C. Hodges.(Monographs, ns, 3.) Philadelphia: University Museum Publications, University of Pennsylvania, for the Archaeological Institute of America, 1998. Pp. xxiv, 315 plus black-and-white plates (1 foldout); tables and black-and-white figures. $94. Distributed by the Archaeological Institute of America, 656 Beacon St ... [REVIEW]Eric A. Ivison - 2001 - Speculum 76 (3):785-786.
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    Perception; selected readings in science and phenomenology.Paul Tibbetts - 1969 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books.
    Introduction to sensory psychology, by C. Mueller.--Some reflections on brain and mind, by R. Brain.--In search of the engram, by K. Lashly.--Cerebral organization and behavior, by R. W. Sperry.--Relations between the central nervous system and the peripheral organs, by E. von Holst.--Effects of the Gestalt revolution, by J. E. Hochberg.--Seeing in depth, by R. L. Gregory.--The stimulus variables for visual depth perception, by J. J. Gibson.--The elaboration of the universe, by J. Piaget.--Visual perception approached by the method of stabilized images, (...)
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  7. Strict Fregean free logic.Scott Lehmann - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (3):307--336.
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    (1 other version)Ethical judgments and intentions: A multinational study of marketing professionals.Scott J. Vitell, Aysen Bakir, Joseph G. P. Paolillo, Encarnacion Ramos Hidalgo, Jamal Al-Khatib & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (2):151–171.
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    Epistemic phase transitions in mathematical proofs.Scott Viteri & Simon DeDeo - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105120.
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  10. Kantian and Consequentialist Ethics: The Gap Can Be Bridged.Scott Forschler - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):88-104.
    Richard Hare argues that the fundamental assumptions of Kant's ethical system should have led Kant to utilitarianism, had Kant not confused a norm's generality with its universality, and hence adopted rigorist, deontological norms. Several authors, including Jens Timmermann, have argued contra Hare that the gap between Kantian and utilitarian/consequentialist ethics is fundamental and cannot be bridged. This article shows that Timmermann's claims rely on a systematic failure to separate normative and metaethical aspects of each view, and that Hare's attempt to (...)
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    Word informativity influences acoustic duration: Effects of contextual predictability on lexical representation.Scott Seyfarth - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):140-155.
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    (1 other version)Ontology, Modality, and the Fallacy of Reference.Scott A. Shalkowski & Michael Jubien - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):630.
    This study in fundamental ontology calls for rethinking some pedestrian assumptions about what there is and provides the motivation for a new theory of reference. It contains clear, crisp discussions of mereology, identity, reference, and necessity and should be valuable to metaphysicians and philosophers of language.
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  13. Essentialism in the Thought of Karl Marx.Scott Meikle - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):129-130.
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  14. Law, plans and practical reason.Scott J. Shapiro - 2002 - Legal Theory 8 (4):387-441.
    Lays out basics of planning theory of law. Roughly, characterizes the internal point of view as a complex planning intention rather than a response to a recurring coordination problem. We are not responding to such a problem per se, but rather to a cooperation problem - and thus the structure of the attitude or intention must be different. It is officials who have the relevant attitude. Does not reject conventionalism, but argues that the convention is of a different sort than (...)
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    Antecedents to the Justification of Norm Violating Behavior Among Business Practitioners.Scott J. Vitell, Megan Keith & Manisha Mathur - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (1):163 - 173.
    This study investigates the role that moral identity, religiosity, and the institutionalization of ethics play in determining the extent of justification of norm violating behavior among business practitioners. Moral justification is where a person, rather than assuming responsibility for an outcome, attempts to legitimize ethically questionable behavior. Results of the study indicate that both the internalization and symbolization dimensions of moral identity as well as intrinsic religiosity and the explicit institutionalization of ethics within the organization are significant determinants of the (...)
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    Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation.Scott Alan Davison - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume explores the philosophical issues involved in the idea of petitionary prayer, where this is conceived as an activity designed to influence the action of the all-knowing, all-powerful, perfectly good God of traditional theism. Theists have always recognized various logical and moral limits to divine action in the world, but do these limits leave any space among God's reasons for petitionary prayer to make a difference? Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation develops a new account of the conditions required for (...)
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    Aristotle on existential import and nonreferring subjects.Scott Carson - 2000 - Synthese 124 (3):343-360.
  18. Universal practice and universal applicability tests in moral philosophy.Scott Forschler - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (12):3041-3058.
    We can distinguish two kinds of moral universalization tests for practical principles. One requires that the universal practice of the principle, i.e., universal conformity to it by all agents in a given world, satisfies some condition. The other requires that conformity to the principle by any possible agent, in any situation and at any time, satisfies some condition. We can call these universal practice and universal applicability tests respectively. The logical distinction between these tests is rarely appreciated, and many philosophers (...)
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    Could Your Life Have Been Different?Scott Campbell - 2000 - American Philosophical Quarterly 37 (1):37 - 50.
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  20. From Supervenience to “Universal Law”: How Kantian Ethics Became Heteronomous.Scott Forschler - 2012 - In Heidemann Dietmar, Kant Yearbook 4 (Kant and Contemporary Moral Philosophy). De Gruyter. pp. 49-67.
    In his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant’s desiderata for a supreme principle of practical reasoning and morality require that the subjective conditions under which some action is thought of as justified via some maxim be sufficient for judging the same action as justified by any agent in those conditions. This describes the kind of universalization conditions now known as moral supervenience. But when he specifies his “formula of universal law” (FUL) Kant replaces this condition with a quite different (...)
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    Neuroscience, power and culture: an introduction.Scott Vrecko - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (1):1-10.
    In line with their vast expansion over the last few decades, the brain sciences — including neurobiology, psychopharmacology, biological psychiatry, and brain imaging — are becoming increasingly prominent in a variety of cultural formations, from self-help guides and the arts to advertising and public health programmes. This article, which introduces the special issue of History of the Human Science on ‘Neuroscience, Power and Culture’, considers the ways that social and historical research can, through empirical investigations grounded in the observation of (...)
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  22. 2016 census.Scott Sharrad - forthcoming - Australian Humanist, The 123:14.
    Sharrad, Scott After the Census in 2011, the Australian Bureau of Statistics under took a major review of the questions it asks, how it asks them and how it presents them on Household Forms. Consequently, there was a large campaign around the question, 'What is the person's religion?' The push was on to either change the wording, split the question or to bring the 'no religion' option to the top of the list.
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  23. From new CAHS president.Scott Sharrad & Bartholomeusz - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:7.
    Sharrad, Scott; Bartholomeusz, David; Henderson, Stewart.
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  24. Humanists reject marriage equality plebiscite.Scott Sharrad - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 124:25.
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  25. Organised humanism - a new way forward.Scott Sharrad - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 120:14.
    Sharrad, Scott The Council of Australian Humanist Societies has been in existence for over 50 years and in that time it has been kept running by some incredibly committed individuals. Over that time, the way CAHS and organised Humanism in general have operated in Australia has remained more or less the same. Indeed, in the September 1975 issue of the Australian Humanist - just 10 years after the formation of CAHS - Chairman Nick Stenning was lamenting the lack of (...)
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  26. The case for reform.Scott Sharrad - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 118:8.
    Sharrad, Scott It is never a popular thing to say, 'We're in trouble.' But that is exactly what needs to be said about organised Humanism in Australia at the moment.
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    The role of ethnicity, gender, emotional content, and contextual differences in physiological, expressive, and self-reported emotional responses to imagery.Scott R. Vrana & David Rollock - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (1):165-192.
  28.  68
    Why is Annihilation a Great Gain for Socrates?Scott W. Calef - 1992 - Ancient Philosophy 12 (2):285-297.
  29.  38
    Leibniz interpolation properties.Leonardo Cabrer & José Gil-Férez - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (4):933-962.
    We introduce a family of notions of interpolation for sentential logics. These concepts generalize the ones for substructural logics introduced in [5]. We show algebraic characterizations of these notions for the case of equivalential logics and study the relation between them and the usual concepts of Deductive, Robinson, and Maehara interpolation properties.
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    An Anatomically Constrained, Stochastic Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading.Scott A. McDonald, R. H. S. Carpenter & Richard C. Shillcock - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):814-840.
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    Aristotle on Business.Scott Meikle - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):138-.
    Aristotle's treatment of trade in the Politics book one is usually regarded as especially hostile, and this is put down to snobbery and political prejudice on his part. The Greeks often regarded trade as a degrading thing for a free man to engage in, and it would be surprising if Aristotle's view of trade were entirely unconnected with this Greek sensibility. But there should be something more definite than a loose general affinity if a charge of prejudice is to be (...)
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    Reflection as Ethical Process in Documentary Film: Eight Decision-Making Issues.Garnet C. Butchart & Amir Har-Gil - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 34 (2):58-72.
    ABSTRACTTraditionally, the objective of documentary filmmaking is to look and to teach—to add perspective on, by way of building knowledge about, issues of public concern. Cinema and media studies...
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    Costello on the New Theory of Photography.Scott Walden - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3):307-311.
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    Causal inference: the mixtape.Scott Cunningham - 2021 - London: Yale University Press.
    An accessible and contemporary introduction to the methods for determining cause and effect in the social sciences Causal inference encompasses the tools that allow social scientists to determine what causes what. Economists--who generally can't run controlled experiments to test and validate their hypotheses--apply these tools to observational data to make connections. In a messy world, causal inference is what helps establish the causes and effects of the actions being studied, whether the impact (or lack thereof) of increases in the minimum (...)
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    Of law.Scott Hershovitz - 2012 - In Andrei Marmor, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law. New York , NY: Routledge. pp. 65.
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  36. The Borders of Historical Empathy: Students Encounter the Holocaust through Film1.Scott Alan Metzger - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (4):387-410.
  37. Essentialism and Absolute Necessity.Scott Shalkowski - 1997 - Acta Analytica 12 (19):41-56.
  38.  49
    Factors Influencing the Perceived Importance of Stakeholder Groups in Situations Involving Ethical Issues.Scott J. Vitell & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 1991 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 10 (3):53-72.
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  39. How to make ethical universalization tests work.Scott Forschler - 2007 - Journal of Value Inquiry 41 (1):31-43.
    Richard Hare described the "ethical fanatic" as an agent who appeared to be able to rationally universalize morally horrendous values by "fanatically" accepting the consequences of those values even if their universalization harmed the original agent. This challenges the project of basing ethics on universalization tests, as advocated by Hare, Immanuel Kant, and others. Hare later argued that fanatics are irrational by appealing to a "principle of prudence," but this violates his meta-principle of not basing fundamental ethical principles upon intuitions (...)
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    A Real Lorentz-FitzGerald Contraction.Carlos Barceló & Gil Jannes - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (2):191-199.
    Many condensed matter systems are such that their collective excitations at low energies can be described by fields satisfying equations of motion formally indistinguishable from those of relativistic field theory. The finite speed of propagation of the disturbances in the effective fields (in the simplest models, the speed of sound) plays here the role of the speed of light in fundamental physics. However, these apparently relativistic fields are immersed in an external Newtonian world (the condensed matter system itself and the (...)
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  41. Neo-lockeanism and circularity.Scott Campbell - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):477-489.
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    Sophistry Exposed.Scott R. Hemmenway - 1996 - Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):1-23.
    A different perspective is offered on the problematic arguments for the identity of various virtues in the 'Protagoras' by taking into account the dramatic context in which Socrates makes these arguments. A close examination of the portrayal of Protagoras's profession of sophistry, particularly in his telling of a version of the Promethean Myth, reveals a concealed and ignoble doctrine about human virtue. Viewing Socrates' primary intention to be exposing the sophist, particularly his conception of virtue as disunified, explains some of (...)
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    Good News for the Logical Autonomy of Ethics.Scott Hill - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (2):277-283.
    Toomas Karmo claims that his taxonomy of ethical sentences has the result that there does not exist a sound argument with all non-ethical premises and an ethical conclusion. In a recent paper, Mark T. Nelson argues against this claim. Nelson presents a sound argument that he takes to be such that (i) Karmo’s taxonomy classifies that argument’s single premise as non-ethical and (ii) Karmo’s taxonomy classifies that argument’s conclusion as ethical. I attempt to show that Nelson is mistaken about (ii). (...)
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    Haybron on Mood Propensity and Happiness.Scott Hill - 2009 - Journal of Happiness Studies 10:215–228.
    Daniel Haybron has made an original contribution to philosophical discussions of happiness. He has put forward a theory that identifies happiness with moods and the propensity to experience moods. Haybron’s contribution deserves a critical examination. The first section of my paper is interpretive. I show how Haybron uses the concepts of ‘central affective states’ and ‘mood propensity’ to define happiness. The second and third sections of the paper are critical. They focus on the inclusion of mood propensity in Haybron’s theory. (...)
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    IIDominic Scott: Primary and Secondary Eudaimonia.Dominic Scott - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):225-242.
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  46. Hart's Way Out.Scott Shapiro - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman, Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The failure of the freedom-based and utilitarian arguments for assisted suicide.Scott FitzGibbon - 1997 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 42 (1):211.
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    Social research in sport (and beyond): Notes on exceptions to informed consent.Scott Fleming - 2013 - Research Ethics 9 (1):32-43.
    Over the last two decades sport-related research has become increasingly influenced by ethical propriety and institutional governance. Whilst there has been thorough consideration of biomedical and associated research in sport and exercise, social research in sport studies has received less attention. In this article, following a brief contextualization of the current climate for research ethics discourse, the planks of an argument for social research in sport without informed consent are addressed. Dealing with ideas linked to ecological validity, impracticality, averting alarm, (...)
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    The “Necessity” Fallacy in Kantian Ethics.Scott Forschler - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 12:121-125.
    A common strategy in ethical argumentation tries to derive ethical obligations from the rational necessity of not acting against certain “necessary” conditions for satisfying some good end. This strategy is very often fallacious, and works by equivocating over what counts as a “necessary” condition. Very often, what is counted as a necessary condition is not logically necessary for the end in question, but is at most related to it by affecting the probability of the end’s satisfaction. If other conditions affecting (...)
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    Consumer ethics: An investigation of the ethical beliefs of elderly consumers. [REVIEW]Scott J. Vitell, James R. Lumpkin & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (5):365 - 375.
    Business and especially marketing ethics have come to the forefront in recent years. While consumers have been surveyed regarding their perceptions of ethical business and marketing practices, research has been minimal with regard to their perceptions of ethical consumer practices. In addition, few studies have examined the ethical beliefs of elderly consumers even though they are an important and rapidly growing segment. This research investigates the relationship between Machiavellianism, ethical ideology and ethical beliefs for elderly consumers. The results indicate that (...)
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