Results for 'Gerd Overbeck'

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  1.  5
    The role of differentiated group experience in the course of inpatient psychotherapy.Ralph Grabhorn, Johannes Kaufhold & Gerd Overbeck - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 12--141.
  2.  20
    Franz Overbeck - Erwin Rohde, Briefwechsel.Franz Overbeck & Erwin Rohde - 1990 - De Gruyter.
    Die 1990 gegründete Reihe, die auf eine Anregung von Mazzino Montinari zurückgeht, publiziert Quellenmaterialien zu Nietzsches Leben, seinem Umkreis und seiner Wirkung. Die Supplementa stellen somit eine Ergänzung zu den Kritischen Ausgaben von Nietzsches Werken (KGW) und Briefen (KGB) dar.
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    Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Essays in honour of Gerd Buchdahl.Gerd Buchdahl & R. S. Woolhouse - 1988 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in this collection have been written for Gerd Buchdahl, by colleagues, students and friends, and are self-standing pieces of original research which have as their main concern the metaphysics and philosophy of science of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They focus on issues about the development of philosophical and scientific thought which are raised by or in the work of such as Bernoulli, Descartes, Galileo, Kant, Leibniz, Maclaurin, Priestly, Schelling, Vico. Apart from the initial bio-bibliographical piece and (...)
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    Adaptive Thinking: Rationality in the Real World.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2000 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    Together, these collected papers develop the idea that human thinking - from scientific creativity to simply understanding what a positive HIV test means - "happens" partly outside the mind.".
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    Briefwechsel.Franz Overbeck & Erwin Rohde - 1990 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Franz Overbeck - Erwin Rohde, Briefwechsel" verfügbar.
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    Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche: mit Briefen an Heinrich Köselitz.Franz Overbeck - 2011 - Berlin: Berenberg. Edited by Heinrich Detering.
    Franz Overbeck war Nietzsches bester Freund. Er blieb es über dessen geistigen Zusammenbruch im Januar 1889 hinaus, weil er Nietzsches bedingungslose Ansprüche an seine Apostel stets ablehnte. Den Freund betrachtet er in diesen Erinnerungen nicht als Genie, sondern als einen sensiblen, vielfach gebrochenen Menschen.Nietzsche erscheint hier nicht als Ausnahmemensch, sondern als Zeitgenosse, weniger seiner Zeit voraus als vielmehr ganz und gar ein Teil von ihr. Neben den Erinnerungen stehen hier auch die erschütternden Briefe, die Overbeck zur Zeit von (...)
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  7.  61
    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart.Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd & A. B. C. Research Group - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Peter M. Todd.
    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is about (...)
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    Die theoretische Basis von Marcuses Geschichtsphilosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie: Freuds psychoanalytische Anthropologie als Marxismus-Ersatz?Gerd Decke - 1968 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 12 (1):372-377.
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    Beitrag zur Geschichte des Leib-Seele-Problems.Gerd Fabian - 1925 - Hildesheim,: H.A. Gerstenberg.
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  10.  47
    Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with Uncertainty.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    This volume collects Gigerenzer's recent articles on the psychology of rationality. This volume should appeal, like the earlier volumes, to a broad mixture of cognitive psychologists, philosophers, economists, and others who study decision making.
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  11. (1 other version)Homo Heuristicus: Why Biased Minds Make Better Inferences.Gerd Gigerenzer & Henry Brighton - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):107-143.
    Heuristics are efficient cognitive processes that ignore information. In contrast to the widely held view that less processing reduces accuracy, the study of heuristics shows that less information, computation, and time can in fact improve accuracy. We review the major progress made so far: the discovery of less-is-more effects; the study of the ecological rationality of heuristics, which examines in which environments a given strategy succeeds or fails, and why; an advancement from vague labels to computational models of heuristics; the (...)
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  12. How (far) can rationality be naturalized?Gerd Gigerenzer & Thomas Sturm - 2012 - Synthese 187 (1):243-268.
    The paper shows why and how an empirical study of fast-and-frugal heuristics can provide norms of good reasoning, and thus how (and how far) rationality can be naturalized. We explain the heuristics that humans often rely on in solving problems, for example, choosing investment strategies or apartments, placing bets in sports, or making library searches. We then show that heuristics can lead to judgments that are as accurate as or even more accurate than strategies that use more information and computation, (...)
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  13.  87
    XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1.Gerd Buchdahl - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):209-226.
    Gerd Buchdahl; XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume.
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  14. The essential Wittgenstein.Gerd Brand - 1979 - New York: Basic Books.
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  15. Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models of bounded rationality.Gerd Gigerenzer & Daniel Goldstein - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):650-669.
    Humans and animals make inferences about the world under limited time and knowledge. In contrast, many models of rational inference treat the mind as a Laplacean Demon, equipped with unlimited time, knowledge, and computational might. Following H. Simon's notion of satisficing, the authors have proposed a family of algorithms based on a simple psychological mechanism: one-reason decision making. These fast and frugal algorithms violate fundamental tenets of classical rationality: They neither look up nor integrate all information. By computer simulation, the (...)
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    Briefwechsel.Franz Overbeck & Heinrich [Peter Gast] Köselitz - 1998 - De Gruyter.
    Betr. die Nachlässe Franz Overbeck und Carl Albrecht Bernoulli in der Universitätsbibliothek Basel.
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    An Approach to Quantum Mechanics via Conditional Probabilities.Gerd Niestegge - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (3):241-256.
    The well-known proposal to consider the Lüders-von Neumann measurement as a non-classical extension of probability conditionalization is further developed. The major results include some new concepts like the different grades of compatibility, the objective conditional probabilities which are independent of the underlying state and stem from a certain purely algebraic relation between the events, and an axiomatic approach to quantum mechanics. The main axioms are certain postulates concerning the conditional probabilities and own intrinsic probabilistic interpretations from the very beginning. A (...)
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  18.  7
    Zur Lage der Philosophie: ihre verborgene historische Kontinuität und Zielperspektive.Gerd Pohlenz - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
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  19.  54
    Quality care for persons experiencing dementia: The significance of relational ethics.Gerd S. Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen, Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2013 - Nursing Ethics (3):0969733012462050.
    The degree of success in creating quality care for people suffering from dementia is limited despite extensive research. This article describes Healthcare providers’ experience with the ethical challenges and possibilities in the relationship with patients suffering from dementia and its impact on quality care. The material is based on qualitative, in-depth individual narrative interviews with 12 professional Healthcare providers from two different nursing homes. The transcribed interview texts were subjected to a phenomenological–hermeneutical interpretation. To provide quality care to patients with (...)
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  20.  96
    How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction: Frequency formats.Gerd Gigerenzer & Ulrich Hoffrage - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (4):684-704.
  21.  73
    Axiomatic rationality and ecological rationality.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3547-3564.
    Axiomatic rationality is defined in terms of conformity to abstract axioms. Savage limited axiomatic rationality to small worlds, that is, situations in which the exhaustive and mutually exclusive set of future states S and their consequences C are known. Others have interpreted axiomatic rationality as a categorical norm for how human beings should reason, arguing in addition that violations would lead to real costs such as money pumps. Yet a review of the literature shows little evidence that violations are actually (...)
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  22. Metaphysics and the philosophy of science.Gerd Buchdahl - 1969 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  23.  10
    Heuristic decision making.Gerd Gigerenzer & Wolfgang Gaissmaier - 2011 - Annual Review of Psychology 62:451-482.
  24.  56
    The Empire of Chance: How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life.Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty & Lorenz Kruger - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Empire of Chance tells how quantitative ideas of chance transformed the natural and social sciences, as well as daily life over the last three centuries. A continuous narrative connects the earliest application of probability and statistics in gambling and insurance to the most recent forays into law, medicine, polling and baseball. Separate chapters explore the theoretical and methodological impact in biology, physics and psychology. Themes recur - determinism, inference, causality, free will, evidence, the shifting meaning of probability - but (...)
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  25.  83
    On narrow norms and vague heuristics: A reply to Kahneman and Tversky.Gerd Gigerenzer - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (3):592-596.
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    Probabilistic mental models: A Brunswikian theory of confidence.Gerd Gigerenzer, Ulrich Hoffrage & Heinz Kleinbölting - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (4):506-528.
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  27. Inductivist Versus Deductivist Approaches in the Philosophy of Science as Illustrated by Some Controversies Between Whewell and Mill.Gerd Buchdahl - 1971 - The Monist 55 (3):343-367.
    The contrast between the two approaches alluded to in the title has gained a certain prominence in our own day. With the knowledge of hindsight it will be of interest therefore to study its incidence in an earlier period, in the writings of Whewell and Mill, Which may thus yield added significance for a later generation. Right at the start there is a difficulty. Not all inductivists agree on their principles, or their interpretation of the logic of scientific reasoning, and (...)
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  28.  55
    STOP and GO with NO: Nitric oxide as a regulator of cell motility in simple brains.Gerd Bicker - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):495-505.
    During the formation of the brain, neuronal cell migration and neurite extension are controlled by extracellular guidance cues. Here, I discuss experiments showing that the messenger nitric oxide (NO) is an additional regulator of cell motility. NO is a membrane permeant molecule, which activates soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and leads to the formation of cyclic GMP (cGMP) in target cells. The analysis of specific cells types in invertebrate models such as molluscs, insects and the medicinal leech provides insight how NO (...)
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    Zur Geschichte der Eisengewinnung mit Holzkohle und Steinkohlenkoks.Gerd Collin & Walter Wetzel - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (2):65-79.
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    Der Identitätsgedanke bei Feuerbach und Marx.Gerd Dicke - 1960 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
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    (1 other version)Die moderne Grundlegungstheorie und der Galileische Naturbegriff.Gerd Wolandt - 1964 - Philosophia Naturalis 8 (1/2):159-164.
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    Doktorandenkolloquium „Ethik in der Medizin” der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e.V., Bad Boll (22.-24.05.02).Gerd Richter - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (4):293-294.
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    N’essayons pas de compter l’intelligible sur les doigts.Gerd Van Riel - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:199-219.
    Cet article examine la façon dont Damascius, le dernier diadoque de l’académie platonicienne à Athènes, intègre les principes ontologiques du Philèbe dans son système. A l’opposé de ses prédécesseurs, Damascius refuse d’accepter une opposition des principes de la limite et de l’illimitation immédiatement au-dessous de l’Un (principe de la cause), car une telle opposition briserait l’unité de l’Un. Après une présentation de la doctrine des premiers principes selon Damascius, l’auteur discute la critique de ce dernier vis-à-vis de ses précurseurs, avant (...)
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  34. Work. Anthropological aspects.Gerd Spittler - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 24--16565.
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    Subjektstheoretische Ästhetik.Gerd Wolandt - 1971 - In Idealismus und Faktizität. New York,: de Gruyter. pp. 235-253.
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    Crossing the Finite Provinces of Meaning. Experience and Metaphor.Gerd Sebald - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):341-352.
    Schutz’s references to literature and arts in his theoretical works are manifold. But literature and theory are both a certain kind of a finite province of meaning, that means they are not easily accessible from the paramount reality of everyday life. Now there is another kind of referring to literature: metaphorizing it. Using it, as may be said with Lakoff and Johnson, to understand and to experience one kind of thing in terms of another. Literally metapherein means “to carry over”. (...)
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  37. Domain-specific reasoning: Social contracts, cheating, and perspective change.Gerd Gigerenzer & Klaus Hug - 1992 - Cognition 43 (2):127-171.
    What counts as human rationality: reasoning processes that embody content-independent formal theories, such as propositional logic, or reasoning processes that are well designed for solving important adaptive problems? Most theories of human reasoning have been based on content-independent formal rationality, whereas adaptive reasoning, ecological or evolutionary, has been little explored. We elaborate and test an evolutionary approach, Cosmides' social contract theory, using the Wason selection task. In the first part, we disentangle the theoretical concept of a “social contract” from that (...)
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  38. Beyond the responsibility gap. Discussion note on responsibility and liability in the use of brain-computer interfaces.Gerd Grübler - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):377-382.
    The article shows where the argument of responsibility-gap regarding brain-computer interfaces acquires its plausibility from, and suggests why the argument is not plausible. As a way of an explanation, a distinction between the descriptive third-person perspective and the interpretative first-person perspective is introduced. Several examples and metaphors are used to show that ascription of agency and responsibility does not, even in simple cases, require that people be in causal control of every individual detail involved in an event. Taking up the (...)
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  39.  87
    In Search of a Better World Lectures and Essays from Thirty years By Karl Popper. Routledge: London & New York245pp.Gerd Buchdahl - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (267):116-118.
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    Interventions in the human genome: Some moral and ethical considerations.Gerd Richter & Matthew D. Bacchetta - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (3):303 – 317.
    In the debate regarding the different possibilities for gene therapy, it is presupposed that the manipulations are limited to the nuclear genome (nDNA). Given recent advances in genetics, mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) and diseases must be considered as well. In this paper, we propose a three dimensional framework for the ethical debate of gene therapy where we add the genomic type (nDNA vs. mtDNA) as a third dimension to be considered beside the paradigmatic dimensions of target cell (somatic vs. germ-line) and (...)
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  41. The conception of lawlikeness in Kant's philosophy of science.Gerd Buchdahl - 1972 - Synthese 23 (1-2):24 - 46.
    A demarcation between kant's general metaphysics (transcendental principles) and his special metaphysics is attempted, through a discussion of kant's three accounts of lawlikeness, 'transcendental', 'empirical' and 'metaphysical'. the distinctions are defended via a number of 'indicators' in kant's writings, and the 'looseness of fit' between the different types of lawlikeness is discussed.
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    Ethics consultation at the university medical center — marburg.Gerd Richter - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (3):294-305.
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  43.  63
    Kant and the dynamics of reason: essays on the structure of Kant's philosophy.Gerd Buchdahl - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  44.  34
    EvoDevo Shapes the Extended Synthesis.Gerd B. Müller - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (2):119-121.
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    "Rasse" und "Züchtung" bei Nietzsche.Gerd Schank - 2000 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The (...)
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    Life, brain, and consciousness: new perceptions through targeted systems analysis.Gerd Sommerhoff - 1990 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    In this volume the author tackles this problem in a rigorous analysis which begins with the general dynamics of living systems and leads the reader step-by-step ...
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    Quality care for persons experiencing dementia.Gerd S. Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen, Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (3):263-272.
    The degree of success in creating quality care for people suffering from dementia is limited despite extensive research. This article describes healthcare providers’ experience with the ethical challenges and possibilities in the relationship with patients suffering from dementia and its impact on quality care. The material is based on qualitative, in-depth individual narrative interviews with 12 professional healthcare providers from two different nursing homes. The transcribed interview texts were subjected to a phenomenological–hermeneutical interpretation. To provide quality care to patients with (...)
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  48. Sources of scepticism in atomic theory.Gerd Buchdahl - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (38):120-134.
  49.  6
    Einleitung: Der Gallus Anonymus im Lichte neuerer Forschungsansätze.Gerd Althoff - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):293-296.
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    Michelangelo als Neuer Mose.Gerd Blum - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 53 (1):70-103.
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