Results for 'Gerd Gropp'

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  1.  13
    Ein hanseatisch-persischer Handelsvertrag aus Istanbul von 1842.Ramin Shaghaghi & Gerd Gropp - 2009 - In Hendrik Fenz, Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 183-210.
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  2. Queering healthcare with technology?—Potentials of queer-feminist perspectives on self-tracking-technologies for diversity-sensitive healthcare.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Tabea Ott, Anna Puzio, Stefanie Weigold & Regina Müller - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie.
    Self-tracking-technologies can serve as a prominent example of how digital technologies put to test established practices, institutions, and structures of medicine and healthcare. While proponents emphasize the potentials, e.g., for individualized healthcare and new research data, opponents stress the risk that these technologies will reinforce gender-related inequalities. -/- While this has been made clear from—often intersectional—feminist perspectives since the introduction of such technologies, we aim to provide a queer-feminist perspective on self-tracking applications in healthcare by analyzing three concrete cases. In (...)
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    Kloster, Hof und Stadt als Bildungswelten des Mittelalters.Carola Groppe - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (4):289-311.
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    „Mit Bluetooth ein Signal der Solidarität senden“? – Eine medizinethische Analyse der öffentlichen Debatte über die Corona-Warn-App.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (2):265-283.
    Zusammenfassung In der öffentlichen Debatte über die Corona-Warn-App kann der Solidaritätsbegriff als wichtiger, aber inhaltlich umstrittener normativer Bezugspunkt gelten. So stehen hier unterschiedliche Solidaritätsrekurse mit heterogenen Voraussetzungen, normativen Implikationen und praktischen Konsequenzen nebeneinander, die einer medizinethischen Untersuchung bedürfen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Ziel des Beitrags, _erstens_ die Bandbreite der Verwendungsweisen des Solidaritätsbegriffs in der öffentlichen Debatte zur Corona-Warn-App anschaulich zu machen sowie _zweitens_ die Voraussetzungen und normativen Implikationen dieser Verwendungsweisen herauszuarbeiten und einer ethischen Bewertung zu unterziehen. Dazu stelle ich (...)
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    Moral Paradigms of Intergenerational Solidarity in the Coronavirus-Pandemic.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Irmgard Steckdaub-Muller, Larissa Pfaller & Mark Schweda - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (1):85-119.
    Solidarity between generations served as a prominent but controversially discussed normative reference point in public debates about the Coronavirus-pandemic. The aim of this contribution is the empirical reconstruction and ethical evaluation of prominent notions of intergenerational solidarity and their underlying assumptions in the public media discourse on the pandemic in Germany. After a brief introduction to the concept of intergenerational solidarity and the pertinent discourses during the pandemic, we present the results of a comprehensive qualitative content analysis of 149 articles (...)
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    Zur Geschichte der Eisengewinnung mit Holzkohle und Steinkohlenkoks.Gerd Collin & Walter Wetzel - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (2):65-79.
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  7. Introduction: Beyond the individual and across time.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe & Dominik Koesling - 2025 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (2).
    Irrespective of whether the appropriate means of addressing the climate crisis, the future of social security systems or the right actions in the face of a colonial legacy are discussed – a number of topics have been increasingly taken up in recent public and academic debates, placing ethical questions relating to intergenerational relationships at the forefront of the agenda. However, within the field of ethics, approaches that are characterized by a focus on the individual and the present – and that (...)
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  8.  35
    Anti-Catholicism and Nineteenth-Century Fiction.John D. Groppe - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (1):94-97.
  9.  29
    Bürgerliche Lebensführung im Zeichen der Balance. Funktionen und Ideale der Bildung in Theorie und Praxis des George-Kreises in der Weimarer Republik.Carola Groppe - 2009 - In Korinna Schönhärl, Bertram Schefold, Werner Plumpe & Roman Köster, Das Ideal des Schönen Lebens Und Die Wirklichkeit der Weimarer Republik: Vorstellungen von Staat Und Gemeinschaft Im George-Kreis. Akademie Verlag. pp. 137-150.
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    Cardinal Newman: Man of Letters. By M. Katherine Tillman.John D. Groppe - 2012 - Newman Studies Journal 9 (2):91-93.
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    Für eine zielstrebige und bewegliche Auswertung des nationalen philosophischen Erbes.S. O. Gropp - 1961 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 9 (5).
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    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart.Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd & A. B. C. Research Group - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Peter M. Todd.
    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is about (...)
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  13.  6
    Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Essays in honour of Gerd Buchdahl.Gerd Buchdahl & R. S. Woolhouse - 1988 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in this collection have been written for Gerd Buchdahl, by colleagues, students and friends, and are self-standing pieces of original research which have as their main concern the metaphysics and philosophy of science of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They focus on issues about the development of philosophical and scientific thought which are raised by or in the work of such as Bernoulli, Descartes, Galileo, Kant, Leibniz, Maclaurin, Priestly, Schelling, Vico. Apart from the initial bio-bibliographical piece and (...)
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  14. Metaphysics and the philosophy of science.Gerd Buchdahl - 1969 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  15. Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models of bounded rationality.Gerd Gigerenzer & Daniel Goldstein - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):650-669.
    Humans and animals make inferences about the world under limited time and knowledge. In contrast, many models of rational inference treat the mind as a Laplacean Demon, equipped with unlimited time, knowledge, and computational might. Following H. Simon's notion of satisficing, the authors have proposed a family of algorithms based on a simple psychological mechanism: one-reason decision making. These fast and frugal algorithms violate fundamental tenets of classical rationality: They neither look up nor integrate all information. By computer simulation, the (...)
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  16.  53
    Gender and Age Stereotypes in Robotics for Eldercare: Ethical Implications of Stakeholder Perspectives from Technology Development, Industry, and Nursing.Merle Weßel, Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Frauke Koppelin & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-15.
    Social categorizations regarding gender or age have proven to be relevant in human-robot interaction. Their stereotypical application in the development and implementation of robotics in eldercare is even discussed as a strategy to enhance the acceptance, well-being, and quality of life of older people. This raises serious ethical concerns, e.g., regarding autonomy of and discrimination against users. In this paper, we examine how relevant professional stakeholders perceive and evaluate the use of social categorizations and stereotypes regarding gender and age in (...)
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  17.  14
    Heuristic decision making.Gerd Gigerenzer & Wolfgang Gaissmaier - 2011 - Annual Review of Psychology 62:451-482.
  18. Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science. The Classical Origins — Descartes to Kant.Gerd Buchdahl - 1969 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (3):224-227.
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  19. Causality, causal laws and scientific theory in the philosophy of Kant.Gerd Buchdahl - 1965 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 16 (63):187-208.
  20. Dialekticheskiĭ materializm.Rugard Otto Gropp - 1960
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  21. Das natinale philosophische Erbe.Rugard Otto Gropp - 1960 - Berlin,: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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    Perspektiven einer Ästhetik der Schrift. Verkörperungen der Schrift als inszenierte Selbstreflexion von Medialität – anhand Roland Barthes’ écriture-Konzept.Petra Gropp - 2003 - In Karl Anton Sprengard, Petra Gropp & Christoph Ernst, Perspektiven Interdisziplinärer Medienphilosophie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 119-138.
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  23. Von Cusanus bis Marx.Rugard Otto Gropp - 1965 - Leipzig,: Bibliographisches Institut. Edited by Frank Fiedler.
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  24. Domain-specific reasoning: Social contracts, cheating, and perspective change.Gerd Gigerenzer & Klaus Hug - 1992 - Cognition 43 (2):127-171.
    What counts as human rationality: reasoning processes that embody content-independent formal theories, such as propositional logic, or reasoning processes that are well designed for solving important adaptive problems? Most theories of human reasoning have been based on content-independent formal rationality, whereas adaptive reasoning, ecological or evolutionary, has been little explored. We elaborate and test an evolutionary approach, Cosmides' social contract theory, using the Wason selection task. In the first part, we disentangle the theoretical concept of a “social contract” from that (...)
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  25.  39
    Cassandra’s regret: The psychology of not wanting to know.Gerd Gigerenzer & Rocio Garcia-Retamero - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (2):179-196.
  26.  93
    XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1.Gerd Buchdahl - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):209-226.
    Gerd Buchdahl; XIV—The Relation Between ‘Understanding’ and ‘Reason’ in the Architectonic of Kant's Philosophy1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume.
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  27. Moral Satisficing: Rethinking Moral Behavior as Bounded Rationality.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):528-554.
    What is the nature of moral behavior? According to the study of bounded rationality, it results not from character traits or rational deliberation alone, but from the interplay between mind and environment. In this view, moral behavior is based on pragmatic social heuristics rather than moral rules or maximization principles. These social heuristics are not good or bad per se, but solely in relation to the environments in which they are used. This has methodological implications for the study of morality: (...)
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  28.  59
    Probabilistic mental models: A Brunswikian theory of confidence.Gerd Gigerenzer, Ulrich Hoffrage & Heinz Kleinbölting - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (4):506-528.
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    How to Explain Behavior?Gerd Gigerenzer - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1363-1381.
    Unlike behaviorism, cognitive psychology relies on mental concepts to explain behavior. Yet mental processes are not directly observable and multiple explanations are possible, which poses a challenge for finding a useful framework. In this article, I distinguish three new frameworks for explanations that emerged after the cognitive revolution. The first is called tools‐to‐theories: Psychologists' new tools for data analysis, such as computers and statistics, are turned into theories of mind. The second proposes as‐if theories: Expected utility theory and Bayesian statistics (...)
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  30. Die Gewissensfreiheit in der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts.Gerd Morgenthaler - 2025 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (1):67-80.
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    Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with Uncertainty.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    This volume collects Gigerenzer's recent articles on the psychology of rationality. This volume should appeal, like the earlier volumes, to a broad mixture of cognitive psychologists, philosophers, economists, and others who study decision making.
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    Understanding consciousness: its function and brain processes.Gerd Sommerhoff - 2000 - Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
    “This is surely the ultimate expression of the top-down approach to consciousness, written with Sommerhoff's characteristic clarity and precision. It says far more than other books four times the size of this admirably concise volume. This book is destined to become a pillar of the subject.” —Rodney Cotterill, Technical University of Denmark The problem of consciousness has been described as a mystery about which we are still in a terrible muddle and in Understanding Consciousness: Its Function and Brain Processes, the (...)
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  33. How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction: Frequency formats.Gerd Gigerenzer & Ulrich Hoffrage - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (4):684-704.
  34.  65
    The Empire of Chance: How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life.Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty & Lorenz Kruger - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Empire of Chance tells how quantitative ideas of chance transformed the natural and social sciences, as well as daily life over the last three centuries. A continuous narrative connects the earliest application of probability and statistics in gambling and insurance to the most recent forays into law, medicine, polling and baseball. Separate chapters explore the theoretical and methodological impact in biology, physics and psychology. Themes recur - determinism, inference, causality, free will, evidence, the shifting meaning of probability - but (...)
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  35.  63
    Kant and the dynamics of reason: essays on the structure of Kant's philosophy.Gerd Buchdahl - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  36.  28
    Commentary: “Whiteness and Colourblindness”.Gerd Bayer - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-5.
    This commentary argues that, in discussing the racial and cultural identities of cinematic representations of humanoid AI robots, nuances and differentiations are beneficial. It suggests that the essay on which the present text comments does not sufficiently acknowledge the range of identities found in AI films, in particular in Alex Garland's Ex Machina.
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  37. (1 other version)Homo Heuristicus: Why Biased Minds Make Better Inferences.Gerd Gigerenzer & Henry Brighton - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):107-143.
    Heuristics are efficient cognitive processes that ignore information. In contrast to the widely held view that less processing reduces accuracy, the study of heuristics shows that less information, computation, and time can in fact improve accuracy. We review the major progress made so far: the discovery of less-is-more effects; the study of the ecological rationality of heuristics, which examines in which environments a given strategy succeeds or fails, and why; an advancement from vague labels to computational models of heuristics; the (...)
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  38.  55
    Quality care for persons experiencing dementia: The significance of relational ethics.Gerd S. Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen, Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2013 - Nursing Ethics (3):0969733012462050.
    The degree of success in creating quality care for people suffering from dementia is limited despite extensive research. This article describes Healthcare providers’ experience with the ethical challenges and possibilities in the relationship with patients suffering from dementia and its impact on quality care. The material is based on qualitative, in-depth individual narrative interviews with 12 professional Healthcare providers from two different nursing homes. The transcribed interview texts were subjected to a phenomenological–hermeneutical interpretation. To provide quality care to patients with (...)
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    (1 other version)Die moderne Grundlegungstheorie und der Galileische Naturbegriff.Gerd Wolandt - 1964 - Philosophia Naturalis 8 (1/2):159-164.
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    Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems and Responsibility Gaps.Anne Gerdes - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (5).
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    Quality care for persons experiencing dementia.Gerd S. Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen, Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (3):263-272.
    The degree of success in creating quality care for people suffering from dementia is limited despite extensive research. This article describes healthcare providers’ experience with the ethical challenges and possibilities in the relationship with patients suffering from dementia and its impact on quality care. The material is based on qualitative, in-depth individual narrative interviews with 12 professional healthcare providers from two different nursing homes. The transcribed interview texts were subjected to a phenomenological–hermeneutical interpretation. To provide quality care to patients with (...)
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  42. Psychosocial and Ethical Aspects in Non-Invasive EEG-Based BCI Research—A Survey Among BCI Users and BCI Professionals.Gerd Grübler, Abdul Al-Khodairy, Robert Leeb, Iolanda Pisotta, Angela Riccio, Martin Rohm & Elisabeth Hildt - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):29-41.
    In this paper, the results of a pilot interview study with 19 subjects participating in an EEG-based non-invasive brain–computer interface (BCI) research study on stroke rehabilitation and assistive technology and of a survey among 17 BCI professionals are presented and discussed in the light of ethical, legal, and social issues in research with human subjects. Most of the users were content with study participation and felt well informed. Negative aspects reported include the long and cumbersome preparation procedure, discomfort with the (...)
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  43. Inductivist Versus Deductivist Approaches in the Philosophy of Science as Illustrated by Some Controversies Between Whewell and Mill.Gerd Buchdahl - 1971 - The Monist 55 (3):343-367.
    The contrast between the two approaches alluded to in the title has gained a certain prominence in our own day. With the knowledge of hindsight it will be of interest therefore to study its incidence in an earlier period, in the writings of Whewell and Mill, Which may thus yield added significance for a later generation. Right at the start there is a difficulty. Not all inductivists agree on their principles, or their interpretation of the logic of scientific reasoning, and (...)
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  44.  92
    In Search of a Better World Lectures and Essays from Thirty years By Karl Popper. Routledge: London & New York245pp.Gerd Buchdahl - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (267):116-118.
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    Der Identitätsgedanke bei Feuerbach und Marx.Gerd Dicke - 1960 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
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    Embodied Prevention.Gerd Kempermann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Evidence-based recommendations for lifestyles to promote healthy cognitive aging root in reductionistic studies of mostly physical measurable factors with large effect sizes. In contrast, most people consider factors like autonomy, purpose, social participation and engagement, etc. as central to a high quality of life in old age. Evidence for a direct causal impact of these factors on healthy cognitive aging is still limited, albeit not absent. Ultimately, however, individual lifestyle is a complex composite of variables relating to both body and (...)
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    A systematic review of almost three decades of value sensitive design (VSD): what happened to the technical investigations?Anne Gerdes & Tove Faber Frandsen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-16.
    This article presents a systematic literature review documenting how technical investigations have been adapted in value sensitive design (VSD) studies from 1996 to 2023. We present a systematic review, including theoretical and applied studies that either discuss or conduct technical investigations in VSD. This systematic review contributes to the VSD community when seeking to further refine the methodological framework for carrying out technical investigations in VSD.
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  48. The conception of lawlikeness in Kant's philosophy of science.Gerd Buchdahl - 1972 - Synthese 23 (1-2):24 - 46.
    A demarcation between kant's general metaphysics (transcendental principles) and his special metaphysics is attempted, through a discussion of kant's three accounts of lawlikeness, 'transcendental', 'empirical' and 'metaphysical'. the distinctions are defended via a number of 'indicators' in kant's writings, and the 'looseness of fit' between the different types of lawlikeness is discussed.
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  49. On the Supposed Evidence for Libertarian Paternalism.Gerd Gigerenzer - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):361-383.
    Can the general public learn to deal with risk and uncertainty, or do authorities need to steer people’s choices in the right direction? Libertarian paternalists argue that results from psychological research show that our reasoning is systematically flawed and that we are hardly educable because our cognitive biases resemble stable visual illusions. For that reason, they maintain, authorities who know what is best for us need to step in and steer our behavior with the help of “nudges.” Nudges are nothing (...)
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    Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema.Gerd Bayer - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (3):537-541.
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