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    An interpolation in Claudian, de raptv proserpinae 2.343–7.Kyle Gervais - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):449-453.
    In his recent monograph on textual criticism, Richard Tarrant discusses the history, problems and practices of diagnosing interpolations in Latin texts, and persuasively argues for ‘restor[ing] interpolation to the editor's armoury’. In the hopes of better arming future editors, I identify a possible interpolation in the second book of Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae. The passage in question describes the celebrations in the underworld that attend the wedding of Pluto and Proserpina; joining in the holiday mood, the Furies let their snaky (...)
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    (1 other version)Notes on statius, thebaid 2.Kyle Gervais - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):411-414.
    The recent edition of theThebaidby Hall, Ritchie, and Edwards launched a successful attack on thecommunis opinioof a bipartite manuscript tradition, with one clearly superior family, and relatively few textual problems. In doing so, they underscored the need for renewed editorial work on the poem. Here I discuss five passages fromThebaid2 that have not received adequate attention from editors.
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    The Bones of Tibullus: Ovid, Amores 3.9.59.Kyle Gervais - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):349-354.
    This article argues for an emendation to Ovid, Amores 3.9, Ovid's lament for Tibullus. The transmitted text of line 59 would seem to present a contradiction: Ovid speculates about aliquid nisi nomen et umbra surviving death, and then proceeds in the next few lines to identify that aliquid as, precisely, Tibullus’ umbra. Ovid's original text was most likely aliquid nisi nomen et ossa, referring to a burial site and funerary inscription; with this text, Ovid reproduces details from Tibullus 1.3, a (...)
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    What Virgil Should Have Said.Kyle Gervais - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):41-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Virgil Should Have Said KYLE GERVAIS Mortem infelicem canimus famamque perennem Sidoniae praeclara ducis quae sustulit alte moenia—multum illa et furiis iactata et amore saucia, deseruit cum foedera barbarus hospes, vique deum quassa et fratris, dum conderet ensem fatiferum profugi sub pectore et iret ad umbras, arma virumque ciens magnam contundere Romam. I sing the tragic death and endless glory Of Sidon’s exiled queen, the famous walls She (...)
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    Violence in Roman literature - (m.R.) Gale, (j.H.d.) Scourfield (edd.) Texts and violence in the Roman world. Pp. XVI + 384. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2018. Cased, £90, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-107-02714-5. [REVIEW]Kyle Gervais - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):441-444.
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