Results for 'Gervais-Linon Laurence'

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  1.  35
    Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies.Daniel M. T. Fessler, H. Clark Barrett, Martin Kanovsky, Stephen P. Stich, Colin Holbrook, Joseph Henrich, Alexander H. Bolyanatz, Matthew M. Gervais, Michael Gurven, Geoff Kushnick, Anne C. Pisor, Christopher von Rueden & Stephen Laurence - 2015 - Proceedings of the Royal Society; B (Biological Sciences) 282:20150907.
    Human moral judgement may have evolved to maximize the individual's welfare given parochial culturally constructed moral systems. If so, then moral condemnation should be more severe when transgressions are recent and local, and should be sensitive to the pronouncements of authority figures (who are often arbiters of moral norms), as the fitness pay-offs of moral disapproval will primarily derive from the ramifications of condemning actions that occur within the immediate social arena. Correspondingly, moral transgressions should be viewed as less objectionable (...)
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    Moral parochialism misunderstood: a reply to Piazza and Sousa.Daniel M. T. Fessler, Colin Holbrook, Martin Kanovsky, H. Clark Barrett, Alexander H. Bolyanatz, Matthew M. Gervais, Michael Gurven, Joseph Henrich, Geoff Kushnick, Anne C. Pisor, Stephen P. Stich, Christopher von Rueden & Stephen Laurence - 2016 - Proceedings of the Royal Society; B (Biological Sciences) 283.
  3. A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book offers a unique synthesis of past and current work on the structure, meaning, and use of negation and negative expressions, a topic that has engaged thinkers from Aristotle and the Buddha to Freud and Chomsky. Horn's masterful study melds a review of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics with original research, providing a full picture of negation in natural language and thought; this new edition adds a comprehensive preface and bibliography, surveying research since the book's original publication.
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  4. (1 other version)In Defense of Pure Reason.Laurence BonJour - 2000 - Noûs 34 (2):302-311.
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  5. Abstraction and the Origin of General Ideas.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2012 - Philosophers' Imprint 12:1-22.
    Philosophers have often claimed that general ideas or representations have their origin in abstraction, but it remains unclear exactly what abstraction as a psychological process consists in. We argue that the Lockean aspiration of using abstraction to explain the origins of all general representations cannot work and that at least some general representations have to be innate. We then offer an explicit framework for understanding abstraction, one that treats abstraction as a computational process that operates over an innate quality space (...)
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  6. Pourquoi organiser en cette année charnière un colloque bioéthique-droits de l'homme?Laurence Azoux-Bacrie - 2003 - In Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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    Universals and Scientific Realism.Laurence Goldstein - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (117):360-362.
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    Boyle’s teleological mechanism and the myth of immanent teleology.Laurence Carlin - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):54-63.
  9.  47
    Heidegger and Marx: a productive dialogue over the language of humanism.Laurence Paul Hemming - 2013 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: there is no justice in Heidegger or for Marx -- Interpretations of Heidegger and Marx -- The history of Marx and Heidegger -- The history and negation of metaphysics -- Logic and dialectic -- Metaphysics of the human state -- The situation of Germany -- The ideology of Germany -- Nazism, liberalism, humanism -- The Jewish question -- Speaking of the essence of man -- Production-previously this was called God -- The end of humanism -- Between men and gods (...)
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  10. The Character of Friendship.Laurence Thomas - forthcoming - In Danian Caluori, Thinking About Friendship: Historical and Contemporary Prespectives. Palgrave MacMillon.
    This essay discusss (1) the differences and commonalities between romantic love and friendship and (2) the differences and commonalities between parental love of friendship.
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    Inescapable Surprises and Acquirable Intentions.Laurence Goldstein - 1993 - Analysis 53 (2):93 - 99.
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    The Struggles of the Interculturalists: Professional Ethical Identity and Early Stages of Codes of Ethics Development.Laurence Romani & Betina Szkudlarek - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (2):1-19.
    Ethicalisation processes that partake in the construction of a firm or a professional group’s ethical identity are often described as a relatively linear combination of several components, such as policies (starting with the development of a code of ethics), corporate practices, and leadership. Our study of a professional community dealing with the topics related to cultural diversity indicates a more reciprocal relationship between ethical identity and ethicalisation processes. We argue that a tangible form of ethical identity can pre-date the ethicalisation (...)
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  13. Friendship in the Shadow of Technology.Laurence Thomas - 1981 - In John Arthur & Steven Scalet, Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall.
    This essay looks at the impact that technology is having upon friendship. For as we all know, it is nothing at all to see friends at a restaurant table all engaged in texting rather than talking to one another.
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  14. The 'warrior Gene' and the mãori people: The responsibility of the Geneticists.Laurence Perbal - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (7):382-387.
    The ‘gene of’ is a teleosemantic expression that conveys a simplistic and linear relationship between a gene and a phenotype. Throughout the 20th century, geneticists studied these genes of traits. The studies were often polemical when they concerned human traits: the ‘crime gene’, ‘poverty gene’, ‘IQ gene’, ‘gay gene’ or ‘gene of alcoholism’. Quite recently, a controversy occurred in 2006 in New Zealand that started with the claim that a ‘warrior gene’ exists in the Mãori community. This claim came from (...)
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    Epimenides and Curry.Laurence Goldstein - 1986 - Analysis 46 (3):117 - 121.
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    The Paradox of the Liar: A Case of Mistaken Identity.Laurence Goldstein - 1985 - Analysis 45 (1):9.
  17.  68
    Leo Strauss and Nietzsche.Laurence Lampert - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The influential political philosopher Leo Strauss has been credited by conservatives with the recovery of the great tradition of political philosophy stretching back to Plato. Among Strauss's most enduring legacies is a strongly negative assessment of Nietzsche as the modern philosopher most at odds with that tradition and most responsible for the sins of twentieth-century culture--relativism, godlessness, nihilism, and the breakdown of family values. In fact, this apparent denunciation has become so closely associated with Strauss that it is often seen (...)
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  18. Atrocities.Laurence Thomas - 2009 - In Clifton Bryant Dennis Peck, The Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Sage Publication.
    This essay discusses the character of many atrocities that have occurred throughout human history.
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    Aristotle and Adam Smith on Justice: Cooperation between Ancients and Moderns?Laurence Berns - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):71 - 90.
    SYMPATHY IN SMITH The most wide-spread, but ill-informed, opinion about Adam Smith, based on his reputation as the founder of modern economics, makes him out to be a Social Darwinist for whom the most important form of human interaction is competition. In fact, the most important principle in Smith's moral psychology is what he calls sympathy, broadly understood as fellow feeling: the imaginative placing of ourselves in the situation of another, representing to ourselves what we would sense, think, and feel (...)
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  20.  61
    The Enduring Importance of Leo Strauss.Laurence Lampert - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    _The Enduring Importance of Leo Strauss_ takes on the crucial task of separating what is truly important in the work of Leo Strauss from the ephemeral politics associated with his school. Laurence Lampert focuses on exotericism: the use of artful rhetoric to simultaneously communicate a socially responsible message to the public at large and a more radical message of philosophic truth to a smaller, more intellectually inclined audience. Largely forgotten after the Enlightenment, exotericism, he shows, deeply informed Strauss both (...)
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  21.  15
    Modern Critical Theory: A Phenomenological Introduction (review).Laurence L. Alexander - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (2):251-252.
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    Ascriptive Supervenience.Laurence Carlin - 1997 - Southwest Philosophy Review 13 (1):47-57.
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  23.  18
    La Philosophie Déplacée: Autour de Jacques Rancière: Colloque de Cerisy.Laurence Cornu & Patrice Vermeren (eds.) - 2006 - Horlieu.
  24.  24
    Descartes Et la Connaissance de Dieu.Laurence Devillairs - 2004 - Libr. Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Comment connaître Dieu? Est-il légitime de faire de son essence l’objet de la méthode, d’appliquer à sa nature et à ses attributs les modes de connaissance définis par cette méthode, à savoir l’induction, la déduction voire l’intuition? Comment défendre la possibilité d’une intellection claire et distincte de l’essence de Dieu, telle que la représente son idée, et faire droit à l’incompréhensibilité attachée à son infinité? Le paradoxe de la métaphysique cartésienne consiste à la fois à revendiquer la possibilité de connaître (...)
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  25.  73
    The Possibility of a Christian Tragedy.Laurence Michel - 1956 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 31 (3):403-428.
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    Wilhelm Heinse's Media Conception of the Arts.Laurence A. Rickels - 1984 - Semiotics:37-49.
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    The External World and the Self.Laurence J. Rosán - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (4):539 - 550.
    Speculations of this last type have existed from a much earlier period in the Eastern civilizations, particularly in those areas affected by Hindu philosophy. For example, in the Sánkhya or Yoga-Sútras by Patánjali, we find a very radical distinction between the external world and the individual soul or self. But for Sánkhya, the "external world" includes everything that could possibly be an object of consciousness--physical objects and their relationships, sensations and imaginations, dreams, memories, expectations, etc. In other words, for Sánkhya, (...)
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  28.  18
    Beliefs and the Motivation to Be Just.Laurence Thomas - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):347 - 352.
  29. Estados Unidos y la hegemonía internacional después de la guerra fría.Laurence Whitehead - 2007 - In Ana Covarrubias Velasco, México en un mundo unipolar... y diverso. México, D.F.: Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Internacionales.
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  30.  13
    The Worker – Dominion and Form.Laurence Hemming, Bogdan Costea & Ernst Jünger - 2017 - Evanston, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    Written in 1932, just before the fall of the Weimar Republic and on the eve of the Nazi accession to power, Ernst Jünger’s The Worker: Dominion and Form articulates a trenchant critique of bourgeois liberalism and seeks to identify the form characteristic of the modern age. Jünger’s analyses, written in critical dialogue with Marx, are inspired by a profound intuition of the movement of history and an insightful interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy. -/- Martin Heidegger considered Jünger “the only genuine follower (...)
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  31.  14
    La forma en acto: morfogénesis y ciencias de lo viviente en Paul Valéry.Laurence Dahan-Gaida - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):479.
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    Métamorphoses de l’arbre : du schème au diagramme et du corail au rhizome.Laurence Dahan-Gaida - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 163 (4):23-46.
    Paradigme même du diagramme, l’arbre a fait l’objet des convocations les plus variées dans des domaines et aux fins les plus diverses : outil mnémotechnique, modèle d’organisation de la connaissance, hiérarchies conceptuelles, relations généalogiques, processus héréditaires, modélisation de l’histoire ou de l’évolution naturelle, etc. De l’arbre de Porphyre à l’arbre des encyclopédistes, de l’arbre darwinien de la vie aux arbres de l’histoire littéraire de Franco Moretti, les diagrammes arborescents témoignent d’une capacité apparemment infinie à se laisser réactiver pour délivrer des (...)
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  33.  21
    En teori om revolusjoner.Cédric Durand, Laurence Fontaine & Ulysse Lojkine - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (1-2):34-54.
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  34. The Structure of Socratic Dialogue: An Aristotelian Analysis.Robert Laurence Gallagher - 1998 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    This dissertation advances a solution to a problem intrinsic to understanding the dialogues of Plato. How are we to understand Plato's thought when he never speaks in his own name in any of his dialogues? Many writers assume that Plato's characters speak for him. With this assumption, they study the thought articulated by Plato's characters as if it were his own, and elaborate a so-called "doctrinal" interpretation. A variety of subjective readings follows, since what Socrates and other characters say in (...)
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    Painting in the Far East. An Introduction to the History of Pictorial Art in Asia, Especially China and Japan.C. S. G. & Laurence Binyon - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):390.
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    La sagesse de vivre: les philosophes et la mort.Laurence Vanin-Verna - 2009 - Bruxelles: Memogrames.
    Face à sa finitude, l'homme est désemparé. Il aborde l'existence par la question du " pourquoi ". " Pourquoi m'a-t-on donné la vie si c'est pour la reprendre? " Il est envahi par la colère, la révolte... puis, il cherche un sens à sa mort et pose un au-delà salvateur, un lieu où tout peut continuer autrement... ou encore il envisage une réincarnation; bref, quelque chose qui n'est plus " la fin de la fin ". Mais quand l'homme se fait (...)
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  37. Wittgenstein's ph.D viva—a re-creation.Laurence Goldstein - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (4):499-513.
  38.  29
    Case Studies in Bioethics: Is a Crisis of Conscience a Medical Problem?Clarence Blomquist & Laurence B. McCullough - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (3):26.
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    Dewey and Bentley’s Knowing and the Known.Laurence Heglar - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):53-76.
    The book that Dewey co-authored with Arthur Bentley, Knowing and the Known, has long resisted coherent interpretation in relation to his previous work. This article suggests that we look at his work from a methodological rather than a metaphysical point of view. This requires looking first at what he was doing with his concepts and only secondly to their content. The whole purpose of his philosophy was to construct an account which, when used, would draw our attention to observable phenomena (...)
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    Temps, rythmes, mesures: figures du temps dans les sciences et les arts.Laurence Dahan-Gaida (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    À la fois omniprésent et incernable, le temps est une dimension omniprésente de nos existences, indissociable de notre rapport au cosmos, à la vie biologique, à la conscience mais aussi à l’histoire, à la culture et à la société. Parce qu’elle est au confluent de plusieurs champs d’expérience et de réflexion, la question du temps offre une passerelle privilégiée pour croiser des approches rarement invitées à se rencontrer : celles des sciences d’un côté (physique, biologie, médecine, cosmologie), celles des arts (...)
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  41.  15
    Temporalités, espaces et Individu compressé en Chine.Laurence Roulleau-Berger - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    La société chinoise aujourd’hui peut être définie comme produisant différentes formes de compressed modernities où se contractent et s’entrelacent des temporalités historiques, sociales, politiques, économiques, mais aussi individuelles et collectives. Nous introduisons ici la notion de temporalité « contractée » qui favorise la superposition, l’intensification et la multiplication de risques sociaux, économiques, écologiques et sanitaires. Temporalités et espaces s’agencent en Chine de manière flagrante dans la production de mobilités, migrations et circulations très intenses aujourd’hui. La conquête de soi apparaît comme (...)
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  42. Pien cheng wei wu lun chiang hua. Sharkey, Laurence Lewis & [From Old Catalog] - 1975
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    Medical Ethics: Essays on Abortion and Euthanasia.Robert Laurence Barry - 1989 - P. Lang.
    In this book, controversial topics such as the morality of abortion, withdrawing treatment from handicapped newborns, the role of ethics committees, diagnosing death, withdrawing food and fluids and giving lethal injections are discussed. It proposes model legislation to prevent abuse and neglect of the medically vulnerable and dependent, and in a piercing and insightful manner, Fr. Barry critically evaluates many contemporary views on these topics, arguing forcefully for a reappraisal of many popular views on these topics.
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  44. The religious and spiritual perspective toward human organ donation and transplantation.Laurence J. O'Connell - 2001 - Advances in Bioethics 7:277-292.
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    Voir, « savoir-être avec », rendre public : pour une ethnographie de la reconnaissance.Laurence Roulleau-Berger - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 117 (2):261-283.
    Face à la question des modes de distribution inégalitaire de l’honneur social et de la lutte pour la reconnaissance chez des populations objets de mépris social, le « savoir-être avec » l’Autre est devenu pour le sociologue un enjeu scientifique, méthodologique et épistémologique important. Est proposée ici une ethnographie de la reconnaissance où l’Autre est regardé et reconnu avec son expérience, sa compétence, et son identité plurielle, fluctuante, réversible, inscrit dans une diversité de mondes sociaux organisée par des processus culturels (...)
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    The Idea of Volk and the Origins of Völkisch Research, 1800–1930s.J. Laurence Hare & Fabian Link - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (4):575-596.
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  47. The Innate Mind, 3 volumes, 2005-2007.Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen Stich (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
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    Teenie Harris, Photographer: Image, Memory, History.Cheryl Finley, Laurence Admiral Glasco & Joe William Trotter - 2011 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    "Charles "Teenie" Harris photographed the events and daily life of African Americans for the Pittsburgh Courier, one of the nation's most influential Black newspapers. From the 1930s to 1970s, Harris created a richly detailed record of public personalities, historic events, and the lives of average people. In 2001, Carnegie Museum of Art purchased Harris's archive of nearly 80,000 photographic negatives, few of which are titled and dated; the archive is considered one of the most important documentations of 20th?century African American (...)
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  49. Le dispositif. Usage et concept.Jacquinot-Delaunay Geneviève & Monnoyer Laurence - 1999 - Hermes 25.
  50.  91
    An Empirical Refutation of the Ontological Argument.Clyde Laurence Hardin - 1961 - Analysis 22 (1):10 - 12.
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