Results for 'George Ettlinger'

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  1.  39
    Primate handedness: How nice if it were really so.George Ettlinger - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):271-273.
  2.  52
    Drilling their Own Graves: How the European Oil and Gas Supermajors Avoid Sustainability Tensions Through Mythmaking.George Ferns, Kenneth Amaeshi & Aliette Lambert - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):201-231.
    This study explores how paradoxical tensions between economic growth and environmental protection are avoided through organizational mythmaking. By examining the European oil and gas supermajors’ “CEO-speak” about climate change, we show how mythmaking facilitates the disregarding, diverting, and/or displacing of sustainability tensions. In doing so, our findings further illustrate how certain defensive responses are employed: regression, or retreating to the comforts of past familiarities, fantasy, or escaping the harsh reality that fossil fuels and climate change are indeed irreconcilable, and projecting, (...)
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  3. The Paranoid Style in American History of Science.George Reisch - 2012 - Theoria 27 (3):323-342.
    Historian Richard Hofstadter’s observations about American cold-war politics are used to contextualize Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and argue that substantive claims about the nature of scientific knowledge and scientific change found in Structure were adopted from this cold-war political culture.
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    Force-feeding at Guantanamo.George J. Annas - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (1):26-26.
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    The Collected Letters of Henry Northrup Castle.George Herbert Mead & Helen Castle Mead (eds.) - 2013 - Ohio University Press.
    George Herbert Mead, one of America’s most important and influential philosophers, a founder of pragmatism, social psychology, and symbolic interactionism, was also a keen observer of American culture and early modernism. In the period from the 1870s to 1895, Henry Northrup Castle maintained a correspondence with family members and with Mead—his best friend at Oberlin College and brother-in-law—that reveals many of the intellectual, economic, and cultural forces that shaped American thought in that complex era. Close friends of John Dewey, (...)
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  6. The Unity of Virtue, Ambiguity, and Socrates’ Higher Purpose.George Rudebusch - 2017 - Ancient Philosophy 37 (2):333-346.
    In the Protagoras, Socrates argues that all the virtues are the very same knowledge of human wellbeing so that virtue is all one. But elsewhere Socrates appears to endorse that the virtues-such as courage, temperance, and reverence-are different parts of a single whole. Ambiguity interpretations harmonize the conflicting texts by taking the virtue words to be equivocal, such as between theoretical and applied expertise, or between a power and its deeds. I argue that such interpretations have failed in their specifics (...)
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    Six Poems.George Kalogeris - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):57-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Six Poems GEORGE KALOGERIS The Atomists To see what the matter is, in all of its dense, Teeming particulars, and not through the lens Of a microscope but by the most lucid, precise, Leap of imagination: the first was Leucíppus. But it was his student, Democritus, who stated That human understanding was truly futile, Given the random collisions of atoms. Still, He blinded himself to keep from (...)
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  8.  28
    Three Kinds of Political Engagement for Philosophy of Science.George Reisch - 2009 - Science & Education 18 (2):191-197.
  9. Kierkegaard's authorship.George E. Arbaugh - 1967 - Rock Island, Ill.,: Augustana College Library. Edited by George B. Arbaugh.
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  10. Kierkegaard and human values.George E. Arbaugh, Niels Thulstrup & Marie Mikulová Thulstrup (eds.) - 1980 - Copenhagen: Reitzels.
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    Bernstein (from page 20).George Bernstein - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 7 (2):29-29.
  12.  55
    Letters pro and con.George Boas & George Kimmelman - 1948 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (1):53-56.
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    Spinoza's Stellung zur Religion.George Bohrmann - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:111.
  14.  11
    Hume's System: An examination of the First Book of His.George Botterill - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (1):11-13.
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    Business Ethics Quarterly News.George G. Brenkert - 2005 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 15 (3):2-2.
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    BEQ News.George G. Brenkert - 2005 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 15 (5):2-2.
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  17.  33
    The relative efficiency of several training methods as a function of transfer task complexity.George E. Briggs & James C. Naylor - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (5):505.
  18. The terror within.George J. Church & Richard Behar - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson, Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 142--22.
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  19.  13
    Foundations of Kierkegaard's Vision of Community: Religion, Ethics, and Politics in Kierkegaard.George Connell & C. Stephen Evans - 1992 - Humanities Press.
  20.  10
    A Phenomenology of the Devout Life: A Philosophy of Christian Life, Part I.George Pattison - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    A Phenomenology of the Devout Life is the first part of a three-part work, A Philosophy of Christian Life. Rather than approaching Christianity through its doctrinal statements, as philosophers of religion have often done, the book starts by offering a phenomenological description of the devout life as that is set out in the teaching of Francois de Sales and related authors. This is because for most Christians practice and life-commitments are more fundamental than formal doctrinal beliefs. Although George Pattison (...)
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  21. How does the internet affect people's sense of online community?George Lăzăroiu - 2009 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8:201-207.
  22.  13
    How the media constructs reality.George Lăzăroiu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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    La science politique en Roumanie.George Macovescu - 1971 - Res Publica 13 (5):699-705.
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  24.  9
    Two Puzzles Involving Socrates.George Th Mavrogordatos - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):3-23.
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  25. The Role of Reason in Belief.George F. Mclean - 1974 - Concorde Pub. Co.
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  26.  8
    First person plural.George Melnyk - 2015 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Frontenac House.
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  27.  14
    Utility and rights in Francis hutci-iesons's ethical theory.George Mousourakis - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (4):527.
  28. Listening to whom, and for whose benefit?" Promoting and protecting local heritage values.George Nicholas - 2019 - In Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe, Archaeologies of listening. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
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    Positivity versus negativity is a matter of timing.George Ainslie - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    What can the brain teach us about building artificial intelligence?Dileep George - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Floating Docks in the Sixteenth Century.George Sarton - 1946 - Isis 36:153-154.
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    An Important Necessary Difference between People and Mindless Machines.George Schlesinger - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (3):205 - 212.
  33.  35
    Miller's mockery.George Schlesinger - 1995 - Philosophia 24 (3-4):471-472.
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    Persons, Roles, and Duties.George Schrader - 1975 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 3: Vorträge. De Gruyter. pp. 124-148.
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  35.  5
    Re-Reading the.George Scheper - 1990 - Semiotics:195-210.
  36.  13
    Last Stop.George Seferis - 2005 - Arion 13 (2).
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  37.  58
    Strategies, scheduling effects, and the stability of intentions.George Smith - 1992 - Minds and Machines 2 (1):17-26.
    This comment on Michael Bratman's Planning and the Stability of Intention focuses on sources of the rational stability of intentions which are not related to the presence of reflectively overrideable non-deliberative habits of (non)reconsideration. It is true that intentions have a rational resistance to reconsideration, but this stability can be understood as a by-product of the scheduling of cognitive tasks. This scheduling effect is intrinsic to all actual systems, that is, systems whose reasoning is not instantaneous or otherwise costless. Additionally, (...)
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  38.  20
    On the Definition of Art: Two Views: On Its Indefinability.George P. Stein - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (2):102.
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    The forum of philosophy: an introduction to problem and process.George Philip Stein - 1973 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
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    Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum.George B. Stratemeier - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (3):262-264.
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    Choephoroe 892 (893).George Thomson - 1942 - The Classical Review 56 (02):71-.
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  42.  17
    From ‘footstep’ to ‘word’ in Sanskrit.George Thompson - 1995 - Semiotica 106 (1-2):77-98.
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  43.  13
    The archaeology of semiotics and the social order of things.George Nash & George C. Children (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    The Archaeology of Semiotics and the social order of things is edited by George Nash and George Children and brings together 15 thought-provoking chapters from contributors around the world. A sequel to an earlier volume published in 1997, it tackles the problem of understanding how complex communities interact with landscape and shows how the rules concerning landscape constitute a recognised and readable grammar. The mechanisms underlying landscape grammar are both physical and mental, being based in part on the (...)
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  44.  26
    Abortion and morality debate in the African context: a philosophical enquiry.George Kegode - 2010 - Eldoret, Kenya: Zapf Chancery.
    George Kegode, in this book, has presented a wide range of critical reflections on one of the most controversial moral issues of our times, the intentional and deliberate termination of the life of the unborn human being.
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    Selfish goals must compete for the common currency of reward.George Ainslie - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):135-136.
    Selfish Goal Theory is compatible with a behaviorally based theory that recognizes mental processes as behaviors. Both envision choices as made by the competition of purposive processes, which are autonomous in that they are not coordinated by an agentic “self.” However, the survival of mental processes – termed “goals” or “interests,” respectively – depends on a well-documented active mechanism: reward.
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  46.  39
    The Philosophy of History: A Value-pluralist Response.George Crowder - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (2):223-240.
    Vittorio Hösle’s evaluation of the Soviet Revolution on the ground of the philosophy of history can be usefully examined from the value-pluralist perspective of Isaiah Berlin. Although Berlinwould agree with most ofHösle’s judgements on the Revolution, he would do so for very different reasons. Most importantly, Berlin would not accept the teleology that lies at the heart of the philosophy of history. For Berlin, the notion of a human telos to be realized at the end of history is a species (...)
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  47.  18
    Boswell’s ἄρρενας ἀρρενοκοῖται.George M. Hollenback - 2017 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 110 (3):645-648.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 110 Heft: 3 Seiten: 645-648.
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  48.  9
    Chapter five. The metaphysician.George W. Howgate - 1938 - In George Washburne Howgate, George Santayana. New York,: Russell & Russell. pp. 227-256.
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    Chapter one. Early years.George W. Howgate - 1938 - In George Washburne Howgate, George Santayana. New York,: Russell & Russell. pp. 1-39.
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    Index.George W. Howgate - 1938 - In George Washburne Howgate, George Santayana. New York,: Russell & Russell. pp. 353-364.
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